Home » Melanie Phillips on the war against the Jews


Melanie Phillips on the war against the Jews — 9 Comments

  1. Jews have two major enemies, Muslims and Marxists. With their ascending in Europe its not looking very good they will last there without daily beating and loss of livelihood.
    Here is same if they can use the freedoms to break those two groups.
    If the Marxists somehow win in spite of Sundowner’s failing polls it will go quickly here as well. Mostly due to Leftists cities and rule of law going by the wayside.

  2. Muslims are flooding into the US.
    I was once a Duke faculty member. That university was established after the War Between the States, by the rich Duke tobacco/snuff family, who were Methodists, and who erected Duke Chapel on campus, a neogothic church in cathedral form, in the 1880s.

    Duke U began admitting Muslims, probably full-pay because of Mid-East oil money. Now Muslims use the Chapel 5x daily for their “prayers”.
    Christianity? What’s that?

  3. You and Melanie Phillips are right, Neo. This is pure evil. No decent person should have a second thought about supporting Israel, or about defending the freedom and safety of Jews in the UK, continental Europe, or the US. (Or anywhere, but Jews don’t live in majority-Muslim countries any more.)

  4. The left and Isam arie hostile to Judeo-Christian ethics. They’re not really able to subdue Western Civ either economically or militarily. Thus, they have begun a campaign of deceit, infiltration, and guerilla tactics, which they see as the path to bringing down Western Civ from within.

    Oil money, billionaire Marxists (Soros, Rockefeller Foundation, Ford Foundation, etc.), and the rise of social media have allowed them to spread falsehoods about Israel and the United States. The biggest lie is that Israel and the U.S are living on stolen land. We’re colonizers and worse.

    Create a myth about Isarel being an illegitimate and evil state, and then make the claim that all Jews are wicked people. Spread it on social media. Get activists to organize protests on college campuses. Plenty of Muslim and leftist students to join in and create havoc. It’s well funded and well organized. It should be looked at as extremely dangerous to not only the Jewish people, but Western Civilization.

    Am I paranoid to believe that the alliance between the Marxists and the Islamists is a big danger and needs to be combatted? I say it’s time to wake up to the fifth column inside our country.

  5. The war on Jews is similar to the Left’s war on merit. Who was the last Muslim Nobel Prize winner ? OT but it looks like an assassination attempt on Trump at his PA rally.

  6. Michael K: I just saw the video. If the bullet just grazed Trump’s head/ right ear, it must have struck an audience member seated behind him, and I saw no evidence thereof.
    The man is tough!
    Fingers crossed, and prayers for Trump’s welfare.

  7. Has there been any Muslim Nobel Prize winners?
    List of Muslim Nobel laureates
    8 Peace Prize, including Arafat 🙂
    3 Chemistry
    1 Physics

    The Nobel Laureate in Physics is a Pakistani who belongs to a renegade Muslim sect that is often persecuted.

    There are two Indian Nobel Laureates in Physics who were born in the area that became Pakistan, but were not Muslim and moved to India after Partition in 1947.

    Given the -shall we say- militant attitude that appears to be dominant among Muslims, it is interesting, even ironic, that so many are Nobel Peace Prize laureates. Arafat? Not a peaceful bone in his body. What he said to Western audiences could be construed as peaceful, but what he said to Arab audiences made it clear that peace for Arafat was merely a hudna.

  8. “it’s a combination of Iranian and Muslim Brotherhood propaganda, allied with the left, ”
    Plus oil money & the cheap corruptibility of financially successful folk, especially Jews.

    Jews are IQ / intellectually superior. About 110 avg (Ashkenazi), and successful including in academia.
    It’s fun Fun FUN to hate Hate HATE, and after Oct 7, hating Jews was called OK — like hating Trump for the last 8 years.
    Just another step farther in the
    Democrat Derangement Syndrome. Falsely called Trump DS, and mis-coined as Bush DS, but Dem DS has been around since Nixon in ’60, got ’em in 73-74, failed in the weaker Reagan DS (tho many Mother Jones writers could & did see “evil” in Reagan’s eyes).
    Democrat Derangement Syndrome.
    Based on successful discrimination, than defaming, than dehumanizing. Trump before, and now also Jews.
    With far too many Jews who themselves have Dem DS vs Trump not understanding how easy it is to change the DDS to target.
    They’re not gonna have Trump to kick around forever, or be deranged over.
    But their derangement ain’t going away, either.

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