Home » Update on Gerard’s book


Update on Gerard’s book — 20 Comments

  1. I am looking forward to purchasing the book, I alway enjoyed his essays. Thank you Neo for finishing his works and I suspect this has been a true labor of love.

  2. neo:

    Well done! Looking forward to the book.

    Computers have been a mixed blessing, but they do empower non-specialists to do remarkable work.

  3. Just what I’ve been hoping to see. Very much looking forward to this.
    Thank you for your efforts, Neo. This may sound a little tautological, but if you had not done this it would never have happened. Sometimes there is a job that must be done, and only one person in the world who could do it.


  4. I am excited about this and glad for the update. Thank you for taking this on.

  5. Neo, I have been a lurking and daily reader of both of your blogs since the early 2000s. I appreciate your remarkable work to bring this book to fruition. God bless you, and of course, Gerard.

  6. Looking forward to in, Neo! Gerard’s tribe in Chico still talks about him all the time!

  7. Excellent news, Neo. Thank you so much for all the work that has gone into the editing and design.

  8. Oh! That cover could not be better! Please put me on the mailing list.
    Thank you so much for keeping his beautiful work in our lives!

  9. Congrats Neo. The road was hard and still is, but you are nearly done. God be with you.

  10. Thank you so much for this! You are the only one who could have completed this for Gerard and I know it was a true labor of love. I’ll be awaiting its availability.

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