Home » Open thread 7/9/24


Open thread 7/9/24 — 32 Comments

  1. Which raises the age-old conundrum, how do hedgehogs procreate…?

  2. So, are we in the First Day of the Walking Dem Disaster (was going to use another word, but that would be in bad taste)?
    So many Dems shoveling a pile of steaming manure, each one a different pile.
    Yes, the Dems are in disarray now, but once Biden is replaced and or steps down from the Pres, the Dems will unite as One. And the big issue for them will suddenly become Trump’s age.

    Me, well I am off to the Office. Have flowers to water and weeds to spray. Going to be Hot, starting Wed,100 for next several days.

  3. I’m noticing fewer headlines about prominent Democrats and media personalities (BIRM) asking or outright demanding for Biden to step down today. I think Biden has weathered the storm… for now anyway.

    All that said, this means that between now and election day it’s a certainty that there will be many more awkward, garbled and nonsensical Biden moments. There’s also a fair chance that he could fall and injure himself or freeze up like a deer in headlights. Every public appearance will be a stressful roller coaster for Democrats as they hope and pray that Biden doesn’t do or say something utterly irretrievable, or then again maybe they’re hoping he might so they can finally sub in Kamala. Our presidential election is becoming a grotesque spectacle.

  4. Fetal me, you, and the diversity of over 7 billion of us in a winding tale of carbon clusters that God and Nature ever designed. Oh, and the hedgehog, too. Cute.

  5. The powerline video basically confirms what Ted Noel wrote a few days ago on AT; just another independent source.

  6. }}} then again maybe they’re hoping he might so they can finally sub in Kamala.

    The notion that those in power can NOT ack that Biden fails the test of his capacity to do the job, thereby clearly leaving unspecified individuals in defacto power is just flat out ludicrous.


    It is sadly noteworthy to find that Eric Clapton has become a total, drooling, lefty shill for antisemitism:

    The only thing that makes Cat Stevens even worse is that Stevens actually created a song with the ironic title “Peace Train”, which has the lyrics:

    Now, I’ve been cryin’ lately
    Thinkin’ about the world as it is
    Why must we go on hating?
    Why can’t we live in bliss?

    SMH. This is how corrupt the Left has become — they actually embrace antisemitism and abandon all those lofty “peace” ideals they once expounded on.

  7. Make the Muslim Vote Count

    (HT Power Line in ref to Why the Muslim Vote campaign is a glimpse into a horrifying future paid article)

    The MAGA GOP’s beloved Judeo-Christian slanted Rule of Law looks to have ‘A Change Is Gonna Come’ in the not so distant future. Will these now MAGA GOP ‘Saints’ become their currently hated criminal ‘Class’ or will they continue to follow their once beloved Rule of Law?

    The Muslim Vote Rocks UK Politics

    Here in the U.S., we aren’t there yet. But that is the direction in which we are heading.

  8. Britain is a Christian country, when it forgot that, well there we are, they were subsumed by their colonial subjects, and some of the French ones say Morocco and Tunisia, ironically the result of decolonialism, Pakistan arose out of the partition of India, Bangladesh further, much of West Africa had similar problems, Nigeria, among the most wrenching in recent era, France had a similar dynamic with Algeria in particular, Degaulle though he could wash his hands of that matter,

    Confident cultures, don’t need to apologize constantly for their existence, the Magna Carta was a great thing, if not for the British Navy would slavery have been stamped out on the high seas

  9. I say we replace the honey badger with the wart hog all say aye,

    Mohammed is already the most popular name for a British boy, exactly how they calculated things, who knows exactly well it’s a very binary culture on stilts but bringing up such things is islamophobia,
    the rot starts at the Top, Queen Elizabeth was the last symbol of a confident Britain, as Thatcher was in the political realm, 40 years before, the successors don’t even pretend to measure up, From King Charles on down, the Cool Britannia of Tony Blair doesn’t really hold any relevance,
    the ravening wolves or dragons to the East
    the Lion to the South, the Persian symbol all see this clearly,

  10. In a remarkable segment of Gutfeld, Black conservative economic commenter Charles Payne was really cracking up about Biden’s lost looking reactions to being at the Black church in Philadelphia the other day (Biden, of course, claiming that he “had been raised in the Black church” and, so, would be intimately familiar with the service, and things like putting money in the collection plate), Payne saying that, “every time Biden is around Black people, he looks like he wants to call the police.”

    * See https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/07/oh-my-charles-payne-drops-biden-pandering-votes/

  11. Yes i saw that segment, gosh that jive talker, never stops does he, it’s not accidental as we know he allied himself first in the Senate, James Eastland!! and
    Bob Byrd, of course we know his views about desegregation expressed quite crudely,

    When it came to the crime bill, His partner was Bill Clinton the protege of the noble segregationist, spit, William Fulbright, who reinvented himself as an anti Interventionist, even though he midwifed the Vietnam Expedition, later was a leading exponent of the Arab lobby, notably the UAE

    of course the broken windows strategy, divised by james q wilson and george kelling is a whole nother animal that is what the whole era of police denialism had tried to erase,

  12. The little hedgehogs look like the old power mop or power scrubber heads.

    When the hand picked up the baby hedgehog and put it back I feared the creepy part would be the mother killing it. There are plenty of stories about animal mothers killing their babies after they had human scent on them.

    The rumor on the radio is that if Biden survives until the end of the week, then the media will find something at next week’s GOP convention to pounce and seize on and Biden will be out of the spotlight.

  13. Didn’t Biden once say that slave state Delaware was on the wrong side in the CW?

  14. wait I thought GOP are the pouncers,

    he will likely embarass us again, on the world stage,

  15. Dr. Jill demanded that a theme song be written for her by the Marine Corps band.

    The Marine Corps band was instructed last fall to come up with an entrance theme for the first lady, a source told the Washington Examiner. The band now has in its repertoire an original composition titled “Fanfare for the First Lady.” The song, the source said, is essentially Jill Biden’s personal “Hail to the Chief,” in that it is to be performed and repeated at official White House functions, from her first appearance until she is ready to speak.

    It’s not surprising that a galactic level narcisist like that would be loathe to give up power.

  16. Karmi is trolling again. Those damned Judeo-Christain laws! Sharia and atheist laws are no doubt hated, but Mob rule, that’s the ticket.

  17. I tried to navigate around that, a vaccuum like that we see in the West, will be filled with something, the Kings and Queens of Europe, ruled by absolute force, then they came up with divine right, subsequently, if Civilization were to collapse or devolve, something would arise to replace it, and we wouldn’t like it much, something like Dementus of Furiosa fame,

  18. All of this fussing over Biden is interesting, but still not relevant.

    Let’s be clear first that Biden is not an Obama puppet, because Obama was himself a puppet. (Seriously. Obama had no major legislation until he went for the US Senate back in a time when R’s could still squeak out a statewide win in IL, at which point Emil Jones decided Obama would be the lead sponsor on a bunch of perfect soundbite legislation that his fellow legislators had been grinding out for years working to get passed. He was lazy, and outsourced to staff; ditto Biden.).

    Biden and Obama are both political machine hacks/grifters. Obama grew up in Illinois politics, and learned from the masters of how to grift and not (usually) get caught, Mike Madigan and John Cullerton. The machine picked Obama, Biden, etc. Machine is key money people, strategy people, legal and tech, and they will be shadowy people whose names you never hear of in public unless you are an insider political junkie. (R’s have never been good at building this infrastructure).

    The Dem Machine is very tech-supported. It knows to a pretty high accuracy how many votes from which precinct need to show up from where to secure D victory. It doesn’t matter who the candidate is, because their strategy for the last several cycles has been on ballots, not votes. And they are good at getting the ballots. As we’ve seen from the discussion in the media, there are people who would vote for a dead Biden over a live Trump (or any generic R, really).

    So, discussing who are the string pullers is an interesting angle. But of course the media is decidedly uncurious. You won’t get them interested in sharing that info.

    The issue that is worth discussing is, can the Machine sell the fraud this time around.

    More specifically, operate under the theory that there was sufficient urban city/county voter fraud that went on to get Biden over the finish line in 2020 for, e.g., AZ, NV, PA, WI, GA.

    (It can happen any number of ways, whether it is old school busing in people of color into white suburban neighborhoods on election day to vote anyone who hasn’t voted yet (and who count on Karen the nice election judge not wanting to be called racist for asking for ID), SEIU works the nursing homes, US post office worker ensures vote by mail ballots get marked as on time before the end of election day into the system when they aren’t, D precinct/pollworkers in key counties that control the scantrons and upload the data, the D election judges who allow any D vote by mail to go through, the county clerks who don’t clean up the voter rolls so that you have 10 people registered at one 2 BR apartment address, stealing ballots out of mailboxes/PO boxes, broken chains of custody for ballots, the teacher’s union having their teachers bring their mail in ballots to a “vote party” so they can ensure they are filled out correctly, Clyburn putting the squeeze in person on whoever needs to get many more drop boxes out in the right neighborhoods (and make them harder to poll watch), the 100 extra “test sheets” from the ballot printer for each precinct that manage to get lost but are somehow found for a table signature exercise once the early reports are in, whatever–the opportunities to cheat the system are endless).

    The string pullers need to get enough ballots in the system for the Dem candidate, without making the normies/low information types “see” the fraud. And keep the media on board, as they did last time, which they will this time.

    The media fussing over Biden today gives them cover tomorrow to say they are being objective to pronounce that it is totes clear that there were 94 million Biden ballots to have made their way into the system over Trump’s 93 (or whatever number – again, close enough to win with a court challenge, not enough to make it so obvious).

    If Biden gets dumped, it would mean that the number crunchers need someone new because their data models are showing they can’t get over the finish line without more obvious fraud. (A new person makes it easier to say “what a surprise that they outperformed expectations!”). If Biden stays, then they have their ground game covered, and Trump only wins in 2024 if another “surprise” state flips (as PA was for them in 2016 — once Philly said they were 100% reporting, and Trump was ahead by around 2-3000 votes before western PA fully reported, it was clear they didn’t have enough to fraud the outcome). Possibly VA, NH, ME, NJ. Or somewhere that has a particularly contested election that brings people out who don’t usually show up.

    This is of course my PSA to encourage everyone to contact their county party (or organizations like True the Vote) to become an election judge or poll watcher or phone banker (or text-message-sender). Even if you just show up one day to do signature challenges for the vote by mail, those hours help count. Just checking your local precinct block list to see if people there really live there, helps in advance (esp. if VBM votes come in from those addresses). If you live in PA or Georgia, those states are essential this cycle. (If both go red under the current map, Trump gets to 270). If you can invite a “connected” neighbor (as in, someone who knows lots of people) to come with to watch how signature verification is done (or, usually in blue metro areas, not done), that can be really eye opening for people as to how not-secure our elections are.

    I would also say if anyone is in a red area and an election judge, on election night, please take your sweet, slothful time (your D counterpart will have been reporting estimates on turnout), and hold your numbers until the blue areas of the state report in first, or you have at least gotten until midnight. Makes it harder to stuff in states that have requirements that the ballots at least arrive or be postmarked by midnight.

    Sorry to be so cynical, but I’ve seen a lot.

  19. Re: Pessimism

    Currently I find myself inveighing against conservative pessimism. Western civ is doomed. Immigration is killing us. Elections are rigged. People are weak, lazy, stupid, deluded or evil. Nothing will improve. Civil war is around the corner.

    I replied to Richard F. Cook elsewhere:

    Pessimism is what I call “Whistling into the graveyard.”

    Recall, if you will, that the present crew who run the US were once a splinter group called the New Left in the 1960s. They didn’t get where they are now by explaining how their cause was hopeless.

    Now I’m going to quote Marge Piercy, a great New Left feminist writer. I once wrote her fan mail.

    One thing I know is that nothing remains the same. No great problems in society have been solved, no wounds healed, no promises kept except that the rich shall inherit. What swept through us and cast us forward is a force that will gather and rise again. Two steps forward and a step and a half back. I will waste none of my life.

    –Marge Piercy, “Vida” (197)

    I don’t hear that kind of steel much in conservative circles. Except from Donald Trump, one of the reasons I now love the man.

  20. Those hedgehogs are cute. As if one had pinched the heads off of some thistles. Was that a growl from the mother?!

  21. SMH. This is how corrupt the Left has become — they actually embrace antisemitism and abandon all those lofty “peace” ideals they once expounded on.


    As to Cat Stevens — I don’t mean to make excuses though I suppose that I am.

    In the late 70s he really did have a deep, deep conversion into Islam. If you buy that ticket, you take that ride.

  22. The apparent story of the day is that the Dems are Standing By Their Man.

    The bottom line: After the full caucus meeting on Tuesday, the lawmaker who told Axios on Monday night that the revolt is “over” said the gathering only confirmed that view.

    –“Scoop: Biden rebels in Congress see their revolt crumbling”


    The night is young.

  23. I’m overexposed tonight but no one else is commenting so … this rather annoyed me today.

    New York Times columnist John McWhorter has shown us this again recently by wishing someone would assassinate Donald Trump. Has he been arrested? Lost his job? Been publicly repudiated by his friends? Come on, man!

    The Daily Fetched reported Thursday that McWhorter recently appeared on leftist Brown University Glenn Loury’s podcast, The Glenn Show, which has 123,000 YouTube subscribers. McWhorter was contrite — or at least as contrite as hardline leftist ideologues can get. He announced (at 17:49 here): “I have taken a great deal of heat for saying, or implying, that I wish somebody would kill Donald Trump. And that is exactly what I was implying. It was irresponsible —”

    Loury jumped in to emphasize the point: “That is what you were implying.”

    McWhorter agreed: “Yeah. Yeah. Oh, yeah. I said it. And it was irresponsible of me to say that in a public space. I really shouldn’t have said it here. Now I already did, and so, you know, I have to own it, I did say it. Somebody has asked, you know, ‘Do you say that in private?’ And, yes, I have said it often, and I have only halfway been kidding, and I’m gonna say it again, yes. And it is a smaller side of me. I should not wish for another person to suffer, even if it’s a hideous pig of a man like him.”


    With some ambivalence I have admired John McWhorter as a bright, interesting, not entirely woke, black guy and a linguist to boot.

    But clearly he is another unhinged violent bigot and I am in no way required to grant him any respect whatsoever.

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