Home » The Democrats in the Senate defeat the SAVE Act


The Democrats in the Senate defeat the SAVE Act — 11 Comments

  1. but nearly 30 million people lack a valid driver’s license, and about 15 to 18 million adults don’t have access to documents proving their birth or citizenship.

    Note the words “people” and “adults.” Not citizens. How many adult illegal aliens are in the country? Could it be in the ballpark of 15 to 18 million?? I laugh when someone trots out this old number of 11 million, from a decade or more ago. It was low ball even back then.

  2. If you lack the cognitive ability to aquire a valid ID, perhaps you shouldn’t be voting.

    In out modern society, you need an ID

    – to open a bank account
    – to purchase alchoholic beverages
    – to purchase cigarettes and tobacco related products
    – to buy a firearm
    – to apply for food stamps
    – to apply for welfare
    – to apply for medicaid and Social Security
    – to apply for most jobs
    – to apply for unemployment
    – to rent a car
    – to rent an apartment or house
    – to buy a house and apply for a mortgage
    – to get married
    – to pick up a prescription

  3. Impediments to voting are more likely things like personal convenience (something else to do) or lack of interest, than lack of an ID. Except in the case of non-citizens, when lack of an ID confirming eligibility probably does keep people from the polls.

    I live in a state (OH) where ID is required to vote. I have never heard anyone complain about the requirement, including the local Democratic Party, which has apparently decided it’s not a hill worth dying on.

    Do any local Democratic Party offices fight this fight, or is it only in D.C.?

  4. Don’t forget that this is the same party that wants to give the vote to 16 year olds. They won’t push for a constitutional amendment like they did with the 26th, giving 18 year olds the right to vote in presidential elections. They’ll do it by stealth, first giving children the vote in local elections (same as some jurisdictions do with non-citizens), then they’ll expand that to statewide (California?), and then the ACLU or the SPLC will shop for a sympathetic judge and file a lawsuit claiming that is somehow unconstitutional to deny 16 year olds who can vote in state elections that same right federally.

    What they would of course really like to do is do away with elections entirely, but since they can’t do that they’re constantly poking and probing for ways to dilute the vote of those they despise.

  5. This is traditional Democrat rhetoric. Negroes are not smart enough to get an ID.

  6. This right here is how the Ds backstop the Parkinson’s patient and secure power into the future.

    Even Josiah couldn’t save Jerusalem.

  7. If you don’t have documents proving that you are a citizen and that you were born in America, it may be because you aren’t a citizen and weren’t born in America.

  8. If you don’t want to make any effort to get proof of citizenship, then you should not vote.
    Getting that proof may take forethought, time, and a little money.
    When I lost my birth certificate, which I needed to get a passport years ago, I had to mail a copy of my driver’s license and pay about $10. It took a couple weeks.
    This task may now be more costly, in both time and money.
    But if that’s too much trouble for you, you aren’t likely very interested in an election anyway.

  9. F, Ohio used to be a “swing” state but now is pretty safe for Republicans at least in Presidential elections. How many other swing states would vote R if ID were required? No wonder Dems are against it and no wonder our side doesn’t trust election results.

  10. I had bloodwork done in a hospital lab yesterday, and I had to produce photo ID not once but twice — first, right at the entrance, to be allowed into the hospital at all, and then, once in the lab, to prove that I was the same person as the one listed on my doctor’s bloodwork order. (By that time, I was wearing a label with my name, photo and DOB on it, produced by the nice volunteer at the reception desk, who had also scanned my license into the system. I didn’t ask why it had to be done twice. Maybe they were worried that I had changed places with somebody else in the hallway between the entrance and the lab, and somehow also found a way to forge a label for myself?)

    I asked about it at the entrance, and the receptionist said that when she asks for photo ID, a certain percentage of people just turn around and walk out, without even arguing or explaining why. Huh. I’ll bet those same people don’t just turn around and walk out when they have to produce ID to buy alcohol, cigarettes or a new phone, though!

    How long will people continue to believe the nonsensical, racist Democratic claim that voter ID is somehow unfairly more difficult for black people?

  11. Ah, Summer Lee. Now my representative since the PA Supreme Court illegally redistricted because the Democrat justices thought that there was too much gerrymandering in the map produced legally by the legislature. My district now looks like a snake about 25 miles long.

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