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Biden drops out — 124 Comments

  1. I’m not sure Democrats should be too relieved. With very little time, they’re going to have to have the fight about who succeeds to the ticket.

  2. I’ll go with payoff. Not cynical — just what I have seen of the man.

    The Legal Insurrection post said nothing about endorsing Kamala Harris. Other reporting I have seen said he has endorsed her. We’ll see.

    Nothing about him leaving the office immediately, which he obviously should. I suspect the party will continue leaning on him until he vacates the office, although if Nancy Pelosi really wants to slip Newsom into the mix she might leave Biden in place so Harris is not an incumbent.

    I am relieved. I feel like this is the capstone on a failed administration.

  3. It is pretty amazing actually. The same people who spent the better part of several years lying to us about his mental health. Then pressured him to drop out. And now since the delegates have all been chosen. Will have to bully and cajole these same delegates into whatever new Frankenstein’s monster they have created.

    The entire “Save our Democracy” part of the democrats. Are now going to be using the least democratic means possible to remain in power. I am sure many backroom deals have already been cut (such as in Wisconsin) to “correct” the inevitable legal challenges.

  4. “for the good of the country.”

    Unintentionally hilarious, as Biden wouldn’t recognize the good of the country if it were to walk up and punch him in the face.

  5. Now (15 mins after my previous post), I’m seeing that he has endorsed Kamala Harris to replace him. This will influence the Democratic convention, but it’s not a done deal.

    If he would step down right now (he probably will eventually), Harris would have the advantage of incumbency. That’s worth at least two cackling session on her part.

    The question remains — in fact screams at us — if he dropped out because he’s failing mentally, how can he continue to sit in the Oval Office? He calls it “in the best interest of the country and the party”. Is it in the country’s best interest for him to stay in office 6 more months?

  6. My fellow Democrats, I have decided not to accept the nomination and to focus all my energies on my duties as President for the remainder of my term. My very first decision as the party nominee in 2020 was to pick Kamala Harris as my Vice President. And it’s been the best decision I’ve made. Today I want to offer my full support and endorsement for Kamala to be the nominee of our party this year. Democrats — it’s time to come together and beat Trump. Let’s do this.

    I would think this makes it impossible for an open convention.

    This was strategic, waiting until the Republican convention was over before dropping out. They now have the option of picking the best VP to match against Trump-Vance, and as the replacement for Harris when she suffers an unexpected fall from the White House balcony.

  7. Well, let’s hope that the republicans don’t blow it, as it their wont.

    For sure Kamala Cackling Harris will be either the Dems presidential or their VP candidate. I guess Joke Bidet at the dem convention will instruct his delegates to support ????? as their presidential nominee. I see that Bidet has gone with Cackling Harris, but let’s see what happens at their convention.

    Some possibilities aside from the Cackler are Gavin Newsome, Whitmer, Michelle -it’s been a struggle – Obama, Hillary or a real real real long shot, the never Trumper, Mitt Romney.

    Romney has name recognition, he really hates Trump, was a former governor of the uber liberal state of Massachusetts and he would not hesitate to accept a demonkrat offer as a candidate given his massive ego. This latter personality trait of his is the determining factor in all decisions he makes. His true political affiliation is the Romney ego.

  8. Brian – while Kamala was anointed today, I wonder whether TPTB in the Democratic party have already selected her VP or whether this is where the factions fight it out over the next 3 weeks. Go long on popcorn stocks.

  9. Well that ends one of the more bizarre chapters in American political history. I’m not at all sure that this helps the Dems in the end although with Biden getting worse seemingly by the day there’s no telling what shape he’ll be in by election day. I think there have been some very alarming episodes of Biden’s dementia that the public doesn’t know about (worse than his debate performance) that finally forced the Dem power structure to take action

    If Kamala is indeed the nominee, she will be about the weakest candidate for a major party that I can remember. Not that she can’t still win of course.

  10. We all pretty much expected the Left would try this if they felt it would be best, and that they would find or make a big enough lever to move him if they tried. Unfortunate because I was looking for the rematch, but still close enough. There’s a reason they avoided getting Kamala earlier.

  11. Mark Warner/Gretchen Whitmer. You heard it here first! Puts Arizona and Michigan in the D column. Politico had Trump up 7 points in Michigan this morning.

  12. Elon Musk tweeted on X that he was hearing on Capitol Hill A WEEK AGO that Joe would step down today at this exact time. Huh.

  13. My fellow Americans.
    For the sake of the country we all love and cherish, and in the cause of its best interests, I have decided NOT to run in the upcoming election this November.

    Nonetheless I WILL NOT resign the Presidency but will continue to serve this amazing country to the best of my ability, as I pledged to do in January 2021…this because I’m not really the President anyways and never have been.

    Be this as it may, I feel truly humbled to have served and to continue to serve my country and its people…and I thank you from the bottom of my gall bladder for your steadfast support….

    God breast America!!!

  14. For the short term, Trump’s numbers will drop. Big question is, with they bounce back?
    Yes, it will an interesting month before the Dem convention.
    I am still hoping that the Pro Palis wing will show up and cause 1968 again at the convention.

  15. So-

    can Harris get enough votes to win, by people saying:


    things like…

    “You CAN’T vote against her…she’s a BLACK PERSON”,


    “You CAN’T vote against her, she’s a WOMAN.”?

  16. Broken record here. The Dems damaged their brand. Changing the figure head won’t change this dynamic.

  17. Well, I commented a few days ago that Biden wouldn’t go unless the money went and Dems believed they needed someone else to fraud it out in the swing states. So, I guess they did. Now I’m getting a bunch of dem fundraiser emails from “DC”s and wannabes re please support Kamala. Let’s see if the money comes in. That will be the best guide to how/if she stays plus VP leans.

  18. So far just a letter? No personal appearance? I wonder if this is a revolt by the staffers to put out his resignation. Then take a few days to brow beat him into making it stick.

    Interesting way to avoid the 25th amendment no? They can keep their mess in house. And drag his lumbering corpse into January like nothing was wrong.

  19. “…won’t change this dynamic.”

    You wouldn’t be referring to the “fortifying the vote” / “fortifying democracy” dynamic, would you?

  20. The Ds made a smart move, however they screwed over the primary voters. No matter, all those people will gladly vote for whomever is the nominee. Trump and the GOP’s road just got much rougher. I know my MotR relatives will easily vote for Harris over Trump just because she seems “reasonable “.

    Get ready for 4 more years like we just had.

  21. The reason I think they will stick with Kamala is the damage it would do internally. Of the swing states Trump needs– Michigan may be the most vulnerable. Picking Whitmer (assuming she’s popular in the state) could swing the election to Harris.

    The Republicans can only hammer the issues. Everyone is so fixated on the horse race (which is what the media wants), but it’s the economy. It’s the border. It’s boys competing in girls sports. It’s endless wars.

    Michelle as VP would be formidible.

  22. Do policies matter or not, that is the question does inflation crime the wars will those get better or worse

    No they can steal it by hook or by crook, those that understand this most obviously seem to ignore that

    Now the attack on the courts and rent moratorium seemed kind of desperate

    Obama didnt get the memo or is he running another scamHarris is the most jew baiting anti american anti white candidate since the last one.

  23. Anybody else wonder what Obama’s USSS personal protective detail looks like these days? A bunch of short dumpy females, ya reckon, or a gang of 6’3″ 225lb bruisers?

    Biden might be comin’ for him!

    Watch yer back, Barry!

  24. Actually, since the party currently running America (into the ground) has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING except for constant, non-stop lies, coverups and DEMONIZATION, one might expect that it’ll continue to go with its “strengths” (!)

    …and even pick up the pace!

  25. A couple of nuggets from CNN commenting on this:

    Biden has preserved his legacy as one of the most consequential presidents besides Johnson and Roosevelt.

    He is the most popular president of modern times.

  26. Basically an open convention for DEMs, but I suspect they close ranks with Harris quickly, and Harris gets the majority of votes on the first ballot to become the party nominee. Takes a lot of the air outta Trump’s assassination attempt, and Biden takes all blame with him—giving Harris a fresh start.

    DEMs have wanted to have the first woman President, and they have command structures in place plus a huge war chest – plus Harris gets to keep the money already donated to Biden/Harris ticket.

    Gonna be tough to beat a woman heading the DEM ticket and using the Pro-Abortion battering ram against Trump – and especially Vance, IMHO.

  27. I’m a little bit surprised. I thought that the more demented that Joe became, the less likely his withdrawal would be. And when I say Joe, of course I mean Joe and Jill. So what was the price? After watching that pair over the past few years, this question isn’t the least bit cynical. What should we expect? How about a sudden resignation from the Supreme Court, followed by the nomination of Jill? I kid you not.

    Whatever the price for Joe’s walkaway, it won’t be just money. Jill will demand more than that.

    As for Kamala’s VP nomination, I agree with those who figure it’ll be Gretchen Whitmer. Is there a single woman in Michigan who’ll vote against her on an all-female ticket? Count the electoral votes in the so-called blue wall. Unless crooked Philadelphia suddenly becomes the true offspring of William Penn, the election is over.

  28. It’s reminiscent of Gerald Ford slipping down to the Oval Office to sign Nixon’s pardon on a Sunday morning. No photos, just a press release. Mind you, Ford appeared in front of Congress to answer questions about it. It’s the only time a president has done that.

    “Set up the easels and lay in a supply of that top shelf DC rock! We got painting to do!”

    “Buy a painting, get a pardon free! We’re selling down to the bare walls!”

    “Whaddaya mean we can’t sell the presidential portraits? Ain’t like they’ve got anyone’s name on them!”

  29. That word, consequential. Not exactly unambiguous. James Buchanan and Woodrow Wilson were pretty consequential.

  30. James Buchanan and Woodrow Wilson were pretty consequential.
    Wilson yes. Buchanan, no.

  31. Has Willie Brown thrown his 2 cents into the convo yet? He’s gotta be lookin’ to gettin’ paid to clap his yap shut; easy money.

  32. When I lived in Cairo, there was a controversy about whether a Muslim divorce was valid if done by text message (saying “I divorce you” three times). Legal answer was, yes.

    So now we have a presidential candidate (and sitting president) divorcing us in an X post.

  33. It strikes me that Kamala would be a far tougher candidate if Biden resigned and she became President. Then she could pretend to be a “moderate” for three months: (1) pardon Trump and the Biden to “end law fare” and “let the voters decide”; (2) the cabal running the country chains Kamala to a teleprompter to force her to stay on the faux moderate script for three months; (3) nominate a “moderate” governor as VP (Beshear or Whitmer?); (4) the media coronates Kamala as the smartest, bestest president EVER; and (5) go full speed ahead on vote harvesting/fraud. Like Trump says, we’ll have to see what happens.

  34. Harris took a knee for #MeToo. How many women are willing to do the Slut Walk?

    As for Biden, Democrats deemed him to be not viable and a probable “burden”… uh, burden. A candidate figuratively aborted, but whose carbon is not sequestered. Karmic irony. That said, Joe, beware Obama lurking at the twilight fringe ready to Spring.

  35. Committed Democrats will vote for Kamala. Heck, they voted for Joe in record numbers – even dead Democrats voted for him. 🙂 Just give them a name and a ballot, and they’ll follow orders. It’s a crying shame, but it is what it is.

    The election is won or lost in the middle, and in just seven states. Also, a crying shame.

    The path to a win in November lies in the Repubs fortifying those seven states. Spend the time and money there. J.D. Vance can appeal to those “independents” in the rust belt states of Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin. Nevada, Arizona, and Georgia are winnable if enough resources are sent there.

    Don’t worry about who the Dem candidates are. Concentrate on the issues. The border, the economy/inflation, crime, and foreign wars are winning issues for the Republicans. Stick to those and pre-empt the Democrat
    strawman abortion augments from the get-go. If the Republicans will do this, we can all be more confident of the result in November.

    Don’t get in the Democrats’ way as they try to craft a new ticket. They have no possible candidates that have wide national appeal. They have no issues to run on except abortion and trans rights. They plan to win just like they did in 2020 – fortify the swing states. Beat them at their own game.

  36. To gain the politically congruent (“=”) bloc, Democrats cannot nominate a person of female sex who identifies with the feminine gender. Hoisted by their own Fani. Although, Whitmer of Planned Parent/hood infamy is an icon of progressive sects with liberal undertones. Just do it!

  37. So far it seems like they’re all in on Kamala. So we’re in for months of awkward laughter, awkward grinning, and other strange cringe inducing moments.

    But I guess on the plus side, we’ll get more bizaare circumlocutions and hillarous outright nonsensical quotes like these:

    “The governor and I, we were all doing a tour of the library here and talking about the significance of the passage of time, right, the significance of the passage of time. So, when you think about it, there is great significance to the passage of time in terms of what we need to do to lay these wires. What we need to do to create these jobs. And there is such great significance to the passage of time when we think about a day in the life of our children.”

    “We will work together, and continue to work together, to address these issues…and to work together as we continue to work, operating from the new norms, rules, and agreements, that we will convene to work together…we will work on this together.”

    “So Ukraine is a country in Europe. It exists next to another country called Russia. Russia is a bigger country. Russia is a powerful country. Russia decided to invade a smaller country called Ukraine. So, basically, that’s wrong.”

    “It’s time for us to do what we have been doing. And that time is every day. Every day is time for us to agree that there are things and tools available to us.”

  38. So has he pardon Hunter yet? I know he said he wouldn’t but that was back when he was running and he was trying to trick voters into thinking he had integrity. (Admittedly too bad, I was looking forward to the corrupt POS finally losing to Trump.)

  39. Nonapod… “But I guess on the plus side, we’ll get more bizaare circumlocutions and hillarous outright nonsensical quotes…”

    And Trump can say over & over again, “I don’t know what she just said, & I don’t think she does either.”

  40. Kate, just the other day a princess of Dubai, I think, divorced her wayward husband on an X post!

    Also, IIRC, Willie Brown has acknowledged his relationship with Kamala. Now, if we could get him to give the barbershop version of the story . . . well, we’d know if he positioned her for success.

  41. No one like Kamala, seems if it’s not her they are giving back all money the campaign has left.
    She is a disaster when she talks and is a idiot

  42. If I’m reading this correctly…He said “I’m not running” in a letter, THEN blessed Kamala as his stand-in on X? Not simultaneously?

    Then Barry O invokes goodness & light on Gropey Joe…but claps his hand over his mouth on Kamala.

    Shit just got real.

  43. But there is no joy in Demville — feeble Biden’s been deposed.

    Clap if you believe in coupsters!

  44. Gordon Scott, that’s interesting, because in Islam, the man divorces the woman. Dubai might be different.

  45. It’s obviously going to be Obama as the nominee. The Dems are just as wary of Harris as candidate, and they will not only lose a lot of their black voting block if they bypass Harris for a white, there will likely be protests/rioting. Obama will actually shore up a lot of the black male vote that might have been drifting towards Trump, so they’ll end up getting their standard 96-98% of the black vote and it won’t take as much “fortification” with harvested mail-in ballots to call it a complete and total landslide for Michelle in the week after the election. And for those who say “she’s not interested”, Biden proved that one doesn’t have to really do anything as the president but show up to certain events (the handlers will take care of the actual running of the country), and she certainly would be able to continue her jet-setting lifestyle and hobknob with all the celebrities she wants–plus go down in history as the first female president. Despite the brief reprieve, Trump is most certainly done and will probably be rotting the rest of his days away in prison after the election.

    Face it, Michelle Obama is the candidate you’ve been deathly afraid of for over 4 years, and though you might try to fool yourself into believing it would be someone else, deep down you know she is inevitable.

  46. Who wants the nomination now?

    Who wants to run against the guy who beat death and snagged the most iconic American photo since the Moon Landing and Iwo Jima?

    Who wants to be the loser in a potentially landslide election?

    Goldwater, McGovern, Carter, Mondale, and Dukakis never got another chance.

    A poisoned chalice.

  47. This is not how I thought this would happen. I assumed Biden would announce a televised national address and drop out on television. I think that is how LBJ ended his reelection campaign and how Nixon resigned from the presidency. Moments of high national drama that everybody remembers.

    What I didn’t take into account was that Biden has a much worse record of speechmaking than Johnson or Nixon had. Neither of them was senile. Biden would probably want his speech to be anticlimactic, rather than the center of the nation’s attention.

    I also assumed that Biden would have had some other reason for backing out — some illness or condition that would allow him to save face and give him some plausible, ficticious reason other than senility for withdrawing — but that didn’t happen either.

    I can’t claim to be any kind of pundit, but I think it will be too hard to dislodge Kamala Harris. She’ll run. If she picks a male running mate it might be Andy Beshear or (less likely) Mark Warner. Gretchen Whitmer is another possibility, though I always thought she’d be more likely to lose votes than win them.

  48. Shes not a doctor or a lawyer then again there is little evidence that jackson
    was yes she defended terrorists like qahtani the 20th hijacker but dems can do this with their eyes closed

  49. Should Harris be the Presidential nominee–I notice Obama did not endorse her but talked of a “process” to find their nominee–I see a number of obvious lines of attack.

    1. Her failure to actually deliver–especially on the Border.

    2. Her unlikeablility and that super irritating cackle.

    3. All of her stupid remarks–fortunately they have a wealth of tapes.

    4. I’d hit her–time and time again–on the years of her bald-faced lies–especially her most recent ones–the lies she told to cover up Biden’s true condition i.e.”falsus in uno, falsus in omnia.”

    If she’s lied about something so fundamental, of such consequence, what else would she or has she lied about?

  50. Her ex-staff says she is lazy and doesn’t put in the work. She is unprepared. She can’t be any worse the president Jill.

  51. On the one hand, I have trouble seeing how they avoid Kamala. On the other, I have trouble seeing them sticking with her. They’d be burdened by what has been.

    Not matter what, hearing praise for that crooked lying nasty little pervert Biden turns my stomach.

  52. I can’t claim to be any kind of pundit, but I think it will be too hard to dislodge Kamala Harris. She’ll run.


    Trump says she’ll be easier to beat than Biden. I think he’s right.

    –Mike Plaiss

    I’m betting Kamala 2024! She’s the path of least resistance. (Ask Willie Brown.)

    Doing the work that better Democrats won’t do.

    Seriously, who wants to run against Trump with almost no preparation?

  53. Face it, Michelle Obama is the candidate you’ve been deathly afraid of for over 4 years,
    The Clintons have endorsed Willie’s sidepiece. Still no word from the Obamas.
    Mooch has never been career-oriented and she wanted her husband to get out of electoral politics 24 years ago.

  54. If Trump is the attention whore everyone believes he is, he’ll find a way to get Melania the Dem nod and then televise both campaigns, my God the advertising dollars.

  55. Goldwater, McGovern, Carter, Mondale, and Dukakis never got another chance.
    There will be no landslide.
    (While we’re at it, Dukakis did not lose in a landslide. There was some irritation with him because he’d blown a large lead even though the most salient discrete mistake during the campaign had been the selection of Dan Quayle. He was after 1988 just done with electoral politics and never ran for anything again).

  56. I see Kamala and Whitmer and a 100% abortion campaign. Vance brought the abortion issue up again. He has deleted part of his website but I am sure it’s been copied.

  57. Re: Michelle Obama

    I’d say she’s the best shot the Dems have right now. But that’s not saying much.

    I’m sure Barack, Nancy, Chuck et al. have gamed that scenario and maybe are still trying to make it work.

    If they had forced Biden out before the primaries then Michelle had suited up and swooped in for Obamamania 2: This Time It’s Female, her election might have been a lay-up.

    That was then. This is now.

    Whichever Democrat is nominated now is walking straight into a meat grinder. Barack and Michelle were made for better things.

  58. Been saying it would be Mooch as the savior of their ‘Democracy ‘ for awhile. But it won’t be Harris on the ticket.
    2 women on 1 ticket just won’t cut it.

  59. Face it, Michelle Obama is the candidate you’ve been deathly afraid of for over 4 years,


    Bathhouse Barry’s Beard? I think not.

    I’ve always been pissed as hell at anyone who claims that hey – I should support someone like Hillary or ‘Shell ’cause she’s a woman and I’m a woman, just because her claim to fame and higher office was that she was married to a successful politician.
    Neither of them is Evita, and this is not Argentina.
    I’m even more reluctant to vote for a woman because she got that start in politics by having an affair with a successful politician.

  60. I think, having failed to persuade Joe to bail out, they blackmailed him with a 25th amendment move now, or with some other thing they knew they could use to destroy him. This way, he gets (he hopes) to hang onto the presidency until after the election. Then he can pardon his whole family and himself.

    Amen, Sgt. Mom!

  61. The big unknown in all this is China. If Xi decides to move against Taiwan, the US presidential race is Trump’s, and Biden knows it. Maybe Biden has special inside knowledge, and that’s why he is stepping back.

  62. I think, having failed to persuade Joe to bail out, they blackmailed him with a 25th amendment move now, or with some other thing they knew they could use to destroy him.


    I wasn’t sure of the mechanics, but I was certain the Dem leadership could force a weak and compromised person like Biden out, if they wanted.

    The left is about power, not coloring inside the lines.

    I was surprised how many conservatives assumed otherwise, after seeing what the Dems did to Trump.

    And spare a moment to salute Donald Trump.

    How many people, even if they knew they were in the right, would have had the raw strength to withstand such a non-stop onslaught of vicious attacks. which could have put them in prison?

  63. BigD

    So has he pardon Hunter yet? I know he said he wouldn’t but that was back when he was running and he was trying to trick voters into thinking he had integrity. (Admittedly too bad, I was looking forward to the corrupt POS finally losing to Trump.)

    Biden the Unifier will not pardon Hunter until after the election.
    If Biden the Unifier is on his deathbed before the election, anything could happen….

    I also wanted Biden to stay in the race.

  64. Obama not endorsing Harris is significant. As it implies that he judges her to be incapable of winning. Even a rigged election needs a minimal amount of plausibility. All she personally offers are negatives. If she does get the nomination, it’s an implicit admission by leftist leadership that they know that, absent a second successful assassination, Trump’s going to win. The left’s strategy will then be to, as before, obstruct Trump’s governance to the maximum possible. Lawfare, slow rolled Senate approval of Trump nominations, Deep State non-compliance, calls for impeachment, media crucifixion of every word, action and proposal by the Trump administration.
    If the convention does deny Harris the nomination, the only three prospects that could possibly provide that “minimal amount of plausibility’ to pull off a rigged election are Michelle Obama, Gretchen Whitmer and Gavin Newsom. And in that order. Since Newsom has the least amount of ‘intersectionality’ he’s perhaps least likely to get the nomination. Of course, Newsome could skyrocket his intersectionality by suddenly declaring himself to be transgendered. That might get him the VP slot.
    However it may appear, the Democrat convention will have strong wheeling and dealing going on behind closed doors.

  65. Huxley, I agree: “And spare a moment to salute Donald Trump. How many people, even if they knew they were in the right, would have had the raw strength to withstand such a non-stop onslaught of vicious attacks. which could have put them in prison?”

    Which reminds me, when is his bogus 34-felony sentencing date, and in view of current events, will the rogue judge try to put Trump in prison?

  66. Even a rigged election needs a minimal amount of plausibility.

    Geoffrey Britain:

    Very good. Pessimists miss this point.

    I again argue that this nomination is a poisoned chalice. I doubt Newsom, Whitmer, or Michelle O. want to Lose Big to Trump. Or even be associated with the loss as VP.

    Harris has the least to lose. This is the biggest claim to fame she’ll ever get. If she’s not smart enough to know that, I’m sure Willie Brown has set her straight.

    Let Kamala do it!

    For Democrats the game now is the down-ballot races and to do as well as possible for the House and Senate.

    Other than Executive Action, which I hesitate to mention.


  67. None of it matters. The fix is in. They have too many states wrapped up where people will vote for dead dog of it’s the Democrat candidate. So all they have to do is focus on a FEW states and in those states, in a few areas.

    I constantly point out Indiana in 2008. The state went for Obama, except I think it’s highly improbable that it legitimately did. There were over 100% of eligible voters registered in Lake and Marion Counties — two very blue counties. That fraud enabled them to put Indiana over the top and give the state to the Democrats. I think it was a practice run for how to do it in more states in future elections. And they did it. They underestimated how much fraud they had to do in 2016, so Trump won. But by 2020, they were even more prepared. Like, really THAT many people actually voted for the plagiarist, lying idiot?

    Kamala, Newsome, Biden, Hilary… A dead dog. It doesn’t matter because the next president WILL be a Democ-rat…

    Because the fix is in.

  68. None of it matters. The fix is in


    So you say. However, it’s hard to miss the obvious panic across the Dem landscape.

    Is this really pantomime to deceive the electorate that Democrats can’t win by spinning a few dials and making some phone calls?

    Trump won in 2016.

    I say he can win in 2024.

  69. Doctor Jill has been doing the job. She is thus more qualified than FLOTUS 42 or 44.

  70. When LBJ announced he would not seek the nomination, my bros and I were watching the announcement on a TV in a motel room in south Florida. We were on spring break. A few days later we flew to Nassau, leaving our car in the Miami airport parking lot. We stayed in a “black” (Bahamian) hotel in Nassau town because we couldn’t afford the white hotels. One night we were hanging out watching TV with the owners, a black Bahamian family, when programming was interrupted by a news report informing us that Martin Luther King had been assassinated. On the long, long drive back to Chicago the big cities were burning. We could see the glow of the fires above the cities while still miles off. When we got to Chicago we were stopped by National Guardsmen in jeeps armed with machine guns. They had us join a convoy which they were forming. Then they escorted convoy, slowly, through the South Side (black inner city neighborhoods). I remember buildings were burning, smoke. yelling and the sound of breaking glass, broken glass everywhere, tired, people running around all crazy-like. There was an M113 parked at one of the intersections.

    The next week there were race riots at my very integrated high school, which was located in an inner city neighborhood.

    I have a distinct memory of “Alice’s Restaurant” (extended version) playing on the car’s radio, which was an FM radio. I think we were listening to WFLD, but I’m not sure about that.

    You think these times are crazy? Hah, I say. Hah. It is to laugh.

  71. I laugh to see the prominent memes for the “Hauk Tuah 2024” campaign. What better fit?

  72. IrishOtter49:

    You’re a helluva writer!

    I’ve been having ’68 flashbacks since January.

    Agreed. It could still get worse.

  73. This is a fight between Obama on one side and the Clintons and young Soros on the other for control of the Party. The intrigue is that Obama is an old Soros man. My money is on Obama. It will be interesting to see where Clyburn comes down.

  74. Happened to read a liberal–they claim to be middle of the road-organization site last week. Said their party had elected a black president and a black woman VP. That was the good part. Results apparently were irrelevant.
    To the extent that remains a factor, nothing else matters.


    How is this still up? https://t.co/2FNLCRRzaW

    The above link is to a Kamala Harris tweet about Jussie Smollett’s MAGA assault in Chicago.


    is one of the kindest, most gentle human beings I know. I’m praying for his quick recovery. This was an attempted modern day lynching. No one should have to fear for their life because of their sexuality or color of their skin. We must confront this hate.
    3:30 PM · Jan 29, 2019

    Anyone who stopped at least a minute to think about this would have come to the conclusion, as did a jury, that this was a hoax. Three o’clock in the morning when it is ten degrees outside? Who is going to be out at that hour and temperature? “Chicago is MAGA country.” Chicago is MAGA? A Republican couldn’t get elected dog catcher in Chicago.

    And Kamala Harris fell for it.
    Sounds like just the person to negotiate with our enemies.

  76. Chicago is MAGA? A Republican couldn’t get elected dog catcher in Chicago

    If you formed your impression of NYC from watching Law & Order, you’d think that Manhattan is full of white supremacist neo-Nazi groups and Christian fundamentalist pro-life terrorists. There are a lot of seemingly gullible people in this country. Best if one of them doesn’t become President, though.

  77. I keep asking, now that Biden is out, which Democrat would want to run against Trump today.

    No answers.

    Even if one assumes that Dems have their Magic Fraud Machine all oiled-up and ready to deliver the Right Results.

    Poisoned chalice.

  78. huxley to

    IrishOtter49:You’re a helluva writer!

    I’ve been having ’68 flashbacks since January.

    Speaking of ’68 flashbacks, Chicago is hosting the 2024 Democrat National Convention, just as it did in 1968. The riots during the 1968 convention helped elect Nixon. (I was hiking in the Sierras with relatives and their friends during the 1968 Demo convention, after hitching to California.)

    I was pleasantly surprised that the loony lefties were kept under control during the RNC in Milwaukee. The X-Twitter coverage about a lefty demonstrator at Milwaukee— a LG-BMT-BLT fatso with the rainbow mask and the CCCP tattoo—was priceless.

    Instapundit: THEY’RE ONLY SCARED THAT PEOPLE WILL RESPOND TO THEIR VIOLENCE VIOLENTLY. They’re not against violence in general.

    “It’s a shame the person [sh**ter] missed”
    *Next breath*
    “I’m scared of political violence”

    Can the DNC keep its loony lefties under control in Chicago? My guess is no, because loony lefties have such a strong foothold in today’s Democrat Party.

    sdferr’s post about Joe Manchin’s considering running for the nomination could stir the pot even more. Manchin’s running for the nomination would raise antagonisms, as his votes either as a Demo or Independent helped derail a lot of Demo measures in Congress.

    Senator Joe, please, please, please run!
    I saw only some speeches at the RNC. I am going to watch more of the DNC. I predict it will be great entertainment, at least for Republicans. Pass the popcorn!

  79. Earlier tonight, I saw a post from George Soro’s son Alex endorsing Kamala, so I expect that before long Obama will fall into line and back her, too.

    The question of the running mate is an interesting one, but I don’t see her picking another woman. Although two women would excite the crazy women who form the Democrats’ base at this point, it won’t do much to appeal to moderates.

    I expect they will most likely pick someone like Gov. Shapiro from Pennsylvania or Gov. Beshears from Kentucky. Shapiro would possibly help secure Pennsylvania and might also help with Michigan and other midwestern states at play. If she goes with a white male who can be sold as more of a moderate (regardless of whether or not that is actually true), it would do more to change the dynamics.

  80. I’ve been outside all day and am just now getting caught up with the news.

    Question: Is there any evidence that the withdrawal was actually from Joe Biden? We know from his 23 tweets during the debate that he doesn’t run his own Twitter account.

    Just asking.

  81. Gringo @ 8:53pm,

    “Kamala fell for it?”


    In December 2018 she co-sponsors an anti-lynching bill that passes in the senate. Weird… Lynching was already illegal and there wasn’t a rash of lynchings sweeping the land.

    But wait!!!

    One month later Jussie Smollett narrowly escapes being lynched. And the lynchers were Trump supporters!!!

    Wow! What a wild, crazy coincidence. And how prescient of Harris to anticipate the need for this bill.

    And look at this other, odd coincidence. Jussie’s mother was an activist who “rubbed shoulders with everyone from the co-founders of the Black Panther Party to the most prominent civil rights leaders of her day. “My mom was in the movement with Bobby Seale and Huey Newton, and one of her first mentors was Julian Bond,” Jussie Smollett said. “To this day, Angela Davis is one of her dearest friends.”

    And there’s this in the wikipedia entry for Kamala Harris’ mother:

    In the fall of 1962, at a meeting of the Afro-American Association—a students’ group at Berkeley whose members would go on to give structure to the discipline of Black studies, propose the holiday of Kwanzaa, and help establish the Black Panther Party—Shyamala met a graduate student in economics from Jamaica, Donald J. Harris, who was that day’s speaker.

    It’s almost like Kamala and Jussie’s mothers travel(ed) in the same circles. What a tiny, crazy, cooky, magical world of amazing coincidences.

  82. What a tiny, crazy, cooky, magical world of amazing coincidences.

    Rufus T. Firefly:

    Kinda like Barack Obama launching his political career in Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn’s living room.

    Ayers and Dohrn are Weather Underground royalty.

    They also raised Chesa Boudin, the radical San Francisco DA, after his parents, also Weather Underground terrorists, went to prison for a Brinks truck robbery which left two police officers and a security guard dead.

  83. @ Brian E quoting Biden > “My very first decision as the party nominee in 2020 was to pick Kamala Harris as my Vice President. And it’s been the best decision I’ve made.

    Sad to say, that might actually be true.
    After all, Hunter is the smartest person Joe knows.

  84. @ IrishOtter > “You think these times are crazy? Hah, I say. Hah. It is to laugh.”

    Very true, but we could get into partying like 1968 way too easily.

    The biggest difference is that Johnson had not yet won the Democrat nomination, so there genuinely was an open contest for his successor — up to a point.
    The Democrat’s intramural fight is going to be a lot more vicious, IMO.

    Also, no one had tried to assassinate the Republican candidate, Nixon.
    (I wonder why that was?)

    One of the leading Democrat candidates, Robert Kennedy, was assassinated instead (by a Palestinian: “Sirhan greatly resented Kennedy’s support of the Six-Day War intervention in Israel the previous year.”) — I doubt the threat of a win by Harris rises to that level, but I hesitate to make any predictions these days.

    I don’t see a parallel for the assassination of MLK (by “an escaped convict and known racist”), although Obama might possible fill that role, although I fervently hope not, even as much as I despise him.

    We ended our regular family Zoom call tonight with a prayer for a very boring and uneventful week, and preferably many more, but I don’t think we will get them.


    LBJ Announced He Wouldn’t Run Again. Political Chaos Ensued:
    How President Johnson’s exit from the 1968 presidential race rocked politics.
    UPDATED: JUNE 28, 2024 | ORIGINAL: MARCH 30, 2018

    Yet the impression that this was a moment of national reunification engendered by Johnson’s withdrawal was merely a chimera. It shimmered on the surface of national politics and it was a mirage in the final analysis. In bowing out of the race, Johnson had merely papered over divisions that had been in the making for years, or even decades. Most shattering of all, the pace and scale of events undercut any lasting momentum toward unity gained through Johnson’s announcement.

    Five days after the speech, James Earl Ray, a small-time criminal with racist views, shot and killed Martin Luther King, Jr. as he was standing on the second-floor balcony of the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee. “Everything we’ve gained in the last few days we’re going to lose tonight,” Johnson predicted to his aide Joseph Califano. Riots soon tore through more than 100 American cities.

    Just two months later, in June of 1968, 22-year-old Sirhan Sirhan shot and killed Robert F. Kennedy at the Ambassador Hotel shortly after Kennedy’s victory in the California primary. His assassination deprived Democrats of their best antiwar candidate with some ability to bring together African-Americans and the white working-class in a year when segregationist Alabama Gov. George Wallace’s third-party candidacy was surging.

    Johnson’s decision was not all it was cracked up to be. He remained the de facto leader of the Democratic Party and he continued to be the Party’s Kingmaker, insisting that his handpicked successor, Vice President Hubert Humphrey, endorse the administration’s war policies and stay loyal to Johnson. Humphrey had enough support among delegates to win the nomination at the party’s violent, fractious convention in Chicago that summer, and the party’s platform by and large reflected Johnson’s views of the war and endorsed his continued military commitment to Vietnam.

    In the long run, Republicans were able to use the end of Johnson’s career as a coda for what they charged was the ruin liberalism had brought both to the domestic United States and the arenas of foreign and military policy. Conservatives asserted that Johnson had micromanaged and lost the war in Vietnam by refusing to unleash the full military arsenal of the United States.

    They further claimed that LBJ’s Great Society had ushered in a period of heightened racial tensions, worsened the plight of the urban poor, and raided the white workingman’s pocketbook to pay for programs aimed at helping the poor and racial minorities. Thus Johnson’s exit from the race became a pivotal symbol in the rise of modern conservatism, confirming for conservatives that a titanic liberal such as Johnson had to end his presidency in disgrace because liberalism had yielded a series of miserable failures. Republicans saw the speech as proof that Johnson—and his agenda—were unworkable and had been defeated.

    With his policies under fire from all directions, and his popularity at a nadir, the most powerful man in America was forced into early retirement. Richard Nixon ultimately defeated Hubert Humphrey in November, of course, although it’s conceivable that he would have won an even more commanding victory had the unpopular Johnson stayed in the race.



  85. From the Legal Insurrection comments:

    Gremlin1974 | July 21, 2024 at 2:39 pm
    “Ok, now my conspiracy theory brain is activated.
    If he stays in office then my fear is that Joe dies of “Natural Causes” at an appropriate time to give a bump to whoever is the nominee.
    I have been afraid of something like that happening since before he was elected. I don’t put anything past the sociopaths on the far left that Biden surrounded himself with.”

  86. Is life going to imitate art?
    (indicates my clarifications of this reference to ancient history)


    Also, at the time this episode aired (episode 1 of the final season), it was not settled (Democrat) Santos would win the election. That was only after John Spencer’s death. From ‘West Wing’ Writers’ Novel Way of Picking the President:

    Instead, Lawrence O’Donnell, an executive producer of the show, said he and his fellow writers had declared Santos the winner only after the death, in mid-December, of John Spencer, who portrayed Santos’s running mate, Leo McGarry. At the time of Mr. Spencer’s death, the plot for last night’s episode had been set: the election was to be won by Alan Alda’s Arnold Vinick, a maverick Republican (modeled a bit on Senator John McCain), whom many Democrats (including the Democrats who write the show) could learn to love.

  87. “that crooked lying nasty little pervert Biden”

    Don’t go so easy on him, Eeyore.

  88. “They also raised Chesa Boudin, the radical San Francisco DA, after his parents, also Weather Underground terrorists, went to prison for a Brinks truck robbery which left two police officers and a security guard dead.”

    When Boudin’s parents, Kathy Boudin and David Gilbert, did this Chesa Boudin was *fourteen months* old. That’s right, neither of them could be bothered to stay home and take care of their infant son, it was too important to go on their murderous spree of terrorism. What did they tell the babysitter, “We’ll be back around 11 after we off some pigs”?

  89. “…coupsters…”

    So just what IS the sound of NO hands clapping…?

    Sorry. When the Democratic Party POLITBURO decides it’s time to replace ONE PUPPET—who was everything anyone could possibly dream of as far as puppets go but who was EXPOSED too soon, alas, too soon [sounds of weeping] IOW earlier than planned—with another puppet, this is most certainly NOT a coup…but merely a changing of the (puppet) guard.

    True, it may be a tad inconvenient to have the TRUTH squirt out like it has—and the PRAVDA media may be a bit, or more, discomfited—but the “journalists” and “pundits” of the Left, to their immense credit (as lying psychopaths) have an amazing ability to recover OH-SO-QUICKLY…and start lying again with the abandon one knows so well, practically not skipping a beat.

    So no: to call it a “coup”—while perhaps understandable—is nonsense on stilts, this simply because the Politburo is STILL in charge and the usual suspects are STILL calling the shots.

    To be sure, the Mainstream CORRUPT Media is falling into line, as everyone KNEW it would with some of the most exquisite bullshit one has heard in a while: that Joseph Robinette Biden is/was/could ever be a STELLAR president—as all those bizarre and gobsmacking tributes attest—is hilariously nauseating…or should that be, “nauseatingly hilarious”…

    OTOH, in honor of DJT’s latest incarnation as a UNITER (though one hopes not in the Joe Biden sense), let’s, in the spirit of compromise, refer to what has just transpired as….a “coup de ta-ta”…the only—slight—problem being that he’s NOT LEAVING….

  90. Kamala is a terrible candidate and would be a catastrophic president. But after all the hoopla and optimism from last week, don’t forget that the GOP is running a candidate who still has a -10% net approval rating. It’s the resistible force versus the movable object. At this point, I’d say the election is a toss-up.

    And if we get stuck with President Kamala for four years, it’s on you Trumpers.

  91. Now justa’ goshdarn minute.
    Shouldn’t you be blamin’ Mr. Crooks?

    (OTOH, not sure what all the fuss was about. It was only a scratch—just ask Dr. Follow-The-Science(TM), hisself….)

    …Or maybe we should be blamin’ Mr. Crooks AND all those election shenanigans at which the Democratic Party excels—they’re far better at hijacking countries than actually running them (though to assume they actually want to run them so as to improve things would be to ASSUME TOTALLY WRONG)…

  92. And Devine—Ms. M.—with some insights on what the country is currently going through, with some fascinating “inside” commentary by Chicago’s(!) Rod Bagojevich (AKA “Blago”) on the nitty gritty of Obama’s Brave New World of Transformation (AKA Transfo?)

    Read it ‘n weep….

  93. One good angle of attack would be that–if she really was concerned for the fate of the Republic–what Kamala should have been doing was trying to invoke the 25th Amendment and to persuade the required half of Biden’s Cabinet to go along with her–instead of telling every one that Joe was just fine and sharp as a tack.

  94. Bauxite writes “we get stuck with President Kamala for four years, it’s on you Trumpers.”

    Wrong. It’s on the oligarchy who’s pulling the puppets strings. Pace Barry’s previous comment, senior political scientist at Boston University, Angelo Codevilla, stated in late January 2021, that the American Republic chosen by democratic means has be superceded by a “classic oligarchy.” And as such, the only upside is that its rule will be short.

    He didn’t explain why, however. But to serious students of politics, he didn’t have to because Aristotle explained it in Ancient times, and history has long confirmed it: oligarchy is an unstable form of governance because the oligarchs begin fighting for domestic nation.

    And President Joe Biden’s mute letter posted on X announcing a volte face on his presidential candidacy is entirely a piece of Obama’s puppet mastery.

    Slow old Joe tried to go rogue, supported by family and closest advisors. But lazy Obama himself publicly once confessed his wish to extend his rule by God’s Ear into a figurehead’s mind — and the Obama’s uniquely arranged to stay positioned in DC to achieve this effect.

    Now that the puppet’s mind is exposed as seriously lacking, he can be replaced.

    A newly released letter from Obama and Michelle, conspicuously signed by both, announces His preference for a contested Democrat Party convention in August, with a process currently in the works, according to Chris Plante at WMAL radio in DC this morning.

    Obama’s Fourth term hangs in the balance. So fitting for the declining US’ and our post-Constitutional times.

    CORRECTION. Today’s “new” letter is really a close reading of yesterday’s missive from yesterday, but discussed by Plante this morning from DC.

  95. I was watching the first episode of that sword and sandals series for those about to die, it is about the Collisseum fighters and the world around them, with Anthony Hopkins as Vespasian, who was probably the only good one in the line, since Augustus, of course he was a military man,

  96. it comes from roland emmerich, who once upon a time, started with stargate, an entertaining offering, then went in on for self parodying disaster porn like geostorm and moonfall,

  97. Miranda Devine, continued—
    The point is that now that everyone’s relieved that Joe’s going, going…the fact that he is STILL “president” and MUST REMAIN SO invites the question:
    How much DAMAGE can “Biden” do while Biden remains in the Oval Office?

    This is purely a rhetorical question since the answer is: A whole S*#%LOAD…which is the whole idea… IOW, the reason why Biden MUST remain in the Oval Office for the next five months is so that “Biden” can do AS MUCH DAMAGE—IN ALL REALMS—AS POSSIBLE.

  98. huxley and Rufus T. Firefly:

    I only told half the story of that trip. There’s more! Like, there were the rich, black, BEAUTIFUL, Bahamian girls who picked us up when we were hitchhiking to the Nassau Airport — they were well-dressed, driving a hot convertible — they asked us to cancel our return trip and stay with them. Yowza. Very tempting, to say the least. But we were scared. We were four 17 year old high school kids, not very wise in the ways of the world. If I only knew then what I know now . . . *sigh*

    And there’s more. Friends have urged me to write a novel about it. I am seriously considering it LOL!

  99. So is it too early to wonder whether Harris will set a new “record” WRT the popular vote in November?

  100. Is it possible that the Soros money will be used to buy off Harris?

    Two probable winning qualities: female, and/or black. However, you could do a black male, or the Dems could do a white female,which I think would have a bigger draw. The most qualified White FEMALE is Patty Murray from WA state. She has been there for years. Her husband is the top man for port operations (ownership?). She is a feminist’s feminist–so almost all women will vote for her if color is not available–even black women. She has all the Microsoft money behind her.

  101. patty murray is a mensa candidate, compared to the current crop, or an early sign the simulation was glitching, ann coulter noted the absurdity of her tale, before she lost her mind,

  102. T J – Trumpers insisted on running a candidate with an approval rate in the low 40’s that a majority of the country didn’t want to run. Maybe he still wins. I think he has a good chance and I hope he does.

    But the decision to run such an unpopular candidate is on Trump supporters and Trump supporters alone. There’s no passing the buck to Obama or the “oligarchy” on this one.

  103. I am appalled at how submissive and cowardly the many “right-wing” posters on this column are. They urgently, rapidly accept defeat at the hands of the dumbest, most ignorant VP in our history.
    Suck it up, you weany “conservatives”.

  104. IrishOtter49,

    Might be a timely novel. As you and others have indicated, history isn’t repeating but recent times sort-of “rhyme” with 1968. Could be a market for it. Regardless, it would probably make you feel good to write it down.

  105. Snow on Pine: the 25th Amendment removal process only works if the president goes along with it. I can create a seriously unstable situation if he doesn’t. And Kamala isn’t smart enough to get the needed people lined up behind her.

  106. Miquel Cervantes:
    Sorry, I don’t quite understand your comment. Please explain. I do know “mensa” but don’t know Coulter comment

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