Home » I hate small Kleenex boxes


I hate small Kleenex boxes — 51 Comments

  1. I’d be willing to bet that the profit margin on the smaller boxes is higher than on the regular boxes! There are situations where the smaller boxes are preferable…but certainly not for regular use! And if you have a cold? Definitely carry one of the big ones around!

  2. I think they’re designed to be handed out (or placed strategically in pews) at funeral services. A little more discrete than the full-size boxes.

  3. I agree. Now that I have Oxygen running into my nose all day, my nose runs constantly if I am sitting. I use a lot of
    Kleenex. All we have are the small boxes and trying to get one out is annoying. It’s a little like having a cold all the time.

  4. I was given a couple of cylindrical Kleenex containers for Christmas. They have a similar problem with the ballast.

  5. Life is hard Neo.

    Actually, I concur. My wife prefers them. That is ok, because I use paper towels in lieu of those flimsy little tissues. She is appalled, but has never tried paper towels. I prefer the less expensive Kirkland Brand; although we must have Bounty stocked. I suppose that she can tell the difference.

    The same with Charmin Soft. We also go two tier on this. Does it really matter? They all beat the Sears catalog. But she has earned the privilege of having what she wants.

  6. Neo:

    This is about California fires, which I am sure is a painful subject for you.

    As I recall Gerard evacuated from Paradise to Chico because of wildland fires. I am seeing news today that Chico is burning now, from a wildland fire that will soon be the largest in California’s history. So both of Gerard’s places of residences are apparently being turned to ash.

    I am sorry on several counts: that exceedingly beautiful country in California is being devastated, that two off Gerard’s places have burned, and that thousands of humans and pets, including large animals, are losing homes.

    Someday, perhaps, Americans will wake up to the reality that political dogma should not be allowed near things like forest fire policy. Holding ands and singing Kumbaya doesn’t do anything to stop the conflagrations we’re seeing out west.

  7. This is a candidate for Ace of Spades’ Sunday “First World Problems” post….

  8. Thank the Lord for tissues of all kinds. I remember handkerchiefs. “Don’t put a cold in your pocket” was very effective advertising, and also true.

  9. Interesting, Neo, I find that I disagree. I seem to have many small tables, all of them crowded, in my life — end tables that already have a stack of books and notebooks and magazines and a coaster for my drink, or bedside tables with a lamp and just enough room for my book or my Kindle and my glasses and maybe my charging phone — and the small boxes fit better. I mostly don’t have room to squeeze a standard-sized Kleenex box in with the stack of books and magazines and a notebook and pen and a glass of water on a coaster on the end table by the spot on the couch where I usually sit.

    I do keep a big tissue box near at hand in my workroom, where I have plenty of table and counter space, and also in the laundry room where my nose always runs when I’m folding clothes because of all the dryer lint, and I agree that the bigger boxes hold more and feel sturdier and last longer and make more sense economically. But the small boxes allow me to make sure there’s tissue all around the house wherever I’m likely to be. I have some kind of ongoing rhinitis that never quits, and the small boxes work for me.

    What I wish is that someone would solve the problem of where the heck to put Kleenex in the car!

  10. We’re partial to cubic boxes. They sit in a receptacle made by Longaberger so no trouble of the sort you describe.

  11. @ Mrs Whatsit – do a browser search for “cylinder tissue” and you should get Amazon’s “catalog” of Kleenex (and other brands) in boxes that fit inside your car cup holder.

    These may be the ones Phillips says “lack ballast,” but I have had no problem with them.

    Be sure to buy through Neo’s Amazon affiliate link!

  12. FWIW, I also agree with you that “the small boxes fit better” where I want to keep them.
    I solved the ballast problem by setting decorative covers over them, some quite heavy, which don’t take up much more space and look more attractive than the cardboard — and I don’t buy the Kleenex brand; store brands are just as good and much cheaper.

  13. They lack ballast because they only have about 6 tissues in them.
    They are an abomination against God and Man!

  14. In addition to the cylinder tissue suggestion, Mrs. Whatsit, I have a small box of Kleenex in the center console of my car (SUV).

  15. I am of the old school. I tend to carry three cotton handkerchiefs. One in battery, one in backup, and one for charity. And another for weddings and funerals. That’s okay. Keep it. And God bless you.

  16. This seems to be a sex-related issue. My husband carries handkerchiefs. I use Kleenex.

  17. This seems to be a sex-related issue.
    Girly girls discard their used Kleenex wherever. And they make use of a great deal of it.

  18. This is a candidate for Ace of Spades’ Sunday “First World Problems” post…
    There was a blogger named Badger Hut who had quite a list of 1st world problems he posted. Not sure he was not the originator of the idea. Two best:
    1. The pizza tracker’s broken and I don’t know when to put my pants on.
    2. My GPS made me drive through the ghetto.

  19. For the boss, I thought you’d like this video for the next open thread.

  20. I don’t like the “fashion” boxes either. And I have never bought one.

  21. A post about Kleenex, aka nosewipes.
    Who could possibly care?
    This place has gone off the rails.
    Next we will see paeans to various toiletpapers and the resulting anal cleanliness.

  22. On the other hand, Cicero, she gave us something to vent about which is not how awful Democrats are and how we are all doomed.

  23. not everything is apocalyptic stakes,

    how hard is it to size tissue paper properly, and put in a right size box,

  24. miguel-
    I rather think the making of individual, uniform thickness Kleenex tissues so neatly placed in their boxes is a marvel of mechanical engineering. Imagine all the steps needed in that process!

  25. so we forgot how to do then. also I’ve found the smaller boxes have rougher tissues,

  26. What about those purse-sized plastic things with Kleenex in them?

    You got a problem with those?

  27. I do, Cornhead. They contain smaller and less-useful pieces of tissue. No one with a head cold could rely on them.

  28. Well….. for goodness’ sake, Neo – go on Amazon and buy a box cover. They’re nice to look at, there’s a million to choose from, and the small bit of extra weight solves the problem completely.

    We’ve got a lot of antique side tables, and we use some of them for nightstands. Being small, there’s room for a bedside light, a glass of water, a book – and a small Kleenix box. No, I don’t prefer them – but there are workarounds.

  29. In re box covers, we have several here that were needle-pointed by the sister missionaries to cover the tissue boxes in our chapel and in the small theater where we show a short movie about the handcart company that was stuck here in the Winter of 1856.

    We refill them quite frequently.

    Neo will be glad to know that they are the old-style long boxes.

  30. I have a small night stand and keep one there. For the reasons above, I literally tape it to the table. 4 little pieces of regular tape rolled into a loop and placed in the corners.

  31. The WSJ is on a roll today. From another editorial you should read.

    If you wanted proof that President Biden’s student-loan forgiveness is an exercise in vote buying, Education Secretary Miguel Cardona has delivered it. He may have violated federal law in the process.

    In a letter to student loan recipients this month, Mr. Cardona used the Department of Education letterhead to blast Republicans who sued to block Mr. Biden’s loan forgiveness programs.


  32. YAY!!! We’re back to bit**ing about Democrats.
    Admittedly, a target-rich environment.

    On topic: Handkerchiefs are the environmentally friendly solution.

  33. To give F some solace, the fire in Butte County, CA, is near Chico, not the City of Chico-proper. It started north of it (arson) and progressed north and east to its current 368,000+ acres burned. Depending on where Gerard actually resided, it may be still there, but it is certain that many of his favorite places to go are no longer worth the walk… Very sad.

    The arsonist is in custody, first court appearance today, Monday. Butte County is not SF, so the guy is in for some rough sledding, court-wise.

  34. I have long had allergy-derived sinus issues. I don’t use Kleenex at all, they’re ridiculously expensive — even cheaper non-Kleenex™ Kleenex.

    Just use a roll of TP when you need to use a lot. Not only is it far far cheaper, when you’re winding up with a multi-blow, it’s easier to just roll more off and… ah…. “build” on the original part.

    Also of value: a couple-layer start (used to prevent blow-through on the initial blow — something that happens all the #$%$#% time with even Kleenex™ Kleenex), for the first blow, then fold some over on top and blow again, etc.

    I really can’t imagine using Kleenex for sustained issues. Sure, have a box lying around for random sneezes, or other useful tissue purposes. But when you’re actually dealing with a sustained problem? Just use a roll of TP. You’ll likely use more than one.

    No, it’s not “pretty”. But it IS “functional”. Very much so.

    Why, yes, I am a guy. Why do you ask? 😛


  35. OBH, I agree with your approach in those situations. I’m very specific about how many layers I have in the TP swatch: always three.

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