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Lies and coverups — 63 Comments

  1. Yes.

    And it has never been a matter of providing legally actionable evidence in court.

    It is a matter of trust.

    Susy finds her boyfriend Mike in bed with Alice. Mike can protest all he can that “We weren’t doing anything but keeping warm”. Doesn’t matter. Trust has been destroyed.

    So the Left has destroyed trust in our elections. Motor Voter. Mailed out ballots to every address in the phone book. Unattended ballot drop boxes. They cannot restore trust by protesting that they are honest. I don’t believe that. And neither do at least half of the nation’s voters.

  2. Said it before and I’ll say it again:

    The pathological liars have been calling Trump a liar non-stop.
    The pathological criminals have been calling Trump a criminal non-stop.
    The country’s avid, assiduous, determined destroyers have been calling Trump a danger to the country non-stop.
    (And that is all ye’ need to know…)

  3. Said it before and I’ll say it again:

    The pathological liars have been calling Trump a liar non-stop.
    The pathological criminals have been calling Trump a criminal non-stop.
    The country’s avid, assiduous, determined destroyers have been calling Trump the biggest danger to the country non-stop.
    (And that is all ye’ need to know…)

  4. Leftism is always projection, Sundowner mentions Trump lies 28 times and doubt he said 1 thing that was true.

  5. Day ending in y thats why theyve gone after guiliani powell eastman et al

  6. Leftists have always been willing to cheat at retail levels. As I used to point out, in MInnesota I could generate 3 or 4 hundred votes in Minneapolis with zero risk of being caught. And people did stuff like that. Who is going to investigate? Democrats control the whole process.

    With drop boxes and mail ballots, it can now be done wholesale, and they’re doing it. A serious election security effort could uncover a lot of it, like 200 people registered in one house. But the Democrats don’t want election security. They want to cheat.

  7. Oh, and the next hoax is well underway. The whole “Agenda 25” thing is being passed around like it’s printed on Trump Tower letterhead, and the same people shocked by how feeble Joe is are eagerly consuming it. Joy Reid says it’s true!

  8. And–don’t you find it rich that those who rant and rail that Trump, if ever allowed back in the White House, will never, ever abandon power–those very same people strongly defend Joe Biden’s adamant refusal to step down, despite his pledge to be a one-term president….

  9. The 2020 election was not honest. We all know that and the Democrats are proud of it. They dare us to complain and then punish people like John Eastman who .merely gave advice to Trump. I see that Molly Ball, who wrote the Time Magazine piece disclosing how they did it, is now at the Wall Street Journal. Only the op-ed pages there are honest.

  10. Look, we have to give them due credit: They have swallowed a huge stupid lie (i.e., that “Donald Trump Is Literal* Hitler”) …and in the wake of integrating that lie into their worldview, they are now taking all possible actions coherent with their worldview.

    So, would they cheat in the election?

    Sure they would! If it was the best way to prevent literal Hitler coming to power, wouldn’t you? Of course you would! It’d be morally obligatory**. If you’re left-of-center, and say you wouldn’t stuff ballots, or vote in multiple states, or slash someone’s tires at the polling-place, or intimidate voters to drive them away, to prevent literal Hitler rising to power…what would that say about your own laxity? …your neglect? …your lack of dedication to the cause?

    Would they broadly and knowingly deceive public, generally? Commit acts of blackmail or even terrorism? Grave injustices against innocent victims of crimes? Collusion with various evil persons?

    Of course they would: If you’re fighting literal Hitler, all such rule-bending is justified**, right?

    The truly astonishing thing is their claim that, in the 2020 election, there wasn’t an unusually high amount of fraud and other shenanigans.

    I don’t mean that we have proof of such fraud, or even its magnitude: That’s impossible because our system uses anonymous ballots. It’s designed that way.

    But this was an election where a historically large amount of the safeguards against illegal/multiple voting, and of the audit-trail data for detecting fraud after-the-fact, were removed, in counties with left-wing prosecutors and election officials, who wouldn’t prosecute any left-winger caught doing shady things.

    It is in that context — huge incentives, no disincentives — that the left is claiming that left-leaning persons didn’t try to commit fraud in large numbers.

    Anyone who claims that is either lying, or has zero experience of how large groups of human beings respond to incentives, on the margins.

    * = By “literal” Hitler of course they actually mean figurative Hitler. “Literal” would mean Adolf had pulled a Lazarus; but this is a minor example of the kind of ideologically-convenient elasticity with words for which the left is infamous.

    ** = Granted, my own moral code doesn’t permit all of these things, not even in opposition to “literal Hitler.” This is because my Judeo-Christian Virtue-Ethics Aristotelian-Thomist moral code is superior to the best moral code that the left could possibly adopt while remaining “the left”; i.e., while remaining consistent with the left’s worldview.

    The underlying premises of their worldview do not permit them any moral code other than nominalist-and-sentimentalist utilitarianism, coupled to a kind of zero-sum collectivism optimized for the political gain of provisionally-prioritized victim groups.

    So, naturally (given the left’s underlying philosophy) the ends justify the means, even when the ends are shocking, and even though the ends are constantly changing in unprincipled ways. Because that is their starting-point, they feel (which is the sentimentalist part) that vote-fraud, murder, terrorism, etc., are all justified by whatever today’s party marching orders demand. They would do these things and more, to prevent “literal Hitler” from winning. Normally they pull back from the more extreme evils not because they don’t think such things are justified by the ends of defeating “literal Hitler,” but only because they don’t want to get caught.

  11. No, I find it completely unsurprising.

    I do wonder if ordinary democrats, now that the lying of the democratic leadership and the mainstream media (but I repeat myself) about how good Biden has been has become obvious, will make the leap of critical thinking and conclude they have been lying about how bad Trump has been.

  12. Biden represents the progressive juggernaut (DEI, border, stigmatization of the police, abortion . . .). Trump represents a swing back of the pendulum. If you’re progressive, it’s about keeping it all going. If the Dems thought Hillary could beat Trump, Hillary it would be. Same with Sanders.
    To progressives it matters little that Biden is senile. At this point they haven’t figured out an alternative to Biden who can take on Trump.
    It’s not so much about Biden. It’s about Trump (and a large swath of America).
    I told my wife after 2020 that we’re in about the 2nd inning. Game’s far from over no matter who wins 2024.

  13. They’ve painted themselves into a corner and they want sympathy from us because of it. Those old Jewish proverb writers are laughing their asses off!

  14. I haven’t posted in a while. I got some push back when I asserted that the Russian Collusion Hoax itself was the best evidence of a stolen election in 2020.. (81 million votes!)
    The brazeness of the planting of evidence against Trump should have convinced most people that there is a Deep State manipulating outcomes. We have been living under the illusion of self government for a long time.
    Our battle is with powers and principalities and dark forces in high places.

  15. Neo-

    In their defense I don’t think they expect anyone to believe it. Its more like an unspoken promise to their constituents. And a challenge to their opponents. Daring others to prove them wrong. Knowing full well they succeed though lawfare and outright skullduggery.

  16. Mythx has it right, though it’s not a defense. They know we know. They don’t care.

  17. Yes, as well as R.C. @6:40 pm.

    And since we’re dealing with “Transitory Truth”, everything goes when it comes to strengthening the Democrats and utterly destroying their political opponents.
    (The only real ‘Truth’ is that Trump, along with his supporters, is a toxic, noxious, vile creature from whom the noble Democrats must courageously defend the country.)

    And then we have Transitory Dementia….

  18. It was many years ago, early in my adulthood, that I learned that the core guiding principle of Democrats was BAMN – By Any Means Necessary. They were and are willing to do anything to win elections and gain and sustain political power. Knowing this is why I am convinced that the 2020 presidential election was rigged/stolen. That and the completely implausible notion that Joe Biden received 81 million legitimate votes. Seeing as Joe is now exposed as mentally and physically incapacitated and so likely incapable of getting enough votes in key states to allow for rigging the vote again (there is a limit on how many votes Dems can fabricate) he will be dumped.

  19. Gordon Scott

    And as a bonus they have Little Somalia in the Twin Cities.

  20. Old joke alert!!!: in an apartment building late at night near first floor comes a knock at the door, voices from the entire floor cry out, the communists live upstairs!

  21. Here in MT we still hold on to “fair play” and “integrity” as the values necessary to small agricultural communities. After the 2020 election in which the R party won again. They installed in three rural counties people from their party to run the local “elections”. To manage the election basics–get the ballots mailed out to a thousand people, get the same ballots counted, etc. But the ever-evil and ever-vigilant D party sued (or threatened to sue–can’t remember which) one of the counties for not being able to “manage the election process”. That is to say they claimed that the local woman put in charge to count ballots was incompetent–they threatened to sue.

    To be fair-minded the local R party “HIRED” a professional election manager from out of state. This person was “recommended” by the Democrats. She was hired to “manage the election process”. Then, just because they were on the subject of “Professional election management” the Dems talked the local nice Republican guys in the two counties next door to hire two more “out-of-state professionals” to come in and manage the election process. Let’s watch and see how those three Republican counties vote this time shall we? Looks like lunch time at the raw meat factory!

    If memory serves me well back in 2010 the Dems stepped in when they had full power and fired the local women in three rural counties who had managed those elections for years.

  22. Not seeing any hope Sundowner will be the nomination, so do they go with Harris as the recipient of the Sundowner/ Harris campaign funds or throw that all away on someone else? Think this week will be tell

  23. If your job is creating and disseminating narratives and your narrative turns out to be untrue, you create another narrative explaining how you were deceived. People who are used to believing your narratives will believe the new one. The narrative, after all, is everywhere and hard to get away from — once you stigmatize everything that contradicts the narrative as right-wing propaganda.

  24. I saw a post by Steve Hayward at Power Line saying that in fact the Biden/Harris campaign fund could be transferred to the DNC, who could then do anything they wanted with it, so the money is not a problem If Harris is not the nominee.

  25. But the media don’t even have to come up with a new narrative to explain their failure to cover Biden’s condition. News moves fast. National Review Online says that the media are expecting Biden’s candidacy to crash and burn and divert attention from their own cover-up. People who get their news from the mainstream media will be so caught up in the new developments, they’ll forget about the media’s misdeeds. It is worth noting, though, that readership and viewership are on the decline for legacy media.

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  27. OT, sorta, for Rufus: that William DeVaughn song I posted in the other thread, “Be Thankful For What You’ve Got” was a big hit in 1974, made #4 on Billboard pop chart.

    However I may have spoken too soon. In Instapundit this morning they link to an article about the Democrats’ “Plan C” – keep Biden at the top of the ticket but run Obama for Vice President. Biden would resign after a decent interval, say 1/22/2025.

    Not Michelle. The Constitution? We’ll take care of that …

  28. If Plan C is too outrageous even for Democrats (assuming such an animal exists) it suggests a Plan D (C+? C-?) – replace Harris with Michelle O as VP on the ticket, then Biden resigns shortly after the inauguration. This may get around at least some of the logistical obstacles to replacing Biden on the ticket.

    The question of course is would MO agree to this? I have been in the camp along with neo that says “no way, she doesn’t want it and she’s got it too good now”. But desperate times call for desperate measures.

  29. Barack ‘n Michelle!

    Let’s make HISTORY together!!!!

    (Um, make that Michelle ‘n Barak…)

    …and if that’s not the kind of history that can be made, why then…Michelle ‘n Kamala!!!

    (Let’s make HISTORY together!!!! Round 2…)

  30. I find myself thinking a lot about the societal implications of advanced AI lately, and I can’t help but wonder – suppose there was an AI with very in-depth understanding of say, Biden, and those around him. An AI so advanced that it could not only predict their actions, but predict what situations could trigger certain reactions.

    Are we nearing a time when AI could be used as a political weapon, to trigger perhaps embarrassing actions by sending inputs to our adversaries directly or through others?

    If an AI neural net can use millions of example videos of driving a car through complex traffic situations, could an AI net be trained on the millions of words of a political opponent and his team, and learn to predict them, and to do so to obtain a certain effect?

  31. }}} Their principles are such that they would certainly commit fraud if they found it possible and necessary to do so in order to win. That is crystal clear.

    I’m pretty sure this gave that position and attitude away 3½ years ago, and it was published only 2 months after the election they stole. They don’t openly state that they stole it, but anyone with the slightest brain, reading between the lines, can see them self-justifying what they did and literally crowing about their success in doing it, with a side order of “in your face!!”.

    The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election

    }}} I see that Molly Ball, who wrote the Time Magazine piece disclosing how they did it, is now at the Wall Street Journal.

    She’s the writer of the above-linked piece MK references here.

    Truman was particularly irked by the “professional liberal,” whom he distinguished from “real liberals” like himself. Professional liberals lived by slogans and saw American politics as an ideological war, which Truman considered alien to the genius of the Democratic party. In his lifetime the party was a sort of political melting pot in which conservative Southerners and moderate border-state men like Truman found common ground with Eastern liberals. “Professional liberals are too arrogant to compromise,” Truman said. “In my experience they were also very unpleasant people on a personal level. Behind their slogans about saving the world and sharing the wealth with the common man lurked a nasty hunger for power. They’d double-cross their own mothers to get it or keep it.”

    Eight Days With Harry Truman

    Some 95% of self-identified “liberals” these days are precisely the kind of “professional” liberal that Truman was railing against.

  32. }}} so do they go with Harris as the recipient of the Sundowner/ Harris campaign funds or throw that all away on someone else? Think this week will be tell

    I’m curious about the chicanery that could result if they nom Harris plus “the real candidate”, then have Harris, after a few weeks, bow out claiming, “I can’t handle the pressure, so I’m stepping down.” Up steps the veep candidate with a new veep (selected before the convention) and keeps the money in play.

    This might allow the moneys to be used. I’m sure it depends on the exact legal language in a number of places.

  33. }}} However I may have spoken too soon. In Instapundit this morning they link to an article about the Democrats’ “Plan C” – keep Biden at the top of the ticket but run Obama for Vice President.

    I suspect that this would not be legitimate. There are specific requirements that say that the veep must be eligible for being the PotUS, as they are designed to step in if the PotUS becomes unable to perform the office, either temporarily or permanently.

    Since Obama cannot run again, selecting him as Veep would be disallowed. Similarly to a veep candidate who was under 35 or not a natural born citizen (this was a significant part of the Obama “birther” controversy — had he not been born on US soil — embassies are US soil, I’d note on the side — then he would have been ineligible to become the PotUS and thus ineligible to run for election. Note that I put no belief at all in the notion that he was not born on US soil, for a number of reasons I won’t get into)

    I don’t doubt that this would come down to a court fight, if it were tried, but I also don’t think that the current SCotUS, as unreliable as they are, would allow this kind of end-run around the rules for succession and re-election, and would quickly step in to rule on it…

    }}} If an AI neural net can use millions of example videos of driving a car through complex traffic situations, could an AI net be trained on the millions of words of a political opponent and his team, and learn to predict them, and to do so to obtain a certain effect?

    AI may someday become reliable at something like this, but it ain’t there yet. It would also require honest trainers to set up the lessons, and the current crop aren’t even honest to themselves. If it spit out something they did not like when asked a question during training, they’d adjust the training parms to produce something they did like — remember the Black Founders and the Black Nazis bovine excreta. These fuckers are not in touch with Reality, much less Truth.

  34. When the Democrats are in trouble, their MO is to up the ante.
    Lie some more. BIGTIME!
    Cover up some more. BIGTIME!!
    Deceive some more. !

    We “happen to be” at the POINT where they need a—um, make that “another “—massive lie / tremendous coverup / huge deception / monumental distraction.

    (One shudders to think what form that might take….)
    Will that legal charlatan Merchan be UNLEASHED? Will “Biden” issue a EO giving illegals the vote? Will “his” pals in Beijing step up? “His” comrades in Moscow? “His” amigos in Teheran (and Beirut, and Gaza, and Yemen)?

    (Allies, after all, have to stick together even if, for good measure, they find it useful to trash-talk one another—just more distractions, to be sure—the POINT being they’re completely convinced that by so doing they’re oh-so-cleverly throwing us off the scent…and what a putrid stench it is…).

    Or maybe ALL OF THE ABOVE…

    So what’ll it be this time?
    Go ahead! Pick a distraction. ANY distraction. (Or maybe a whole salad bar’s worth—that way, maybe Harris’ll be more comfortable trying to explain it to us dweebs…)

  35. they would want to upset the apple cart, xi or chi haotian, has a seat with hunter at the roulette table putin it would certainly was brought over the brink by harris’s last minute presence, they aren’t keen on black women,

    I would like to know what burrow Sirwar is hiding in, like a rabid gopher, there seems to be a lot of them

  36. It is not sufficient to point out a problem. We need to find solutions.

    Here are some things that may help. Certainly not guaranteed to fix anything, but it’s better than complaining.

    Donate to Republican candidates for Secretary of State and local elections boards.

    Volunteer to be a vote counter or observer.

    Donate to organizations that are fighting election fraud such as reformcalifornia.org

    Donate to Republican candidates in general. If the margin is larger, it is harder to commit enough fraud.

    I’m sure you can come up with ideas also.

  37. And make sure you get enough target practice…

    Speaking of monumental distractions, get a load of this psychopath….
    ‘…Klaus Schwab Says Humanity Must Be “Forced Into Collaboration” With Globalist Elites’—

    And there it is: The Globalist agenda…from the horse’s mouth. (The same horse that lauds Communist China as the example to be held up for us all to follow…)

    Nothing new here, of course, but Big Chief WEF/WTF (AKA Mistuh Schwab) has shown his cards loud and clear.

    + (Timely) Bonus:
    “Western Elites Have A Reality Problem”—
    Mistuh Schwab, take note…. (not that you will, not that you will…but still…)

  38. FOAF, Plan “C”: “But no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice-President of the United States.” Source: 12th Amendment to the US Constitution. Since the 22nd Amendment makes Obama ineligible for president, having already been elected twice, it seems that he could not run for vice-president.

  39. And if ye’ think that there’s no way in Hades that Decent Joe will be able to continue flopping away in the Oval Office to Obama’s tune, then you might want to have a gander at this book review (or maybe, on second thought, not):

    “Show Me the Dark Money;
    “…‘Arabella: The Dark Money Network of Leftist Billionaires Secretly Transforming America’ by Scott Walter”—
    H/T Powerline blog.

    We all understood it was there, certainly…but who knew it was so extensive, intricate, labyrinthine and so deep?

    File under: Yikes!

  40. I am thinking tomorrow might be the end of Sundowner’s reelection.
    It’s going to be a interesting week.

  41. Non-citizens may not vote in Federal elections according to this link: https://www.usa.gov/who-can-vote
    Who cannot vote?
    * Non-citizens, including permanent legal residents, cannot vote in federal, state, and most local elections.

    And the article at this link says that Washington state has removed residency requirement to register to vote: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/07/fix-is-washington-state-abolishes-residency-requirement-voter/

    My concern is how non-citizens will be prevented from voting in the Federal Presidential election. I think that this is the reason that Biden opened the borders. They will join all of the dead voters and those who do not exist.

  42. I believe the National Review recorded articles which showed Truman accused Republicans of being Nazis. He’s toward the beginning of a long line of Democrat lies about Republicans that continues.

  43. As we all chatter about this and that, all they are doing is figuring out how to create enough votes to win while distracting us with the this and that for us to chatter about. Create votes not get votes…

    As I have said before, in NH with 6000 ish out of state students and 3000 no longer living in NH but still registered here voters, it’s a done deal. Biden wins or whatever other sock puppet they push into place.

  44. The Democrats now seem to be putting a lot of emphasis on the Chrisitian Nationalism thing, and I’m afraid it is getting some traction.

  45. Needless to say I agree with OBH and Kate. The sophistry being used is that the exact wording of the 22nd amendment is that “no person shall be *elected* [my emphasis] more than twice …”. Barry would not be “elected” President again, he would just happen to step up because surprisingly ol’ Joe was unable to finish his term. Of course the plan thoroughly contradicts the intention of the amendment. But what are Democrats about if not treating the Constitution like toilet paper?

  46. In case there was/is/will be any doubt about the matter, Daniel Greenfield spells out what the country is dealing with (and why Decent Joe Biden MUST continue as “POTUS”)…

    Caveat: Amidst all the cynicism, which many of us feel, what Greenfield does NOT seem to get (or wish to describe) is the tremendously ideological—WEF/WTF—dimension of the destructive policies we’ve been seeing since Obama’s ascent to the pinnacle of power in 2009.

    “Who’s Running the Country?”—
    Key grafs:

    Candidates past their prime go up to bat because they have the biggest networks of fellow politicians, donors and party activists….

    …Elections are the least important part of politics. All the really important parts of politics happen behind closed doors. What politicians do isn’t run for office, they network, they cut deals and they plan their careers.

    That network, which we occasionally call by wholly inadequate names like the “establishment” or “D.C. insiders” is the reason Biden is up again in 2024. And why he can’t be gotten rid of.

    But where did Obama come from? He came out of that network of radical activists, donors and government personnel now running the country. Obama is not a brilliant genius or one-man dynamo, he was a lazy and unoriginal activist lawyer…

    It’s not really Biden’s ‘turn’ though. It’s the turn of the strategists, lobbyists, staffers, donors, allies and more nebulous figures known as ‘friends’ whom he accrued over the years. They’re invested in his success, and they’re profiting from it. And they won’t easily give it up….

    Replacing Biden with another candidate would upend much of D.C., put tens of billions of dollars in flux and create massive instability in this corrupt local economy. Much of D.C. would rather ride it out (especially since the campaign people will make just as much money if Biden loses) and preserve the integrity of the networks and the illicit pinkie swears that allow special interests to buy influence without having to worry if their man will suddenly be swapped out.

    That is what “it’s his turn” really means….

  47. neo – You’re not wrong, but I believe the bigger threat is what happened in France yesterday. The left manages to convince the middle that the right is a bigger threat. End result – the left rides the failure of the elites to (greater) power.

    I fear that we’re fighting a losing battle in the US this year. I watched J.D. Vance and Marco Rubio on the Sunday shows yesterday. I thought both did very well, especially Vance. I can’t shake the feeling, though, that they’re not going to be able to do enough to overcome the man at the top of the ticket. In both interviews, the host confronted the senators about the prospect of Trump using the DOJ to attack political rivals. That should be a hanging fastball given the Biden DOJ, and both did reasonably well with it. Vance pointed out that the Biden DOJ is doing just that and that Trump didn’t. Rubio focused on what Trump has said about letting his (potential) victory be his retribution. The problem is that Trump has been shooting his mouth off again this week, re-tweeting a post calling for Liz Cheney to be tried by a televised military tribunal and calling for a special prosecutor to investigate the Bidens.

    So who does Joe Normie believe? The slick senators on TV, the TV host, or the image of the re-tweet under Trump’s account and the video of Trump saying the opposite?

    That’s the game that we’re playing. No one should be surprised if it doesn’t turn out the way we all hope, just as in France.

  48. More lies.
    More coverups.
    More absolute garbage…from the Democratic Party…
    …NONE OF IT surprising…

    “Biden Campaign Gives List Of Approved Questions For Two Radio Interviews”—
    Opening grafs:
    “The Biden campaign learned nothing from the debate about coverups.
    “This is not confidence inspiring….”

    What the author seemingly fails to understand is that the “Biden” campaign DOESN’T HAVE TO LEARN ANYTHING…and that it DOESN’T HAVE TO INSPIRE CONFIDENCE.

    + Bonus:
    “PA radio station “cut ties” with Andrea Lawful-Sanders, the host who revealed that the White House sent her the questions before interviewing Biden”—
    H/T Instapundit.

    Now how’s THAT for “inspiring confidence”?!

  49. Bauxite:

    This is far beyond anything to do with Trump. We’ve been round and round with this many times before, and although I share your concern about the left and its tactics, I don’t think Trump is the problem. His style attracts as many people as it repels – it’s just different people.

    I’m always astounded that anyone thinks Nikki Haley, for example, would be an easy winner. I completely disagree. Many of Trump’s supporters would stay home rather than vote for her.

  50. }}} I believe the National Review recorded articles which showed Truman accused Republicans of being Nazis. He’s toward the beginning of a long line of Democrat lies about Republicans that continues.

    I think Truman, despite a number of faults (He was clearly somewhat antiSemitic, as was Bess, if you read the article… but he wasn’t really really obnoxious about it) was mostly NAIVE. He made it to where he did by being mostly an honest straight shooter. And having a lot of common sense.

    If he said “Republicans are Nazis”, then it was likely because someone told him lies about what they were doing.

    I honestly doubt if he had any idea that McCarthy was actually at least partly correct, that his State Department was loaded with Soviet Spies. He almost certainly believed otherwise, in my opinion (though, granted, I have not made a deep study of the man). And this wasn’t unquestionable until the release of the Venona Papers made it clear.


    It’s notable that the info contained in the above Counterintelligence project was NOT given to Truman directly, but was filtered to him through various agencies such as the FBI — and Truman did not get along well with Hoover, thinking he exaggerated things for his own bureaucratic benefit.

    All of that fits, to me, with the kind of man who could say this:

    “My forebears were Confederate… Every factor and influence in my background — and my wife’s, for that matter — would foster the personal belief that you are right.

    But my very stomach turned over when I learned that negro soldiers, just back from overseas, were being dumped out of Army trucks in Mississippi and beaten.

    Whatever my inclinations as a native of Missouri might have been, as President, I know this is bad. I shall fight to end evils like this.”
    – Harry S Truman –

    And this is why he promoted some of the earliest modern Civil Rights laws. He was, as a result of his raising, at least somewhat a believer in the inferiority of black people — but he could still recognize their inherent humanity.

    That’s not the full leap to being non-racist, but it’s a larger step than many in the 1940s, with his cultural history, were capable of. I respect that somewhat. I can wish he went further, but making even that much of a step is a Real Good Thing, and speaks to his own innate decency.

  51. So did Woodrow Wilson have a son?
    “Hunter Biden’s the real point person in Joe’s White House — don’t underestimate the first son”—

    This is all rather astonishing…
    (Actually, nothing about the MOST CORRUPT PRESIDENCY IN THE COUNTRY’S HISTORY should astonish…)

    Would be nice, though (not to mention considerate) if Mr. “Smartest Guy I Know”(TM) wouldn’t leave bags of cocaine behind him in the WH…

  52. So did Woodrow Wilson have a son?
    Just daughters. IIRC, one of them was a spinster eccentric who was later mixed up in some oddball religious sect, one led an embarrassing life which include two sets of divorce proceedings and children whose troubles made the newspapers, and one who led an orderly life and has respectable (though obscure) descendants. The youngest of them was 26 when he married Edith Bolling Galt, so one might wager none were close to her (though they may have been cordial).

  53. Hes unteachable biden isnt in charge that has been clear who gives the orders who sets personnel that is the 60,000 question

  54. neo – Attracting as many people as he repels equals repeating the performances of McCain and Romney, which Trump has basically done. Defeating the left requires more than simply adding as many as you repel.

    The amazing thing to me is that the repellent aspects of Trump have very little to do with his policies or his opposition to the left. Of course, to the left, anyone who isn’t a hard leftie is a unique threat, but I’m talking about the middle. To the middle, the problem with Trump is all about his lack of maturity, right judgment, and restraint. You could have a Trumpy candidate who behaved like a well-adjusted adult and didn’t, for example, make his surrogates look like fools or make the left’s pitch to the center for them.

    If the price of winning the voters that Trump adds is repelling the voters that are necessary to win, that’s no bargain.

    Is the left going to cheat? Yes, though they would never describe it that way. But their Plan A is to convince normie non-political obsessives that Trump is a unique threat. Plan A just worked in France. Here in the US, Trump more or less executes the left’s Plan A for them. Maybe we’ll get away with it this year as in 2016. Maybe not.

    I will not be the least bit surprised if Biden or Kamala win in November. That would not (necessarily) require fraud, and a Trump loss, without more, certainly wouldn’t be proof of fraud. It is entirely conceivable that a critical mass of non-political obsessives will look at Trump’s behavior, including his behavior in office, and decide that he is a unique threat.

  55. I’m picturing myself asking some liberal acquaintances how they plan to prove to me the last and the next election weren’t fraudulent, based on the honesty recently displayed by the Democrats and their minions at various levels of government.

    Their belief that Trump is literally Hitler is beyond reach by normal means and, I suppose, would be used justify any underhanded strategies if fraud were to be demonstrated beyond quibble.

    I saw a FB post equating the recent SCOTUS decision on immunity to the Enabling Acts of 1933 in Germany.

    Not so. It’s just evening the race. The dems already had that protection; Called the DoJ.

    Still, it leaves open endless, crippling court cases which will absorb time and attention until, finally, the issue in hand is decided to be “official”, which would have been known going in but stacks of trials on the subjects, endlessly replaced, can be expected.

  56. Bauxite, I disagree but it will be interesting to see if the election proves one of us right .I can’t watch Trump speak. He just rubs me the wrong way but he did the right things in office at least in policies, if not appointments. I think he has attracted lots of Reagan Democrats. The people who hate him were never going to vote R.

  57. CC™ assumes that the left has an infinite capacity for vote fraud to defeat The Great Orange Whale but that is not the true or real problem. As always, it is The Great Orange Whale.

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