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Trump’s convention speech — 15 Comments

  1. Trump’s speech was too long but it seemed to me that he was enjoying the moment and God knows he deserved that moment. I usually can’t watch his speeches but this one was in the tone I wanted to see.

  2. I watched a portion of it this morning. I agree with the Chicks on the Right analysis: the beginning was great and set a good tone; the rest was a Trump rally speech with an occasional good part. Should have been shorter and more focused.

  3. Just saw a few minutes of it. During the Convention, and delivering his speech, Trump was very subdued and reflective. Getting shot does that.
    The Left just can’t help itself with their stupidity.

  4. This convention was transformational event. And even a transcendental event. An unseen hand, that of an Almighty God or karmic force for good, seems evident to those who are even minimally religious.

    Trump cannot change the way he delivers speeches. The actual written speech was about 3,000 words. He spoke about 9,000 words – 6,000 words of ad libs. A great orator he’s not, but he loves to talk about his vision of how things ought to be and could be. As he said, we need to raise our expectations, not settle for good enough.

    I know how hard it is to get things done. You want to build a building – the government has regulations to slow or stop what you plan to do. You want to start a business; the government is making it hard for you. If you’re part of a bureaucracy, whether government or business, the glacial pace that bureaucracies move at makes it hard to get things done. And that’s what I like about Trump. He knows this and he knows how to cut the regs, speed up the processes, get people moving, and make things happen.

    And that’s why I listen to his speeches. They’re too long, but they do reveal what he wants to accomplish. Lord knows, we need that now.

  5. We had it on and occasionally turned the sound on when the talking heads shut up and they actually broadcast the convention. I’m clearly not the demographic that the RNC was targeting. I thought that Hulk Hogan was an embarrassment and cheesy. Kid Rock was -3 on a scale of 1 to 10. Just awful. Lee Greenwood should let someone take over the vocals.

    Trump seemed a bit subdued, no doubt from the events of the past week. He got rolling as he went, but it wasn’t the fiery, high-energy Trump from 2016 or 2020. That’s not a criticism, just an observation. Did he convert anyone with his speech? Perhaps. I think most people’s minds are already made up. The Never Trumpers, the Only Trumpers, and the commies who will vote for a canoe if that’s what the DNC decides to put on the ballot.

  6. Neo, I thought of you while I watched the speech as I feel as you do about political speeches. My husband always watches them in the other room so I don’t have to. Of course I joined him this time. I felt exactly as you did…beginning great, way too long but there were some memorable points here and there. My husband (architect/builder) has come to love Trump. He loved the whole speech, not one point of criticism.

  7. I was a bit disappointed. I know he wanted to strike a conciliatory tone, and he did. I thin he sacrificed some energy in the attempt.

    I also think it took him too long to get into the meat of his agenda. Once he did, it was ok, but I wonder how much listener attention he still had.

    Also, in light of the Democrat confusion I thought it important to begin hammering the theme that it does not matter who they send out, it will the same failed policies of Obama–or whoever pulled his strings. Never mind Biden, he is irrelevant now. Ignore him and hammer policy differences.

  8. Re Zuckerberg: One step at a time, then all of the sudden you’re there.

  9. Re Zuckerberg: I don’t believe a word that Zuckerberg says, so I think it is best to ignore him. He may be being intentionally misleading.

  10. Re: Zuckerberg / Trump / Badass

    Not a fan of the Z-boy, but Trump is a badass. Zuck got that right.

    Microsoft just dumped its DEI department. I worked in SF/Silicon Valley in the 80s-00s. Then it was about the Benjamins. I think it still is, but due to DEI etc, CEOs have had to pretend otherwise.

    They would like to return to form.

    I think they are.

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