Home » Was last Thursday’s debate a game-changer?


Was last Thursday’s debate a game-changer? — 62 Comments

  1. Premise: Biden remains the nominee, and is on the ballot all the way. Stipulated: the party hacks can already see the risk that a type of Dem voter may abandon Biden. Therefore, there is a new incentive to cheat even harder, given this new margin they anticipate having to overcome.

    New Republican work item: find a way to expose that cheating in at least one precinct, preferably one each in PA, GA, MI, AZ and NV. (Maybe add my home state, MN, to that list.)

  2. “Bob Dylan” forgets that it was Al Gore running in 2000, not Bill Clinton.

  3. Things will not change until the Democrats decide that they love America more than they hate Trump and his voters.

  4. My best friend, my Other Brother, hates Trump. He thinks Trump tried an Insurrection on Jan 6, and I can’t convince him otherwise. He votes Rep and really hates Biden and the Dems.
    So today, I ask him if he saw Biden’s attack on the SC. He did, and unloaded on Biden. I then responded – remember the SC when you vote.
    Don’t think it will make a difference though.

  5. which saw without question Biden’s growing mental incapacity during that debate, will excuse it and still vote Democrat, as they did for Clinton in 2000.

    I’m not following this. Did he mean Clinton in ’96 or Al Gore in 2000? And if so, how does it relate to “mental incapacity”. Not that I think terribly highly of the mental capacities of either Clinton or Gore, mind you, but I think they were both at least compos mentis during those time periods.

  6. I have noticed a decided uptick in tension in recent weeks. My “liberal” friends and family have been fairly unconfrontational, especially once Covid eased. But I’m sensing some discomfort around us now. Confirmed by my husband’s talk with one of his cousins — a retired school teacher from Berkeley, CA, and just as left wing as you’d expect from that. However, she had continued to talk to us (and not only “talk” the trivialities which are practically all one can safely exchange these days, but actually discuss). Her post debate response is to up the derangement: Women will be unsafe! The situation in Israel isn’t Biden’s fault, it’s Trump’s! And not only that, she is now going to Georgia, hmm, to volunteer for Joe. He needs even more help now to prevent the Christian Nationalist Reich seizing power.

    So I don’t think the debate will make any difference. However senile, to her Biden is a hundred times better than Trump.

  7. Realistically about 40% of the voters will vote for a literal turnip over Trump (as opposed to just a figurative one in Biden). The hardcore lifelong progressives in deep blue districts (like the one NancyB describes) are almost entirely unreachable and completely impervious to rational discussion or even thought when it comes to the subject of Trump. But they were never in play to begin with. It’s the 20% or so in the middle who are up for persuasion.

  8. I went to Big Sur on Sunday for some lunch and a great jazz combo. A lady I know, a bit superficially, contacted me out of the blue and said she’d love to tag along, and we went.

    Anyway, it turns out that we discovered that she and I are both closeted conservatives living in blue-land. Her partner is quite out of the closet, but doesn’t socialize much. She’s slightly less closeted, and is suffering some modest shunning as a result. Anyway, she said, “Tommy, you have to watch the debate.” I watched it yesterday. Quite boring.

    With all the media talk, I actually thought Biden did slightly better than I was expecting. (An expectations bias.) That is, until the closing speech. OMG! What a train wreck for Biden. A filmmaker can put together a great movie, but if the ending stinks, it’s all the audience remembers. Same thing here. If there are more debates, Trump should demand a 5 or 10 minute closing statement.

    So in blue-land here, I’ve been using Facebook for the first time to meet people and find music events. Many of my FB “friends” who are musicians or music fans are left or ultra-left. One of them, who I think was almost ready to join Hamas to fight IDF genocide, had actually been shocked by the video he had seen of Biden in Europe & elsewhere just before the debate. I was surprised that he was, in effect saying; Hey, this emperor isn’t wearing any clothes. And he did question the media’s honesty some too, IIRC.

    The day after the debate, many on the left were shocked in their FB postings. But… Wait for it. A day or two later, they were all falling in-line with the propaganda. He just had a bad night. Biden knows how to tell the truth, and Trump is a horrible man.

    I tend to think social pressure can be extremely strong, especially amongst this group. A herd mentality, and identity politics. Will we ever survive it?

  9. An update from MT. The R party just announced it’s platform. At the top of the list is a complete ban on abortions. They passed this law during the last legislative session and the D’s took it to the state supreme court. All positions of the state supreme court are still filled by Democrats, therefore the abortion ban has gone nowhere. But not to worry the local church still dominates the local R party and will never let go of any opportunity to try to pass a total abortion ban. Therefore, the Democrats will win big this time around.

    This means that the one D senator Trump tried to take out (John Tester) and so many people in this state would have voted against this time–he will win again. We may also lose our R congressman. This is a real disappointment for those of us whose tradition has always been to keep separate church and state. I mention this because it is a real loss to have had the opportunity to replace the D senator and hold on to many local R legislators. Last year it was the John Birchers who tried to take over the party leadership, this year the church won that battle.

  10. I think turnout will be the more important factor in deciding the effect of the exposure of Biden’s senility. I suspect we will see more examples in coming months.

  11. As some have already shared in the comments, true believers will not be swayed. Nor will the true charlatans. But events like last week’s debate can have a significant impact on many. I’ve shared before that it was the obviously biased and unfair treatment of Justice Clarence Thomas by Biden and Kennedy that started me down the path of questioning the sources of my news. “Could it be, I wondered back in 1991, that my cherished NPR was not as apolitical as I thought they were? If they have been misrepresenting this to me, what else have they concealed from me*?”

    One of the most effective agents of change will be mockery. Mockery of Biden, mockery of those around him and mockery of the journalists who have falsely covered him. I’ve already seen many clever and brutal compilations of Biden and his gaffes in the debate and the pundits who calmly, forcefully insisted how sharp and energetic he was. Joe Scarborough is now** a literal laughing stock. And, equally important, I’ve seen compilations featuring entertainers; Kimmel, Colbert…

    Most of these people are shallow and spineless. As Milton Friedman said regarding politicians, “The important thing is to establish a political climate of opinion which will make it politically profitable for the wrong people to do the right thing.” It’s unlikely Kimmel or Joe Scarborough will become intelligent and principled any time soon, but they care a great deal about their fame and salaries. They do not want to be the subject of derision. It’s now much better for their careers to join the chorus pointing at the naked emperor and there will be profit in it.

    Andrew Breitbart famously said, “Politics is downstream of culture.” This is a huge, cultural event. These jokes, videos and memes are the types of things that are shared widely, even among people with little interest or knowledge of politics.

    *And as I started perusing alternate news sources I realized that was NPR’s biggest crime; concealment. It wasn’t their slant on the news they chose to share with me, it was the news they weren’t sharing with me that made a difference.
    **He has been for years, but now the mask has truly fallen.

  12. Tulsi Gabbard has it right, IMO. If a Dem/Leftist wins in November it doesn’t matter if it’s Biden or not– the policies damaging the country will continue.

    Conservatives (or should I say myself) are in a dilemma. Joe Biden presents a real security risk to the country. We are in perilous times and a slow/faulty decision could have real consequences to our security.

    For that reason, we should encourage the Dems to replace Joe. But Joe’s replacement might make it harder for President Trump to be reelected. The partisan inside me says encourage the Dems to stick with Joe.

    To make matters worse, if the Dems do manage to fortify the election and pull out a win for Joe from their magic voter hat, the Dems only recourse, if they had a shred of concern for the country, would be to pull out the 25th, but that would leave us with Kamala. Ouch.

    Should President Joe Biden Be Removed From Office?

  13. I have only talked with one liberal friend post-debate, but I’m pretty sure that this person stands for most Democrats I know and perhaps most Democrats. This person is upset that Biden might remain the nominee and would love to see a change. But the Trump derangement and all the rest remain intact.

    I have spoken with several liberal friends post-debate here in L.A. This is a paraphrase of the uniform responses:
    “So what. I’m going t vote, and you have yet to show me any Republican for any office for whom I would vote.”
    On the other hand, conseratives here in L.A. have become even more resolute.

  14. Just saw a recording of cackling Kamala’s apparently signature, vapid, spuriously deep saying, which she has repeated about a million times in various speeches and settings i. e. about how we should “imagine what we can be, unburdened by what has been.”

    My god, this woman is an idiot!

  15. But it’s Kremlin time in Demville — feeble Biden’s been exposed.

    I’m still betting on game changer. The Biden crime family won’t voluntarily step down. I’m not surprised. They have the most to lose.

    The Dem leadership is boggled but trying to avoid making things immediately worse. I think they are playing for time.

    But time is not on their side. Biden will continue to worsen, with age and the pressure of presidential campaign. Republicans will run Biden’s debate gaffes with Trump’s nonverbal and verbal commentary millions of times between now and November.

    –“NEW POST-DEBATE POLL: Whopping 72% of Americans Don’t Think Biden Has the ‘Mental and Cognitive Health’ to Be President”

    METAPHOR ALERT. Biden is now gut shot. It will take time for him to die, but he’s only getting worse between now and November.

  16. so two congressman, lloyd doggett, who used to represent lbj’s district, and jared golden from maine, have asked him to step down

    who are those 28% that say otherwise,

  17. Sgt Joe Friday… don’t forget…
    America IS the real target of the left’s hatred. POTUS Trump is just standing in the way.

  18. Keep in mind that Biden won the electoral college in 2020 by only 100,000 popular votes in battleground states.

    Consider all the things which have gone wrong in his administration, the Afghan bugout, rampant inflation, the COVID lockdowns and lies, all the small businesses destroyed, the scorched-earth culture wars, the betrayal of Biden’s promises to be a moderate president and the consequent depressed polls for Biden, most notably among blacks and hispanics,

    Plus the COVID excuse is no longer in effect and Republican’s are somewhat more savvy about electoral fraud.

    I don’t see that 100,000 vote margin from 2020 holding.

  19. huxley (7:15 pm) writes “I don’t see that 100,000 vote margin from 2020 holding.”

    huxley, I see it expanding. The bad guys aren’t sitting on their hands, waiting for political and societal stasis to save the day. I don’t know what our side is doing, but based on history, I’m having an awful lot of difficulty being optimistic or confident.

  20. well they’ve brought in 10 million people, if 1& of them vote,

  21. The bad guys aren’t sitting on their hands, waiting for political and societal stasis to save the day.

    M J R:

    But the bad guys are also making things blatantly worse in obvious ways, ways which affect the daily lives of millions of Americans.

    This time Dems will have to defend Biden’s record, Biden’s dynamically worsening cognition, now indefensible, and the obvious circle of corruption around him. Trump is winning in the polls this time.

    Those resources weren’t available in 2020.

    On our side I believe we are all much more aware of Dem wickedness. We hadn’t seen the overwhelming signs of vote fraud in 2020, or the subsequent rampant lawfare against Trump, his allies and the J6ers. Our eyes are opened now. And I think a lot of swing voters too.

    In the debate I saw a more disciplined Trump, at least in the first half, than I have ever seen before.

    History isn’t a straight line.

  22. ‘Donald Trump Is Going To Win,’ House Democrat Predicts, ‘And I’m OK With That’
    ‘Democrats’ post-debate hand-wringing is based on the idea that a Trump victory is not just a political loss, but a unique threat to our democracy. I reject the premise,’ the congressman says.

    Jared Golden of Maine. His district is the Northern and Eastern one that Trump carried twice, so he’s probably worried about getting reelected. But it’s nice to know that somebody out there is sane.

  23. I haven’t had occasion to discuss such issues since the debate, so I only know what I see elsewhere. But it sounds like what I have seen all along; Trump is an awful person and…..nobody talks about policies except to get them backwards.
    So I expect more of the same except we need somebody else to beat that awful man….policies not an issue. Except where the speaker has them backwards.
    Nothing new.

  24. huxley (8:30 pm) observes that “This time Dems will have to defend Biden’s record, Biden’s dynamically worsening cognition, now indefensible, and the obvious circle of corruption around him. . . . .”

    There’s (at least) one other task out there for them, and that is to ramp up the shenanigans to levels still more insidious than what we’ve seen. The enemy can be very creative, as well as very rabid and very vicious.

    A couple of other posts today from landlord neo hint at what may yet be to come from that side.

    “Our eyes are opened now. And I think a lot of swing voters too.” The swing voter pool is very small this year. Has it deepened somewhat? I cannot say, but I doubt it. My evidence for that is my own congenital pessimism, which is to say I cannot back up my doubt with anything solid.

    I do believe the pool of Democrat voters has deepened. Evidence: shenanigans.

    And then there’s the possibility that Biden won’t be one of the two contenders come November. I’m mentioning that, but I ain’t gonna go there right now.

  25. According to the RealClear Politics average, the day before the debate Biden’s odds of winning re-election stood at 35.7 percent. They are now at 18 percent. https://www.realclearpolling.com/betting-odds/2024/president.

    So at least according to the oddsmakers, the debate was indeed a game changer.

    This debate was scheduled this early by Biden’s team to reassure anxious supporters, that despite mounting evidence to the contrary, Biden was up to the task. Instead, Biden gave the worst presidential debate performance in memory. When all the mainstream media talks about days after the debate is whether or not Biden will have to step aside because he is senile, that is a game changer.

    I’m not sure if the Dems are better off getting rid of Biden or keeping him. Getting rid of him will be a chaotic and messy process that will focus all the attention on Dem dysfunction. But old Joe isn’t going to get better and now that the MSM has finally acknowledged his cognitive difficulties, his next major glitch (and there will be one) will not be covered up.

    The Supreme Court immunity decision and the sentencing delay in the hush money case have pretty much destroyed the lawfare weapon. All the Dems have left in their arsenal is election rigging and fraud. In a normal world I would say the gap they will have to make up is too big to rig but we don’t live in a normal world so who knows?

    But things certainly look a lot brighter for Trump’s chances than they have at any time this cycle.

  26. The swing voter pool is very small this year. Has it deepened somewhat? I cannot say, but I doubt it. My evidence for that is my own congenital pessimism, which is to say I cannot back up my doubt with anything solid.

    M J R:

    So where do all the blacks, hispanics and even youths, which the polls say are switching to Trump in significant numbers, come from?

    Are the polls wrong? I’ve seen them. Here I’ll let Chat sum them up:

    Recent polls indicate a shift in support away from President Joe Biden among Black, Hispanic, and young voters as the 2024 election approaches.

    Black Voters:

    Support Levels: While a significant majority of Black voters still lean Democratic, there has been a notable decrease in support for Biden. As of recent surveys, 77% of Black voters favor Biden, a drop from the 92% he secured in 2020. Meanwhile, 18% now express support for Donald Trump, reflecting a modest increase from previous elections (Pew Research Center) (Politico).

    Dissatisfaction: About half of Black voters indicate they would prefer different candidates from both parties if given the choice. Additionally, Biden’s approval rating among Black voters has declined, with younger Black voters showing more openness to alternatives, including third-party candidates (Pew Research Center) (Politico).

    Hispanic Voters:

    Support Levels: Hispanic voters show a more significant shift, with Biden’s support dropping to 63% from a previous 87%. Trump’s support among Hispanic voters stands at 36%, which is consistent with his performance in 2020 (Voice of America) (Politico).

    Concerns and Trends: Economic issues, especially inflation, are significant concerns among Hispanic voters. The Biden campaign is actively working to court Hispanic voters amid these shifts, recognizing the potential impact on the election. (Voice of America) (Politico).

    Young Voters:

    Support Levels: There has been a marked decline in support for Biden among voters under 30. Some polls show Trump leading Biden among young voters by significant margins, although other surveys show a closer race or even Biden leading slightly. The critical takeaway is the overall decline in youth support for Biden compared to 2020 (Politico).

    Factors Influencing Shifts: Younger voters are increasingly considering third-party candidates or may choose not to vote at all, contributing to the overall drop in support for Biden. The complexity of capturing accurate polling data for young voters adds to the uncertainty, but dissatisfaction with both major parties is a notable trend.(Politico).

    These shifts could have significant implications for the 2024 election, making it crucial for the Biden campaign to address the concerns of these key demographic groups.

    I can provide the links Chat mentions, if requested.

  27. As has been pointed out, Biden’s debate performance, and the decline/dementia he so obviously displayed, not only showed viewers the true state of his mental faculties, and his current lack of the capabilities absolutely critical for a U.S. President to possess–if viewers thought about it–it also exposed the massive, year’s long campaign of gaslighting and lies which has been run against the American public, carried out by the Democrats, by the White House, some members of Congress, and by the MSM.

    Here, for example, this past March, was Joe Scarborough talking about how with it and sharp Biden was, and what an outstanding intellect Biden displayed–he was “better than ever.”*

    After these sources lied so comprehensively about this one important issue, the question then becomes, what else of consequence have they been lying about, and for how long?

    Have they actually told the truth about anything?

    * See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ngZgI707MnU&t=28s

  28. My impression is that commenters here focus too much on their social counterparts of successful, white, middle-aged or senior folks, who are liberal/prog.

    Those are the least susceptible Dems to change.

  29. Snow on Pine:

    Agreed. I think Americans got it from the debate, that Biden’s not all there.

    Anger towards his apologists for lying, lying, lying about our so-called Commander-in-Chief, when that put us all in jeopardy, will take a little longer to sink in.

  30. Actually the other major question which Biden’s debate performance very urgently raises is, just who is actually running the country?

    Because, it sure ain’t Biden.

    What, for instance, are the current arrangements about the nuclear command apparatus, the “football”–a briefcase containing the nuclear launch codes–which is supposed to be carried around by a military officer, and to always be within easy reach of the President?

    Is the “football” still within easy reach of dementia Joe? Does Biden even consistently remember it’s there, and how to use it?

    Has somebody other than Biden already inserted himself between Biden and the use of the football, that person–not President Biden–now having the ultimate say about using those codes, which the President has a very limited amount of time to decide on using, reportedly something around 7 minutes?

    If for no other reason than the nuclear weapon deployment issue, Biden should be very urgently removed from the Presidency, and from access to those launch codes, and that launch decision.

    Of course, that would mean that chucklehead Kamala would then be President.

  31. M J R (8:54 pm) said: “The swing voter pool is very small this year. Has it deepened somewhat? I cannot say, but I doubt it. My evidence for that is my own congenital pessimism, which is to say I cannot back up my doubt with anything solid.”

    huxley (9:38 pm) said: “So where do all the blacks, hispanics and even youths, which the polls say are switching to Trump in significant numbers, come from? Are the polls wrong?”

    M J R now replies: my only question here is whether these switchers are swing voters. If they’re actually going over to Trump, they’re not swing voters any more. In fact, it’s not homogeneous: some have gone over to Trump and some are now swing voters.

    (Regarding polls: polls, in the aggregate, can reveal broad trends. I do get the strong impression that this broad trend is in fact happening.)

    All the foregoing is my way of filibustering, of beating around the bush and pointing out that you are making a very valid point. * I need to reconsider. *

    “I can provide the links Chat mentions, if requested.” No need, we’re not arguing [smile].

  32. I’ve been thinking of a swing voter as undecided / persuadable. Possibly I’ve been the one who isn’t understanding.

  33. Well, I take your point if a swing voter hangs in the middle and might do this or do that.

    Maybe we could call those voters who break ranks unexpectedly “break-out voters” or some such.

    Or we could leave it to the Duke:

    –Duke Ellington, “It Don’t Mean A Thing (If It Ain’t Got That Swing)” (1932)

    What a great tune!

  34. M J R:

    Chat basically agrees with you:

    Voters who break ranks with their previous voting history and choose a different direction are often referred to as “defectors” or “switch voters.” These individuals may have consistently voted for one party or candidate in the past but decide to vote for a different party or candidate in a particular election.

    –ChatGPT 4.o

  35. }}} Realistically about 40% of the voters will vote for a literal turnip over Trump

    I don’t think the actual percentage is anywhere near that bad — offhand, I’d put it at more like 15-20% — the ones that would literally vote for Hitler before they’d vote for Trump — That doesn’t mean that I think that they won’t vote for almost anyone else with a rational brain over Trump, only that I think the true TDS is at about 15-20%.

    Those with THD (“Trump Hatred Disorder”) are more like the 40% you describe. They have an irrational hatred of Trump which is totally unjustified and highly defective in reason — kind of like the natural basis for racist sentiments, which spring from the same part of the brain. They are capable of moments of display of TDS, if you bring up the subject, but he isn’t a central facet of everything they think about — you won’t be talking about your garden in a chat room and have them bring up how “Trump is destroying the gardens of America…” 😛

    }}} But it’s nice to know that somebody out there is sane.

    Just so you realize that, as a Democrat, it’s just a momentary dalliance, not a reliable indicator of future behavior. 😀

    }}} America IS the real target of the left’s hatred. POTUS Trump is just standing in the way.

    Agreed, but expand even further: PostModern Liberalism hates Western Civilization (see many previous commentaries in other threads). America is just the pre-eminent proponent in support of Western Civ. Trump supports America. Hatred devolves. 😉

    }}} BrianE: … would be to pull out the 25th, but that would leave us with Kamala. Ouch

    This presumes that Kamala will be the Veep. Chances are huge that they will replace her at the convention. There is a long history of this happening — FDR actually did it twice in his four terms — in 1940 and 1944, the veep attached was not the one from the previous term.

    This can and will also bring back some of the voters, as they’ll know — and publicly argue — they are actually voting for the veep, not Biden. It’s a sideways means of getting Their Guy into the office.

  36. }}} Young Voters: … Support Levels:

    I think that the Zoomers are turning towards being more conservative than any generation since WWII — not sure that they will surpass Gen-X in that regard, but suspect it. And this is not unique to America — the entirety of the youth of western civ is seeing the results of leftist, “PostModern Liberal” policies. They are getting it shoved in their faces daily, and also seeing the gaslighting of the merdia, thus growing up with an innate distrust of it.

    I cite as evidence the fact that the youth vote in France is a significant part of the growth of the National Party. And the popularity on Tiktok, an internationally “youth” oriented platform, of “Je Partira Pas” (“‘I won’t leave!’ Yes, you will!”) is telling. And it’s not being widely shouted down, despite all the calls of how “racist” it is (it is, granted, saying “Get the Fuck OUT!”, to immigrants — and is the second round of such, with “Auslander Raus!” in Germany as a precursor), but instead often being supported by the youthful commentators. The sentiment is spreading.

    The Zoomers here in the USA can hardly feel too different — they can see the inflation, the unemployment, the southern invasion, the insane Title IX problems for themselves, and no amount of the merdia gaslighting to the contrary can get them to deny it.

    “We live in interesting times”, indeed. 😛

    }}} Anger towards his apologists for lying, lying, lying about our so-called Commander-in-Chief, when that put us all in jeopardy, will take a little longer to sink in

    However, many of them are protected by 25″ of hardened steel armor plate. For them, it will no doubt bounce right off. 😛

    Churchill: Occasionally he stumbled over the truth but he always picked himself up and hurried on as if nothing had happened.

  37. BTW, it’s getting harder to find actual videos for the song, “surprisingly” enough.

    It’s a really good, catchy little number. Borders on earworm territory.

    Je Partira Pas


    French and English — I’ve tried to make columns, here, but variable width fonts make that difficult. 😉






    I mean, the sentiment in those lyrics is pretty damned indisputable:
    “We’re sick of you, *Get Out*!”


  38. }}} I’ve been thinking of a swing voter as undecided / persuadable. Possibly I’ve been the one who isn’t understanding.

    As Huxley notes —

    I believe the term “swing voter” is someone who routinely may vote for either side. I have a long history of being a swing voter myself, though, since around Bush II, I’ve found it harder and harder to find anyone on the “left” I’d seriously consider.

    I would’ve voted for Joe Lieberman, for example, even though I disagreed with his overall politics, but I did respect that he was clearly a man of principle, when he stepped out of the Left and continued to support Bush in Iraq. I value principles in a politician much more than “agrees with me”.

    Thanks to the lies of the merdia, I did, for example, vote for Clinton in 1992. I knew better by 1996. I would say I “lean” to the right/GOP even as a historical swing, even though I am open to either side. I am pretty much the exact opposite of a “Yellow Dog” voter. I vote for principles and policies, not for Party.

    A “switch voter” is someone who would routinely vote a single way… but in this specific case, for clear reasons, they are voting against that single way.

    Swing voters are usually the ones who actually decide elections, mind you, because they are the ones the candidates most have to appeal to, as their ardent supporters are rarely an actual majority.

    This tends to keep politicians more to the center, historically. Less so these days, of course.

  39. @ Snow > “it also exposed the massive, year’s long campaign of gaslighting and lies which has been run against the American public, carried out by the Democrats, by the White House, some members of Congress, and by the MSM.”

    And to others raising the same, somewhat obvious, point: Matt Taibbi has an excellent post on the long-running scandal that our institutions have become.

    As the meme says: You may think you hate (journalists, academicians, Democrats), but you don’t hate them enough.

    Biden is Not “Sharp as a Tack”
    “No matter how bad you think the press lies and exaggerations about Joe Biden’s condition have been, trust us. They were worse”
    JUL 01, 2024
    “The press coverup about Joe Biden’s cognitive state has been comprehensive, starting before his 2020 run. As Orfalea shows, the lie ballooned in scale, with what began as mere denial of the problem expanding in the space of four years to far more aggressive deceptions, eventually landing on maximalist go-to lines compiled above: “Sharp as a tack,” “On top of his game,” “On the ball,” etc. These descriptions are even more damning in the context of the long overall campaign to cover up the obvious:”

    I recommend the entire post.

  40. it does in that it’s a obvious problem tje Democrats have to replace him somehow.
    Everyone knows his time in office is measured in months not years.
    But if they want to replace him I see no option other than waiting for the convention and pulling a stunt then.
    And this might throw a wrench in the fraud as it will hold up the presses until they are sure who is running. The fraud ballot won’t work as well with Biden crossed out and Mooch penciled in.
    Anyway it will be fun to watch. And was sure Trump was going to jail July 11 but that has been scrubbed until September.

  41. Then, of course, there is who is running our foreign policy, and who is really in command of our armed forces?

    All of these considerations mean that the sooner–and I mean in days or a week or so, and not in months–Biden is removed from power, the safer this country will be.

  42. huxley

    You’re correct in that most of my contacts on issues such as this are successful, white, middle class, so forth.
    But that leaves a question: There are things you have to do, and to be, and be exposed to if not understand, and know, and have done, to be in that group you describe. And an equal list of things not to have done, etc.

    One of them is impulse control.

    So how does a person with such qualifications, if one may call them that, shoot himself in the foot repeatedly?
    It’s that the shot hits somebody else’s foot. Because of what might be called the cocoon, immediate, in-person results usually don’t show up. As I said elsewhere, if there’s a bad result due to a stupid vote, it doesn’t show up on the doorstep with the voter’s stupid ballot attached. There are enough intervening factors that responsibility is hard to see.

    As Heinlein said, man is not a rational animal, he is a rationalizing animal.

    And when lib/prog provides a self-image of virtue, without responsibility, what’s not to like.

    But, as I say, this class of people should not be so deluded, given what they have to be and do to get there.

    As an addendum, in various discussion groups, the ignorance of the issues in question, whatever they may be, is astounding. It’s one thing to believe various things which are incorrect. It’s another to be completely blank as to the existence of important issues.

    An example is a recent case where a kid of thirteen, acting suspiciously, was shot by cops when he came up with a pellet gun. Woah! Had to explain what a replica gun is, as in the Tamir Rice case. Completely blank looks. As if these cases had cops shooting kids who were waving purple Supersoakers around. Incomprehension.

  43. there is a class of people, who are unable and/or willing to think through complex issues, their attention is either that of ‘s ferret on double expresso, or they believe arcane fables, like the ‘genocide’ tale of the palestinians, or the skydragon mythos, or ‘hands up don’t shoot’ or some other tale, the grimm bros would have been embarassed to pitch,


  44. “the MSM has probably lied to me about how awful Trump and the Republicans are,”

    This is what has led to some changes in thinking by Naomi Wolf. She’s still very much a lefty. But she lost her TDS due to the realization that the media has been lying about a lot of things, and that meant it couldn’t be trusted where Trump is concerned.

  45. Two things:

    “Judge delays Trump’s hush money sentencing until at least September after high court immunity ruling”

    That would leave a very short period for appealing the sentence.


    If the democrats do in fact replace or get Biden to agree not run again.

    Several states have rules in place that limit or prohibit removal of candidates from the ballot. How will they get around that?

  46. John (12:16 pm) said: “Several states have rules in place that limit or prohibit removal of candidates from the ballot. How will they get around that?”

    The rationale(s) will be: “This situation is so-o-o extraordinary. We need to be flexible, reasonable. The law exists to serve humankind, not to irrationally bind it.”

    It certainly will work in left-leaning states, and without a moment’s second thought.

  47. huxley (12:38 am) and ObloodyHell (2:35 am),

    Thanks for the conversation. I couldn’t leave this thread hanging without an acknowledging wrap-up. See you folks (and everyone else) tomorrow.

  48. I just received this.

    BREAKING – Biden and his senior team said they accepted the grim ultimatum they’ve been hearing from almost all quarters of the Democratic Party — to demonstrate his fitness for office or face a significant effort to force him to step aside, Washington Post reports

  49. ObloodyHell:

    Thanks for “Je Partira Pas” (plus the painstaking work for the two column layout).

    It is catchy and a glimpse into French culture and politics. The French are a complicated people.

  50. Biden is now making the argument that “you should consider all he has “accomplished” in the last three and a half years against one 90 minute debate in which he admittedly screwed up.”

    That is not the real argument, though.

    The actual argument is, how that 90 minute Debate demonstrated his increasing Dementia/Alzheimers, and his unfitness to be President right now.

    What must be considered, as well, is the fact that his Dementia/Alzheimers will inevitably progress, and get more and more debilitating–it is an inevitable process, one which cannot be reversed.

    If, at this very moment, Biden is unable to carry out all of the duties and responsibilities of the Presidency, given his Dementia, he is only going to get less and less capable.

    These are the actual issues.

  51. “…the sooner…Biden is removed from power, the safer this country will be….”

    Except that Joseph Robinette Biden is NOT currently in power—he hasn’t been since mid-January 2021(!)…
    …and the SAME Politburo that is running the country currently…will be running the country IF JRB leaves the stage.

    (“IF”…because that SAME Politburo is just fine having JRB continue to “be POTUS”…)

  52. Barry Meislin–You make a good point, and if Trump should win, he obviously needs to immediately clean house, and kick this entire group out of the White House, and out of positions of power within the Executive branch.

    Thus, Trump has to have the upper echelons of his Administration vetted, ready to displace the current crew, and move into position on day one.

    To accomplish this Trump’s forces must also be in command of the House and Senate so as to control the confirmation process, and move it along.

    I presume that this Democrat group will also be trying to leave “stay behind forces” in place, to sabotage a second Trump presidency, and they also have to be found out and kicked out.

  53. P.S.—In Trump’s first Administration many of the people he installed in key positions actually turned on him. This time, Trump needs to be much more careful in his personnel choices .

  54. I don’t think it matters. Liberals/leftists are not voting for a candidate, they’re voting for an ideology. I’m the same way – I would pretty much vote for nearly any R put up. I know someone who’s been a liberal democrat all her life, and I’m trying hard (in an unobtrusive way) to get her to cast her vote for 3rd party.

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