Home » Open thead 7/2/24


Open thead 7/2/24 — 23 Comments

  1. I wonder if that’s where burlesque fan dancers got the idea for their routines.

  2. Apparently the idea that White House staffers were fiercely loyal to Joe and scared of the Bidens (an notion I got from Mark Halperin’s podcast) was wrong (or exaggerated or outdated). Somebody in the White House is leaking like a sieve. What that means for the future I have to admit I don’t know.

  3. I partly listened to Biden’s attack on the SC.
    How very disgusting and divisive it was. And dangerous. Don’t the Dems understand that the ruling gave cover for any Dem President too?

  4. Lot’s of Democrat media creatures are hysterically postulating that Biden could legally literally have Trump assassinated thanks to yesterday’s Supreme Court decision. Evidently they seem to believe (or they’re at least claiming that they believe) that the assassination of a political opponent falls under the purview of “official” presidential duties.

  5. David Brooks: You said something I’ve got to ask you about, that Trump’s a moderate. In what areas is the MAGA movement farther right than Trump?

    Steve Bannon: I think farther right on radical cuts of spending, No. 1. I think we’re much more hard-core on things like Ukraine. President Trump is a peacemaker. He wants to go in and negotiate and figure something out as a deal maker. I think 75 percent of our movement would want an immediate, total shutdown — not one more penny in Ukraine, and massive investigations about where the money went. On the southern border and mass deportations, I don’t think President Trump’s close to where we are. They all got to go home…

    My Unsettling Interview With Steve Bannon

  6. White
    The dems don’t need any extra cover. See Malinowski. For them, it’s redundant, and it seems to give the reps what, so far, only the dems have. See Waco. Richard Jewell.

  7. NY Times:
    “Bill Maher: Why I Want an Open Convention” (that Gavin Newsom wins)

    What a relief that our precious journalists are finally showing us the guidance of our leading intellectuals!

    Ps. It always gives me a sense of reassurance when I vote in Don Surber’s surveys and I manage to select the most popular answer! Today he asked who should be Kamela Harris’ running mate, and I (and a solid majority) picked Mike Pence!

  8. Back to the video,
    I tried that move on a woman about 40 years ago.
    It didn’t work.

  9. Soooo,
    A bunch of Democrats want to replace Biden, with Kamala Harris, as their candidate for the 2024, Presidential election.

    So if Harris becomes the Democrats candidate, do you think: [she’ll win the most votes, and win the election], by saying something like:

    “You can’t vote for Trump, he’s a White person. You CAN’T vote against me, I’m a Black woman!”

    Do you think that most Americans can get over their “guilt over The USA’s racism”, and [not] vote for Kamala Harris?

    What do you think?

  10. ”I think we’re much more hard-core on things like Ukraine…I think 75 percent of our movement would want an immediate, total shutdown — not one more penny in Ukraine”

    And there it is — my break with the Republican Party. I cannot and will not support a movement or a party that countenances the genocide of Eastern Europe.

  11. mkent– Steve Bannon isn’t a Republican– he has declared himself to be a Populist Nationalist.

    Trump isn’t a Conservative, let alone a Republican. We have formed an alliance– Trump spoke at the Libertarian Party convention asking for the votes of Libertarians. Vivek is a libertarian.

    Will Trump leave an America First movement after his term? That will be up to those who believe in the core principals of national sovereignty. I think that sums up most of America First. Add a dose of economic conservatism coupled to a more decentralized Federal government and sprinkle with a traditional family (as much as possible in this hedonistic society) as the core to a stable citizenry.

    As to Ukraine– had Trump been elected in 2020, none of this would have happened.

    Even Zelensky is working on a new peace/ceasefire offer to present at the NATO summit.
    He may be realizing Ukraine may not have years left.

    Putin has no intention of “the genocide of Eastern Europe”– let alone the capability. His army can’t even make it to the Dnipro River.

  12. August Astronomy (magazine) has a curious double blackhole with a companion blackhole that obits a SMBH at 90 degrees to the accretion disk. Kind of looks like a gyroscope.

    The Russia Ukraine war is part of the continuing disintegration of the Soviet Union which ain’t done yet. Similar would happen if the USA breaks up.

  13. mkent, nobody is voting for Steve Bannon. He’s not on the ballot. I would be extremely surprised if Trump in his second term capitulated to Russia.

  14. When wife unit was 14, her family was on a 6-week camping trip when they were hit head on by a logging truck. Wife walked barefoot through broken glass to get help as she was the only one not disabled in the crash. It has been decades and she still pulls broken glass out of her feet at least once a month. When we were first married 40 years ago, it was once a week. Just pulled three pieces out this morning. They look like grains of sand now

  15. Chases Eagles:

    What a great horrific story. Your wife is a keeper!

    For funsies, here’s an Annie Lennox 90s video, which isn’t quite the same, but it was one of her great hits and I like it.

    –“Annie Lennox – Walking on Broken Glass (Official Video)”

    The powdered wig world of the video comes from the films “Dangerous Liaisons” and “Amadeus” plus the hilarious “Blackadder” tv show. That really is John Malkovich from “Dangerous Liaisons” and Hugh Laurie from “Blackadder.”

  16. mkent on July 2, 2024 at 5:15 pm said:
    ”I cannot and will not support a movement or a party that countenances the genocide of Eastern Europe.” That may be a little hyperbolic … but I agree that Putin/the KGB/ Russian nationalists need to be disabused of the idea that anyone seriously wants to invade and conquer them, such that they now need to reestablish control over the 9 or 10 geographic choke points around their heartland (mountain passes that the USSR supposedly held) to forestall any invasion.

    I also join others in wondering about us helping to defend a Europe that seems hesitant about defending itself when faced with such a threat. That view is slowing changing/ improving, but a faster conversion would be well appreciated on this side of the pond.

    Chases Eagles,
    perhaps you and your wife can pretend those small shards are from Cinderella’s glass slippers instead, as you are clearly her prince incarnate. 🙂

  17. Grrr. This piece-of-crap iPad just ate a message I spent the better part of an hour composing. Maybe I’ll try again later. Maybe not.

  18. Brian E writes “Vivek is a libertarian.” As Ramaswamy has himself explained recently, he was a libertarian through his college years and a bit after. But he’s shifted since then, clearly not all Libertarians (ie, doctrinaire Party types are MAGA), but plenty of small l libertarians are — very like many times more.

    The Austrian anarcho-capitalist economist Walter Block founded “Libertarians for Trump,” and Libertarian-Republicans are well-represented in various groups, including “The (gay) Log Cabin Republicans” — which, I believe Ambassador Richard Grenier is one such member.

    Brian also states “Trump isn’t a Conservative, let alone a Republican.“ I am certain that Trump is a conservative in the broad sense, but not doctrinaire in the least.

    He belongs with a group I call American Exceptionalist conservatives, like the great American historian Daniel Boorstin.

    This is entirely consistent with Trump’s private HS time at a military academy not far from West Point in the early 1960s. And that means he is pro-military, pro law and order — like nearly all conservatives.

    But, as Trump joked in his address at that wooly and obnoxious crowd at the LP convention a month ago, his political persecution has made him a lot more libertarian. And by that I’m sure he meant sharpened skepticism of state powers and the regulatory and administrative state — which are core libertarian values. And not automatically conservative values.

  19. Neo, Here’s a comment on gymnastics & ballet & soviet style training you’ll find interesting.

    The post is about a 29 y.o. amateur runner who just missed getting on the US Olympic team 1500, but hopes to make it for the 800.
    Update says he got Puma sponsorship.

    Later news – very much almost, but DQ out of 800.

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