Home » Open thread 7/27/24


Open thread 7/27/24 — 38 Comments

  1. Joe is dead but they need Kami in the Veep slot until after the election so body double it is. What is this movie called?

  2. What on Earth would we do without FBI Director Wray?

    Hopefully, in a few months we will find out.

  3. Another reason not to watch the Olympics

    Olympics accused of mocking Christianity with drag queen parody of ‘The Last Supper’

    The 2024 Paris Olympics kicked off Friday with the procession of athletes, the lighting of the Olympic torch — and an apparent replication of “The Last Supper” performed by drag queens.
    Organizers were accused of ridiculing Christianity by featuring more than a dozen drag entertainers posing for a scene reminiscent of the Leonardo da Vinci masterpiece showing Jesus and his disciples sharing their last Passover meal before his betrayal, trial and crucifixion on the cross.
    “Drag queens mock Christianity during the Opening Ceremony of the Olympics in Paris as they attempt to recreate da Vinci’s painting of Jesus’ Last Supper,” said Shane Pruitt, a Texas pastor and author, on X. “Not only are Christians the only people that it is socially acceptable to mock … it’s actually celebrated and put front and center.”

    Washington Times

  4. I wondered how she held that pose

    Cindy hensley daughter of book leg associate of kemper marley

  5. The only women whose backing of Harris matters are the ones working to collect and count ballots in the deep blue precincts in MI, WI, and PA.

    The media narrative is that the election could go either way. If nice middle class people continue to believe that, then nice middle class people will keep following rules, showing up to work, and paying taxes, and some of them will click on articles about election drama.

    But the fortification the media bragged about in 2020 didn’t disappear just because they stopped talking about it.

  6. Apparently the “parody” of the Last Supper with the transvestite/homosexual/queer theme was part of the Olympics entertainment, as was the band that featured a decapitated woman singing.

    For those of us more backwards types, there was Dion.

    This, apparently, was the coming out party for mainstreaming LBGQT+. It’s been going on for some time in liberal cities– gay pride parades, transvestites “reading” to very young impressionable children at your local library. This was just more ‘in your face’.

    Is this more disturbing than the 50’s horror movies at the drive-in, or Ozzie Osborne, the Prince of Darkness, biting off the head of a bat, or countless other displays of shocking behavior.

    Humans apparently like the rush of shock. It’s kind of like smoking, or drinking (whether coffee or booze). It’s an acquired taste.

    Do these forms of entertainment presage the decline of a civilization or is it the decline? Either way, the decline has been going on for some time.

    As we become numb, requiring ever more shock, the parallels to the decline of other civilizations comes to mind. I suppose we’ll know we’ve reached peak decline with human death matches, since PETA would never allow the possibility of harm to lions.

    Short of that, it’s hard to imagine what distortion of humanity is next for our entertainment.

  7. Niketas, I share your general fatalism concerning the swing states, but I disagree with your conclusion.

    2020 was peak fortification. COVID rules allowed all sorts of distortions to poll watchers, distancing, etc. which won’t be enforced this time.

    2020 was the madman vs. the uniter. The left has thrown a curve ball– though it wasn’t all that far fetched Joe would go. Kamala is a reset, but she can’t completely hide from the state of the nation today. I would say there is less incentive to cheat (though there never was much enthusiasm for Joe).

    Michigan represents a unique problem for Kamala. Her handling of Netanyahu shows how serious the problem is and the fact that Michigan is in play for Republicans.

    Rather than focusing on how much malfeasance will occur in Wayne County, we need to focus on encouraging every voter in the rest of the state to show up/cast their ballot. A grass roots get out the vote campaign can overcome any chicanery of the left.

  8. John McCain still haunts Republicans – now from his grave…
    In fora like this, I used to run into a Republican from Arizona who was a McCain antagonist without fail. (He used the screen name ‘Paul Schulte’ and identified himself as retired faculty). He pointed out that McCain chose to be buried in a Navy cemetery near Annapolis; “Cindy cannot be buried with him”. Note also that Carol McCain and one of her sons live in the Virginia Tidewater. He can drive his mother to his father’s grave; it’s close enough to be a day trip.
    One of Cindy’s charming escapades was making use of her husband’s Twitter account as he lay dying to lob catty insults at Sarah Palin. Then she took a patronage job with the Puppetmasters’ Administration. It’s difficult to imagine she had a salutary influence on her husband.

  9. Kamala Harris certainly seems like a deeply insecure person.
    She’s the dopey older sister, the child of a pair of professors who herself would never have been suitable for such work. Her entire time as a working lawyer was spent as a prosecutor on a government salary and her career was crucially advanced by being Willie Brown’s sidepiece. Donald Harris has only one grandchild and she is not the mother.
    See Steve Sailer’s interpretation of Kamala. The time and place in which she felt most at home in the world was her years as a sorority sister at Howard.

  10. I enjoyed the video, Neo!
    Such a cute young lady & her offstage photographer.
    What strength & talent!
    Plus the very cool results!
    What do you call those … silhouette images?
    (And it was much more relaxing than the politics of the current world messes.)

  11. Due to a massive influx over several years, France has a ready supply of terrorists (observant Muslims). There are degrees and percentages of observance. You can never tell which popcorn kernels will pop, only that some certainly will. Examples of the principle are endless.

    Israel Says Iran Behind Sabotage of French Rail Network, Warns of Iranian Terror Plot Against Israelis at Paris Olympics

    Winking & smiling at those who felt so good about themselves when they turned out to vote against Le Pen…

  12. The photo shoot vid reminds me of Amanda Schull.
    I was watching some film, John Travolta in I Am Wrath, is one of them; and I wondered, “Who is the actress?” Answer: Amanda, ballet dancer turned actress. The web showed the following pic:


    Rather similar shot, don’t you think?

  13. it could be Iran it could be their sunni antipode, qatar, who finances both the paris teams and the barcelona one, as well as a series of mosques and cultural centers that lurk between them

  14. @Brian E:2020 was peak fortification. COVID rules allowed all sorts of distortions to poll watchers, distancing, etc. which won’t be enforced this time.

    What’s the basis of your confidence in this? What rules got rolled back, what enforcement mechanisms got put in place? If you’ve got links I’d appreciate them.

  15. Due to a Hezbollah explosive drone or rocket a terrible massacre of soccer playing Druze youths in Majdal Shams in the Golan has occured earlier today. 10 dead, many more seriously wounded is the latest count I’ve seen. The videos and photos of the scene now prominently covering X posts are a horror to behold.

    PM Netanyahu is currently considering cutting short the rest of his planned stay in the US to return to Israel to deal with the response.

    Hezbollah, realizing the gravity of their murderous behavior now attempts to deny responsibility for the attack. Such are the ways of fiends.


  16. Be concerned, very, very concerned.

    Neo found evidence that could alleviate some deeply held opinions and concerns. But no matter. Baked in the cake it is.

  17. so the olympic committee has decided sacre bleu, the opening ceremony, was a disaster, so logically they lock down the site that point out it was so, logically,

  18. How bizarre that the olympic committee would include an LGBTQ show in the opening at a time when France is suffering domestic terrorism, very possibly from adherents of the religion of peace. “Sure, let’s rile up the immigrant community even more, that’ll be a good idea!”

  19. How bizarre that the olympic committee would include an LGBTQ show in the opening


    Well, France brought us Derrida, Foucault, Baudrillard, and Lacan — all important postmodernists or forerunners.

    IMO Foucault was the worst.

    Philosophy has consequences.

  20. there was montesquieu, raymond aron, and perhaps camus, over a period of 150 years,

  21. I am just speechless. Have you seen this
    Strzok settled his case for $1.2 million, while Page received $800,000.
    They should be in Jail!!
    Angry, I am!!@!!

  22. Open Thread Sunday – Russian war on Ukraine:

    Ukrainian Equipment Losses and Resupply (2024): Allied support, captured equipment & endurance – Perun


    00:00:00 — Opening Words
    00:00:53 — What Am I Talking About?
    00:03:12 — Assessing Ukraine & Russia
    00:06:47 — The Quality Question
    00:17:51 — The Question Marks: Domestic & Captured
    00:19:38 — Losses
    00:26:04 — Inputs
    00:30:53 — MBTs
    00:36:27 — IFVS & APCS
    00:45:04 — Aircraft
    00:54:56 — Changing Force Composition
    01:01:07 — Channel Update

  23. @ Karmi – thanks for the link; I was unfamiliar with the source, but I like their “news ticker” style of very short articles. Kind of like Not the Bee but without the snark.

    A few I found interesting, with one-sentence excerpts:
    Governor vetoed legislation for school choice that he campaigned on supporting.
    “Josh Shapiro turned out to be a fraud. He cynically chose unions over kids. Maybe he’s perfect for Kamala.”

    “Construct border wall segments with out-of-service wind turbine blades which are currently very difficult to dispose of.”

    “We reported last week the outrageous statistic that only 6% of federal workers have reported back to work in the office 40 hours a week despite that COVID ended three years ago and in open defiance of orders to get back to work.
    Few agencies have worse attendance records than the Environmental Protection Agency.”
    Which might require them releasing a huge amount of office space, including their “own” building.

    “Gallup concludes this marriage gap has been persistent: “From 2000 to the present, the Republican marriage rate has averaged 18 percentage points above the Democratic marriage rate. The trend for independents, meanwhile, has been close to that of Democrats.”
    At the same time, marriage rates are falling for every group. Amazingly before the 1970s well more than 80% of the 30- and 40-somethings were married. And Democrats were as likely to be married as Republicans.”

    The post didn’t actually answer the question the headline asked, but did explain why this was an overall problem for America, primarily because of the lack of children. However, on the plus side, maybe the Democrat Party will just fade away.

    Yes, we did that post already. BUT the text under the URL is this:
    “VP Wannabe Mark Kelly Knuckles Under to Union Bosses.
    Arizona Senator Mark Kelly soared quickly to the top of Kamala Harris’s list of potential running mates due to his record as a former astronaut and two-time winner in a key swing state.
    As he rose, he drew flak from the same union bosses who helped the Democrats pick their nominee. They said his failure to co-sponsor the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act was a deal breaker.”

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