Home » Open thread 7/4/24


Open thread 7/4/24 — 47 Comments


    Most today do not know he was a Dancer.
    The Video of him Dancing down the Stairs is amazing.

    The movie shows Hollywood in a long gone Era. Wonder what it looked like in color.

  2. Hard to believe he starred in “The Roaring Twenties,” “Public Enemy.” and “Angels With Dirty Faces.”
    Yep, I have seen them all plus a bunch others of his.

  3. One of my favorites from Cagney; thanks for posting it.

    Now this morning, rumors being reported that Biden resigns in a few days and Kamala takes over.

  4. I don’t know how good a dancer he was, but I’ve always thought Cagney *moved* like a dancer when he wasn’t dancing—it made him fun to watch.

    Happy Independence Day!

  5. Happy Independence Day!

    Let’s hope to become once again the land of the free and the home of the brave.

  6. It’s fascinating to see the turmoil among Democrats. Joe’s idiotic decision to put Kamala Harris in the VP slot is coming back to bite them. And the Dems’ idiotic decision to go with Joe in 2024, ditto. Joe is very stubborn, and Jill and Hunter are pushing for him to stay in. This is a slow-motion train wreck.

  7. Gagney had incredible endurance as a dancer.

    Sorry Barry, article requires I subscribe to the unknown sight to read it.

  8. “Jill and Hunter are pushing for him to stay in.”

    That’s because they don’t want to relinquish any power they have.

    Question: Why is Hunter attending WH briefing meetings?

  9. because thats a codicil of the 10% deal, with kazakhs Russians Romanians

    all of these weasels, make me nauseous, it doesn’t matter what race ethnicity or sexual orientation they are, they are grasping thieves and scoundrels,

  10. Oligonicella, re Why is Hunter attending WH briefing meetings?
    I’ve heard it’s mainly to see who are the family’s enemies trying to get Joe to leave.
    Intentionally intimidating too, since the Bidens are a powerful enemy of America, themselves.
    Like the Clintons, Obama’s …

  11. Joe is playing the Kamala card. ‘If you take me out– I’ll guarantee you get Kamala”

    It’s been rumored that Joe “has a plan if he steps aside he will push all his delegates to Kamala”, according to Kayleigh McEnany.

    A bigger issue, according to McCarthy is the Dems wait until after the Republican convention and Trump has announced his VP to make the switch. Trump might have made his choice differently, had he known who the Dem Pres/VP he’s running against are.

    Kind of like, we’ll tell you what crimes you committed after the conviction. Dems are getting good at that.

    I still think we’ll see Michelle. She wouldn’t have to show up any more than Biden is now– which according to McCarthy is never.

    Kevin McCarthy: Why is the media now turning on Biden?

  12. The American people need reminded that VP Harris was appointed ” Border Czar”.

    Will the fact that Harris is married to a very white, albeit secular Jew, hurt or help her in the current Democrat Party?

  13. If Trump wins, his team–hopefully much better chosen this time–will be performing the most hostile of hostile takeovers, and Trump and his team can expect near universal resistance from the entrenched, Democrat/leftist/careerist deep State bureaucracy in every Department, Agency, and organization.

    Thus, sabotage, foot dragging, malicious compliance, and officials who just plain ignore any direction from Trump and his appointees.

    Remember, a President only gets to appoint some 4,000 people to represent him–usually only two at the head of each Agency, Department, and organization, there to see to it that the President’s orders, policies, and initiatives are carried out, and carried out fully, and faithfully.

    Four thousand representatives of the President trying to direct and ride herd on the millions of Federal employees in the sprawling organizations below them, an impossible task, especially if those Federal employees are hostile to the President’s agenda and uncooperative.

    If you are determined to, there are endless ways to sabotage and thwart a President’s agenda.

  14. Jon Baker @ 12:19;

    Kamala Cackling Harris is a black female Uber liberal progressive; she checks all the boxes of the modern demonkrat party (excepting the LGBQT box).

    The ONLY reason Dems may not support her is because they realize her stupidity and ignorance may turn off demonkrat voters.
    Ironically, if she was senile – and thus had a physiological excuse for being stupid – the Dems would rally around her.

    If the Dems think Bidet can win, they will support him no matter how diminished his mental acuity is. If he regains the WH, his advisors (and really Obama) will be making all the decisions.
    This is just fine with the demonkrats.
    It also illustrates the depth of the hatred and contempt the democrats have towards the USA. They are more than willing to have a veritable cadaver as president than a conscious, thinking human being.

    Anyway, if Joke Bidet is a candidate, we can expect about 40% of all voters to vote for him and the Dems will go all out to find ways to cheat.
    For the demonkrats, the ends – the attainment of absolute power – justifies the means. This line of thinking is no different than that of a Stalin or Hitler or Mao or Pol Pot or Castro or…………

    It is astonishing that any voter, after witnessing the “real” Joe Biden in the debate, will cast a vote for a guy that is in the early (or not so early) stages of dementia.

  15. Thanks to those who answered but I guess the rhetorical nature didn’t carry off. It’s obviously he’s there for no valid reason. The f**r’s a gun registry liar, drug addict, whore addict, etc, etc, etc. Obviously the reason is nefarious. Should have said “Could someone give me a rational…..”.

    Like sarcasm and facetiousness, rhetorical doesn’t carry well in print. Minor mea culpa.


    Back to Cagney: His style of tap is pretty unique, which is why he is one of my top favorites.

  16. Maybe Hunter is there to intimidate anyone in the audience who might be inclined to make negative comments, and to keep an eye on dad.

  17. They don’t have much time to get this sorted out.



    The Pragmatic Democrat Opposition to a Biden wipeout needs to do something serious in the next few weeks or wait until much later, when the pain will be much greater.

    This is unknown territory, chaos. I don’t see any way to predict the outcome, beyond outlining various scenarios as factions struggle. Even then, I suspect we are likely to be surprised.

    I think such Kremlin politics are dangerous for America, but at least it keeps the Dems somewhat on the defensive.

  18. huxley, much of it depends on Joe (and Jill and Hunter). Joe has the pledged delegates unless he releases them. They could nominate him, and then pressure him into some kind of switcheroo, after the convention, but that might be worse than earlier, because of the short time for the new team to campaign. We’ll see who’s more stubborn, the Bidens and close White House staff, or the elected Dems in Congress and the states. Biden holds the reins at the moment.

    As to Kremlin politics, we used to have smoke-filled rooms at conventions and we survived that. Since both parties “democratized” the nominations by holding primaries, all this maneuvering is done more openly, with instant internet publicity.

    It’s darkly amusing that the “Democratic” party is the one planning to circumvent its voters once again.

  19. “…en masse…”
    Oh, there still are quite a few who will not be swayed…because…um, with whom else d’ya make peace except yer enemies?(TM)
    Well, it’s a logic of sorts. Gloriously one-dimensional…but, um, logical (after a fashion)…

  20. Kate:

    You’ve got a point about the smoke-filled rooms. However, Democrats attempted to reform that process, which was exploited by the New Left, and ended up with the policies which put McGovern in the top spot in 1972.

    Hubert Humphrey might have lost, again, to Richard Nixon, but he wouldn’t have lost every state in the US except Massachusetts.

    The US has never been what my high school history teachers taught me. There’s always been corrupt, vicious politics. (I’m looking at you, LBJ, among others.)

    But we’ve never dealt with such a scarcely disguised leftist movement in control of the US government. So the usual leftist factions are now battling their way to power with full will-to-power vigor, as in the USSR and RCP.

    I say this is new territory.

  21. For some reason my Youtube feed threw up links to, of all things, performances by a Russian tribute band (apparently based in Moscow, some band members are Ukrainian, and some of their sessions have been recorded in a studio in Kyiv. I wonder how that’s now working out?) I had never heard of–Leonid and Friends–which specializes in covers of Earth, Wind, and Fire, and Chicago.

    Hey, why not?

    Thing is, their arrangements and execution are really first rate, and in 2024 they’re in the midst of their fourth annual U. S. tour.

    See, for instance, their rocking version of “My Old School” at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P_8aZZ9d_EA

  22. huxley, you’re correct that the left’s rejection of the framework of American government is new, and very dangerous.

  23. The news just being reported is that the airing of Biden’s taped interview with extreme Democrat partisan Stephanoupoulos is being moved up in time, in an apparent effort to help stem Biden’s hemorrhaging support.

    I expect that this “taped” interview–there is a reason it’s not a live interview–will be one of the most “sliced and diced” interviews on record.

    I pity the very rough treatment that poor tape is gonna get.

    Now that, after the Debate, more and more people must realize how the Democrats, White House, congressional Democrats and, especially, the MSM have lied for years to cover up Biden’s deteriorating mental condition, I’d expect that this transparent attempt to make Biden seem in good mental health–“sharp as a tack,” “better than ever”–will be viewed with extreme suspicion.

    But, as they say “you can’t put the toothpaste back in the tube” and, during the Debate, the American people have seen what they have seen–you can’t erase, make believable excuses for, or cover that up, and Dementia/Alzheimers have only one, downward trajectory, as far too many people have had experience of in their own families.

  24. This taped interview should and will be viewed by an increasing number of viewers with extreme suspicion–viewers who are likely keeping in mind something like the ancient Roman legal adage of “falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus” i.e. if you’ve lied about one thing, chances are you’ve probably lied–in some way, shape, or form–about everything else as well.

  25. Cagney’s last major film was “One, Two, Three” (1961), an odd amalgam of cold-war politics and sixties corporatism.

    I’ve heard two stories — (1) Cagney barely kept up with his fast-paced soliloquy in the film and decided to retire, (2) Cagney had such animosity with a fellow actor that he stopped acting.

    It’s been 20+ years since I saw the film, but as I recall, it was worthwhile. Plus who knew Cagney was still acting in the 1960s?

    Orson Welles described Cagney as:

    …maybe the greatest actor who ever appeared in front of a camera.


  26. Blessed Independence Day y’all.
    Now we’ve just got to keep it.

  27. Got a late start today because I spent half the night watching the webcast of a rocket launch from Vandenberg Space Force Base last night. The visuals from the launch ended up photobombing fireworks shows across much of the Southwest.

    But what got me watching the entire webcast instead of just checking the status of the launch before bed as I intended was how much fun the webcast hosts made the launch. They were truly a joy to watch.

    I know rocket launches aren’t for everyone, but if you want to feel a little bit better about the future of America on this, our birthday, check it out.


    My apologies for the commercials. They weren’t there when I originally watched it. I wish I knew how Neo gets them to play without.

  28. Thanks, Kate, for the definitive link to Turley.

    Presently, there’s a national conversation about how misleading the MSM has been. Within Team Joe, junior staffers are also blaming senior staff for keeping them in the dark.

    It turns out that curated news is essentially fecal matter held back from sewage treatment. Over years, many consumers of MSM content became addicted to it. They love the taste, the texture, and the rich full-bodied aroma (apologies to Maxwell House).

    The Debate was a wakeup call for some MSM consumers. Hopefully, the awakened are sufficient in number to negate the votes of remaining addicts in the coming election. Due to ripple effects, the spectacle of Joe’s implosion could eventually become known as The Debate That Changed the World.

    News of the curated content the media has for decades been feeding the public is much bigger than any so-called issues they report on.

  29. Cagney’s dancing style in Yankee Doodle Dandy was that of George M Cohan himself, which was fresh in peoples memories. He reprised it in The Seven Little Foys with Bob Hope, who danced in Eddy Foy’s style for that number. The scene posted above shows two old vaudevillians. Cagney and Hope, playing two older vaudevillians, Foy and Cohan.

  30. @ Snow > “If Trump wins, his team–hopefully much better chosen this time–will be performing the most hostile of hostile takeovers, and Trump and his team can expect near universal resistance from the entrenched, Democrat/leftist/careerist deep State bureaucracy in every Department, Agency, and organization.”

    It is possible that the Supreme Court just gave permission for him to Fire Them All (which he should have done the first time.)

    Oddly, the best (certainly the longest) analysis I’ve seen of the Immunity decision is by Aaron Walker at Twitchy!


  31. @ Kate > “They could nominate him, and then pressure him into some kind of switcheroo, after the convention, but that might be worse than earlier, because of the short time for the new team to campaign.”

    Joel Berry of Not the Bee argues that it doesn’t matter to the Democrats who their candidate is, and neither should conservatives care who the Republican nominee is at this point.

    (a reprise of my comment on another thread yesterday)

    This election is not between Trump and Biden: it is between the survival of our Republic and its destruction.


    They lied about Biden for one reason. This Independence Day, let me explain what this election is actually about.

    Last week was an eye-opening experience for the country. After Biden put his demented doddering on display for millions of horrified Americans, we watched his Democrat boosters in the media panic live on-air. For a brief, yet satisfying moment, the country saw things as they really were — an unqualified cynical liar with dementia, propped up by an unqualified cynical media with Trump Derangement Syndrome.

    The Democrat-controlled media has, shockingly, split in its allegiance to Biden. It’s clear there’s war brewing in the party.

    But whether the nominee is Biden, Kamala, or even Michelle Obama, it doesn’t matter. The person in the position is irrelevant. At this point, it’s clear the Democrats would support anyone – alive or not, qualified or not – if they ran against Trump.

    We can stop pretending this is a race between two men over who is more qualified to lead. This is no longer about Biden and Trump.

    This is about two competing — and incompatible — worldviews.
    These worldviews differ in the most fundamental ways. They disagree on the very nature of reality, mankind, goodness, and God.

    One side must win, and one must be destroyed.

    With two extremely flawed candidates standing as figureheads for two incompatible worldviews, we can start being honest about what this race is about.

    This is a contest between friends of America’s founding, and enemies of America’s founding. It’s a contest between God-worshippers and Marxist power-worshippers. It’s a contest between humans and anti-humans.

    Regardless of who the candidate is in November, vote accordingly.

    Joel gives a very articulate exposition of why he makes these claims.

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