Home » Biden’s “Big Boy”news conference starts at 6:30 PM Eastern time


Biden’s “Big Boy”news conference starts at 6:30 PM Eastern time — 58 Comments

  1. A little too soon after dinner for me to make popcorn, but might be worth it for the entertainment this could bring.

  2. I first heard about f chuck kendall high ’87 when he wrote something in huffington

    Sorry wrong thread but how can this clown show be any better

  3. One thing I’m not clear on is whether Biden can finish his term after stepping aside as nominee.

    I believe the answer is yes, except in this case if Biden is stepping aside, i.e. being forced to stand down, it will be because of mental decline. So if he’s not competent to run again, is he competent to continue as Commander-in-Chief until January?

    Frankly, I would dread seeing Kamala finishing Biden’s term and running as the 2024 candidate. That’s got to be asking for trouble.

    Of course, we’re in trouble no matter which way.

  4. He doesn’t realize it’s not just this time but every time between now and November. He cannot make any mistakes.

  5. Former Speaker McCarthy has called this the Democrats Watergate moment, and it’s certainly starting to feel like it. Every day more Democrats are publicly calling for him to not run, sounding eerily like the final days of Nixon.

  6. He doesn’t realize it’s not just this time but every time between now and November. He cannot make any mistakes.


    Yes. As I see the NY Times, Jon Stewart, George Clooney, etc. coming out against him, I realize Biden’s every public move will be get the fine-tooth comb treatment.

    It will be merciless.

    Biden is a shameless man, but I think even he has his limits when most of his party, the media and Hollywood won’t be giving him cover anymore, but instead will be knives-out.

    He won’t be able to do anything about it. He can’t turn his age back 20 years. It will be a horrible experience. I’d feel bad about it, but he, his wife and the Democrat Party brought it upon themselves for entirely selfish reasons.

  7. So they set up a press conference that is a make or break, and now 10-15 minutes late….not a good way to start.

    Oh wait. I forgot that being on time is a white racist move….nevermind.

  8. Huxley, yes, he can drop out of the campaign and stay president until Jan.20, 2025. He could be removed with a 25th Amendment procedure, but whether the Dems would take this step is a big question.

  9. Biden is NOT doing this for the “American Public”, rather it’s for Democrats.

  10. physicsguy, you made me laugh! Although Biden has always been a white racist …

  11. A big bald dark guy is standing at the microphone, looking around, but not saying anything. People are milling around behind him, while New Age synth plays over it all.

    This seems amateurish.

    Now the screen switches back to a graphic.

  12. I want to see it, but pushing 7pm now.
    I am hoping to see him freeze or fall on his face

  13. Apparently Biden just introduced Zelenskyy as “Putin” at the NATO conference.

  14. Kate:

    Matt Margolis at PJ Media argues that a 25th Amendment challenge may be possible if Biden remains dug in.

    Joe Biden’s resistance to dropping out of the race may be out of confidence or stubbornness, but the calls for him to step aside are growing. I think the Democrats’ Plan B may be invoking the 25th Amendment.

    No cabinet has invoked the 25th Amendment in its history, but if a majority of the Cabinet and the vice president agree that Biden can’t continue the campaign (and, by extension, is unable to carry on as president), they might just have to invoke it.

    Last week, I would have said this was never going to happen. Now I’m thinking it might.


    I doubt it will come to this. I believe Biden can be pressured out.

  15. Fox saying it’s not going to start until maybe 730 due to the NATO conference.

  16. They could do it. I don’t think they will. Plus, Biden can just send a letter saying he is competent despite what his Cabinet says, and then there’s a mess.

    Removing Biden from office would be admitting that they lied through their teeth for the past three and a half years. I think they’d rather have him just withdraw from the campaign and leave him in office. The downside of that, or the 25th Amendment, is that Harris is an awful boss. People who’ve worked for her at any of the offices she’s held have hated the experience.

  17. So I asked Chat:


    I’m interested in the delay between stated time and actual time the press conference started.


    The average wait time for presidential press conferences between the scheduled start time and the actual start time can vary, but it is commonly observed that press conferences rarely start on time. For example, during Donald Trump’s presidency, reporters often waited longer than the scheduled time. On one occasion, they waited an additional 14 minutes beyond the scheduled start time? (WHHA (en-US))?.

    This delay can be attributed to a variety of factors, including last-minute preparations, the president’s schedule, and the need to ensure everything is in place for the conference. While there is no fixed average wait time, it is generally expected that there will be some delay, which is not unusual in the context of high-profile events and public addresses.

    I’m not surprised pressers rarely start on time, though it’s humorous that Chat’s sole example was one Trump conference which started quelle horreur 14 minutes late.

    Well, 70 minutes late and counting.

    Who does Biden think he is, the Rolling Stones? That is delusional.

  18. So I asked Chat:


    I’m interested in the delay between stated time and actual time the press conference started.


    The average wait time for presidential press conferences between the scheduled start time and the actual start time can vary, but it is commonly observed that press conferences rarely start on time. For example, during Donald Trump’s presidency, reporters often waited longer than the scheduled time. On one occasion, they waited an additional 14 minutes beyond the scheduled start time? (WHHA (en-US))?.

    This delay can be attributed to a variety of factors, including last-minute preparations, the president’s schedule, and the need to ensure everything is in place for the conference. While there is no fixed average wait time, it is generally expected that there will be some delay, which is not unusual in the context of high-profile events and public addresses.

    I’m not surprised pressers rarely start on time, though it’s humorous that Chat’s sole example was one Trump conference which started quelle horreur 14 minutes late.

    Well, 70 minutes late and counting.

    Who does Biden think he is, the Rolling Stones? That is delusional.

  19. All of these questions are scripted and he’s reading answers from the teleprompter. What a farce!

  20. ‘Fairly easy barely a inconvenience’ but this isnt the standard for the reputed leader of the free world

  21. He’s doing the whisper thing, but doing better than in the debate. Ignoring most questions on his capacity and turning them into a campaign stump

  22. He sounds good– if you ignore the content. Some of his answers are just words strung together. Trump had the best answer during the debate. I don’t understand what he just said and I don’t think he does either.

    But they can sell it as competent.

  23. If the point was to keep him as the candidate then it is successful….he’s the best he’s been in a long time.

  24. If the point was to keep him as the candidate then it is successful….he’s the best he’s been in a long time.


    Agreed. They either got the dosage right or he’s risen to the occasion.

  25. Just saw the teleprompters…..throws the whole proceeding as staged. If he was doing this without teleprompter. , then I would give props. Still it should convince doubters he should stay in.

  26. Thanks to you guys for watching. — Sounds like it’s good enough to stop the rebellion, but not good enough to swing voters back.

  27. This was a campaign stop, not a presidential press briefing. His campaign speech was given from a teleprompter. The people (journalists?) chosen to read questions were pre-approved. He may have had notes to start his answers, but some answers were more coherent than others.
    No questions from major news outlets. Nothing from CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox.

  28. Well, it wasn’t Richard Nixon flashing the double-V sign, then jetting back to San Clemente.

    Still, I see it as win-win. This way it’s longer and more divisive, therefore more expensive, for Democrats to dislodge Biden.

    I don’t believe Biden can keep up this performance for four months — otherwise he wouldn’t have been caught impaired so many times before. As even George Clooney has attested.

    If Biden does make it to November, I consider it a cakewalk for Trump.

  29. This was bad. Very bad. Yes, he did better than in the debate. But he still made mistakes and every mistake he makes is now fodder for the news cycle and Internet meme merchants.

    The debate was very analogous to the the scene where Dorothy and her compatriots see the old man behind the curtain, working the machine. Once they saw that everything was different. The “Great Oz” is forever gone from their perceptions. Even if Professor Marvel shooed Toto away and reclosed the curtain, the scary head and loud voice he projected could no longer fool those who had seen the feeble, old man turning the cranks.

    America can’t unsee the Joe Biden they saw in the debate, and reshown in thousands of television and Internet clips. Him doing well is now the aberration, the anomaly; “They must have got the drugs right this time…” “This must have timed the medications better…” “He did alright for 30 minutes, they had better get him off the stage soon…”

    Joe Biden now has an impossible task; to not make a single error for four months. Even if he makes the normal sort-of mistakes he made 20 years ago they will be used as evidence of his mental inadequacy. Everything will be suspect. Everything will be examined. Everything will be amplified.

  30. Brian E,

    I agree it was more like a campaign event than a post NATO conference press event. He mentioned Trump way too often, including stating that Trump was his VP choice in 2020. The President of the United States should not act that concerned about his or her foe. It made him seem cowardly, weak and whiny. Which he is.

  31. Even if Biden were removed from power under the 25th amendment and Harris became Acting President, Biden would still be the the Democratic nominee in November because he has all those pledged delegates, right? Or wrong?

  32. One minor thing that bothers me immensely about this guy; the frequency with which he brags about his athletic prowess. He mentioned golf again, in this press conference and at another point referred to “when he trained as an athlete” or some other such thing.

    I don’t recall ever meeting someone who didn’t start at a D1 school and/or earn money playing a sport professionally who calls himself or herself “an athlete.” I know a lot of really athletic people, people in great shape who have accomplished impressive feats, yet none ever calls himself or herself an athlete.

    It’s a sign of his immense ego and how out of touch he is regarding his abilities and how they compare with others’ abilities. He has done this his entire career; challenging people to IQ tests, push up contests, going “out back” for a fight…

    It’s OK that he is a mediocrity. Most people are. That’s why there is a bell shape in the middle of the bell curve. What is not OK is that he has an exceptionally unreasonable perception of his abilities.

  33. bof,


    Sherman referred to a section in the convention rules that says, “All delegates to the National Convention pledged to a presidential candidate shall in all good conscience reflect the sentiments of those who elected them.”

    “conscience” “reflect” “sentiments”…
    One doesn’t even have to be a 2L at an Ivy to drive a truck through that loophole.

  34. I think there is enough wiggle room in enough delegates’ charters that everything is on the table.

    Rufus T. Firefly:

    Yes. Some people expect that Democrats are going to play by the rules, even the rules they made themselves.

    Not me. Democrats are gonna do what they have to do.

    The issue is never the issue. The issue is always the revolution.

    –David Horowitz

  35. I’ve already changed my mind a couple of times on what they will do with Biden, so I really have no idea what will happen. I don’t know if this press conference changes anything. It wasn’t a disaster like the debate but it can’t erase the fact that the debate happened and Biden’s debate performance wasn’t due to “travelling through 15 time zones”.

    If Pelosi and Obama and the rest of the Dem power structure believes that Joe must go then I don’t think there is anything Joe can do to stop it. They’ve seen what they’ve seen and the worst case scenario is that Joe lasts long enough to make it on the ballot and then melts down taking the fortunes of the House and Senate down with him. If I cared about the future of the Dem party, I wouldn’t want to take that chance.

  36. If Pelosi and Obama and the rest of the Dem power structure believes that Joe must go then I don’t think there is anything Joe can do to stop it. They’ve seen what they’ve seen and the worst case scenario is that Joe lasts long enough to make it on the ballot and then melts down taking the fortunes of the House and Senate down with him.

    Gregory Harper:

    You get it.

  37. Only if really opened the can of worms about a real mental testing, he keeps saying he doesn’t need it, no one wants him to get one because they know the answer it will give.

  38. I’ve said it twice and I’ll say it again.

    President MK-ULTRA.
    (That is when he’s not playing President Fentanyl-Tranq…)

  39. Rufus,

    Thanks for the information about party rules. What about state laws? Aren’t there any laws requiring delegates chosen in state-run primaries to honor their pledges on the first ballot?

  40. Credibility?

    Not sure they really need any o’ that.

    (After all, it’s a white supremacist, western, colonialist, Zionist oppressor construct…. Kinda like math, science, medicine, grammar, punctuality, etc.)

    What they DO need, OTOH, is Good Optics(TM).

    (…because Oceania had ALWAYS been at war with…whatever…)

  41. Bernie Sanders is a commie and there is no reason for the donkey party to let that commie usurp their party. He deserves everything they do to keep him out. He wants to be the donkey nominee, he should join the party. But that is probably too much work. Grifter.

  42. Barry whether or not they need credibility is one of those things for others to decide. But the MSM does something similar every election year. A couple of months before they do a faux effort at at getting to the “truth” knowing full well the election is over. I expect something of the same to be attempted. What I don’t know is will it be a ” all hands on deck effort”. I don’t think so but that’s a guess on my part.

  43. I believe we’re on the cusp of a new age, something similar to the 1400’s. With the advent of the printing press, disappearance of serfdom in some areas and the dawning of the age of sail. Will it be good or bad again I don’t know but it’s coming!

  44. Using the Afghanistan debacle as the precedent, there was some mumbling sand grumbling and gnashing of teeth on the part of the media but that quickly dissipated—like a light haze on a summer morning—and all the usual suspects fell into line.
    The same will occur now.

    As you put it, “All hands on deck….”

  45. and most of those responsible where in the mumenchanz chorus, we saw on thursday

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