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Where’s Joe? — 45 Comments

  1. I think he’s been dead for at least 48 hours.

    I wouldn’t bet big money on it or anything, but…I have a hunch. Or he’s at least at death’s door and probably not going to recover.

  2. I’ve been speculating that Biden is dead or incapacitated since yesterday. He hasn’t been seen in public in nearly a week, it was publicly announced that he had COVID, and none of the people in his ‘inner circle’ have been speaking. Jill Biden cancelled her campaign stops, and his calendar has been cleared for the next week. Strange things are afoot at the Circle K, as the saying goes.
    Normally, they have the VP take over if the President is going to be incapacitated for even a short amount of time – e.g., a routine surgery or examination that requires anesthesia. Why is no one talking about such things?

  3. Why is no one talking about such things?

    My supposition is that lots of people are talking about such things, but not for public consumption.

  4. Maybe he is sulking. I think Jimmy Faila or however you spell his name, – or one of his guest- that replaced Rush on the radio, said that Biden is not in public because part of his mind is still in disagreement with withdrawal..

  5. Maybe he is sulking.- Jon baker


    What are the five stages of grief? Maybe it’s six!

  6. He is humiliated at getting ousted by Pelosi and Obama. Jon Baker has it right- sulking.

  7. I hearken to an old saying, “It’s a helluva way to run a railroad”.

    There is a cartoon today in which Kamala declares that she is now the Messenger; and helpfully explains what a message is, and the difference between a Messenger and the Messaged.
    But the way it works in Washington now is a bit more complex. The Messenger receives the whispered dictate from the Dictator, then puts it out as a message to the Messaged. In this system Kamala may fit the role of Messenger; on the other hand, even that could be beyond her.
    An intriguing question, ‘who would be the Dictator; Obama or the West Coast Cabal?’. Obama’s tentacles are already deeply embedded throughout DC, and he would not be easy to supplant; but her allegiance is to the Westies.

    Could get interesting. A gust of ambition hit Joe Mancin’s weather vane and has him possibly pointed in the direction of Democrat candidate.

    We continue to be the punchline as in,
    “take me to your leader”, said the strange little creature
    “we don’t need no leader, we have done without for years” , responded Karine Jean-Pierre.

  8. Will they now dictate to Kamala?
    They’d have to get past her husband, sister, and brother-in-law. Not aware anyone in the Harris / West / Emhoff family has a history of drug abuse or sexual perversion. And the troika around Kamala have actually been working lawyers.

  9. https://nypost.com/2024/07/22/us-news/top-dems-threatened-to-remove-biden-unless-he-resigned/

    As calls for him to bow out mounted, Biden insisted he would continue, but party bigwigs threatened to invoke the 25th Amendment to the US Constitution.

    The amendment allows for the vice president and members of the cabinet to declare he is unfit to serve and force him to step down, the source added.

    The White House and representatives from the Democratic National Committee did not immediately respond to The Post’s requests for comment.

  10. Not to be macabre, but I’d bet there are not-a-few Dems that would see Joe’s death as the only path to victory in November. His death would cause a media onslaught of tales of Brave Patriot Joe who gave his life for his country, and would render out-of-bounds any criticism of his horrible record as President. Not to mention that it would moot discussion and investigation of the Biden Family Bribery Racket.

    I picture them standing around Joe’s bedside like at the death of Stalin. I’d hide the pillows if I were Dr. Jill….

  11. Yancey Ward:

    Wait, what? There are criminal laws that apply to Democrats? Who’d a thunk?

  12. NS has a good hunch. If so, what sort of nefarious game are the Ds playing? Why not just swear in Harris temp under the 25th, or permanently and publicly? The more this goes on the worse it looks.

    Xi should attack Taiwan now, and Iran Israel, there’s no one home at the WH.

    Just saw sdferr’s note on the meeting cancelation. This is not looking good at all.

  13. My wife just now asked me “what must the world be thinking?” about speculation that Biden has quit his campaign under duress, or is maybe even dead. It’s a good question — just what must other countries be thinking. I’m sure there are dozens of reporting cables going from Washington capitals all over the world trying to parse developments at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave (or Rehoboth Beach). And of course our NSA is reading most or all of those cables too, which should make for interesting conversations for those who have access.

  14. Yancey, I have to disagree with that contention (as I did on the Althouse thread with somebody else).

    Nixon was privately made aware that a sufficient number of Congressmen and Senators would vote for his impeachment and conviction over Watergate, and chose to resign instead. Invoking a 25th Amendment declaration would have required numerous public acts by Democrats and Republicans if the declaration was disputed and had to be sustained by Congress. It’s hard to see how that would truly qualify as extortion. The reason for doing it (impending defeat in the upcoming election) and circumstances (after claiming there was nothing wrong with Biden) may be unsavory but unsavory doesn’t always translate into illegal.

  15. There is a difference between Nixon’s resignation and Biden withdrawing from the election- Nixon’s impeachment and removal wasn’t a threat made to him by the Republican Senators- they were relaying to him the coming reality and letting him choose how to leave office. What the NYPost describes isn’t a warning of a removal from office- it is the threat of removing him from the White House unless he steps down from seeking reelection.

  16. To fit the Nixon analogy, the Democrats who issued the threat would now have to proceed to removing him from office despite Biden withdrawing from the November election.

  17. Megyn Kelly showed a video clip from Saturday of Biden, looking stiff and frail and requiring assistance to get into a car. She also reported two irregularities on the document of Biden’s stepping aside:

    (1) It was not on official White House stationery.
    (2) The signature was similar but not the same as Biden’s usual. “Biden” appears to end in a “s” and the last name is underlined.

    –“Megyn Kelly Details Bizarre Circumstances Leading Up to Biden Dropping Out, and Then Disappearing”

  18. Obama has not endorsed Kamala. She may not be the nominee. And if Biden needs to go as president, that will be engineered. They have told us repeatedly to be ready for an “October surprise.” Whomever the D nominee is, if it looks like she/he will lose to Trump, those behind the scenes will do WHATEVER THEY HAVE TO DO to make sure Trump never takes office. I posted here weeks ago that there would be an attempted hit on Trump. It was in lines that came to me in poetic form months ago (from In Need Of Course Correction):

    …All the signs seem to point to
    an assassination headed our way
    killing the so-called tyrant
    may be the ultimate play
    for the so-called elite
    to keep their stranglehold on power
    no matter the consequences
    even if it leads to our darkest hour

    People who dismiss the likelihood
    of this scenario
    fail to see the chance
    of avoidance might not be low
    and that the goal is to ensure
    everyone not part of the ruling class
    is enslaved, left behind, cast aside
    or cut down like new mown grass…

  19. When the Germans invaded the Soviet Union on 22 June 1941, Stalin withdrew into his apartment in the Kremlin and reportedly wouldn’t speak to anyone for 3 days. He didn’t confer with his subordinates and generals nor did he address the nation. Was in shock? No one can say for sure.

    Biden’s disappearance reminds me of this.

  20. From “Where’s Joe?” to “Who’s Presiding?” over the Netanyahu address to Congress:

    One senior source involved in planning the Netanyahu joint address tells me: “Below is all factual:

    – VP Harris declined – we were informed on Monday, July 15th

    – P[resident]P[ro]T[em] Patty Murray also declined to preside — we were informed on Tuesday, July 16th

    – The Senate is currently figuring out amongst themselves who will preside.”


  21. He was met on the Tarmac by the Israeli Ambassador to the United States, Michael Herzog and several other Embassy Officials, but No Senior Members of the Biden Administration.

    He’s a head of state! Unbelievable.


  22. Obama has not endorsed Kamala. She may not be the nominee.


    That is interesting. If she had Obama’s support, she would be solid as the nominee, but she doesn’t and I’m not sure what it means.

    As I read the situation, Harris would like to be the female Obama in 2024. But I suspect Obama, the master, sees her as an incompetent copycat, scarcely better than Slow Joe.

    I imagine Obama would prefer a better option. Good luck, Barack!

    There’s also the framing that the Democrat Party is divided into the Obama and Clinton factions. Hillary has already endorsed Harris. There’s even talk of Hillary as Veep!

    Harris came up (or went down) under Willie Brown, an older style Democrat, who expressed his skepticism of Obama’s policies in newspaper columns. Harris doesn’t seem to be in Obama’s orbit.

  23. A Head of State it’s true, IrishOtter49 and yet, a puny vassel-state easily shoved aside when Barry demands it done. And Barry certainly does demand it done.

  24. @IrishOtter, sdferr:He’s a head of state!

    No, he’s not. Israel’s head of state is President Isaac Herzog.

    Granted Netanyahu probably ought not to have been snubbed but in the Dems defense they probably have no idea who is supposed to be in charge.

  25. Hes the head of govt which is worse of course except for johnson washington is a hostile nation to israel

  26. Right you are Niketas. He’s merely the Prime Minister Head of Government of an “avowed” ally. How silly of us to have mispoken in our haste.

  27. Telling the country on national television that he’s resigning would be “owning” the withdrawal. Joe wants to distance himself from the letter that was forced on him. He’s not going to sulk for the rest of his term or life, but when he reappears it’s going to be in circumstances that are wholly under the control of his team.

    I don’t support the conspiracy theory, but some people have noted the strange coincidence of Biden ending his candidacy right after the failed assassination attempt on Trump.

    The reason for Obama’s not endorsing Harris now may be that he realizes the importance of her nomination appearing to come from the base and not appearing to be forced on the base by the Politburo. After holding back now when everyone else is rushing to support Harris, he’s going to make a big media splash when he does decide to back Harris later.

  28. Here is my current theory. Joe is dead or permanently incapacitated but they need Harris as VP to obstruct a Trump election certification. So it is weekend at Bernie’s.

  29. A lot of people think he’s dead. I’m not so sure. He would have had to have deteriorated really quickly…although I suppose another aneurysm isn’t out of the question.

    My guess is that the decision was made for him and he’s furious. They can’t let him out in public because he’d proclaim loud and clear “I don’t withdraw from the race! I’m still running!!!” and they can’t have that.

    “he probably did make the decision – for the simple reason that his family hasn’t objected to the reports.”

    The Biden Crime Family’s activities have been well known and well documented for quite some time. How much of a stretch is it to believe they were simply told “If you don’t want Hunter to spend the next 20 years in prison and Dr. Jill, Frank and Joe being investigated and prosecuted into oblivion you’d all better fall into line.”?

    I think Biden’s going to be kept away from the public until after the election is over, or until they can convince him to play along too. That will be difficult considering his mental deterioration. He’s not going to go along quietly. So any communication between him and the public from here on out will be written and I’m pretty certain Joe Biden isn’t going to have anything to do with the writing.

    They’ll probably allow him to be seen shuffling around somewhere to reassure us that he’s still kicking, but I doubt we’ll be hearing from him any time soon.

    Of course, that’s just my guess and is no more valid than any of the other theories floating around. We may find out eventually, or we may not.

  30. Pingback:SloJoe Whereabouts Watch Day 2 – Western Rifle Shooters Association

  31. If you thought his dementia-fueled bouts of anger were bad before, they must be unfit for public consumption now. If they want him to serve out the rest of his term, they need to keep him hidden away in this state.

  32. The BatShit of con/con cultists is a river of insanity. Meanwhile, tyranny rules while the enslaved circle-jerk, cum tributing pandering Cuckservative Inc. disinfo operatives, grifters and shills dry-hump the National Enquirer, Weekly World News, etc. Well done, DumbFucks.

  33. The people who have been lying for four years are not to be trusted now

    The ones who let us be embarassed on the world stage

  34. I don’t buy the argument that since Biden resigned from the race, he needs to resign from his Office. Resigning from the race just means he acknowledges he will not be capable of serving for 4 more years. He should resign, just not for that reason.

    On the other hand, the same was true in 2020, and he should have resigned, or been 25th-ed, a long time ago.

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