Home » Biden’s speech last night: we had to destroy democracy to save it


Biden’s speech last night: <i>we had to destroy democracy to save it</i> — 37 Comments

  1. The louder he talked of his honor, the faster we counted our spoons…

  2. ‘sound and fury signifying nothing, told by an idiot’ thats what an honest press would say,

  3. . . . to choose between moving forward or backward, between hope and hate, between unity and division.

    On a rigid and simplistic interpretation, relying then on a 1 to 1 parallel construction I could say *forward* goes with *hope* and *unity*, while *backward* goes with *hate* and *division*.

    However, what indication — from within the rhetoric itself — asserts any particular necessity to adopt this rigidity in principle?

    I mean, sloth? Maybe? But anything else?

    So may we instead propose that any a priori linkage of *hate* with *backward* (to take just the one example) is itself a hateful stance, rejecting for instance, the very surely *backward* — if only merely ‘temporally’ backward — origin of the political principles espoused as virtue in the establishment of the “sacred cause“? Such a proposal would seem to upset the slothful applecart of our initial interpretation, jumbling all the terms linkages for all practical purposes.

    So we’d have to begin again.

    But where? What is our guide? (Apart from the principle of non-contradicition ab initio, without which nothing works anyhow.)

    Meh. It’s just stoogery, after all.

  4. The MSM is not what it once was, even in the long-ago days of Walter Cronkite, who lied and lied but was the voice of the so-called free press. It is now the Democratic propaganda machine, spewing out endless lies and manufacturing false “truths”.

  5. I don’t think it convinced anyone

    He doesn’t need to convince anyone. Those who vote Dem are going to vote Dem regardless. Maybe needs to convince the undecideds, but I doubt it. Fraud will compensate.

    I do believe he actually believes his own bullshit. So do Dem voters. It’s almost sad.

  6. I also believe that Walter Cronkite believed his own bullshit. I believe he thought he was telling the truth.

    Jerry Seinfeld’s new movie “Frosted” includes a devastatingly hilarious takedown of Cronkite. The movie has gotten mixed reviews but I found it be, overall, entertaining and hilarious.

  7. well he was a better vehicle than rather or the derivatives that followed, like the perky katie, there’s so many reasons to loath her,

  8. It’s an effort to save face. Democrats and their media will pretend to believe it. Others? Who knows?

    I’ve seen a couple of Democrat yard signs which tell me what the selected topics will be for the fall. “Stop gun violence — Vote for Democrats” and “Save contraception — Vote for Democrats” were interspersed with a lot of Trump signs in western NC. Note that lies won’t stop them; no Republicans are proposing to outlaw contraceptives.

  9. Speaking of Seinfeld, all buffs will remember the episode where Jerry asks for George’s help in beating a lie-detector machine. George’s final bit of advice?

    “Remember Jerry, it’s not a lie if you believe it.”

    That is apropos here.

  10. “When you elected me to this office, I promised to always level with you, to tell you the truth.”

    When he got to this point in the speech, I thought he was actually going to inform us of something factually true, or maybe even something in the form of fact but not true, or something of that nature. Rhetorically, that’s what such a sentence suggests. But as Neo points out, what followed was gobbledygook, or at best a kind of rabbit trail.

    The whole thing was a shambles.

  11. Jon Meachem, the supposed author of this speech, desires eternal scorn for his work in the Biden Administration.

    Tom Donlon – Biden’s right-hand man – has a hell of a story to tell: “I was the Unelected President.”

    Biden was paid millions to step aside.

  12. I assumed that the speech was an alternative to demands that Biden meet with Republican leadership as “proof of life.”

    In that, I’m not entirely certain that he succeeded, but it was close enough for government work.

  13. “America is going to have to choose between moving forward or backward, between hope and hate, between unity and division. We have to decide, do we still believe in honesty, decency, respect, freedom, justice and democracy? In this moment, we can see those we disagree with not as enemies, but as fellow Americans. Can we do that? Does character in public life still matter?” – words spoken by a mannequin dressed up like Joe Biden/written by leftist wordsmith.

    “Moving forward or backward”– Progress or mired in a traditional past. A new world where gender is a choice, deleting a fetus is a right, where criminals are rewarded, where colonialists/racists from the past are now at the back of the bus. That’s moving forward.
    A traditional past where God is treated as real. Where family structures prevent the individual from achieving their potential. Where class structure rewards a patriarchy that enslaves all but the select few.

    Do you want to move forward where our leaders decide what honesty, decency, respect, freedom, justice, and democracy mean or stay locked in a traditional past where liars, cheaters, enslavers and facists make the rules.

    The point is their words and our words have different meanings– and while to most Americans the words still contain their traditional meanings we accept the left means the same thing we do.

    The left is so charitable they want us to unite over those words and values, but the results will be the alternate reality resembling Big Brother.

    So the challenge is how do we help a majority of Americans realize the deception?

  14. You forget boys and girls , Joe said he would leave if the Almighty told him to.
    Obviously he has been on his knees . I mean praying ,,not like Kamala.

  15. The best part was his live speech was prerecorded two hours earlier as closeups of his watch indicate.

  16. I would gladly move backward to about 2017/18 when there was no war between Ukraine and Russia, Israel had not been attacked, gas prices were lower, and fewer people were pushing across our borders illegally.

  17. Sounds like Biden had Kamala help write the speech. At least he is now unburdened.

  18. You mispelled deserves yes meacham has been a terrible influence on hagiographers like procopius and macchiavelli

  19. This is the guy who told a black audience Mitt Romney was going to bring back slavery. Civility and unity!

  20. ““America is going to have to choose between moving forward or backward, between hope and hate, between unity and division. We have to decide, do we still believe in honesty, decency, respect, freedom, justice and democracy? In this moment, we can see those we disagree with not as enemies, but as fellow Americans. Can we do that? Does character in public life still matter?”

    The hypocrisy is literally pathological. No lie is too big, no slander too foul. Exceeded only by a willingness to extend the future slaughter into the hundreds of millions of the yet to be born and permanently mutilate without limit the prepubescent. Pure evil rationalized as health care.

  21. I liked his search for world prisoners to free but not those political prisoners here in the USA

  22. Well done, Neo. A wonderful “Fisking” of the speech. The speech richly deserved to be refuted point by point.

    And so we see a classic example of how the Dems (and Jon Meacham) try to use language to fool us into thinking they know what they’re talking about. There will be many more examples as Kamala tries to dazzle us with her word salads. 🙂

  23. James Lindsay has done a lot to explicate how Marxists view communism as democracy. It doesn’t just mean representative government to them. It specifically means communist takeover.

    Even if that’s not what individual Democrats always have in mind, the Democrats are making it very clear just how much their entire mindset has been influenced by the far left.

  24. Biden is a loser, a quitter. Stabbed in the back by his party, he didn’t have the guts to tough it out.
    . Of course, he was bribed or blackmailed, but with his lifelong tough guy persona, and his constant claim that polls mean nothing and he will prevail, his fans expected more of him.

    Now, the entire family is disgraced, curb stomped by the uncouth orange felon.
    The elite parties will peter out.
    No more influence to rake in the cash.May have to sell the Corvette and the house and survive on Dr. Jills community college salary
    The Biden’s elite “friends” are laughing behind their backs.

    Expect the stripper mom to change her mind about child being accepted as a Biden, may even change her name in order to distance herself.

    Trump has figuratively taken Joey out behind the High School gym and beat him senseless.

    Corn pop be damned, Dapper Donald baddest kid in the hood now.

  25. I’m trying to keep a certain amount of distance between me and the s**tstorm, but I had to chime in to say this is a great post. If I thought my Democrat friends were even remotely open to other points of view I’d pass it along to them. Most of them expressed deep devotion to Kamala within a few hours of Biden’s resignation. One posted on Facebook a truly funny picture of Biden and Harris as part of a relay race, with him, depicted as running but looking a bit tired, handing off the baton to her. I actually laughed when I saw it on Facebook but decided not to make my reaction public.

  26. For a long time said when they wanted to give Sundowner a offer he couldn’t refuse it was always within their power to do so.
    I an just not seeing the Word Salad Chef making it past the Convention unless she gets into the Oval Office first.
    I am suspecting part if the bribe was Sundowner and Jill would finish out living the dream for a few more months if he can stay upright.

  27. When Joe said he gave us his “word as a Biden” we were all supposed to think that meant he was being honest. What we now know is that the “word” of a Biden is meaningless. In fact, it is the guarantee of a prevarication. It is the equivalent of a used car’s salesman’s promise “as a used car salesman.” It is the whore’s promise of true love. Biden’s “word” has all the sincerety of the one night stand’s promise of respect in the morning. We have been given Biden’s “word,” and now we are all doing the proverbial walk of shame. When Biden speaks of honesty, sincerity or decency, all I can think of is Inigo Montoya’s oft-used cinematic line, “You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.”

  28. A younger man without 50 years DC experience might get away with saying “I promised to always level with you, to tell you the truth.” It wouldn’t be true. It never is, but the claim wouldn’t be as ridiculous and obscene as it is in Biden’s mouth. Still, Democrats probably liked and appreciated the speech. The point was to create an aura or halo that they could bathe in and ignore the details and lies in the speech.

    In the 19th century newspapers often referred to the Democratic Party as “the Democracy,” but they rarely claimed that Republicans were a threat to “our Democracy.”

    For Leninists, and apparently for today’s Democrats, “democracy” is a result, not a means. “Democracy” means the party is in power, representing “the people” (whether the people really want to be represented by the party or not), and doing “progressive” things. A threat to “Our Democracy” is anything that threatens the party’s hold on power.

    Remember Obama’s celebration of “Seneca Falls, Selma, and Stonewall”? The civil rights movement and the women’s suffrage movements did represent advances in democracy, but now the idea is that if the progressive vanguard of the women’s or the African-American or the LGBTQ movement lose an election and their power in government is scaled back it is the end of democracy. The notion that the electorate as a whole weighs the different parties’ platforms and records and each individual makes a decision based on those is democracy, but that is something Democrats can’t countenance.

  29. An earlier commenter noted that the speech was sufficient given the demand for a proof of life from just a few days ago.
    Does the family of a hostage upon viewing a proof of life video say: he should have combed his hair?
    Those on one side celebrate him doing what is good for the party, and the other side what is good for the country. Both sides acknowledge that he is, cough, diminished. So his mumbling through a pre written speech that is nothing but a series of half hearted platitudes surprises nobody and nobody has the authority to label it as either statesmanship or drivel. It was simply Biden. Bye Joe.

  30. “Biden was paid millions to step aside.”

    Sounds like a great payday for Joe, but won’t the CCP demand a refund?!

  31. I prefer the Kodos version:

    My fellow Americans. As a young boy, I dreamed of being a baseball. But tonight I say, we must move forward, not backward; upward, not forward; and always twirling, twirling, twirling towards freedom!

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