Home » Violence in Washington DC from the pro-Hamas crowd


Violence in Washington DC from the pro-Hamas crowd — 14 Comments

  1. OK, almost time for the rioters to head to Chicago. Hope they have enough bugs to set loose, and cause a lot of mayhem with the convention. Yes, I really wish this to happen to the Dems.

  2. I wonder if Joe’s stepping down takes some of the starch out of the rioters. Kamala seems much more sympathetic to their cause, and in any case doesn’t have a record that they can complain about. The riots seemed likely to be directed against Biden for all his “support” (notwithstanding how many times he stabbed Israel in the back) of Israel. I guess we’ll see—rioters gonna riot.

  3. Will they pay any price? I doubt it.


    They paid a price with me. I’m not at all sympathetic, but seeing even a replica of the Liberty Bell desecrated with spray-painted pro-Hamas graffiti pushed my dials to eleven.

    I’ll bet I’m not the only American. Even Kamala needs to put daylight between herself and these thugs:

    Vice President Harris described the damage as “despicable acts by unpatriotic protesters” and condemned the graffiti, along with protesters burning the American flag.

    “I support the right to peacefully protest, but let’s be clear: Antisemitism, hate and violence of any kind have no place in our nation,” Harris said.


    Good luck, Kamala. These are your people. You could have shown up for Netanyahu’s speech, but didn’t. You can try to straddle this all you want. Most Americans stand with Israel and detest Hamas.

    Kamala Harris: Campus protesters over Gaza war ‘showing what human emotion should be’

    Young Americans protesting Israel’s war against the Hamas terror group in Gaza are “showing exactly what the human emotion should be,” Harris said in an interview with the left-wing magazine The Nation, an excerpt of which was published on Monday.

    She noted, however, that “there are things some of the protesters are saying that I absolutely reject, so I don’t mean to wholesale endorse their points. But we have to navigate it. I understand the emotion behind it.”


    I hope the Trump campaign makes full use of these images in the campaign.

  4. The appropriate consequence would be mandatory loss of citizenship and permanent deportation.

  5. Kamala had brief meeting with the Israeli PM today but reporters and photographers were escorted out of the meeting quickly.

  6. The Left through their policies are trying to discredit and replace all security groups with their own ( ala the ” Brown shirts” of the Nazi’s.)

  7. Murder, rape, rape-rape, torture-torture, and abduction in the pursuit of social justice is no ethical vice.

  8. Vice President Harris described the damage as “despicable acts by unpatriotic protesters” and condemned the graffiti, along with protesters burning the American flag.

    “I support the right to peacefully protest, but let’s be clear: Antisemitism, hate and violence of any kind have no place in our nation,” Harris said.

    Where has the Veep been? “Antisemitism, hate and violence” have been a big part of these Pali protests from Ocotber 7 on.

    Does the Veep support arresting those vandalizing national monuments? Just wondering.

    Does the Veep support arresting those blocking highways? Some anti-oil road blockers in the UK got some substantial jail sentences. Just wondering.

  9. Good for Mr. Dershowitz, but it is amazing how much depravity in the Democrat Party he was willing to support by remaining a member to this point.

    Speaking out against much of it was commendable, however; few others even did that much.

  10. My son who is not particularly political was planning on going to Chicago for a vacation. I talked him out of it, I would hate for him to be hurt by the mob of Hamas lovers. I saw where they beat up a park employee while they were rampaging and defacing. I predict the violence in Chicago will be dialed way, way up and make 1968 look tame.

  11. These are well planned, nearly military operations.

    Three charter busloads of enemy at Washington Union Station. Cops assaulted. From what I heard, 4 arrests, all charges dropped.

    Assault at home of Rep Bradley Schneider in Highland Park Illinois, 2:45 AM. 40 enemy. No arrests.

    Los Angeles pogrom. Up to 200 enemy arrive in waves. One arrest, of a defender. Police protect the enemy. One enemy brandishes firearm, not arrested.

    NYC takeover of subway car. One arrest after a long time and great pressure.

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