Home » Hezbollah rocket causes carnage at Druze soccer game in the Golan Heights


Hezbollah rocket causes carnage at Druze soccer game in the Golan Heights — 33 Comments

  1. Druze regularly serve in the IDF, and some of the soldiers killed in the Gaza campaign were Druze. As Israel’s supporters regularly point out, non-Jewish citizens are fully Israeli. Israel will take this atrocity very seriously. I think there are still 20,000 or so who are living away from their homes in northern Israel because of Hezbollah attacks.


  2. hezbollah is in love with death, and we fund their proxy army the lebanese armed forces, which are useful as the proverbial ‘fish on a bicycle’

  3. “there are still 20,000” . . . it’s closer to 80,000, though perhaps a few as 65,000 or so. Still, that’s a lot of constituents to be living out of bags for 9 months with no clear end in sight.

  4. With their syncretic mix of esoteric religious beliefs, their reputation as desert trackers at home in the desert wastes, and their secretive nature, the Druze remind me of the Fremen of Dune. Warriors of the Order of Assassins (Hashasheen), from whom the Druze are decended, where called Fedayeen, just as the Herbert’s desert dweller on Arrakis. Druze also do not identify as Muslims. I find them interesting.

  5. Correction: Hashishin not Hashasheen, from which the term “assassin” is derived. They were known as users of hashish. “Spice” anyone? Herbert clearly based the Fremen on them.

  6. They were known as users of hashish. “Spice” anyone? Herbert clearly based the Fremen on them.


    Herbert was such a polymath that I’m sure that the assassin/hash connection went into his mix when creating the Fremen.

    However, in the early 60s Herbert was also a pioneer explorer of psilocybin mushrooms, i.e. he personally tripped the light psychedelic on mushrooms.

    The trademark of most psilocybin mushrooms is that they stain blue when crushed. Blue, like the eyes of the Fremen after prolonged spice usage.

  7. Announcement from the Syrian Flag Brigade, a Druze militia in Syria.

    The terrorist Hezbollah committed a {war crime} against our people in Majdal Shams… Public Statement:
    The horrific crime committed by the terrorist Hezbollah against our people in Majdal Shams clearly and explicitly indicates Hezbollah’s insistence on pressuring the Druze community and dragging them into the ongoing war in the Middle East.

    In recent months, Iran, along with Hezbollah, has imposed a military siege on the province of Suwayda, taking control of all airports and military units surrounding the province. They have begun to exert pressure in various ways and directions on the people of the province, who oppose the Iranian presence in southern Syria.

    Previously, Iran and Hezbollah played a major role in spreading drugs and supporting ISIS in the Suwayda desert to threaten the province.

    The terrorist crime committed by Hezbollah today will contribute to the expansion of the war and puts Suwayda at risk due to Iran and the Syrian regime’s attempts to invade and control the province from within.

    The escalation in the Middle East is becoming more dangerous, and Hezbollah is a partner to all terrorist organizations in the Middle East in spreading the ideology of terrorism and extremism, targeting the Druze community and all Syrians who reject its presence.

    The escalation in the Middle East is becoming more dangerous, and Hezbollah is a partner to all terrorist organizations in the Middle East in spreading the ideology of terrorism and extremism, targeting the Druze community and all Syrians who reject its presence.

    We consider what happened today a clear and public declaration of war by the terrorist Hezbollah and Iran against the Druze community, an act of criminal pressure aimed at dragging them into the ongoing war in the Middle East.

    Mercy to the souls of the martyrs of Majdal Shams and a speedy recovery to the wounded.


  8. I know all about psilocybin mushrooms … Don’t ask.


    Noted. Not asking.

  9. I cannot imagine but that the refusal of the sitting VP and President of the Senate to attend Netanyahu’s address the other day, together with the now fully open secret that any meeting with the sitting President of the United States is pure theater if it even occurs, was a factor in Hezbollah’s decision to carry out this strike.

  10. Richard Grennell —

    They funded Iran.

    How does a Sunday show host on a network channel not know that Hezbollah and Hamas are funded with Joe Biden-Kamala Harris’ sanctions relief, cash and credit?!

    Billions of dollars, Margaret.

    How did you miss it?!


    What “Margaret” wrote: ** White House officials have been working the phones trying to contain the fallout from this horrific attack that killed children, and to prevent Hezbollah and Israel from all out war. US has long been concerned that such a war would draw in the US. **

    The “US” is concerned their ally — the Islamic Republic of Iran — will be unhappy. Wouldn’t want to make the mullahs unhappy. Just Wouldn’t Be Right.

  11. Tony Badran —

    CBS here is simply using Team Obama-Biden terminology. “Israeli-controlled” is a term of art that the administration used when it said it was reviewing president Trump’s recognition of Israeli sovereignty. Since then, they have rescinded the recognition de facto


    Tony is also reporting this: “Hezbollah’s man and middleman with Team Obama, Abbas Ibrahim claims that Amos Hochstein was passing intel to them whenever he got word the Israelis were going to hit in Lebanon to warn them.” (His source, BBC Arabic)

  12. the deuxieme (intelligence) chief, yes the times did a big puff piece of hochstein, atlantic council center square, involved with burisma, yes remember them

  13. for the most devout moslems sunni and I assume shia, the druze are polytheists, thats really anyone who isn’t a Moslem,

  14. Hochstein is very, very bad news.
    (He’s the one who helped “Biden” orchestrate the previous Israeli caretaker government’s, i.e., Lapid’s, cave-in to Hezbullah—AKA the Lebanese Government—WRT the maritime border between the two countries. IOW Blinken’s man in the M.E…. Blinken? Huh? Er, make that “Blinken Hah!”)

    Essentially, this means that Hezbullah has carte blanche WRT making the north of Israel uninhabitable…in the same way that the Houthis have carte blanche WRT making the Bab al-Mandab unnavigable. (But then we already knew that…)

    Altogether now! “‘Biden’ is Israel’s best friend and most important ally!”

  15. Re: “Israeli controlled” I’ve noticed that usage on NPR and other media (BBC.com) as well. Quelle surprise. (I do try to monitor the enemy’s propaganda.)
    The Golan Heights are part of Israel now, and if Arabs don’t want to lose more territory, they should quit attacking Israel.

  16. “. . . they should quit attacking Israel.”

    Ha! Too Late! (i.e., territory will be lost.)

  17. It occurs to me that Amal Clooney, the anti-Israel “human rights” lawyer, is the daughter of a Druze father. Wonder if this massacre will change her thinking. It ought to, but I suppose it won’t.

  18. Not to worry, though.

    Israel’ll be strong-armed to give it all back.
    For…promises, promises…

  19. If he’s Lebanese Druze, then all bets are off, though…since Druze traditionally are allied to the governments under which they live.
    OTOH, this tradition has fractured since the “Arab Spring” and the increased influence of Iran in both Lebanon and Syria.

    (And then there was Walid Jumblatt…about whom Tony Badran, IIRC, wrote a fascinating article a while back….)

  20. Barry M., can’t find it offhand, but the Lebanese Druze have issued a statement saying that this attack constitutes “an act of war” by Hezbollah against the Druze. I don’t know if they have any capability to do anything about it. Hezbollah is reported to be evacuating terror sites in advance of expected Israeli retaliation strikes.

  21. miguel’s link to Times of Israel about the Druze leader is from 2017.


    Taymur Walid Jumblatt (… born 1982) is a Lebanese politician of the Druze community and leader of the Progressive Socialist Party since 2023 and its parliamentary bloc, the Democratic Gathering, since 2018.

    In 2011, he was raised to second in command of the Progressive Social Party.[2] In the May 2018 elections, he was elected a member of the Lebanese Parliament, representing the Chouf-Aley district in Mount-Lebanon Governorate.[1] He is a member of the World Economic Forum.[1]

    [now THAT is interesting]

    Taymur took over the power from Walid Jumblatt in March 2017 as he was a political heir which was part of the traditional dynastic politics that plays a big role in the Lebanese government.[3][4][5] The handover was done at 40th anniversary of Kamal Jumblatt’s assassination at a ceremony where Walid placed a traditional keffiyeh scarf on Taymur’s shoulders.[6][7]

    In late May 2023, his father, Walid Jumblatt declared his resignation as leader of the Progressive Socialist Party after a 46-year tenure. Around 2,000 supporters gathered in Ain Zhalta, a Druze town in the Chouf mountains, where members of the Progressive Socialist Party named Jumblatt as their new leader.[8] Jumblatt was the sole contender.[8]

  22. @ miguel > “miguel cervantes on July 28, 2024 at 1:53 pm said:
    for the most devout moslems sunni and I assume shia, the druze are polytheists, thats really anyone who isn’t a Moslem,”

    Which makes the Jumblatt marriages rather … interesting.

    “At the age of 20, Jumblatt married an Iranian actress, ten years his senior.[8] His father did not endorse the marriage and the two became estranged.[8] In 1981, after a divorce and his father’s death, Jumblatt married Gervette,[29] a Jordanian of Circassian descent.[30] Together they had three children: Taymour, Aslan, and Dalia. Later he married Nora al-Sharabati, daughter of the former Syrian defense minister Ahmad al-Sharabati.[30][31] ”

    “Taymur was born in 1982.[6] He is the son of the leader Walid Jumblatt and grandson of Kamal Jumblatt who are members of the historic Druze Jumblatt clan in the Chouf mountains. He is married to Diana Zu’ytar who descends from a Shiite family based in the Beqaa Valley.[6]”

    “Circassians have played major roles in areas where they settled: in Turkey, those of Circassian origin have had massive influence, being instrumental in the Turkish War of Independence[32] and among the elites of Turkey’s intelligence agency;[33] in Jordan, they founded the capital city Amman,[34][35] and continue to play a major role in the country; in Syria, they served as the volunteer guards of the Allies upon their entry into the country and still have high positions;[36] in Libya, they serve in high military positions; in Egypt, they were part of the ruling class.[37] They also contributed to cultural literary, intellectual, and political life starting with the reign of Muhammad Ali Pasha in Egypt and continuing to the modern day, especially through the country’s largest Circassian clan: the Abaza family.[38][39][40] in Israel, they are considered one of the most interesting and unique minority communities. They served in the Haganah during the Israeli War of Independence.[41] Bibras Natcho is the captain of the Israeli national soccer team.”

  23. Pingback:Links and Comments | Rockport Conservatives

  24. Kate, Adam Hochstein was born in Israel and is supposedly a “Modern Orthodox” Jew but that hasn’t kept him from full participation in the O’Biden administration’s selling Israel down the river. When you’re a leftist your ideology trumps (small t) everything. So I doubt Amal Clooney is going to see the light.

  25. Gadi Taub, JNS, “Netanyahu’s Speech Was a Message to Biden”: https://www.jns.org/netanyahus-speech-was-a-message-to-biden/

    Most Americans, including Democratic voters, will not be happy to learn what their country’s Middle Eastern policy really is. They will not approve of throwing Israel under the bus to appease Iran and save Hamas.

    The administration is therefore in no position to protest Netanyahu’s assertion, which Congress applauded, “Our enemies are your enemies, our fight is your fight and our victory will be your victory.” Netanyahu spoke as if there was no policy of appeasing Iran. He gave the administration accolades it did not deserve. But surely Biden’s team must worry that, if Israel finds its back to the wall, the prime minister may be more frank next time; as he was when he protested the slow-walking of munition shipments. Such frankness can become a problem for the Democrats in an election year.

    And what do ya know, surprise!

    Thanks to Hezbollah’s vile character we’ve already arrived at a line of choice . . . and the “ObamaBidens” choose? . . . Iran!

  26. As various middle eastern governments have found, if the rebels live among you, things get difficult. And the Druze are supposedly pretty effective in their IDF units. What is their dispersal in areas controlled by Hezbollah?

  27. AesopFan , the Wiki link on Circassians led off with:

    The Circassians or Circassian people, also called Cherkess

    I found it interesting that the Circassians are also called “Cherkess,” as a guy from my hometown had the surname of Cherkes. He was in my Spanish class one year. Also a class officer. I had always assumed he was Greek.

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