Home » Open thread 7/23/24


Open thread 7/23/24 — 61 Comments

  1. Republicans have had problems ‘Seeing ahead’ but the MAGA fanatics have never been able to see beyond their own noses. Women could turn out in mass this year – as anti-Trump, pro-First Woman President, and pro-abortion voters. ‘Year of the Woman Voter’?

    With Biden out, Vance may be the wrong pick for Trump

    The former president has an electability problem among women, and his pick for vice president only compounds it.

    Trump’s New Rival May Bring Out His Harshest Instincts

    Allies of Ms. Harris have already telegraphed that she will run a campaign framed around a “prosecutor versus felon” theme

  2. Interesting again this morning: CNN has an actual balanced article on both Kamala’s surge and strengths, but also her weaknesses and challenges. I don’t think CNN is suddenly a neutral observer, but it is noteworthy.


    The D’s are giddy and ramped up now, and raking in money. It’s going to be a tough road for Trump. We do need an unscripted, no notes, unbiased moderated debate(s) I think to show the middle voters the difference between the two. Otherwise, the MSM and the D propo machine will just churn out the usual BS and there’s no way for the GOP to counter that.

  3. My sense is that Kamala will probably do a little better in a debate with Trump than a lot of us around here may think. That’s not to say that she’ll suddenly be amazing, but she’ll definitely be well coached and will have a number of memorized canned responses to likely questions. Unlike Biden, she actually has a somewhat functioning brain and the ability to memorize and recall. They’ll have to do something about her awkward laughter and grinning at inappropriate times. Fortunately for her she doesn’t do Hillary Clinton’s deeply disturbing maniacial eyes wide open toothy grin. But she has to learn to approximate genuine human emotions a little better.

  4. Given the obviously sad state the Secret Service is currently in, I don’t expect Cheatle’s resignation will make a ton of difference in the near term. The organization clearly needs a serious overhaul, the entire leadership needs to go, not just Cheatle. But to be fair the SS isn’t the only Federal Agency that needs such an overhaul.

  5. Karmi, on another thread said he wouldn’t vote for Trump/Vance unless they supported Ukraine.

    Vance was making the case against aid to Ukraine in the larger context of our ability to arm/wage war on multiple fronts. In his estimation the Middle East and Far East security threats outweigh eastern Europe when we have finite resources.

    As to his concern about our ability to provide weapons on multiple fronts, Politico admits he has a point:

    One of Sen. J.D. VANCE’s arguments against sending more aid to Ukraine is that the U.S. can’t promptly produce enough munitions and weapons. He has a point.

    At last weekend’s Munich Security Conference, both on the sidelines and on stage, the Ohio Republican and DONALD TRUMP ally countered the prevailing narrative that the West needed to stand by Ukraine.

    Here’s what Vance told reporters, including NatSec Daily, outside the Bayerischer Hof hotel: “It would not drastically increase the supply of weapons in Ukraine because we’ve already expended so many of our munitions and resources.”

    “The West doesn’t make enough munitions to support an indefinite war. Ukraine doesn’t have enough manpower to support an indefinite war,” he continued, adding since there’s no clear vision of what a Ukrainian victory would look like, it’s better to save lives by pushing Kyiv and Moscow to the negotiating table.


  6. The rumor from Las Vegas is that Biden had something more serious than a bout of COVID when he was out there. No confirmation yet.

    Anthony Scaramucci (who admittedly doesn’t have the best political judgment) is saying that rightwing media is “cutting up” Harris clips to make her look like a “giggling idiot.” Most of what Harris has been doing in public has been speaking to large groups of supporters, and she does behave like a giggling idiot on those occasions.

    But there are other clips of Kamala Harris where she’s not having giggly fits and laughing at all. She sometimes doesn’t make a lot of sense, but she is able to stay on message when the message is simple enough. Granted, she’s no genius, but what supporters really want is a dogged repetitions of the same arguments, which don’t have to be brilliant, elegant, or even true.

    I thought Trump should have picked someone other than Vance but was happy enough with Vance. I can see that not running against the old white guy makes ticket-balancing “diversity” in the ticket even more important, but the bigger problem may be that when Republicans become the party of Main Street against Wall Street, as Vance advocates, Wall Street gets edgy and nervous — and when Wall Street gets nervous, Main Street can be in trouble.

  7. no she never made sense, she’s an evil creature, remember how she funded the bail out of the rioters, she was part of the coverup of the j6 pipe bombs,

  8. Brian E brings up an old 2/20/24 article – and my comments from another thread yesterday:

    With Trump’s selection of JD ‘I don’t really care what happens to Ukraine one way or another’ Vance as his VP – I may not even vote for a President this time. Unless they actually come out with a strong statement on supporting Ukraine I’m not really caring ‘what happens to THEM one way or another’ at this point. If I get wind that they plan on helping Russia up from the mat, then I will probably vote against the Trump/Vance ticket.

    Yeah, that Trump/Vance ticket is in trouble on more than just the Ukraine front now w/ Harris in the race. Still, for my vote—they will have to come up with a STRONG show of support for Ukraine, and some serious warnings to Russia. Ukraine has Russia on the mat, and Trump/Vance best not talk about helping Russia up from that mat….

  9. So, Karmi, if they don’t meet your Ukraine criteria, are you happy with a Harris administration given all the other items that the Biden admin started, and that she WILL continue???

  10. I showed you which corner of hell she came from, Putin laughs at what our o oligarch, Xi has special pads out just for her, his lesuo file on her is likely to be encyclopedic,

    You want the destruction of this country, at the hands of China or Iran or whoever, by all means vote for Harris,

  11. Handsome pictures of the Princess of Wales and her daughter. Have some anxiety that the Princess’ condition is a good deal more dire than anyone is letting on, but there is one curio. She’s having ‘preventive chemotherapy’, but there’s no sign of hair loss.

  12. Anyone that would not vote for Trump based on support for Ukraine, is a traitorous fool. Kamala will support Ukraine, and also support mutilating a generation of children that survive being aborted. Where the hell are your priorities?

  13. J D Vance and Ukraine is not a deal breaker for Trump, Vance has to give isolationists a reason to vote.

  14. 1. I assume that Cheatle has selected those under her to be of the same ilk, so getting rid of her won’t really make a whole lot of difference.

    2. Given it’s recent record these last several years, the FBI is obviously not trustworthy.

    So that got me thinking, given recent past history, and in the current extremely inflamed political and cultural atmosphere in this country, is there any group of people, not infected with the Leftist “mind virus”– which–all sides could agree–has an impeccable reputation, and which could be called upon to form an independent civilian investigatory committee to look into the whole situation surrounding the attempted assassination of President Trump?

    Famous scholars, legal experts, historians, religious figures, experts in law enforcement and criminalistics, or terrorism, etc.

    No candidates come readily to mind.

  15. Much is being made of the fact that Trump will be running against a different Democrat, probably Kamala. But I am not alone in recognizing that due to the attempt on his life, Trump is a different person now, and I doubt Kamala realizes that. I don’t think Trump has lost his inimitable “style,” but he’s acquired considerable gravitas. Further, when he got up off the platform, raised his fist, blood streaming down his face, and shouted “Fight. Fight. Fight” he showed the courage and the leadership we need to take this country back. A lot of “ordinary” people saw that.

  16. certainly not the september 11th commission, that was full of knaves, the warren commission was not sufficiently equipped see the omission of charles thomas, and miss ogario paz,

  17. “Ukraine has Russia on the mat…”– Karmi

    BBC Interviewer: “Do you have to restore the borders to before 2014 in order for you to be convinced that is grounds for peace?”

    President Zelensky: “It will depend on partners who will pressure Russia to sit down and think about ending the war…… .It doesn’t mean that all the territories are won back by force…….I think the power of diplomacy will help…..” (beginning at 4:30)

    This is not what the leader of a country that “has Russia on the mat” would say. But it is very positive news. Ukraine has no path to militarily regain all it’s territory. Waiting for Russia to collapse/revolt from sanctions or the occasional drone/missile fired into Russia is just as likely to result in the collapse/revolt against the Ukraine government.

    There is a further complication that can’t be ignored. Hungary still imports LNG from Russia using a pipeline running through Ukraine. Ukraine wants to cut off that supply, but that would violate an EU rule that technically could jeopardize Ukraine’s accession plans. At the same time, Hungary is now supplying over 40% of electricity Ukraine imports due to the Ukrainian loss of 50% of its generating capacity from Russian attacks on infrastructure. Even with the imports, Ukraine has rolling blackouts during a time of summertime heat over 100° F in some places.
    Cutting off that supply of LNG would in turn reduce Hungary’s ability to provide electricity to Ukraine, making the situation worse.

    At this point Zelensky is proposing a peace summit (or at minimum a cease fire summit) before the end of the year which would include Russia.

    Ukraine walked away from the Istanbul treaty at the insistence of western governments. While they would have lost Crimea and probably the Donbas– the loss of untold numbers of Ukrainians could have been avoided.

    It’s painful, but we have to come to grips with the limits of even technologically advanced military in an attritional war. I think JD Vance understands this, as does President Trump. While technology can dominate in the short term, what we are seeing are the types of grinding conflicts that counter our smart but expensive weapons that are produced in finite numbers.

    Ukraine’s Zelensky: a new Trump presidency would be “hard work”| BBC News

    I brought up the energy issue, not because it is the most significant problem, though it will be tough by winter, but it’s shows the complex nature of our intertwined economies.

  18. “Still, for my vote—they will have to come up with a STRONG show of support for Ukraine, and some serious warnings to Russia.”
    – Karmi

    One of the things Trump/Vance will do immediately is drill, baby drill. That will drive oil prices down. Russia’s main source of income is oil. Biden has helped fund the war against Ukraine by discouraging domestic oil and gas production. It has kept oil prices high and aided the Russian war effort.

    Similarly, Biden has allowed Iran to sell oil at these high prices. When Trump was POTUS Iranian oil was sanctioned and they were too broke to spend money on their proxies – the Houthis, Hamas, and Hezbollah.

    Energy and energy prices play a huge role in Russia and Iran’s ability to wage war. By being for domestic exploration and production, Trump/Vance are simultaneously pro Ukraine and Israel.

    One final note about the Ukraine war. It really is a much greater threat to the European NATO nations. Because of that, they should be willing to take the lead in providing arms and money with the U.S as a junior partner in the enterprise. And, when we provide weapons, there should be no restrictions on how Ukraine uses them. Biden’s restrictions have caused many needles deaths and prolonged the war.

    Capping it off – the Biden administration’s energy policies and arms restrictions have been disastrous for both Ukraine and Isarel. If you want to end these wars, don’t vote against Trump/Vance.

  19. Brian E at 10:56 AM – Logic and a clear-eyed acceptance of reality? We couldn’t have that.

    That said, I liked Vance against Kamala better than Trump against Kamala. I think Vance could have pulled a Tulsi Gabbard. That particular trick is not in Trump’s repertoire. He’s too aggressive and not thoughtful enough. It’s more likely that Kamala will bait him into saying something truly stupid (and not for the first time). Go watch Kamala’s questioning of Brett Kavanaugh for reference. It was unbelievably dishonest, but competent and clever. Kavanaugh had to tip toe to avoid stepping in it. (He had no idea that Kamala was lying when she suggested that Kavanaugh had discussed the Mueller investigatiom with employees of a particular firm.) Trump, as is his wont, won’t be so careful.

    Vance versus TBD might be interesting, but I fear that it will look a lot like Biden/Ryan in 2012 – young, intelligent Republican up against a cynical Democratic vet. All that Biden had to do in 2012 was talk over Ryan and laugh dismissively and the press ate it up. (Unfortunately, so the did the public. Paul Ryan will have his Dean Phillips moment when we have our fiscal crisis, but for now he still plays the clown.) Josh Shapiro or Roy Cooper will only have to do the same, and accuse Vance of praising Alex Jones.

    FWIW – I’m not sure that Haley or Youngkin would have been any better for Trump. This cake may well be baked.

  20. Like a broken record, I say again that Republicans need to emphasize ” women’s spaces” against the democrats. Including in the prisons!
    Does even half of the voters understand that the Democrats now have a record of forcing female inmates to share space with male criminals?????

  21. J.J. @ 12:59 pm points out how economic policy can do as much to influence our foreign policy/security interests as saber rattling.

  22. Says it all that karmi is linking Politico and the NYT. His comments can be safely ignored.

  23. Jon baker on July 23, 2024 at 1:25 pm said:
    Like a broken record, I say again that Republicans need to emphasize ” women’s spaces” against the democrats. Including in the prison

    Yes. The Democrats will be all in on abortion. Some emphasis on the transgender abuses will be important. Maybe Vance can ask Kamala to define a woman.

  24. dettmer when he worked for the daily beast, a decade ago, did have some good leads on benghazi, but good lord that is a hot take,
    besides being all in on the 1619 fraud, the smollett fraud, the kavanaugh fraud, I don’t think there isn’t a single scam she hasn’t been a part of,

  25. Snow on Pine on July 23, 2024 at 1:25 pm said:

    Now comes a news story today reporting that there was, indeed, a Secret Service Agent assigned to be on the roof that the shooter shot from, but, that this Agent abandoned his post because it was “too hot” up there on that roof. *

    * See https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/07/shocker-one-officer-was-assigned-roof-trump-rally/

    And now for the rest of the story.

    Democrats have taken the next logical step and blamed the assassination attempt on global warming. It was too hot to provide Trump with protection. If not for MAGA Republicans, we wouldn’t have global warming, and the roof would have been cool. Without the hot roof, the Secret Service would have been in position to thwart the assassin. MAGA Republicans are to blame, but Trump himself is behind the conspiracy. He had it all planned out when he supported global warming. We must ban carbon.

  26. Brain E continues to shed crocodile tears for the poor Ukrainian people killed because of Vlad’s ego and Russian state dreams of glory. Excuses must be made for Russia and blame shifted to Ukraine. How’s that Kharkhiv faint workin’ out for Vladdy Brain E. The US isolationists weren’t able to completely choke off western (US) munitions to Ukraine and give Vladdy enough of an advantage to compensate for brutal and stupid Russian military methods. Net result, more dead (10,000?) Russians soldiers for kmsf of ground “liberated” from Ukrainian Nazis.

  27. Probably because I still have a CT area code on my phone, every since the Biden withdrawal and the coronation of Queen Kamala, my phone has been inundated with text messages from the Harris campaign to donate and stop that evil Trump and raise up Kamala!!

    I’m guessing they figure anyone with an 860/203 area code must be a Democrat so blowing up all those blue state phones. Not a bad strategy; like telemarketing. If they even get 1% return it’s worth it; and probably a better ROI given the population of blue states.

    BTW, the last time I was registered as a Democrat was probably 1978. Since then been switching as GOP, unless they piss me off like when Boehner was Speaker, then become an independent. I’m definitely not on the D rolls.

  28. One rumor making the rounds (disclaimer: I helped spread it though not the only one) is that they are keeping Joe under wraps because he is *really* pissed about being stabbed in the back and will go scorched earth on the Dems when he gets the chance, including Obama, Kam, Nancy, the whole cabal. Admittedly far-fetched but the thought brings a grin to my face.

  29. Menendez resigning the day after the convention open,

    presumably so they can put in his replacement for the VP vote,

  30. Joe should go scorched earth. What they did was a crime if they threaten him with removal. If they did and Trump gets in, he to needs to prosecute them.

  31. Am no political expert – was never political until the 911 attacks, and guess my first time voting was GW Bush’s 2002 midterm elections.

    Sorry, but the GOP’s ‘Save the Republic’ cry—with Trump/Vance rings a hollowed silence.

    Public Schools coming under the control of Democrats, Parents losing their parental rights to School Boards and/or teachers, MSM coming under the control of Democrats, election cheating, CRT, DEI, Child Grooming, Child Mutilation, The Swamp, etcetera didn’t happen overnight or even under Biden or even under Obama.

    The GOP just lost out in the ‘Battle of Cramming your Views down the Throats of others’ whilst using the Power of Government as the cramming force – all under the disguise of the Rule of Law (AKA King’s Law).

    Would I have ever gone to prison if heroin had been legal? Probably/Possibly not. What political group was behind that law?

    Yes, the Ukraine/Russia war is a very important issue to me, and Trump’s selection of JD ‘I don’t really care what happens to Ukraine one way or another’ Vance as his VP was basically a slap in my face.

    Spare me the faux ‘Save the Republic’ cries at this time in America’s history…

  32. This is probably just a small part of their corruption, but you may have heard about the huge number of donations to the Democrats after Biden dropped out. Turns out they are mostly laundered money from Swiss billionaire Hansjorg Wyss.

    “ Harris Campaign allegedly using ActBlue for a money laundering scheme.

    Reports indicate that $20 million from Swiss billionaire Hansjörg Wyss was broken down into over 1.6 million donations across 400,000 donors, raising serious questions about the legitimacy of these contributions….

    Similar allegations have surfaced before. ActBlue has faced scrutiny for its donor verification processes, which some argue may permit illegal contributions and foreign money to flow into American political campaigns.

    In recent years, the platform has been penalized for facilitating nearly $44,000 in illegal contributions and has been called out for not requiring standard security measures like CVV numbers for online donations.

    Democrats at it again with dirty tricks to further destroy the integrity of our elections..”


  33. Kamala has always known how to follow orders and honor a deal. Her assignment the past four years has been to ensure that she is no threat to Joe’s presidency, by never becoming an attractive prospective alternative.

    Those days are over now. Just as with AOC, Kamala is about to get a huge investment bestowed on her. The best coaching; the best wardrobe choices; excellent hairstyling & makeup services; so forth. She’s entered into the grooming stage now, and we’ll be seeing lots and lots of the Perfect Barbie Kamala over the next couple of months, as far as humanly possible.

    The Democrats know how to manage human resources, and the best that Hollywood has to offer will be rolled out for the 2024 Presidential Reality Show. No expense spared. Watch it happen, starting from now, through the convention, all the way to election day. The most highly-polished turd in political history.

    All those millions rolling in right now reminds me of Joe’s miraculous Jobs Growth story. COVID wiped out the employment market, but the normal rebound as the markets recovered – that was sold as an ‘all-Joe’s’ success story.

    The past few weeks has been all about the donations from Democrats drying up in the horrified post-debate reaction. Now that the wallets are opening up again: ‘Look at how popular Kamala is !’

  34. I think you’re calling it right, Aggie. This will be the greatest show on Earth as they rewrite Kamala’s bio, make sure she’s properly dressed and perfectly coiffed. Fool’s gold polished up to imitate the real thing.

    And, as P.T. Barnum said, “There’s a sucker born every minute.” Meaning that there are all too many people who are willing or able to be swindled or deceived. And that’s certainly the Democrats’ goal.

    Trump and the GOP have their work cut out for them.

  35. “Brain E continues to shed crocodile tears for the poor Ukrainian people killed”om

    om, that’s simply a lie.

    What do you think Zelensky meant in that recent BBC interview, when asked “Do you have to restore the borders to before 2014 in order for you to be convinced that is grounds for peace?”

    President Zelensky: “It will depend on partners who will pressure Russia to sit down and think about ending the war…… It doesn’t mean that all the territories are won back by force…….I think the power of diplomacy will help…..”

    Zelensky is formulating a peace plan to present to negotiating partners and offer to Russia to begin ending the “hot war”.

    Is he sincere or merely posturing for western consumption?

  36. As Snow on Pine notes, a Secret Service agent was supposed to be on that roof. But it was too hot, so he didn’t show at his post.

    Local law enforcement was supposed to be patrolling that building to prevent access to the roof. But it was too hot, so they stayed inside the building for the AC.

    –“Sen. Josh Hawley on Whistleblowers Coming Out After Security Failures Led to Assassination Attempt”

    I’m practically wishing this was a conspiracy instead of top-to-bottom dereliction of duty.

  37. Brain E doth protest that his pervasive and consistent apologetics for The Russian Federation are just exercises in realism, for the good of America don’t you know.

    Not that JD Vance abandoning Europe to the tender mercies of Vladdy might encourage Europe to question the reliability of the US nuclear deterrent, as was discussed on the Telegraph (UK) blog last week.

    Ukraine giving up the nukes they possessed didn’t work out so well for them. History is like that. Don’t tell me Brain E that the nukes on Ukrainian soil belonged to the USSR, that entity no longer existed when the deal was struck, and possession is “nine tenths of the law.”

    Aggressive, imperialist, large nations aren’t always to be trusted, even if you are non-aligned (Finland) or isolationist.

  38. Conspiracy is often covered up by supposed dereliction. Pay the guy to look the other way while Epstein dies. Too hot or too “hot”.

  39. Conspiracy is often covered up by supposed dereliction. Pay the guy to look the other way while Epstein dies.

    Chases Eagles:

    That’s possible. In Epstein’s case, it’s certainly the most likely IMO. (It’s interesting how the most reflexive anti-conspiracy voices have nothing to say when it comes to Epstein.)

    My counter is that it’s one thing to pay off some low-level prison personnel on a case of a scumbag, whom few people cared about. It’s another to pay off SS agents and police in order to hit a former President and current presidential candidate before a crowd in a case which will be of global interest.

    They know the names of the SS agent who was supposed to be on the roof and the police who were supposed to be patrolling. I have difficulty imagining such officers wouldn’t realize that something’s serious was up and they could be asked some horrific questions later.

    OTOH if they were just slacking off because others were too and it was just another stupid rally and nothing would happen, I could see that more easily.

  40. All kinds of bribes. Not looking out that window might be good for your career and looking out that window might bad for your health.

  41. So, how about this.

    Many of the agents assigned to protect President Trump on the day of the attempted assassination, a deliberately inadequate number (gotta protect “Dr.” Jill don’t ya know), and some of them relatively untrained “subs”–borrowed from the Department of Homeland Security, and perhaps other Federal agencies–didn’t much care for “the Donald” or his politics and, so, didn’t put in their best effort that day.

  42. As members of Congress have ferreted out, the Secret Service’s Pittsburg office assigned 12 extra agents to protect “Dr.” Jill that day–when she was speaking indoors–in an easily contained environment, a well-secured ball room–and to around just 300 presumably inspected, wanded, and well vetted people (i. e. 300 possible threats)–this, while that same office assigned just 3 extra agents to President Trump’s open air rally, which had around 20,000 attendees (i.e. 20,000 possible threats to run through magnetometers, vet, watch, and to possibly contend with), and with buildings with a clear line of sight of the podium declared “outside the Secret Service’s “perimeter.””

    That should give you an idea of the mindset of Secret Service officials.

    Despite all of the direct death threats from Iran, despite the acknowledgements that some presumably well-trained and armed terrorists likely crossed into the U.S. through our essentially open Southern border, and were setting up shop here in the U.S., despite eight years of the constant demonization of President Trump and many death threats–some of them very open and public–President Trump didn’t “deserve” the extra security *

    * See https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/jaw-dropper-a-reported-4x-as-many-local-secret-service-agents-sent-to-jill-biden-on-same-day-trump-was-shot/ar-BB1qrI4e

  43. P.S. Keep in mind that a well-trained and talented sniper, with the right rifle, has made kills up to 2.3 miles distant from their shooting position. *

    What does that say to you about the distance the Secret Service’s “perimeter”–in the case of the attempted assassination of President Trump, apparently something less than 150 or so yards from the podium–should have extended outward to, and how many agents it would have taken to secure a reasonable perimeter?

    * See https://www.newsweek.com/ukraine-sniper-world-record-longest-kill-russia-1845017

  44. P.P.S.–I’ve seen stories saying that the Secret Service wants President Trump to drop open air rallies as just too dangerous and doing this, of course, will take a lot of steam out President Trump’s campaign, and his ability to generate enthusiasm.

    Let me ask you, though, hasn’t President Biden had many events which were in the open air?

    So, is this an attempt by the Secret Service to better protect President Trump, is it a way to drain the energy out of his campaign or, a bit of both?

  45. C’mon man, EVERYONE knows that sloped rooves are much hotter than flat ones…and the greater the slope the hotter they get…
    …for example, a roof of 90% is life threatening…

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