Home » Netanyahu addresses Congress minus many boycotting Democrats and Republican Thomas Massie


Netanyahu addresses Congress minus many boycotting Democrats and Republican Thomas Massie — 48 Comments

  1. It actually highlights the extent to which Massie is an outlier among Republicans while anti-Zionism is now Democrat mainstream.

  2. FOAF:


    However, there is certainly an anti-Israel strain on the right among voters and commenters. Although far smaller than the group on the left, it’s not miniscule. I call it the Tucker Carlson/ Candace Owens wing.

  3. In terms of foreign policy, Massie seems like a pretty dyed in the wool non-interventionalist (perhaps even an isolationist). He was the only member of Congress to oppose an act that refused to recognize Russia’s annexation of Crimea, which seems a little nuts to me, but whatever.

  4. Notable too: Douglas Murray sat right next to Elon Musk in the invitees’ row behind Mrs. Netanyahu and her guests.

    The speech was as Mike and Gadi predicted it to be: 1) Iran Iran Iran, 2) thank you Joe Biden, thank you Democrats and Republicans, 3) we are going to win and we won’t stop until we do (and our northern border must be resolved, diplomatically if possible [while we doubt it to be necessarily possible] or by other means if not), 4) and again, Iran Iran Iran, we fight a common enemy and won’t stop until victory, help us (we’d prefer it!), or don’t, but we won’t quit.

    No mention of Obama, no mention of Kamala, but Trump got kudos for his help to Israel; Golan sovereignty, Jerusalem the capital and US Embassy location; the Abraham Accords, and so on. New? A proposal for a middle east consortium of defensive allies among favorable Arab nations and Israel, to be named the Abraham Alliance, I think Netanyahu put it.

  5. I’m late to the Douglas Murray party, but now I notice him everywhere, especially speaking out against Islamic extremism.

  6. Netanyahu’s speech was great. He told it like it is. I especially liked how he called the anti-Israel “protesters” the new “Useful Idiots” of Iran.

    Idiots who condemn Netanyahu and Israel have probably never been threatened with physical violence; if they had been threatened, they would know that you have to deal with the evil that threatens you. As somebody once said, “If someone threatens to kill you, you only have three options: 1) you let them kill you; 2) you try to talk them out of wanting to kill you; or 3) you kill them before they can kill you.”

    Obviously, no sane, rational person would choose option 1! And with cretins like Hamas, there does not seem to be a way to talk them out of wanting to kill you. So, that leaves only the 3rd option, you must kill them first (if you want to continue living).

    Unfortunately, where I live was redistricted so that I now have Rashida Tlaib as my misrepresentative in Congress. There was one brief camera shot of her (that I saw) where she was holding up a sign that said “Guilty of Genocide” — that was quite appropriate for her to hold that sign, as by her support SHE IS GUILTY of genocide by her support of murderous thugs like Hamas! A picture of Tlaib with that sign would be a great campaign poster for her opponent in the coming elections. Sadly, Tlaib has the support of just about every Muslim in Dearborn (Michigan), so she will no doubt be re-elected. What vile scum she is.

  7. Thomas Massie is a slimy low life. He is from the Carlson/Owens/Buchanan wing of the Right. I hope he gets primaried. I’m glad he wasn’t there because he doesn’t belong there as he is a de facto Hamas supporter.

  8. “…Useful Idiots…”

    No doubt…BUT NOT NEARLY as useful as “Biden”.

  9. I was disappointed that Netanyahu didn’t call out the Biden administration–and the Obama administration before it–for its pro-Iran stance and lack of support for Israel in the current crisis.

  10. As I asked in the Open Thread, do any American Jews care about all those Ds boycotting the speech? Is their support still unwavering in spite of the obvious antisemitism of the Democratic party?

    I guess I already know the answers: no they don’t. So sad.

  11. …Kamala Harris (who is being touted by the MSM as a great friend of Israel)…

    Obama’s favorite Jews were J Streeters, a warped ‘pro’/anti-Israel group. Probably likewise Kamala.

  12. Hard to say physicsguy. My own personal, highly anecdotal, experience is that it comes down to religious observance. The more observant absolutely care, and may well vote Republican. The more secular do not, and don’t seem to care much at all about Israel. Some even seem embarrassed by it.

  13. I am a member of the America First political party, so I decide these issues on the basis of what is best for our country, not some other one. I have long–and by “long,” I mean decades–been an opponent to all things islamic, including specifically allowing moslems to obtain American citizenship, no matter what their nationality or ethnicity, since there are many moslems from places other than the arab world. Islam is a totally alien religion/philosophy/legal system and is antithetical to western Christendom. One would think that twelve hundred years of warfare with islam would be enough to establish a certain pattern of overt hostility. Not to mention that islamic texts, from koran through the hadiths both as written and as interpreted by the mullahs and imams in mosques throughout the entire world specifically call for, nay, demand that moslems fight against and subjugate, convert or kill anyone who fails to adopt islamic ways. We in the west have been so brainwashed to be “non-judgmental,”open minded” and “accepting” of every other nationality, ethnicity and religion that we are no longer able to recognize an enemy let alone effectively resist one. Our enemy is not “Da Joos,” nor their national home of Israel, but rather the islamic religion and all its proponents. And spare me the clap-trap about “peaceful” moslems. There are enough violent and dangerous ones out there to justify a complete rejection of it and all its adherents. For anyone who is still misguided enough to disagree with me, I suggest he or she go to Dearborn, MI and try to open a Christian church or Jewish synagogue. Bring a gun if you do. You’ll need it. Or better yet, try that in our “ally,” Saudi Arabia. OTOH, although there is hostility from some quarters in Israel, it is perfectly safe and legal to open a Christian church or engage in open worship there. So I support the continued and peaceful existence of Israel, as well as providing American financial and military aid in its existential struggle against its islamic antagonists, who, it is well to remember, call Israel “Little Satan,” but reserve the appelation “Big Satan” for us.

  14. Netanyahu wants anti-Iran ‘Abraham Alliance,’ reiterates demand for ‘total victory’ in Gaza – Great speech & offer of solutions:

    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu used an address before a joint session of Congress on Wednesday to urge the creation of a regional anti-Iranian security pact that he dubbed the “Abraham Alliance.”

    Netanyahu told lawmakers that the world saw “a glimpse” of his proposed pact on April 14 when Arab states and the US intercepted a slew of Iranian missiles and drones bound for Israel that were launched by Tehran in retaliation for an earlier Israeli attack on Iran’s Consulate in Damascus that killed senior military officials.

    The alliance would be a “natural extension” of normalization agreements known as the “Abraham Accords”

  15. TimK:

    It would be politically foolish to come to the US and denounce Biden or his administration, with which Netanyahu still has to contend.

  16. physicsguy:

    What on earth are you talking about when you write this?:

    As I asked in the Open Thread, do any American Jews care about all those Ds boycotting the speech? Is their support still unwavering in spite of the obvious antisemitism of the Democratic party?

    I guess I already know the answers: no they don’t. So sad.

    You’re a scientist and a numbers guy, so surely you’re aware of the falsity of what you write. I’ve written on this subject many many times, so as a regular reader you should know the facts. About a third of Jews – that include both non-religious “ethnic” Jews as well as religious Jews – voted Republican in recent years. All signs point to this number probably increasing in 2024.

    See this, and follow the links.

  17. I agree with Steve above. See what is happening in UK now due to Tony Blair’s decision import more Labour voters from Islamic countries.

  18. Steve at 5:54 speaks for me.

    I’ll add that I view Islam as a political project masquerading as a religion, and that the First Amendment does not apply to political projects. Surely we can ban and suppress any political project dedicated to our deaths or enslavement.

  19. Massive WAS primaried. He got 76% of the vote against two opponents, despite AIPAC spending $400k against him. One of those votes was mine. I agree with him most of the time, and if those calling him a “de facto Hamas supporter” can support their claim through something other than his opposition to giving our taxpayer money to another country when we’re so deeply in debt I’d love to hear it.

  20. @ physicsguy: “Anecdata” here, for what it’s worth, but the “progressive” Jews I know (including my spouse) will not vote for the Democrats this time. Their TDS prevents them from voting for Trump, and they won’t consider RFKJ even as a protest vote. So they plan to vote downballot but not for president.

  21. “Sadly, Tlaib has the support of just about every Muslim in Dearborn (Michigan), so she will no doubt be re-elected. What vile scum she is.” Rusty

    What does support for “vile scum” say about those who support vile scum?

    Steve states that, I’ve “been an opponent to all things islamic, including specifically allowing moslems to obtain American citizenship, no matter what their nationality or ethnicity, since there are many moslems from places other than the arab world. Islam is a totally alien religion/philosophy/legal system and is antithetical to western Christendom.”

    Islam permits lying (Taqiyya) to the infidel. Islam also permits behavior prohibited by Islam (Muruna) when it is done to deceive the infidel. It is these practices that make it impossible to be certain that a Muslim is sincere in desiring peaceful relations. That is not to say that many Muslims do not desire peace. Simply that there’s no reliable and objective means of determining that to be the case.

    Islam is entirely and irreformably antithetical to both Western Christendom and to Enlightenment Classical Liberal values. That is because Islam is not a religion. It is violently expansionist and a murderously totalitarian ideology that wraps itself within a facade of religious pretense. Allah has declared that ultimately the infidel has but three choices; conversion, enslavement or death. Those choices cannot be changed because Muhammad repeatedly declared that those are the words of Allah. Fallible mankind is literally incapable of correcting infallible Allah.

    “About a third of Jews – that include both non-religious “ethnic” Jews as well as religious Jews – voted Republican in recent years.” neo

    I suspect physicsguy was referring to the 2/3rds of Jews who do not vote for Republicans, especially of that 2/3rds who routinely vote Democrat.

  22. Nonapad, I’m in Massie’s district and you’re right, he’s very much a non-interventionist. But it’s more than that, and it’s a reason he’s unlikely to be primaried so long as he serves this district. He pathologically votes no on things. He doesn’t want to spend taxpayer money, he doesn’t want congress to do things, he wants his constituents to be left alone, he thinks congress should leave everyone alone, and that’s what keeps him getting reelected. He is a brilliant person and he fully embodies the Kentucky spirit of “leave me the heck alone, and everyone leave everyone else alone.” So long as he does, I think he will keep his seat.

    I’m not native here and I married a native, and it really is something to get used to. It’s not mean-spirited at all, it is just a very firm culture of “everyone stay out of everyone’s business.” There are no more laws here than strictly necessary- I grew up in NYS and used to ask “do we need a permit for this or that?” and people looked at me like I had 2 heads. Toll roads are turned to free when they’re paid for. Taxpayers are issued refunds when there’s a state budget surplus. The govnt has very little authority, especially for things like eminent domain. And when Gov Beshear (D) tried to keep schools and stores closed during covid, the state attorney general (R) sued him because it was beyond his executive authority, and won, and schools reopened. Massie fits into this mold of fierce leave-me-alone-ness; in that light his votes are more predictable, even if they may not be quite understandable.


  23. Steve (retired/recovering lawyer): In the future please break up lengthy comments into smaller paragraphs. Massive paragraphs are quite difficult to read.

  24. Several hours ago I saw , IIRC on Instapundit, a screenshot that claimed that cell phone data had connected several hundred who were at a Kamala rally and also at a Hamas/Palestine rally. I can no longer find a screenshot for it. Any suggestions?

  25. The behavior of some of those congresscritters is disgusting. Fine they don’t have to support Israel, they can condemn it in the press for all I care.

    But, a foreign head of state has come to the US Congress to address them – he was invited. The time to not be a prop or whatever is before the invite goes out, before the speech is set up.

    But they way they are doing it is showing disrespect to a guest – this is beyond rude!

    I’d bet if a foreign congress did this to Obama, Clinton, Biden, they be ticked off and threaten to cut off any aid to that country.

  26. Special edition of Israel Update with guest Sen.Tom Cotton joining Gadi Taub immediately after PM Netanyahu’s speech for reaction and general discussion of the regional issues and future (34 mins): https://youtu.be/glE8pzMo36g?si=S-82Soflk5qNtJCO

    Highly recommended if you’re interested in hearing a politician who is both knowledgeable and capable of speaking in whole coherent paragraphs at a time.

  27. Several hours ago I saw , IIRC on Instapundit, a screenshot that claimed that cell phone data had connected several hundred who were at a Kamala rally and also at a Hamas/Palestine rally.


    Gotcha covered:

    We just did an overlay after cross pollination of each device overnight, of the 274 ‘rally goers’ 152 are today involved in groups committing acts of vandalism and protesting their support for Hamas. Makes total sense. Kamala Harris supports Hamas.

    –Tony Seruga @TonySeruga


    I found it at this PJM liveblog covering the pro-Hamas demos in DC. Quite guod.


    It hurts to see this vandalism of American symbols. I hope it redounds against them hard as the evil supremacists who hate Jews and America that they are.

  28. Neo, I respectfully disagree. The Biden administration has been horrific for Israel’s continued survival. Now, when the US has a chance to change things, is exactly the time for Netanyahu to engage in a little truth-telling.

  29. Seeing Tlaib there with her moronic sign; seeing Democrats remain stonefaced as Bibi points out the obvious, forcefully reminded me not only why I am not a Democrat (not for 16 years and counting), but why I am anti-Democrat. I am happy when even the most lackluster and hopeless Republican wins because it means a Democrat has lost.

    Also, wasn’t it hilarious when Bibi sated Israel was the home of Abraham; Jeffries paused then tepidly clapped, as Clark whispered something to him. I’m guessing it was ‘should I clap for this?’

    My respect for the Democrat Party leadership continues to reach new lows. Additional sub basements are being built to accommodate.

  30. I agree that right-wing antisemitism should not be ignored. But it’s not just that left-wing antisemitism/anti-Zionism is vastly more salient today, it is the continuing failure to recognize left-wing antisemitism as being a far greater danger right now. Not of course on right-wing outlets like neo’s, but I suspect a big reason a lot of Jews still have a problem voting Republican is the perception of antisemitism as a disease of the “right”.

    physicsguy of course is way off in suggesting no American Jews care about Dem opposition to Israel and outright antisemitism in many cases. But considering the following:

    Biden waffling on Israel to get the votes of Hamasniks in Michigan
    “heir apparent” Harris may be even more anti-Israel than Biden
    Winking at hostile and sometimes violent anti-Israel demonstrations
    Two Democrat Presidents trying to relieve sanctions on Iran which will empower them to murder Jews all over the world

    Jewish support for Democrats should be in single digits and they should be flocking to Trump, who will still be doing well to get 40% or so of the Jewish vote.

  31. No, Tim, neo is exactly right regarding Netanyahu. Aside from what I itemized in my previous comment what angers me most about Democrat policy towards Israel is their constant interference in Israeli politics which should be left to the Israeli people. Netanyahu should not stoop to that level even though he would be in the right to call out the Democrats.

    The other factor is that it is better for Israel by far to have strong bipartisan support here. He should not burn that bridge even though at this point the Democrats have pretty much blown it up. Maybe they will come to their senses later but admittedly I’m not holding my breath.

  32. It was reported that JD Vance did not attend Netanyahu’s address to Congress. He is the Senator from Ohio. I am very disappointed.

  33. Lee Merrick:

    J. D. Vance is a staunch supporter of Israel and Netanyahu, and if he didn’t attend the speech it was most certainly not a boycott but was for some other reason connected with campaign engagements.

  34. Marisa– I’m sure Steve, the recovering lawyer, will add “paragraphs” to his list of recovery steps. But sometimes the more difficult tasks are what give us the greatest satisfaction upon completion…. So look at the fact that you defeated the wall of words with satisfaction, even pride… 🙂

  35. …If Israel chooses to go to war with Hezbollah, it would have to strike before October and the start of the rainy season and then winter. In fact, some Israeli analysts believe that the ongoing IDF strikes in Lebanon and targeted assassinations of key Hezbollah commanders are not simply opportunistic but have been methodically shaping the battlefield for an eventual, though not necessarily imminent, ground invasion.
    …Analysts in D.C. argue that such a war would require American buy-in. They note that Israel remains dependent on the U.S. for military supplies that would be required for such a war, and President Biden is adamantly opposed to an escalation. His administration, which has publicly criticized Israel’s operations in Gaza and withheld 3,000 bombs and 23,000 munitions, has incentivized Israel’s foes.

    Judith Miller: The Lebanon War Is Coming

  36. Regarding Harris’s absence, it’s perfectly honest on her part: “Biden” has been trying since at least 2009 to defenestrate Netanyahu. (Trump put a spoke in that effort—majorly—which is one very good reason why he had to be de-presidented.)

    Indeed, perfectly honest…because while “Biden” still cannot admit to the alliance “that dare not speak its name” (IOW the alliance with Iran)…even if “his” actions shout it from the rooftops, Harris can actively cultivate those voters who the Democrats firmly believe will help the Democratic Party stay in power forever.

    (Furthermore, it may be simply too confusing for Harris to welcome the man against whom “Biden” has, for years, been waging a so-far-unsuccessful so-called Velvet Revolution…and when Harris gets confused, then one can expect an orgy of word salad and cackling…the optics of which are—let’s say—less than optimal…)

  37. well green is the color of Hamas, and Islamism in particular, as noted in the next thread, the analogues of Tlaib, in the French parliament, like Mr Portes, who seems to have incited a riot against Jewish athletes at the Olympics,

    bibi is a man of vision of strengths is he perfect, I would not dare say, unlike Sharon or Rabin, he does not seem to have tired, the previous prisoner exchange weighs on his mind, as it released many of the djinn like deif (peace be upon him)and sirwan himself
    frankly I think too many operatives were released in this last go around,

    on lebanon I refer to wiser experts, like tony badran, who has pointed how it is essentially a shell of hezbollah, even though some ministers might be in the revolutionary
    liberal parties, and the Lebanese armed forces, are esssentially a proxy army for them, if if their chief is a Maronite, as was their once and former Deuxieme Bureau director,

  38. I think PM Netanyahu’s words here cannot be repeated too often:

    Defeating our brutal enemies requires both courage and clarity. Clarity begins by knowing the difference between good and evil. Yet incredibly many anti-Israel protesters, many choose to stand with evil. They stand with Hamas. They stand with rapists and murderers. They stand with people who came into the kibbutzim, into a home, the parents hid the children, the two babies, in the attic, in a secret attic. They murdered the family, the parents, they found the secret latch to the hidden attic and then they murdered the babies. These protesters stand with them. They should be ashamed of themselves.


  39. I was happy to see and hear the reception Netanyahu received – it was 5 minutes of standing ovation and notable cheering. Is that typical for this kind of address to Congress? It struck me as spontaneous, but deliberate – those of us who support civilization are out here!

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