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Merchan delays Trump sentencing — 22 Comments

  1. Whether or not to throw Trump in jail a month before the election for these “crimes” will likely depend on how safe Bragg and Merchan feel about their own future if they were to do so. It’s pretty clear that they don’t give a damn about the law or the stability of our elections or even the country itself. They only really care about their prestige and power as well as protecting their own hides. So they’ll feel it out, see what they can get away with.

  2. I think Merchan has suddenly got cold feet about this whole thing. I think he is beginning to be afraid of the reversals the may come due to the slipshod way he ran this trial.

  3. My favorite line from Biden’s next day speech
    “I know how to tell the truth!”

  4. Sennacherib:

    But it is strange that although Brandon knows the how, he’s never been able to do the do.

  5. As soon as I saw the new date looked at every angle it would effect Trump, came up with nothing. Marchan getting cold feet before the next President gets jailed?

  6. There was nothing slipshod about the was he ran the phony trial of Trump. Merchan is a committed Democrat who donated against Trump, to Biden, in 2020.His rulings were 99% in favor of Bragg’s objections and only 1% for the Trump defense team. This was a Soviet-style show trial, in order to tag Trump with The Convicted Felon tag pre-election, which Trump will win anyway, if Democrat vote fraud can be suppressed.
    Bragg is the black NY City DA, and NYCity is down to about 30% whites, with mostly semi-literate browns and blacks making up the majority. Skin color is quite sufficient!

  7. All I can figure is, this news cycle of Biden’s competence still has legs. Merchan doesn’t want his headline pushed below the fold by Biden announcing he’s not running. He’s thinking, “Get Kamala officially nominated, get her on her feet, get the Dem convention in Chicago behind us, then I can serve up a juicy headline that will really make a difference!”

    I doubt he’s afraid of anything from his actions so far. I doubt he’s embarrassed by how many of his rulings might lead to reversals on appeal. All of that was already in play, right?

  8. Well, Merchan was removed from the third trial, Steve Bannon fraud trial coming up. It was a little “convenient” that he was “selected” for THREE Trump trials: The one against the Trump Organization, the one against Trump, and then the Steve Bannon one. A judge removed him from that.

  9. They really should shut down this dumpsterfire.
    Its gotham think when gilliam murphys crane is holding court

  10. Sennacherib: My favorite line from Biden’s next day speech – “I know how to tell the truth!”

    My BS radar heard: “I can stop lying any time I want to – I just don’t want to!”

  11. Merchan is afraid that Newtons Third Law applies to politics, and he is not looking forward to the opposite and equal reaction.

  12. Sennacherib

    “I know how to tell the truth!”

    But I rarely do.

    He should have finished the thought.

  13. “…waiting for the political picture to become more clear…”

    Ever since Obama’s well-oiled junta (assisted by phenomenally-disciplined media and info-tech support), the Democratic Party’s “political picture” has ALWAYS been clear:

    To this end, President Fentanyl-Tranq is, by all accounts deserving of a second term (and a third and a fourth).
    And “he” will most certainly get it. (Merchan has been doing his part admirably…and, of course, illegally…but that’s par for the course.)

    “Inside The Chinese Money-Laundering Network Fueling America’s Fentanyl Crisis”—

    File under: The TRUTH sucks. “Speak AGAIN”!

  14. Merchan can do whatever he chooses and not worry about any repercussions. If he gets overturned by a higher court, so what? What is the big deal?
    Merchan is probably delaying sentencing to find the absolute best time – in his mind – to hurt Trump the most.

    As a rabid liberal in NYC he will always have a job in the courts there and the political powers that be in NY – all hardcore liberal progressives – will always do whatever they can to help out their ideological sibling.
    Merchant in NY is basically immune to any negative consequences.

    Ditto Bragg; in fact he one-ups Merchan because he is black. Bragg will always be well protected in NY no matter how dishonest or incompetent he may be. He is guaranteed to always have a politically influential job in NY.

    Liberal progressives never break ranks.

  15. This is a bit baffling—it removes the option of the republicans destroying orange man’s chances themselves by refusing to nominate him (“with heavy hearts”, of course) after he gets sentenced to a 20 year prison sentence right before the convention.

  16. Findkin – I think the debate took that option off the table. With Trump clearly in front I don’t think the GOP could viably remove him as the nominee without imploding. Even if they did Trump would still romp it in as an independent and be even more dangerous.

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