Home » Reports are that Iran wants to assassinate Trump


Reports are that Iran wants to assassinate Trump — 17 Comments

  1. otoh, we know that trump is public enemy no 1, to the iranian regime, which is composed of the ayatollah, the mullahs and the Iranian Revolutionary Guard

    2) the bylines that have been relaying this information has been those most involved with the Russian hoax, Evan Perez and Natasha Bertrand

    3) its more likely that there would be iranian assets inside our security agencies
    then the converse, see the Malley spy ring, that seems not to be noticed

    4) if this were so, would they have assigned the c team to Trump

  2. Iran wants to assassinate Trump and the intelligence chatter supports that.

    What is the Biden administration response? Big holes in the security of President Trump? Those holes/lapses would have continued for the duration of the campaign?

    Hmmm. Sounds like Crook just unwittingly foiled the true plot to assassinate the President! Providential.

  3. with these reports you have to ‘walk the cat back’ as it were, why would these sources choose these sites to push this story, what are the actual verifying details,

  4. Omri Ceren posts on X:

    This is from last year. It was happening while the Biden admin was negotiating with the Iranian regime and looking to make concessions.

    They still are, by the by.


    The post is accompanied by video of an Iranian General on 24 Feb. 2023 speaking to this effect:

    “We’re looking to kill Trump,” IRGC Aerospace Force Commander Hajizadeh said this evening on live television. “Pompeo, McKenzie, and military commanders that gave the order [to kill Soleimani] should be killed.”

  5. thats much more clearcut evidence, which curiously the Politico piece doesn’t reference, it was around this time in the last cycle, that the Revolutionary Guard sought to take out the Saudi Ambassador at the Cafe Milano

  6. An IED is the biggest threat to Trump now.

    But can the Secret Service do the job?

    And Biden let in who knows how many illegal aliens. Terrorists and assassins certainly among them.

  7. Yeah, the Crooks incident is not what one would expect fron Iran. Drone, IED, multiple shooters in manufactured kill zone is something I would suspect. A plan with a high probability of success.

    Though the malignant neglect from the WH could easily play into this.

  8. they have an abject lesson is how easy it is, as they learned from the delta house hijinks of J6,

  9. Having just been stung (again! argh third time this season) I am more concerned with stand off weapons as well. Drone attack. The Ukraine videos are chilling. I wouldn’t want to be in the VIP protection business myself. Nothing like watching a Russian trooper throw down his load and run from a drone chasing him specifically as his comrades watch helplessly to see the sci-fi terror of these things.

  10. Iran can outsource the assassination to the Democrats. Complete deniability.

  11. }}} Iran can outsource the assassination to the Democrats. Complete deniability.


  12. physicsguy — Robert Barnes would disagree with you, except that the Iran connection is more smoke and mirrors than factual, in his book. Drop down for details

    Revised facts and timelines keep tumbling out, and inconsistencies and LEO disputes are undermining the Secret Service coverup, methinks. What are they hiding?

    Via Instapundit tonight:
    “Senators briefed by the Secret Service about last Saturday’s assassination attempt on Donald Trump telling media outlets about advance knowledge regarding Thomas Crooks who shot Mr. Trump.”

    “Crooks identified as a threat 10 minutes before Trump took the stage.”

    It seems the 26 minutes of LEO awareness has been pushed back to between 1 and 3 hours.

    A NEW SOURCE from HS disputes Thomas Mathew Crooks as the victim of frequent bullying, and in fact, was not anti-social — he had his own set of friends.

    Taormina recounts them being freshmen in HS together. Thomas was driven by maths and politics. (Hence, his engineering degree at community college.) He was seriously anti-political leadership and hostile to Trump.

    When the friend said he was Hispanic and pro-Trump, Thomas said (or implied) that “he was stupid.” His arrogance about politics was manifest, even then.

    In related revision, a neighbor of Thomas’ family says he’d never seen political signs on the home’s lawn.

    It seems a number of opinion leaders have converged on the fact that the Truth is not coming from the top of the Secret Service — reportedly because of demands for silence from the White House, on pain of being fired.

    Attorney Robert Barnes goes furthest, and sketches an outline of Deep State planning behind these events, and sees the nefarious benefit to leveraging a successful assassination of Trump.

    First, there’s the timing — resorting to extreme means in the face of failure by lesser means. Next, there’s two facts that don’t fit a solo operation, but do fit in a set-up. Why has Thomas’ social media footprint been scrubbed? And finally, how and why did he die with a cell phone and a transmitter device on that roof?

    Was the latter connected to the two IEDs in his car? To create a diversion? Perhaps.

    But Barnes thinks that the facts point to a set up by Deep State interests in creating a causus bellus for War With Iran. An October surprise, perhaps. In retaliation for the assassination of Trump, in part.

    And Thomas’s bombs to create a general and very public terrorist scene, in order to sell his social media with planted ties to Iran plots against Trump — but scrubbed to hide this, after his failure, says Barnes.

    The convenience of these details undoubtedly suggest a story in the works during the last weekend to manage this assassination attempt. To stage-manage the desired outcome.

    Barnes’ tale (listen to 18 to 22.5 minutes HERE https://rumble.com/v57c4xp-live-from-the-rnc.html?mref=22lbp&mrefc=2&e9s=rel_v1_a) is something once unthinkable. But today, gains greater plausibility — given the repeated and organised if not orchestrated attempts to jail and delegitimise Trump.

    MORE details and sources relevant to Barnes’ case are introduced by Robert Gouviea in the first 12 minutes of his podcast on YouTube — and explored in detail in the following hour, plus. “Secret Service Coverup” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dUwMGmhVp80

    Of course, Barnes’ fingering of greater forces arranging to take advantage of circumstances is a huge conspiracy. But I don’t think it’s greater than Russiagate — but likely greater than the double impeachments that had Democrat leaders salivating to depose Trump.

    Should we think less of those ensconced in the Feds permanent bureaucracy? Even though behind the scenes? Or is this more plausible? And more disturbing?

  13. “…Iran wants to assassinate Trump…”

    Actually, it’s pretty well known that Iran would like to assassinate everyone in the U.S., it’s just that Trump is the most visible part of the iceberg.

  14. …But Barnes thinks that the facts point to a set up by Deep State interests in creating a causus bellus for War With Iran. An October surprise, perhaps. In retaliation for the assassination of Trump, in part….

    Mr. Barnes seems to forget that “Biden” is an ally of Iran’s.
    (But given the generally high quality of his commentary, he’s allowed to swing and miss from time to time….)
    – – – – – – – – – –
    With regards to the announcement on Iran, I take it as simply more PURE DISTRACTION by the part of the Masters of Distraction and Coverup….AKA the “Biden” Administration.

  15. The conspiracy theories will go on for years as this regime will never be transparent. I do agree there will be other attempts and soon.

  16. do the iranians want to target trump, yes,

    do we believe the story filtered to bertrand and perez no,

    on whose side is the regime, not ours,

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