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Kamala and incumbency — 24 Comments

  1. I was typing a reply on the other thread, but I guess I should put it here.

    ”I don’t understand why the Dems aren’t pressuring Biden to resign, as it would elevate Kamala to the presidency, ‘making history’ and giving her the power of incumbency.”

    But that’s just it. Once she ascends the throne history is made, and all of those “historic votes” are no longer necessary. To bring out the vote in large enough numbers to cover up the fraud you have to make the vote itself historic.

  2. so the fate is the free world is in the hands of an often dysfunctional, when not merely corrupt pol, yes I know shes evil, thats par for the course for much of the administration when they are not merely ignorant like becerra, they are evil like mayorkas or merely irrelevant like Austin,

  3. My thought is that the Dem leadership may also be worried about putting Harris in the Big Chair and disrupting the current Cabal-in-Chief.

  4. it could be, they are not of one hive mind, well on the goal, but not the vehicle to get there,

  5. Perhaps they are afraid something really bad will happen and they can blame it on Joe rather than Kamala.

  6. The Dems will eventually figure out that they can kill two birds with one stone by forcing Joe out: (1) Kamala will deliver pardons to the Biden’s and (2) Kamala will be able to campaign as an incumbent.

    Joe will never let Hunter go to jail–but he would prefer not to have to pardon him. Kamala can pardon all of the Biden’s and all of the Trumps in the name of unity and putting lawfare in the rear view mirror. Two bonuses: she can pardon all of Joe’s crimes and her pardon of Trump’s federal “crimes” won’t extend to the ongoing state cases in NY and Georgia. She can pay off Biden and the media will declare her the wisest, bestest president ever.

    Then she can move into the basement, declare that the demands of her presidential duties limit her campaigning, issue a few moderate sounding executive orders on the border, read moderate sounding pablum off a teleprompter, make a few more rent control and student loan giveaways to her core constituencies, and sit back and let the media worship her.

    It’s a mistake to think she can’t win just because she’s an evil, stupid dolt. The media will be all in on making her look good and most voters are too poorly informed to spot the scam. She–like Clinton, Obama, and Biden before her–will campaign as a moderate and in January 2025 will discard that disguise and come out as the socialist she is. The Republicans need to fight as if the country’s life depends upon it–because it does.

  7. she’s not going to pardon Trump, silly duck,

    we can put forward what she intends and if the people want to for zuul, well we can’t avoid that,

    if you can’t a sharp instrument a sharp instrument what is the point of the exercise,shes the candidate of the Teachers Union, like Weingarten, of the Mutilators, like what’s his name Mulvaney, of the terrorist sympathizers, as much as she pretends otherwise, she was a party to the pipe bomb fraud, that underlay the whole January 6th tableau. shes the candidate of the bail fund, that has continued to have consequences years after the decision to release this ravagers,

    the Dems are going to lie, and coverup, ‘thats much like breathing for them’

  8. Chad King on July 25, 2024 at 3:33 pm said:
    Kamala can pardon all of the Biden’s and all of the Trumps…

    Even though it might be the smart thing to do, no democrat would ever pardon Trump for anything. They cannot, under any circumstances, appear to hand their enemies a “win”, especially one as evil and lawless as Trump.

  9. @huxley:My thought is that the Dem leadership may also be worried about putting Harris in the Big Chair and disrupting the current Cabal-in-Chief.

    I agree. There may be a factional fight going on which would have to be settled first. Harris’ selection as VP was some kind of factional compromise that wouldn’t necessarily operate the same way with Harris as President.

  10. Once she ascends the throne history is made, and all of those “historic votes” are no longer necessary.

    They can fall back on “the first woman of color to be elected President.” Plus wanting to avoid the embarrassment of the first woman of color to be President having the shortest term of office since WH Harrison.

    the certainty of MSM propaganda

    We’ve seen that already, with the laughable attempt to deny that she was appointed “Border Czar,” as shown in this brilliant mashup:


  11. Don is correct. While it is likely Kamala would agree as part of a deal to pardon Hunter, Joe and the rest of the Biden Crime Family, that isn’t guaranteed, and by staying in office Joe can make sure that Hunter’s sentences are commuted (“hey, I said I wouldn’t PARDON my son), and he can pardon the rest of his crooked family, but that cannot under any circumstances happen until after the election.

  12. Harris may still not end up being the candidate. The next couple of weeks are her audition. More than a few party pooh-bahs must be sitting back and waiting for her to show the whole country that she’s as unelectable as they already believe she is.

    As for Biden, wouldn’t the old influence peddler and grifter have quite a bit of compromising information about his adversaries’ activities and enterprises in Ukraine, China, and elsewhere? Not for nothing is he called Quid Pro Joe. If Joe was too mentally decomposed and feeble to twist the knife, I’m sure Jill was up to the task.

  13. If Obama is about to endorse Kamala, it means that Mark Kelly has been picked to be the VP. I think this was Obama’s choice and preference as presidential candidate. An Astronaut is easy to present as a ‘Hero’ with character, to juxtapose against the strawman constructed by Democrats over the past 9 years, to portray Trump. And his wife is Gabbie Giffords, the politician-turned-gun casualty. Obama would naturally see the Trump assassination attempt as material to be exploited for gun control, and what better way? Three professional politicians / public speakers to campaign, for the price of two.

  14. I read that Dopey Joe has assigned ALL of his convention delegates to Kamala, which is the large majority, so Kamala has in effect got the nomination of the Democrat Party already.

    She will continue to visit ruin upon us. And keep Biden’s crappy Cabinet in place.

  15. The certainty of MSM propaganda promoting Harris can easily be countered. Run constant TV ads exposing her failures and the media’s duplicity, just as Jimmy above links to and add video of Biden proclaiming her to be the border Czar with video of the thousands of illegals invading and Mayors of sanctuary cities whining about it. Beat her like a drum.

  16. He probably allowed her to be shot is that a cynical view considering sheriff dupniks role in this, which had the effect of knee capping the tea party at the outset

  17. If memory serves she was also in the belling papers that showed chinese influence if not lesuo (blackmail material)

  18. Harris may still not end up being the candidate. The next couple of weeks are her audition. More than a few party pooh-bahs must be sitting back and waiting for her to show the whole country that she’s as unelectable as they already believe she is.


    That’s my take. So, if Harris flames out, they can shrug and say, we gave the sorta black woman a chance.

    Then the power brokers can get back to their smoke-filled rooms and figure out their best shot for holding the down-ticket races and their power.

    It’s Kremlin time for Democrats!

    I still say no one really cares about Kamala. But it’s convenient to pretend otherwise.

  19. I really don’t see what the problem is.

    All Trump has to do is photomontage the Lovely Kamala on a backdrop of pro-Hamasnik “protesters burning American flags, defacing monuments and public buildings and shrieking “DEATH TO AMERICA” while flashing to Kamala’s judicious pronouncement: “I LOVE THEIR SPIRIT” and/or “I LOVE THEIR PASSION”….

    And plaster this all over the airwaves and media…


  20. It’s because Joe is gonna do some stuff over the next 6 months that the Powers That Be don’t want Kamala to be on the hook for. Cheers –

  21. Great. Thanks, Dopey Joe, for easing the nation’s way into tyranny. She “won” (Ha Ha Ha!) the Democratic nomination without any show of democracy whatever.
    She must NOT succeed in becoming POTUS, but as I have posted many times, Democrats are stupid, ignorant, or evil, often in combination. That will spell the death of the constitutional American Republic.

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