Home » Taking away the keys to Grandpa Biden’s car


Taking away the keys to Grandpa Biden’s car — 28 Comments

  1. What’s it all about? Winning.

    Very likely true. But there is the other possibility, mentioned by some commenter here. With widespread mail-in balloting, the Dems know they will win regardless. But they don’t want Sloe Joe in the oval office.

    The actual power base of insiders probably can control him most of the time, but maybe not all of the time. I tend to think the Afghanistan disaster was Joe putting his foot down in spite of his advisors.

  2. Joe himself really doesn’t have much of an incentive to do the Democrat Party any favors at this point. After all, he’s quite old. He has a neurodegenerative condition that is only going to worsen, so cognitively his days of being somewhat compos mentis are numbered anyway. And he likely has some deep seated resentments towards The Party for forcing him to not run in 2016 since it was determined that it was Hillary’s Turn! then despite all his loyal VP service to The Great One. So in his mind he should’ve been president while he was much more healthy and hale. He was entitled to it! And Hillary went and lost! Now those same folks are saying he needs to step down for the Good of The Party? No doubt he’s thinking “Screw that!”.

    Perhaps a big payday for Joe and the family might be a good incentive?

  3. The US Constitution used to be the “car” of the American people (metaphorically here, of course).

    The political authoritarian “left”, or progressives, for short, if you wish, had long ago decided to take away the keys to that instrument of freedom because the American people, they judged, were unfit to wield the powers ceded by those same people to the goverment instituted to maintain the structures and relations of freedom under that “old”, “doddering” document.

    Those progressives have very nearly now, after over a century of working toward their end, achieved what they set out to do. The question isn’t answered quite yet. Time, however, is running very short.

  4. “Perhaps a big payday for Joe and the family might be a good incentive?”

    It would be far simpler (not to mention more ethical) to threaten to try the lot of them for the obvious corruptions in which they’ve been engaged for decades now. But simpler and ethical don’t make up Democrat modes of operation.

  5. Nonapod, you have an indeed interesting point there. It makes sense, as Mike K points out.

    This same parallel with the elderly and the car keys that Neo is talking about here popped up in my mind just yesterday, too.

  6. Nonapod; Mike K; Philip Sells:

    However, I’m not sure Biden wanted to run in 2016. His son Beau died May 30, 2015, and he was devastated.

  7. The great thing about betting Joe will step aside is that I win either way!

    Today I found myself relieved when I saw this article:


    However, I still say Joe Will Go.

    The physical and emotional demands of running a real campaign four points down, with the top party leadership trying to push him out, the media not protecting him and donor funds drying up, will be too much for him. Plus of course his condition is worsening.

    Joe@November << Joe@July.

    It will be too much for the Party too.

  8. of course biden is dysfunctional, however that is rather dog eared news, now the fate of the Western World, is in the hands of a bitter stubborn old man, otoh, none of his replacements inspire any kind of confidence,

  9. Joe dropping from the race, but remaining Prez, is something else difficult for the Dems. Incapable/Incompetent to run, which is it. And, who will be the VP? Dems have it hard, ain’t it Great!

  10. Joe dropping from the race, but remaining Prez, is something else difficult for the Dems.


    I take your point, of course. Weirdly, I find myself hoping that if Joe does step aside from the race, he remains president, however concerning that is.

    The Biden cabal is at least a sort of known quantity compared to whatever chaos might ensue if Kamala suddenly becomes Commander-in-Chief.

  11. true, lbj didn’t step down from the presidency, but he wasn’t physically impaired, just politically listing to port, but they enabled every part of his agenda, so they are kind of stuck with him, the Dem caucus, that included the likes of Bill Phillips, so we see the strike against Tel Aviv from the Ansar al Ullah, otherwise known as the Houthis which were given open license by this administration,

  12. The core Democrat voters would vote for a potato in the D column. For other voters less party-dedicated, I don’t see how Democrats could get around the fact that Kamala Harris and any other Democrat who’s been mentioned knew perfectly well that Joe’s acuity was declining, and lied about it to the public.

  13. Today I saw my friend who is a US Army Colonel, retired, former War College instructor. He was VERY distressed by the video in which Biden could not recall the name of the Secretary of Defense. Biden in office is a serious national security threat.

  14. I’m reminded of the third installment, “The Final Cut,” in the British “House of Cards” series.

    The extremely corrupt and criminal Prime Minister, Francis Urquhart (or FU, which is not a coincidence), is old and has lost a few steps (though not nearly as many as Biden). FU gets caught up in a serious scandal from his past which could derail his current administration and his legacy.

    In the previous two shows FU had been extraordinarily cunning (and immoral) in neutralizing threats and coming out on top. So the viewer expects a similar outcome.

    However, FU is out of energy and ideas. His Lady Macbeth wife promises him that she and FU’s head of security (also her lover) have a plan to save FU’s reputation.

    Unfortunately [**SPOILER ALERT**] the plan involves having FU assassinated! Which does save FU’s reputation. Happy ending.

    Now I’m not recommending or hoping for anything. The last thing I want to see is for any president or presidential candidate being assassinated.

    But life has gotten so weird lately that if Biden were assassinated it would be a neat solution to the Biden Problem and neutralize Trump’s assassination attempt advantage.

  15. well urquart is reaping the whirlwind, going back to when he was a young soldier in Cyprus,

  16. BTW any political thriller fan who hasn’t watched the British “House of Cards” series is in for a real treat.

    You may have encountered the wonderful phrase:

    You might very well think that; I couldn’t possibly comment.

    It’s from “House of Cards.”

  17. I think Nonapod is on the right track. The democrat’s perfect candidate couldn’t beat Trump in 2016. Biden did. In what’s left of his mind he probably really believes he’s the best candidate to do it again.

  18. The Democrats are quite comfortable with rigging elections, it’s easier with Biden as the incumbent rather than the obvious options. However, their real concern stems from a lack of donor checks flowing in if Biden remains.

  19. Neo,

    I’m not sure Biden wanted to run in 2016. His son Beau died May 30, 2015, and he was devastated.

    Oh, that’s a good counterpoint; I had forgotten about that.

    Kate, that’s probably a fascinating type of friend to have! I hope he’s doing well. Part of me would like to see the ballots read “Biden/Harris” instead of otherwise in the D box on the paper, but at the same time, yes, the risks that this runs until January 20 (if not beyond) are disturbing.

  20. Re: Fundraising

    2024 Fundraising (so far)

    Biden $232 mil
    Trump $220 mil


    As I understand it, if Biden steps aside, Harris is the only candidate with access to the $232 mil. Some see that $232 mil as forcing Dems to nominate Kamala Harris.

    Though I wonder how ironclad that is. Plus where does the money go if Biden and Harris are not on the ticket. Is it refunded to donors — who can, if they wish, presumably turn around give it to the replacement ticket?

    I also understand that the donor threats to withhold $90 mil, unless Biden steps aside, don’t apply to the $232 mil.

    Looking back to 2020, we can see that Biden outraised (and spent) Trump by over $500 mil. Wow. No wonder Biden won.


    2020 Fundraising

    Biden $1,624,301,628
    Trump $1,087,909,269


    Perhaps leaving that $232 mil behind to nominate someone other than Harris might be worth it in some scenarios.

    Then there is the $45 mil/month Musk may give to a Trump super PAC. I can’t tell if that’s on or not.

    Don’t know. Just trying to game out Dem strategy.

  21. Not so long ago, our Democratic Party thought that they had it made, and in the shade – theirs would be the Reich of a thousand years! But Nemesis, the punisher of hubris, reached for her whip. A stern lesson is about to be applied.

  22. According to ChatGPT 4.o:

    If President Biden steps aside and Vice President Harris is not the nominee, the $232 million raised by his campaign would generally be managed by the campaign committee according to FEC rules. The funds could potentially be used for several purposes, including:

    * Transferring to other political committees, including those of the new Democratic nominee.

    * Donating to state or local party committees.

    * Refunding contributions to donors.

    * Covering any remaining campaign debts and expenses.

    The specific use of the funds would depend on strategic decisions made by Biden’s campaign committee in compliance with election laws.

    It sounds like Dems have some flexibility here.

  23. @ Bill*B > “But Nemesis, the punisher of hubris, reached for her whip.”

    Karma had a bit of a hand in as well.

  24. I shudder to think about Vlad and Xi gaming out the opportunities this presents. This is what happens when a criminal organization runs the country, one that doesn’t even have to pretend to put country first anymore!

  25. But life has gotten so weird lately that if Biden were assassinated it would be a neat solution to the Biden Problem and neutralize Trump’s assassination attempt advantage.

    I’ve thought about this too with great dread. I’m hoping Biden’s Secret Service detail is on their game – it seems to me that he may be in terrible danger right now. And I think Trump still is, because a second attempt with a “better” outcome – from the assassin’s point of view – would also benefit Democrats, ISTM.

  26. I believe that people are making the mistake that these are rational moves by rational people, power does funny things.

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