Home » No, Biden’s mental decline was not hidden


No, Biden’s mental decline was <i>not</i> hidden — 44 Comments

  1. If it weren’t so serious for the nation, it would be almost fun to watch the various people who claimed Biden was just fine, twist in the wind.

  2. the Norwegian blue candidate, ‘he’s just pining for the fjords,’

  3. The Biden described in that article is in considerably worse shape than most of the country imagined. I’ve long thought Biden was too impaired to be President but I was actually surprised at some of the descriptions of the feebleness of his appearance in person.

    Now that a big part of the MSM feels embarrassed by their previous attempts at covering for old Joe, I expect there will be many more stories like this. Team Biden’s strategy of getting Joe to do more unscripted events where he can talk without aid of a teleprompter seems to be a recipe for disaster.

    While it is true that there aren’t any easy options to replace Joe, I don’t think they can prop him up much longer. He has now become a laughingstock to the majority of the country, not just among Republicans. The national polls and the betting odds already reflected the damage done by the disastrous debate and now the first set of post-debate state polls have been released showing Biden behind in every swing state from 3 to 7 points.

    Time to pull the plug on old Joe.

  4. Mike+K said:There are still plenty of Democrats who will ignore their “lying eyes” and vote for Brandon.

    It’s not so much that they’ll ignore Biden’s issues, it’s that they’ll vote for literally anyone or thing over Trump. They damn well know that Biden is in bad shape. But as far as they’re concerned a near brain-dead old man as president is better than orange Hitler. Heck, even Kamala Harris is better than that bad-orange-man in their minds. That’s the true power of their derangement and groupthink. It’s truly strange when you realize that objectively things were pretty good during Trump’s time as president (pre-Covid anyway).

  5. @Mike K:There are still plenty of Democrats who will ignore their “lying eyes” and vote for Brandon.

    Even more willing to allow their ballots to be harvested and may not know or care who Biden even is. Elections are not determined by voters anymore, only by counted ballots.

  6. Meanwhile, my feed on X is being deluged with claims that Trump is linked (he just publicly stated that he has nothing to do with it) to some horrible conservative scheme to overthrow western civilization as we know it (I’m skeptical) called Project 2025. And there are claims that the media is ignoring Trump links to Epstein that prove Trump is a pedo (as if the media would ignore that).

  7. Project 2025 is from the Heritage Foundation, which is hardly trying to overthrow Western Civilization. The Biden-Harris campaign put out a ridiculous post showing “2025” in large letters with lots of women in red capes and white hats and a huge cross dominating the scene. Insane.

    What I would like to see is a credible link to Trump saying he’ll be a dictator from Day One, which they also claim. Do they mean, like Biden who issued Executive Orders on Day One to reverse as much of Trump’s legacy as possible immediately?

  8. thats the gotcha

    Trump flew on Epstein’s jet four times in 1993, as well as once in 1994, 1995 and 1997, according to flight logs made public in 2021. The flights were between Palm Beach, Florida, and New York City airports, with the 1994 flight stopping at Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport.

  9. I’d split the difference. It was hidden as well as it could be by the Left’s omerta and Biden’s henchmen-cum-puppeteers, but it was really not hidden WELL so that if one bothered to check or knew how it was evident, especially after Biden became the nominee for 2020 and the decision was made to shut up about the alternatives.

    But now the knives are well and truly out.

  10. I’m no 4D chess player so I keep asking the same 2 questions we’ve bandied around these pages for a while…

    1. Who’s actually POTUS? I mean really calling the shots from the Resolute Desk.

    2. Since bloody when do “donors, media mouthpieces, the unelected ‘candidates’ family,’ and Hollywood headliners” get to decide whom the parties run as candidates? Seems to me all this bleating and badgering is Exhibit A of a Deep State/Cabal-run process of governing completely devoid of voters.

    And how…short of bloodshed…do we get the USA back?

  11. Even aside from the idea of voting for the Democrat ticket, whatever it ends up being, no one should ever again trust any of the legacy media outlets. They lied about the “Russian collusion” hoax, they lied about the Hunter Biden laptop, and they lied about Biden’s condition. They challenged us to believe them instead of our own eyes. the problem is that people who want to believe the lies will continue to do so.

  12. Also from NY Mag: According to rules set by the White House, the traveling protective pool — the rotating group of reporters, run by the White House Correspondents’ Association, that trails a sitting president to provide constant coverage of his movements for the press corps — would be permitted limited access to observe his remarks before being whisked away…

    “The traveling protective pool”, you say. In a Dem administration, are they automatically deputized as a branch of the Secret Service? “Whisked away”, no doubt, to limit exposure and give them plausible deniability.

  13. It’s infuriating. We’ve known Joe wasn’t “all there” for decades, let alone the last 4 years. Excuse me while I channel my inner Carl Bernstein: this is worse than Watergate!

    And it is. Not only did they “hide” Biden’s cognitive decline, “cover up” the malfeasance of the 2020 election, gaslight everyone about Covid, the laptop, literally every sentence that came out of Trump’s mouth, and on and on, IT WAS ALL OUT THERE IN THE OPEN for anyone to see!

    But “they” managed to even get the FBI and other alphabets to strong-arm social media in order to tamp down all that “mis” and “dis” information, rendering the people who could see it all before their eyes too scared to speak up, afraid for their jobs, families, etc. It was mostly just too much for anyone to bear.

    The whole dang thing is/was a long con, and the biggest house of cards I’ve seen since, well, House of Cards the TV show.

    How anyone with half a brain could think that *anything* these reprobates (democrats and the media) have said for the past 2 decades is or has been true astounds me.

  14. Trump flew on Epstein’s plane…..
    Rest assured that if anybody had evidence that Trump “misbehaved” while hanging with Epstein, that dirt would have been made public a long time ago.
    But nothing has been forthcoming.

    As for those who have gotten close to Joke Bidet and who KNEW he is in the early (middling?) stages of dementia; it will be of no consequence to them.
    They will all vote for Bidet regardless.
    They will vote for him even if he, Bidet, in any of his future public appearances is carried out in a cremation urn containing his ashes.
    His handlers would realize that it’s much easier to carry an ash filled urn, than to transport a coffin containing his corpse.

    I wonder what those hardcore Biden supporters would say if asked, ” which policies of President Trump did you find most disagreeable?”

  15. “What I would like to see is a credible link to Trump saying he’ll be a dictator from Day One, which they also claim.” – Kate

    What Trump said in an interview with Sean Hannity is that he would be a dictator for his first day. That would be for the purpose of opening the country up for new oil and gas exploration and closing the border. That statement has been blown up to the Trumpp wants to be a dictator meme.
    See this:

  16. If the 25th gets invoked , there is going to be a period of time between when the process first gets started and when it is final.
    From a foreign nuclear military threat, that could be a dangerous time.
    And who removes a President if he physically refuses to vacate the office after the 25th ?

  17. Reporters come to believe what they’ve convinced themselves they have to believe. Self-hypnosis? Autosuggestion? Neuro-linguistic programming? Whatever you want to call it, they literally don’t believe what they see.

    The justification lately is that the legacy media ignored Biden’s problems because they didn’t want to give the “right-wing media” the satisfaction of agreeing with them. I don’t think that’s any justification or excuse. They wanted to make Biden look as good as possible from the beginning. How is that the fault of the “right wing media?”

  18. Remind us, again: what did Special Counsel Robert Hur report on Biden’s mental state? Have the audio recordings of that “interview” been released to the interested House Committee demanding them as yet?


    Why? Why is that?

  19. Re: 25th amendment / DNC rules / VP succession

    I still say this is going to be settled Kremlin style — When Power Bases Collide. He/She/They who’s got the power, makes the rules.

    For me that lets Kamala out. DEI is for ordinary Americans and AA tokens. If real power is at stake, I’m sure Harris can be got around, delicately of course, unless they find they can use her.

    It will be messy and I’m sure Democrat leaders would rather not have a backstage power struggle. But they are all about the power and if Trump can’t be neutralized and Biden is going to lose big, something will have to be done.

  20. Re: Kremlin style

    Which sent me back to Leonid Brezhnev, the Soviet top dog who started having strokes in the late sixties, which became serious in 1975. Heart problems, drug dependencies and mental decline followed.

    Of course, Brezhnev was shielded by the Party, the media and government crackdowns on those speaking out on Brezhnev’s decline. There were no strong leaders to replace him.

    Sound familiar?

    Brezhnev died in 1982, still in power.

    That’s how the Soviet story went. We’ll see about the American.

  21. Thank you, J.J. So, as I said, Trump will reverse all the damaging Biden energy policies on Day One, the mirror image of what Biden did. That’s not a dictatorship. I wish he’d control what he says a bit better — but he is who he is.

    I hope he will also, on Day One, issue an Executive Order canceling all the DEI garbage which Biden mandated throughout the government.

  22. Michelle Obama will get the demonkrat nod before it goes to Kamala Cackling Harris. This way the demonkrats can get, as is the norm, 90% of the black vote.

    Anyway, Michelle would just be a figure head president; Barack would run the show along with his advisors. She would be called upon to place her signature where she is directed to place it.

    A president is not even required to personally give a speech before Congress for the State of the Union address. It can be submitted to Congress in writing.
    So Michelle has no worries about that.

    Aside from signing things, she wouldn’t have to do anything at all and she will have 24/7 full time chauffeurs to drive her about, and her own private 747 Jumbo
    Jet (Air Force 1) .
    As president, she can choose when and to where she wishes to be flown.
    What a life !!
    And she will have full time, ARMED, secret service protection while she and barry HUSSEIN ocommie make efforts to outlaw all guns..

  23. The preview of the Stuffy interview, Sundowner is claiming he had a cold that was decided was going to be the first excuse right after the debacle started.

    Been calling for months Mooch will be nomination and Harris will be looking for a job

  24. “Trump flew on Epstein’s plane…..
    Rest assured that if anybody had evidence that Trump “misbehaved” while hanging with Epstein, that dirt would have been made public a long time ago.”

    Yup. They already tried to make hay with the photo of the two men standing together, but didn’t get any traction with it. The latest claims are probably trying to take advantage of the recent release of Epstein info to sound legit. But my visit to the claimed source for one (The Independent) turned up nothing. Most of the claims don’t even bother providing a source that might be verifiable.

    But there are a lot of the claims right now.

    Amusingly,posts claiming this say that the reason you haven’t heard about it is because the media is covering it up for Trump.

  25. Michelle Obama will get the demonkrat nod before it goes to Kamala Cackling Harris. This way the demonkrats can get, as is the norm, 90% of the black vote.


    I’ve been saying that for a while too.

    However, I’m not so sure at this point. I still believe she would be the strongest candidate against Trump, but 2024 is not going to be a 2008 messianic cakewalk.

    If Barack and Michelle were sure she would cruise to a comfortable win in a limousine, that would be one thing. But this is going to be a tough race and Michelle Obama is going to have to work. (As she told Americans they would have to in 2008.)

    Even then she and B may lose, worse yet, to Donald Trump. Oh, the humiliation!

    Too much downside.

    But this is 2024 so who knows.

  26. Trump “pre-covid”. He is a CEO, when someone in that position has a problem they say, “bring me the best and brightest”. Unfortunately, when President Trump did that he got Fauci and scarf girl. Look at early video of them prognosticating with him in the back. He clearly is uncomfortable with them and what they are saying.

    He also got: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_House_Coronavirus_Task_Force

    Wow, he didn’t have a chance of getting any straight scoop from these swamp rats. By the time Scott Atlas came along it was too late.

    Then there was the CDC, NIH, etc., etc. Turns out you could not trust ANY of them. My clinic/hospital STILL is playing the game. I was asked, just this morning, “Any covid symptoms?” Are they still getting government bucks if I say yes?? Or if they insist on a test?

    Trump did not mess up the covid response. He was overwhelmed with swamp dwelling helpers all of which could likely now be prosecuted for treason and genocide.

    Then look at how others with alternative views were treated. The Great Barrington Declaration folks come to mind.

    Once Biden’s string pullers took over it was too late. We were all screwed (note the reports from funeral directors of continuing excessive deaths and extremely odd things being found in autopsies.) Many of us who bowed to the vax approach are still suffering and who is doing the research to help us? Just a few, probably hidden away and keeping relatively quiet. Help is NOT coming, good luck to all of us.

  27. Watching this interview seems Sundowner will at least have something to hang his brain on he is mentally prepared.
    They are stuck with him until the convention and I am sure they will toss him under the bus then.

  28. Depending on their roles and job descriptions this is literally treasonous behavior by many involved. If you’ve sworn an oath to the Constitution and accepted a role to serve the American people and actively covered up Joe Biden’s incapacitating medical condition you violated your oath and duty.

    Any member of the press who has kept silent or worse, ran cover for this farce, is a disgrace to their profession.

    We have far too many people in this country who put loyalty to party and their own personal gain over the good of their fellow countrymen.

  29. JD Keene,

    Yes, Trump did mess up the covid response. Think of how differently a President Rand Paul or Ron Desantis would have handled it. The President of the United States has tremendous power and access. Yes, members of their staff may not always be up to an occasion, but the President can seek out others who are. Trump had no hesitation firing and replacing many in his administration. He stuck with Fauci and scarf girl because he believed Fauci and scarf girl.

  30. Trump and Covid:

    This is where Trump learned a real hard lesson; govt. experts are not experts. They are first and foremost politicians in drag – leftist politicians. And they are incompetent. They can’t get fired no matter how badly they F up.
    Rising thru the ranks of the deep state is a function of longevity and who you know.

    The Federal govt bureaucracy is very similar to that of the Russian nomenklatura during the glory days of communism there.

  31. So pence has olivia troye who had no health experience put fauci and birx up, fauci was a literal ‘fireman’ as he had funded the virus through daszak but he wasnt as duplicitous as say handy hancock

  32. govt. experts are not experts

    Agree with that. In fact, I agree with the entire post. Well said. He has to go outside of government to get real expertise in many areas. Remember in a post a couple of months ago, the head of NASA –NASA – clearly thought the far side of the moon was always dark.

  33. Duplicity of one sort or another

    I call bill nelson the space cadet he was a three time senator no one knows why

  34. Biden’s salvors — working hard to keep him afloat — are looking ahead to Bibi’s invited speech before Congress. When the invitation and acceptance were first announced stories moved out asserting that Biden would not be meeting with Netanyahu. Now, only a couple days ago come stories asserting a meeting will take place.

    Hummm? What’s up with that?

    Netanyahu will be on the spot, between a rock and a hard place, right?

    Say Biden isn’t himself (say the truth), that Biden isn’t capable and thereby say goodbye to any hope of ammunition succor until after an election here, a Trump victory and change of stewardship.

    Say Biden is at the top of his game, vouch for his vigor and thereby hold out for the possibility that the US’s insane opposition to Israeli security needs will ease somewhat in the short-term, a period during which Israel may be forced to all-out war with Iran and Hezbollah.

    Netanyahu has to be mulling how he can finesse this pickle, if he so chooses. He may, however, simply opt to tell the truth and count on ordinary Americans to have his back. Scary gamble that, though, with the potential survival of your nation and people hanging on the choice.

  35. I’ve seen ex-senator Nelson being interviewed on Fox the past few days and wondered why somebody appointed him to head NASA. I know of no reason he is there.

  36. Probably because he parlayed his position as Chaiman of the House Space Subcommittee into a joyride on the Space Shuttle.

  37. Re: the “Biden had a cold” excuse – it seems clear to me that this was an excuse thought up on the fly in the moments before it was tweeted out… and either no one told Jill or no one really thought about what to do after the debate. If it were true, it would’ve been the easiest thing in the world to do these things:

    1. Before the debate, there’s a strategic leak about Biden’s cold on X.

    2. During the debate, Biden coughs, says, “Excuse me, I caught a pretty wicked cold this week – COVID test is negative though.”

    3. After the debate, Joe and Jill show up at the watch party and Jill tells the “crowd,” “Didn’t he do a great job? Even though he’s got the worst cold! Honey, I know you want to be here, but we all need you to rest and recover! After all, being President isn’t a job you can take a sick day from!” or words to that effect. Biden flashes a grin, puts a hand to his throat, waves, exits.

    And none of those things happened.

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