Home » More “now it can be told”: Chuck Todd says everybody knew about Biden


More “now it can be told”: Chuck Todd says everybody knew about Biden — 9 Comments

  1. Funny, ain’t it, that doofus Biden thought he would be any different than Bobby Rush, or Jack Ryan when it comes time for Barry to be done with him? Ha ha ha. Join that club of losers, Joe, you’ve done been had.

  2. It’s another indication, in case you needed one, that elements of major media are simply extensions of the PR operations of factions within the Democratic Party.

  3. If these media people had any pretense of being actual journalists, it would have been “told” years ago.

  4. Funny, ain’t it, that doofus Biden thought he would be any different than Bobby Rush, or Jack Ryan when it comes time for Barry to be done with him?
    Bobby Rush defeated Obama in a primary in 2000, 61% to 31%. He served an additional 11 terms in the House of Representatives, retiring at age 76.

  5. I think Joe might have some dirt on very powerful people and he’s just negotiating.

  6. Sennacherib, that has occurred to me too. The Bidens, being crooked themselves, probably have dirt on much of the Dem power structure.

  7. If Dr. Jill has access to the FBI blackmail files, they have the upper hand. Force JoJo out and she unleashes her version of the Samson Option.

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