Home » I have a trivial question about J. D. Vance


I have a trivial question about J. D. Vance — 19 Comments

  1. Imdb Biography gives his height as 6′ 2″, I had seen the 5′ 7″ elsewhere and thought he appeared taller than 5’7″.

  2. OldTexan:

    That’s quite a discrepancy. From the photos, I’d say 6’2″ seems about right.

  3. I wonder if Vance has had plastic surgeries, especially his eyes, he looks a bit like Kenny Rogers

  4. Photos at the convention make me think the 6’2″ estimate is the correct range. He didn’t look short standing with the Trump progeny.

  5. Seems like some fake news is being proliferated. Of course in a more fair world, a VP candidate’s height should matter a wit. But human’s naturally prefer their leaders tall.

  6. I really have no idea who he is other than common man, war veteran and good American.
    If all goes right could be a fantastic MAGA leader

  7. I never realized that dick Cheney was a bit of a runt. Putin too, never realized that about him either.

  8. Vance is the first major party candidate for president or vice president to have a beard in over a century.
    Benjamin Harrison was the last president to have a full beard and he served in the 1890s.

  9. Of course the real question is not “how tall does he stand?”
    But “does he stand on constitutional principles?”
    So far the answer seems to be Yes!

  10. I’m shocked, shocked that there is wrong information on the internet. Where are my winnings?

  11. }}} But humans naturally prefer their leaders tall.

    “We can’t fake anything. These guys are short. We have to face it.
    – A Japanese Foreign Ministry Official, in the late 1980s, on complaints
    by Japanese upset that their leaders look shorter than American leaders.

    They particularly prefer them to be taller than The Other Guys.


    }}} I’m shocked, shocked that there is wrong information on the internet. Where are my winnings?

    I’ve done an internet search, and it says they are in the mail. 😛

  12. Skip –

    He has an autobiography – Hillbilly Elegy. I’m reading it right now, and think it’s a good read. The focus is as much his life as it is the hillbilly culture that he grew up in, and the effect it has on those caught up in it.

    I suspect that a lot of parallels can be drawn with the inner-city black culture.

  13. Junior:
    In Bonekemper’s “The Myth of the Lost Cause”, about the way Dixiecrats manipulated the Civil War narrative, there’s a quote about how bad emancipation would be for slaves deprived of the benevolent, civilizing hands of their white masters.

    It reads very well as a description of Democrat-run inner cities. Hmm….

    [I can’t cite it correctly, because I listened to the Audible edition. *sigh” I’m going to have buy the Kindle edition, or even, Horrors! the dead tree.]

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