Home » Open thread 7/5/24


Open thread 7/5/24 — 22 Comments

  1. I do love watching them. But, a lot of knee replacements down the road.

    Is Biden still President?

  2. so Ghazavat Galloway lost his Rochdale seat, in the great Labour downpour,

  3. Aaaarrgh! Kazatkis! The pain of the flashbacks!

    Despite that, thanks for your focus on East Euro dancing. Love it.

  4. Joe Rogan points out this prime load of horseshit from the New York Times, back in March, when they published a long essay, arguing that what people were observing of Biden’s behavior was not really age, but, instead–as with Beethoven, Wagner, and Martin Scorsese–it was just “style.” *

    * See https://x.com/joerogan/status/1808928042300985684?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1808928042300985684%7Ctwgr%5Ece0919327067296d7e6028349834ec6914c24a06%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.thegatewaypundit.com%2F2024%2F07%2Fny-times-gaslighting-exposed-joe-rogan-destroys-fish%2F

  5. Was Biden ever really President, apart from the occasional ceremonial function?

  6. Well, yes, tcrosse, he was, and still is, president. See Afghanistan, among other things. He’s not totally gone mentally, although he’s headed that way.

  7. From somewhat conservative NYT columnist Ross Douthat:

    The politically advantageous move is an open convention to seek a better nominee. The civic-minded move is a Biden resignation and President Harris right now. The most likely move, Biden bows out but stays in office and Harris as the default nominee, is the worst of both worlds.

    Worst of both worlds for Democrats, anyhow.


  8. As only a couple of days prior, the nation properly awaits the invocation of the 25th Amendment to the Constitution. This is where we are, it is where we remain.

  9. The ” Jews run the world” conspiracy people will ” love ” this. Apparently the new incoming British Prime Minister is married to a Jewish lady and if VP Harris becomes President, the US President will be married to a Jew. (A very secular one who couldn’t even get the story of Hanukkah right. )

  10. The new mantra that it is Age that might be the problem, not cognitive decline. Yes, the two can and do go together, but with Biden being only 81 I think the decline is kind of despite his age. Do you know fairly sharp 81 yr olds? My Dad was, my Father in Law was, my MiL was.
    I am almost 78, I really (hope) that when I am 81 I will be better mentally than Joe.
    I know a couple that are in the 90’s that are sharper than Joe.

  11. my next door neighbor is 84 and still pretty sharp,

    biden was always past the warranty stage to return him

  12. From Robert Bigelow, former owner of Skinwalker Ranch, aerospace entrepreneur, and creator of the National Institute for Discovery Science—the Three Great Questions.

    Is there a Supreme Force?

    Where do we go when we die?

    Are we Alone?

  13. Biden was in Madison, Wisconsin, today, and vehemently said he’s in the race to stay.

  14. Biden was in Madison, Wisconsin, today, and vehemently said he’s in the race to stay.


    Well, that’s the best strategy until his team is sure they have to fold their hard.

    I’m still bullish Biden must drop out somehow.

  15. Snow on Pine:

    Um, I think another religion, not that of the Unicorn followers, has addressed those three questions.

  16. The Boston Globe, a staunch Dem supporter, is advising Biden to “step aside.”


    Paula Bolyard, at PJ Media, fleshes out the suspicion that the Stephanopoulos interview was intended as a hit piece from the Biden-Must-Go side:

    After watching the 23-minute interview, it was obvious that Stephanopoulos was sent out to stab Caesar to death on [pre-recorded] television. There’s no other way to spin it. After the interview, ABC political hacks piled on. Rather than reassuring skittish Democrat operatives (let alone the public) that Biden is fine, it reinforced the narrative that he is too old and feeble to remain as the nominee.


    I’m on the fence that Stephanopoulos was in cahoots to finish off Biden. Perhaps he was just testing Biden hard in hopes that Biden could show voters he had had a bad debate night as claimed.

    Interesting. Not good news for Biden in any event.

  17. Now up to 95% in my guestimate that Biden won’t be the Dem nominee — but it looks like K. Harris & cabinet will have to 25th Amendment him. He’s not ready to go gracefully — he’s never been graceful, and hardly ever gracious.

    Not like the graceful, joyous dancers, in folk-tap dancing. Where it looks like, and I’m sure it is the case, that they’re enjoying the dancing. Reminds me that the enjoyment of dancing is far far more important to me than the particular super technique. Which is why I love dance, but seldom watch dance competitions.

    Thanks for another fun dance minute, Neo.
    Too bad we still have Biden as President.

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