Home » Open thread 7/22/24


Open thread 7/22/24 — 42 Comments

  1. Lots of puzzlement about Biden’s withdrawal: Announced on X, signature doesn’t seem to match his usual one, not on official WH stationery, no speech, no sign of him at all. Bizarre.

  2. Jimmy: I share your puzzlement. And wonder, if he did not do this himself, who convinced Dr. Jill and others close to him to keep their mouth shut. Because if this was, as your question implies, a palace coup, the perpetrators either have the concurrence of the family and close advisors or they are going to have a huge fight on their hands.

  3. I saw a funny meme. The gist of it was “Won’t Joe be surprised when he wakes up from his nap.” We are in unchartered waters.

  4. Garfield: “Cats are poetry in motion”. [Odie saunters by]: “Dogs are gibberish in neutral”. Dogs have good hearts, though, and take direction. Still, cats rule.

  5. Listened to part of Cheatle’s questioning on the radio and even the leftist commentators remarked that she is stonewalling. Just like Janet Reno after Waco, she is “accepting responsibility” with no consequences. Surprisingly, the Democrat ranking member, Jamie Raskin, asked good questions. Whether she stays or goes, depends on the take by the left-wing media. CBS news is carrying the hearing but no reports by left msm that I can find.

  6. This is a significant concession by Zelensky during a recent BBC television interview. His statement is somewhat ambiguous in that it could be interpreted that while all of the territory won’t be won back by war, political/economic pressure could be brought that would force Russia to return the territory. I think that interpretation is a stretch though.

    On it’s face, I would say it’s significant and probably represents the reality of the mobilization effort by Ukraine. They are likely struggling to replace soldiers at the front– let alone forming new armies to mount a future offensive.

    Cracks in the “European solidarity”, could also play a part. Zelensky has said he is working on a peace plan to be unveiled by the end of the year. (Coinciding with our election– or just coincidence?)

    BBC Interviewer: “Do you have to restore the borders to before 2014 in order for you to be convinced that is grounds for peace?”
    President Zelensky: “It will depend on partners who will pressure Russia to sit down and think about ending the war…… .It doesn’t mean that all the territories are won back by force…….I think the power of diplomacy will help…..” (beginning at 4:30)

    Around the 4 minute mark, Zelensky, who was in the UK to talk with their new prime minister, said he wants to be allowed to use western weapons to strike deep in Russia to pay back for recent Russian strikes on civilian infrastructure.

    Retribution. While certainly a human response– contrast that with the media’s obsession that Trump might exact revenge on his political enemies for their lawfare seeking to cripple his chances of regaining the presidency, let alone their fervent desire to see him in jail.

    Most of us struggle to maintain a veneer of rationality/consistency at times.

    The interviewer asked Zelensky to comment on VP candidate JD Vance’s remarks that ‘he didn’t much care what happens to Ukraine’. I do think Vance cares about what happens to Ukrainians– but given his position that America has constraints on our ability to fund/equip multiple wars, we need to prioritize and the middle east and far east have greater implications to US security interests.

    Ukraine’s Zelensky: a new Trump presidency would be “hard work”| BBC News

  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WB29cznoAmQ
    Lee Grant is still alive. The release of digital images of the 1930 census returns ten years back revealed something she was loath do admit – she was born in 1925 / 26.
    Lee Meriwether is also still alive. She is bearing down on 90.
    I used to get them confused with Lee Remick (who died 30-odd years ago at age 55).

  8. A real dog would have barreled straight through the sticks after first peeing on as many as possible.
    It’s how they roll.

  9. I am watching 0% chance of precipitation falling from the sky while listening to Nancy Mace tell Cheatle “that’s bullshit”. I am supposed to be fixing the riding lawnmower.

    My dog would be suspicious as in “why have you done this?” Then use her nose to push them out of her way. The tides have been real high late in the day and she has insisted on swimming everyday. When the tide is high enough that it covers the grass, she likes to run back and forth through the grass creating big splashes.

    I think the wild rose might have a goldfinch nest in it. There is both a male and female hanging around whenever we are playing down there. Normally goldfinches fly off.

  10. “Lee Grant is still alive. The release of digital images of the 1930 census returns ten years back revealed something she was loath do admit – she was born in 1925 / 26.”

    Surprised they reveal personal info even from the 1930 Census.

    My MIL was very secretive about her age. After she passed a few years ago at 90 (shh!), we found her passport, and somehow she’d altered the year of her birth by 5 years.

  11. Extending on Jimmy’s comments @ 9:52:

    It appears possible Biden does not even know he has quit the campaign. Quitting was done by letter, not on White House stationary, with no personal presence or photos. Signature does not look like Joe’s. Follow-up statement that he supports Kamala was by tweet on X, and Biden’s X account is run by Megan Coyne, a White House (not Biden campaign) employee. We have not heard any more from Joe, nor from Jill or any of Joe’s staff. If I were still a Foreign Service Officer reporting on political developments in a Third World country, I would be speculating to the State Department that a bloodless coup had just taken place. So who has the nuclear football?

  12. Did Willie Brown ever call Harris “Momala”? Guess the Swamp will figure out a way to force Americans to call her ‘President Harris’ or ‘Momala’ or etcetera – under some new Rule of Law that makes it a felony to not call/refer to her as she demands – IF she gets elected.

    Willie Brown held a news conference and suggested that should Biden should just make Harris commander-in-chief “immediately”:

    ‘[Harris’s] chances go up if [Biden] would at this moment say not only am I no longer the candidate, I’m no longer the president — she is,’ Brown said.

    Sounding more like a doting teacher than a past lover, he heaped praise on Harris .. ‘In all the jobs she’s had… she’s always been outstanding.’

    It’s a sharp change of tune from Brown, who advised Harris in 2020 to turn down Biden’s invitation to be his running mate, telling her the second seat was a ‘dead end’.

  13. Bob Wilson, even the Dems know that a SS that can’t do it’s job is a danger to Dems too.

  14. One day a novel will be written about what’s really been going on in the Whitehouse over the past few years that lead up to yesterday’s announcement. Doubtless it will be a tale that will prove to be scary, depressing, frustrating, and fascinating; full of lies, treachery, blame shifting, and lots of denial, delusions, and mental derangement. It will be a tale told by insiders with grievences and bitter feelings.

    But I don’t believe we’ll learn that full story until long after the election has past.

  15. well there are aspects of head of state, a old robert serling tale, and a few others,

    e por se move, as far as Kamala is concerned,

  16. Evidently one of the big Democrat megadonors, an Attorney named John Morgan, believes that Joe Biden is probably very bitter about being forced out and his endorsement of Kamala was his way of expressing his disapprobation with those who pushed him out.

    “Joe Biden’s endorsement of Kamala is his f*** you to all who pushed him out,” Morgan said. “Be careful what you wish for.”

    “If Trump World could pick anybody to run against, I think they pick her,” Morgan told ABC News.

  17. the ambulance chasing king of central florida, and the real gerber baby

  18. F may have something @ 115pm. Not that they are the most sane of the GOP, but Boebert and MTG have called for a “proof of life” from Biden by 5pm today. It does raise the question as to why no one has seen him or Jill.

    And looking ahead, I’ve been reading that some states (many?) will not allow a switch in candidates just due to political expediency as they have voter disfranchisement laws. To make the switch the state would require the 25thAd or death of the candidate.

    Pelosi just endorsed Harris.

  19. the press is extremely uncurious, except when it doesn’t matter, sean davis reminds of the melania tracker, the post set up, even though shes not an official of any kind,

    logic dictates if he only transferred the candidacy but not the office, well he would be present in some capacity, if he did neither well it would some form of digital fraud wouldn’t it,

  20. Since “proof of life” seems conspiratorial, here’s the ultimate conspiracy theory– Biden administration failed in the assassination attempt on President Trump and is dropping out in an attempt to stave off investigations of more dots. After all, we have to find the dots before we can connect them.
    We already know the superficial dots.

    Harris will be the candidate, since she is the only potential candidate who would stake their future presidency on pardoning Joe Biden. (She has enough plausible deniability to avoid prosecution).

  21. My MIL was very secretive about her age. After she passed a few years ago at 90 (shh!), we found her passport, and somehow she’d altered the year of her birth by 5 years.

    My mother did the same thing. Finally, when she was forced to retire, as the company told her that she had to be over 65 and they would be in trouble with their insurance, she admitted to being 75. Finally she admitted to 78 but thank God her sister was still alive as nothing had her correct age and she had been born at home. No birth certificate. We were able to get Medicare to take her. She lived another 25 years. She lived in 3 centuries, 1898 to 2001.

    I agree that something has happened to Joe.

  22. (snip)
    Lee Grant is still alive. The release of digital images of the 1930 census returns ten years back revealed something she was loath do admit – she was born in 1925 / 26.
    Lee Meriwether is also still alive. She is bearing down on 90.
    I used to get them confused with Lee Remick (who died 30-odd years ago at age 55).

    Lee Meriwether was on Star Trek. And was (a) Catwoman. The other two Lees were not. 😀

    Anyone who was big on SF in the 50s –> 70s knows who Lee Meriwether was… she was an SF staple in that time period. 😀

    }}} Meriwether was the original catwoman

    Nope. She was the second Catwoman — she was in the 1966 movie, which was produced and released after Catwoman’s appearance in the TV series. Eartha Kitt was the Catwoman in Batman’s third season. 😉

  23. The people who create these videos have very large musical repertoires in their heads.

  24. IrishOtter49 on July 22, 2024 at 12:40 pm said:
    Jeez, Goldens, whaddya expect?
    Should have used Border Collies.

    Not Irish Setters?

  25. I know we’ve been distracted, understandably so, but getting back to the Important Stuff…

    The last episode of “The Acolyte” has dropped and it is terrible beyond belief. It’s not just bad writing.

    So guys I’m beginning to think that the writers behind “The Acolyte” — they’re just bad people, maybe even psychopaths.

    –Mediaholic, “It’s FINALLY Over | Acolyte Finale Review”


    It’s about twin, non-white, non-binary, fatherless girls born of Immaculate Lesbian Space Witch Conception. Cool!

    However, one is evil and one is good. But in the last episode the “good” twin strangles her Jedi mentor slowly to death using The Force.

    An overarching theme in the series is to show that the Jedi are not the Good Guys. In fact there is no Good and Evil, just different ways of looking at things. That’s what I call family entertainment!

    Brought to you by showrunner/writer Leslye Headland, previously personal assistant to Harvey Weinstein. Perhaps not the most reliable guide to morality.

  26. Just in case — “The Acolyte” is the latest Disney / Lucasfilm / Star Wars product appearing on Disney+.

    “The Acolyte” cost $180 mil and it is less than four hours of video. It looks entirely mediocre. Some suspect Disney is laundering money.

  27. @ David – outstanding post, as usual.
    As with yourself, I haven’t seen all the movies listed, but agree with their inclusion, and also with those I have only heard of. There are many other good suggestions in the comments. The ones I have not seen all sound intriguing.

    Is it just a coincidence that all of them were made in he last century, and most in the earlier years? I don’t think there are any after Schindler’s List (1993).

    My candidate for Hero would be Neville Longbottom of the Harry Potter series.
    Also Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Leia, etc. (original trilogy only) also qualify (note that was in 1977-1983).

    You mentioned a couple of Disney classic movies for kids: there were a LOT of heroes in the Walt Disney years.

    I don’t think our current crop of film-makers like moral virtues and heroic characters: makes them all look bad in comparison.

  28. @ OBH > “Gramscian damage”

    Well that was a blast from the past!
    Started me down the rabbit hole of a very good comment section, with postings as late as 2018.
    All of the post is still relevant, if not more so.

  29. (continued) The Gramscian Damage post was by esr (Eric Raymond) in 2006.
    It got a pingback from Trent Telenko in 2018.
    That post is also still relevant.

    Very little in it is “new” now, but the revelations were blockbuster status at the time.

    I note particularly these comments:

    May 21, 2018 at 5:14 pm
    The entire ‘Trump stole the election’ thing is steadily unraveling. I knew it would as it was an obvious cop out by the Dems. So obvious I have trouble believing that so many people can be swayed so completely.

    Its very disappointing to me that in this age of information, in which you can find out a great deal about almost anything, if only by the omissions, that so many people just follow along blindly, with the MSM beating the drum.

    Shouldn’t we be past that?

    The criminal actions to this end by all 17 of those security operations are breathtaking. Deep state … not any more. 😉

    Trent Telenko
    May 24, 2018 at 7:36 am
    Check the FISA search numbers from 2013 versus 2016 from the Richard Fernandez PJ Media column below.


    The invaluable timeline of the investigations compiled by Sharyl Attkisson seems to confirm what Lee Smith of Tablet Magazine has already suggested: that the roots of domestic spying predated the Trump candidacy. He notes that “Obama officials vastly expand[ed] their searches through NSA database for Americans and the content of their communications. In 2013, there were 9,600 searches involving 195 Americans. But in 2016, there are 30,355 searches of 5,288 Americans.”

    That is ~49 odd searches per US Citizen in 2013 for counter intelligence investigations versus less than six searches [each] per _27 times_ as many US citizen in 2016.

    With this 1.5 orders of magnitude increase in targeting of US Citizens happening in a Presidential election year.

    That is the straight up weaponization of FISA as a tool of political oppression.

  30. physicsguy writes “ F may have something @ 115pm. Not that they are the most sane of the GOP, but Boebert and MTG have called for a “proof of life” from Biden by 5pm today. It does raise the question as to why no one has seen him or Jill.”

    Nonapod earlier wrote, in part: “ One day a novel will be written about what’s really been going on in the Whitehouse over the past few years that lead up to yesterday’s announcement. Doubtless it will be a tale that will prove to be scary, depressing, frustrating, and fascinating; full of lies, treachery, blame shifting, and lots of denial, delusions, and mental derangement. It will be a tale told by insiders with grievences and bitter feelings.”

    BREAKING NEWS here — my intro and surmise posted at the top Biden thread here (LINK at the end) — details exposed by The Dossier substack, vis Sarah Hoyt at Instapundit.

    “INTERESTING: Exclusive: President Biden suffered an undisclosed medical emergency during his time in Las Vegas, police sources say.“
    Sarah’s LINK

  31. UPDATE from the NY Post

    Biden scheduled for White House return Tuesday after COVID diagnosis, abandoning re-election campaign
    NY Post ^ | July 23, 2024 | Allie Griffin is

    President Biden will be back at the White House on Tuesday for the first time since he announced he was abandoning his re-election campaign and endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris.

    Biden is scheduled to leave his home in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware — where he had been recovering from COVID-19 — in the afternoon and arrive at the Executive Mansion by 2:30 p.m., according to his schedule.

    The 81-year-old president was originally expected to leave the beach town, where he had been under quarantine, on Monday to hit the campaign trail, but he extended his stay after announcing that he was dropping out of the 2024 presidential race the day before.

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