Home » They will not stop trying to get Trump


They will not stop trying to get Trump — 30 Comments

  1. At the risk of repeating myself, I would say that this is banana republic stuff, but then I’d be insulting banana republics.

  2. aktually, as the wags say, you shouldn’t prosecute anyone 60 days before an election, thats a general guideline, of course lawrence walsh dispensed with all that folderall,

    I have seen this clown nose off, clown nose on, for so many years, they sent two special prosecutors after Ed Meese, because reasons,
    (he wrote the brief challenging the jack smith appointment, which was conjured out of thin air) they got nothing, that was mark levin’s trial by fire, as chief of state,

    my friend clarice, successfully appealed the conviction of a minor figure roped into the watergate affair, the city manager of san diego, because the deputy counsel, was so sloppy,

    the Dems remembered Scalia’s dissent in Morrison, and recited it like a novena against Ken Starr, an entirely too earnest
    figure by my lights,

  3. they painted him as a degenerate, because of the job he was tasked to do, you can argue how effiicient he was at it, but with the likes of dan moldea, never let a good deed go on punished, working for larry flynt*
    *starr had only a few years prior, shepherded moldeas expose of major league football’s organized crime, interference through a libel challenge,
    then when it came to W, Fitz was the man who walked on water, because once upon a time he had prosecuted the mob, the fact he committed grievous errors in in the Conrad Black and Lewis Libby matters, only a trifle, protecting David Radler, and Richard Armitage, who were at least as guilty, years later he insulated Michigan State, from criminal negligence, on the part of Larry Nasser, curiously the Bureau looked the other way as George Carlin say ‘theres a big club, and you’re not in it’ when it comes to Hillary or Petraeus of General Cartwright curiously the law doesn’t apply to them
    Taibbi became rightly cynical at these games when it came to prosecution of subprime malefactors, like JP Morgan and co, there was no reckoning like in the 30s, with the big bankers, then again the Enron taskforce was
    a crooked game there as well with Andrew Weissman, and Chris Wray, and what they did to Arthur Anderson, Sydney Powell has chapter and versus on that, same with the Stevens case, and William Allen

  4. I’m reminded of an old National Lampoon comic about a German who was hunting down Jews in the 1970’s and charging them with violation of the Nuremberg Laws.

  5. If Trump wins, that’s when they’ll really go nuts and after him. Unfortunately for them it would be too late. Lololololololol

  6. And to think Nixon, he who was so reviled by so many, declined for the good of the country to contest the outcome of JFK’s fraudulent election to the presidency. And then, later, resigned his office rather than put the country through what would surely have been the traumatic and tortuous process of removing him as president.

    Our bad guys were better back then. Maybe, just maybe, they weren’t so bad at — some of them, at least.

  7. Biden’s interview with George Snufflupagus of Friday will NOT be live. It will be recorded, edited, and the result broadcast on Sunday evening!

    Out: “Cheap fakes”!

    In: “Slick, expensive fakes”!

  8. Trump = Jean Val Jean.
    The DOJ = Inspector Javert.
    A modern day Les Misérables Let’s call it Les Deplorables.

  9. I don’t think the Biden interview will matter because it looks like Kamala is replacing Joe. Charlie Kirk seems pretty sure that the decision has been made. FWIW, the betting odds on Biden are now below 10 percent with Kamala at 17.5. All this seems to have happened in the last few hours.

  10. he prevented a soviet agent from becoming Secretary of State, maybe President,
    as such he embarassed a good chunk of media and government, that would be Alger Hiss, that was unforgivable, treason, well we can deal with that, he was probably ill suited for politics, but what we have seen in the last 50 years he was a piker, I’m willing to suggest, if the oil shock hadn’t crashed the economy he might well have survived Watergate, in retrospect the approach to China, and imposing wage and price controls were ill advised, but one rarely dings him for that, he used some foul language, oh hang him a fortnight before

    he had to clean up the mess the wisemen did in vietnam, about Kissinger I have less reservations but he managed to survive by throwing Nixon to the wolves,

    I do find some amusement, the way the betting markets seem to have been as solid as the FTX pitchmen like James Cramer, its hard to believe he believes the thing he says, but that’s what it’s like living atop a turtle,

  11. “I don’t think the Biden interview will matter because it looks like Kamala is replacing Joe. Charlie Kirk seems pretty sure that the decision has been made. FWIW, the betting odds on Biden are now below 10 percent with Kamala at 17.5. All this seems to have happened in the last few hours.”

    Greg, you must have missed all the press this morning about Michelle and how she’s beating Trump. I can see it happening; a lot of people would be totally fine with an Obama 4th term.

  12. we shall see, how much off a death wish they want to indulge themselves in,

  13. JFK’s fraudulent election to the presidency.
    You can make a good case that Illinois’ electoral votes were stolen. However, he had enough of a margin without them. You want to make the case that those of Texas or Missouri were stolen, that’s more challenging.

  14. after the way they harped on 537 votes in florida, and they went bat crazy over Ohio, I’m not willing to grant them anything, and hillary still screaming over 2016, three years later,

  15. For your amusement from a FB post from a now liberal old college friend. The rank and file Dems are very infected with TDS and MSM propo:

    “We’ve contributed to the Biden campaign because character and wisdom count more than debate performance, and there simply is no comparison between iDJT’s record and that of Biden. The SCOTUS decision granting the President immunity from criminal prosecution (excuse me, iDJT immunity*) is fundamentally incompatible with the notions that all men and women are created equal, and no one is above the law. “Originalism” my ass.

    (*Does anyone doubt that SCOTUS would reach a decision in days, if not hours were Biden to do what iDJT has done?)”

  16. the Justice Manual — the department’s bible that lays out the post-Watergate norms that have prevented it from being weaponized,” said Anthony Coley, a former Justice Department spokesman for Attorney General Merrick Garland who left the agency last year.

    Anthony Coley also has a Bridge in Brooklyn for sale. 🙂

  17. well blind squirrel does have somethings right, but in an vizzini way, there is no comparison between high inflation, two wars with a third simmering in the straits, following the law versus conjuring dictats out of thin air, DACA then, the Student Loan persil now,

    I was going to cite my lefty college crush, she’s married with kids, yet insists on puttng pronouns on her now deleted account,she insisted the summer of love, was mostly peaceful, but january 6th was high insurrection, was big on her state becoming a sanctuary, now maybe not so much,

    show us a real crime he committed, ah wheres the fun in that,

  18. I hate to be “that guy” – especially as someone who is one of Trump’s defenders on here and elsewhere and who embraces that role – but this isn’t about how they will not stop trying to go after Trump PRIMARILY. This is how they will not stop, will not rest in going after those they view as worth crushing. There’s that wonderful little thedonald meme about “They’re not after me, they’re after you. I’m just in the way.” And that is True.

    Trump is not the first person to fall victim to bullshit, prejudiced witch hunts or persecution by the hard left. If this does not stop, he will not be the last. His survival or downfall may be totemic or a watershed moment on how far the corruption, rot, and kangaroo nature of our system goes and if it can be fixed peacefully, but it does not change what the perpetrators hope to do. This is one reason why I have been scathing about the “Just Dump Trump” camp, but it’s worth reiterating what is at stake.

    This isn’t about Trump, not primarily. If it was you might theoretically be able to make the devil’s deal of throwing Trump in the metaphorical or literal volcano to appease the Volcano god in order to fix things. But what would you do when the Volcano’s High Priests go after you and talk about how Gaia needs more sacrifices? Because once you get past a certain level this isn’t about Trump. This is about America, Freedom, and all of us, and the DC Gulags show some sliver of what fate we can expect if we do not stand up and stop them.

  19. i have come to the conclusion that the byline generally tells you all you need to know about a matter, bump, like any of his analogues at Carlos Slims like David Savage, have their marching orders, now its funny how Dems have always pegged the Grand Ole Elephant, yet Johnson and Bobby Baker, for instance not to mention the Clinton the Obamas and now the Scranton gang are always ‘clean of scandal’ well about Clinton they only focused on his personal pecadillos, not his bribery or high treason, the way they have been the clearinghouse for looting whole countries as a matter of course, of course the compradors like Epstein, who cling like barnicle need not be referenced, for everything there is a season, I mentioned the whole swarm of prosecutors set against Reagan’ men and women, Meese Watt Gorsuch Pierce, et al maybe some committed some offense, but the buildup,

    we can go back to Credit Mobilier, with Grant, which apparently is a mark against him, it even involved a future president, James Garfield if memory served, what came of that, who really remembers,
    Then Tea Pot Dome, well I suppose that was a big thing there, involving the emergency fuel reserves but then again considering how the Clintons locked up reserves of Clean Coal in Utah, and the most recent raid on uranium in Arizona,

    patriotism is not the last refuge of the scoundrel it’s hollow paens to the envirnoment

  20. As I understand this event:

    1] the court cases vs. Trump, that the DOJ are about trying him for the, “Jan.6 riot, where Trump tried to stop the 2020 election”.

    There is no evidence that Trump tried to overturn the election, or stop Biden from being voted in as president.

    I think- the riot started [before] Trump even started his speech, about the election, in Washington d.c..

    He can’t inspire the start of a riot, when it began before he started speaking.

    Did Trump + others, “do a plan, to prevent Biden from becoming president”?

    I don’t think so.

    Rudy Giuliani was just disbarred for supporting Trump “during the Jan. 6…riot days”.

    If Trump had ordered, or inspired, Giuliani to- do a plan, to stop Biden from being elected, likely- Giuliani would have told the courts that, to save his law license.

    2] who are these “experts on the DOJ”, who say that “the DOJ will try to [try] Trump, before + after he might be elected president?…Oh yes- unknown, “people who “know”” what’s happening at the DOJ”.
    Riiiight- the “people who know” could be anyone that the reporters found + interviewed at the DOJ building, like- the guy who delivers the domino’s pizzas to the DOJ, or the guy who delivers the Starbucks coffees to the DOJ.
    Some experts.

    The Wapo paper’s other source is little, insignificant, mister Anthony Coley, a former speaker for a DOJ official.

    So what?

    He’s a FORMER worker for the DOJ.

    He has nothing to lose, by saying anti-Trump fakery, or nonsense, or lies, or falsehoods, that are 1] Anti-Trump,…which are lies that the DOJ likes, and 2] what can the DOJ do, if he says thinks that they don’t like or are untrue?
    You can’t get arrested for telling people a [fake] story about [the DOJ wanting to get an unpopular-to-Dems, ex-president jailed], the freedom of speech law prevents that.

    Also- the DOJ can’t fire him, for shooting his mouth off, he DOES’NT work there, anymore.

    He can say whatever he wants.

    Who else says that, [the DOJ] wants to get Trump tried + sent to prison?

    The good-old, US reporters, who told us: fat, butter, sugar, salt, + eggs, are deadly poison?…so [never] eat them?

    and- Dewey won + is presdent, + Harry Truman is not?

    and- O.J. Simpson is a good, moral, man…+ he’d never do violence to people, or do murders+ such?

    and that- Mr. Rock Hudson, [look up his 1960s films], is a red-blooded, woman-loving, heterosexual man, + he’s just the sort of guy to show us- in 1950s-1980s films, how- he…and you, + other manly…heterosexual men, can romance women, + make those women- loving girlfriends, + loving wives?

    [Psst! Hey, Mr. 1980 reporter, + mr. movie fan- I have some NEWS for you about Rock Hudson’s orientation.
    He’s not the woman-chasing, big-gift-to-straight-women, that you think he is.

    Unknown people, + an ex-federal spokesman, ohhhhh- what GREAT, legal experts, the Washington Post has found for us to talk to.


    The Wapo paper is doing a lot of talking about nothing.

  21. History resonates with wicked solutions. So, what else is new. Democrats sincerely, religiously believe that all’s fair in lust and abortion.

  22. So if Trump wins, what exactly should he do as head of DOJ? Serious question. Of course it’s tempting to go full flamethrower. But that probably isn’t at all practical. He could charge all the people he wants with crimes, but they won’t be convicted. Just ask John Durham.

  23. .” He could charge all the people he wants with crimes, but they won’t be convicted. ”

    The process will be the punishment. Tens of thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands, of dollars for defense, sleepless nights, days in court, name in the news. Plea deals

  24. fullmoon
    The process will be the punishment. Tens of thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands, of dollars for defense, sleepless nights, days in court, name in the news. Plea deals.

    Indeed. Another way of saying “The process will be the punishment” is “You can beat the rap, but you can’t beat the ride.”

  25. Late to the thread, but Turtler’s comments are pretty much echoed in this Not The Bee op-ed by Joel Berry — what they both point out is very important.
    This election is not between Trump and Biden: it is between the survival of our Republic and its destruction.


    They lied about Biden for one reason. This Independence Day, let me explain what this election is actually about.

    Last week was an eye-opening experience for the country. After Biden put his demented doddering on display for millions of horrified Americans, we watched his Democrat boosters in the media panic live on-air. For a brief, yet satisfying moment, the country saw things as they really were — an unqualified cynical liar with dementia, propped up by an unqualified cynical media with Trump Derangement Syndrome.

    The Democrat-controlled media has, shockingly, split in its allegiance to Biden. It’s clear there’s war brewing in the party.

    But whether the nominee is Biden, Kamala, or even Michelle Obama, it doesn’t matter. The person in the position is irrelevant. At this point, it’s clear the Democrats would support anyone – alive or not, qualified or not – if they ran against Trump.

    We can stop pretending this is a race between two men over who is more qualified to lead. This is no longer about Biden and Trump.

    This is about two competing — and incompatible — worldviews.
    These worldviews differ in the most fundamental ways. They disagree on the very nature of reality, mankind, goodness, and God.

    One side must win, and one must be destroyed.

    With two extremely flawed candidates standing as figureheads for two incompatible worldviews, we can start being honest about what this race is about.

    This is a contest between friends of America’s founding, and enemies of America’s founding. It’s a contest between God-worshippers and Marxist power-worshippers. It’s a contest between humans and anti-humans.

    Regardless of who the candidate is in November, vote accordingly.

    Joel gives a very articulate exposition of why he makes these claims.

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