Home » Apparatchik Lawrence O’Donnell on Biden’s “big boy” press conference


Apparatchik Lawrence O’Donnell on Biden’s “big boy” press conference — 14 Comments

  1. Who gives Masterful Speaker awards out for reading a teleprompter?
    He got off that and took soft ball questions and got off on tangents often, lost where he was going and dropped it quickly. Did the whispering a few times and ended with one.
    American Thinker couple days ago had a collective picture of his speech writers, exactly what you think, a group of 30 year old DIE Marxists.

  2. Just another blowhard asshole left-wing Irish-American Democrat politico. The blue cities of the north and northeast are full of them.

  3. IrishOtter49, I couldn’t have said it better myself. My Yankee cousins from Massachusetts, all Irish heritage (like the rest of us in the Southern wing of the family, too) bleed Democrat blue. What is it in that Irish water?

  4. no one watches his show, he gets trounced by gutfeld at 10 oclock, his is probably the craziest white person’s take, since stelter gave his trough

  5. “It’s been my experience that most people rely on pundits to interpret reality for them, and O’Donnell knows that much of the MSNBC audience will take his word for it.”

    Neo, I think most of his audience is already pretty drunk on O’Donnell’s kool-aide, so I doubt he made too much of a difference.

    But, I heard from a close friend today (a Dem) who watched the same press conference and who was shocked at how badly Biden did. But, this friend, while a Dem, does not drink the kool-aide, which makes me believe that except for the ape-sh!t crazies it will be seen for what it really was … another example of a rapidly declining, lying scoundrel.

  6. Telemachus:

    Irish/Irish-Americans are the best of people; Irish/Irish-Americans are the worst of people.

    Endlessly problematic.

    A stiff-necked race, like the Hebrews of Old Testament scripture. God’s words, not mine.

    Be assured: I know whereof I speak.

  7. “STOP THE HAMMERING!!!” Sorry Neo. I know you were being earnest but even after 7 years I keep thinking about that hilarious video and then (mercifully) I can’t take anything he says seriously and then I’m cured of any irritation I might have experienced. He’s not a serious person + he has a foul mouth.

  8. Is he paid more than the cleanup crew at the studio? If so, as a true socialist, he needs to share his income with them in order to equalize their wellbeing.

  9. the cleanup crew should get combat pay, for that, now the mouth of the flint river, apparently on mehdi hasans show, that was kind of dangerous,

  10. “There have been other presidential press conferences that have exhibited mastery at different points by some presidents but on foreign policy, complex foreign policy involving the Middle East and the situation in Ukraine, this is as good as it gets with an American president.”

    OMG!! Biden’s understanding of the issues in Ukraine, Gaza, China, and elsewhere appears more like wishful thinking than reality.

    Ukraine’s going to beat Russia even though Biden is forbidding them to use our weapons to their fullest extent? How?

    There’s a two-state solution in the Israeli Hamas conflict, and a cease fire is the way to accomplish it? Dream on.

    Xi is not an aggressive dictator salivating over acquiring new territories in the Pacific region, and partnering with Russia against Ukraine? Talk about rose-colored glasses.

    And O’Donnel thinks it was a master class in diplomacy and foreign policy. Yes, he’s a socialist. Who, since 1970 has not bothered to look at the results of socialism on the well-being of citizens who live under it.

    I wish O’Donnel and other socialists would present some good evidence that socialism creates a better life for most ordinary citizens than capitalism does.

  11. Re: Biden, just remember, the Dems never give up.
    Remember 1948, the Truman comeback, and, in ‘68,
    Hubert almost won, so don’t get cocky.

  12. Except for calling Zelensky Putin has anyone in the history of foreign policy ever been as masterful as Biden? He also called Harris Trump but that’s not foreign policy suckas.

  13. I never thought much of John F. Kennedy, but I’m pretty sure he was up on foreign policy and wouldn’t have confused foreign leaders’ names or said that Nixon or Goldwater or Eisenhower was his vice president. Kennedy handled weekly press conferences very well. Nixon also was very knowledgeable about foreign affairs and if he and the press could have tolerated each other enough to have frequent press conferences, they would have been admirable too. George HW Bush probably had a good head for foreign policy, though he had his flubs and fumbles too — nothing to compare with Biden’s.

    With some people, though, everything has to be in superlatives. The rest of us lose that habit when we get blowback from people who point out that not everything that we like is the best, the biggest, or the greatest. I guess O’Donnell doesn’t get contradicted much, so he hasn’t lost the habit. It would be nice if he were just kidding about Biden being masterful, but he’s not.

  14. }}} So he hasn’t changed much since college – no surprise there.

    He’s 72, and had, what, 55 years to observe socialism. And hasn’t learned a fucking single damned thing about it in all that time.

    As I have asserted:

    1 — “Wisdom” is the capacity to learn from experience.
    2 — if there was a “WQ” test to match the IQ test, then self-defined “liberals” would consistently score in the bottom third of the resulting “Normal” curve for the population as a whole.
    3 — How one thinks of “socialism” is a spectacularly easy quick-check for low-WQ, unless one is under 20ish…
    4 — this bozo is a poster child for all three parts of this assertion…

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