Home » Open thread 7/1/24


Open thread 7/1/24 — 20 Comments

  1. Another Revolution in France.
    Antifa attacks.
    If Le Pen wins, there might be a big change in how Govt entities react to Antifa and the peaceful religion groups.

  2. Le Pen is not “right wing” in any sense other than opposing unlimited Muslim immigration. But riots in Paris are quite a tradition.

  3. From the NYT:

    The National Rally party on Sunday won a crushing victory in the first round of voting for the French National Assembly, bringing its long-taboo brand of nationalist and anti-immigrant politics to the threshold of power for the first time.

    Official results published by the Interior Ministry showed that the party and its allies won about 33 percent of the vote, far ahead of President Emmanuel Macron’s centrist Renaissance party and its allies, which took about 20 percent to end in third place.

    A coalition of left-wing parties, called the New Popular Front, won about 28 percent of the vote. Ranging from the moderate socialists to the far-left France Unbowed, the coalition was boosted by strong support among young people.

    “the coalition was boosted by strong support among young people.”

    Interesting claim, given that a lot of young people also seem to be behind a lot of the support for Le Pen and the NP.

    As I noted in another comment:

    There is a sudden rise in popularity of a song, “Je partira pas”, which is similar to another song in Europe, “Auslander Raus” (“Foreigners get out!”): The song basically is making fun of a deportee screaming “I won’t leave!” — the title is a rejoinder, “Yes, you will.”

    It is apparently quite popular with the zoomers in France — it is on Tiktok, which, as in the USA, in France, a platform strongly favored by young people. And it has gained quite a few views there, and a lot of positive, rather than negative, commentary. So there may be a lot of young leftool support for the left-socialist party, but there are a lot of young people also seeing the impact of unfettered immigration from places inimical to western civilization.

    }}} “We must unite, we must vote for our democracy”

    Funny how those on the Left always seem to think “democracy” is always “voting for the policies we support”.

    “We live in interesting times”, indeed.

  4. Kate makes a very important point. “Nationalism/Populism” should not only be accepted of a national candidate, most citizen voters likely view it as a requirement.

    Just as our media keeps pushing the idea of “democracy” when we are, in fact, a democratic republic, there has been a decades long push that populism is “far right.” And many in the media and politics go beyond far right to associating it with Nazi’ism. We need to be vocal advocates of using words and their definitions properly.

    Populism and Nationalism are not the same as nativism*. We need to push back on that association whenever and wherever it occurs, just as Kate did. When a political candidate chastises his or her opponent for wanting quotas and qualifications for immigrants seeking admission to their country, journalists should be pushing back on the attacking politician, “As someone campaigning to serve the American public in the Presidency/Senate/House/Cabinet/Pentagon…, why is it wrong to put the protection, priorities and economic needs of American citizens above those of foreign individuals seeking citizenship?”

    And populist candidates should continually speak of non-WASPy Americans when attacked on this topic. Ask the attacking journalist this: “I’m no fan of slotting people into categories like cattle based on extrinsic characteristics, but apparently you think that way. America is less than 50% white, as you would categorize it, why, when I speak about protecting Americans and their interests, do you assume it is anti-white when the majority of Americans are non-white?”

    Canadian MP Pierre Poilievre is a master of this technique**. U.S. politicians should study him.

    *And nativism is also not, necessarily bad, depending on the nation and its history.
    **And it’s not a “trick.” It’s simply insisting interviewers and debate opponents define their terms and calling them out when they try and bait and switch through association.

  5. Justice Thomas seems to be questioning the Constitutionality of the existence of an office for the Special Counsel.

    “…None of the statutes cited by the Attorney General appears to create an office for the Special Counsel, and especially not with the clarity typical of past statutes used for that purpose”

    “…Even if the Special Counsel has a valid office, questions remain as to whether the Attorney General filled that office in compliance with the Appointments Clause”

  6. IrishOtter,

    I like Normandy and the people in Normandy; the rest of France, eh.

  7. A new study purports to have found an significant increase in the usage of certain words appearing in the abstracts of scientific writing since the dawn of the popular use of generative AI (LLMs) towards the end of 2022.

    the results found a number of words that were extremely uncommon in these scientific abstracts before 2023 that suddenly surged in popularity after LLMs were introduced. The word “delves,” for instance, shows up in 25 times as many 2024 papers as the pre-LLM trend would expect; words like “showcasing” and “underscores” increased in usage by nine times as well.

  8. Here in MT we have two major colleges–the prominent staff of each are from out of state. That does not mean they were chosen for their scholastic skills or integrity. It means that back in the 1980’s a small group of fem/nazis took advantage of the local people’s willingness to secure equality for women.

    Recently the D’s had 20 years of democratic rule the academic “elite” descended into an expectation that they would run this state and her people forever. That changed in November 2016. Since then the elections have gone for the Republican party. The Democrat’s use of lawfare and the accompanying horror shows around the state have been merciless.

    Most recently both universities have taken to doing “research” in the rural communities. The D’s in DC have pushed millions of “research” dollars into both universities expressly to conduct ethnographic studies. You know what they are–young students knock on doors asking questions of the citizens: “how much do you make?”, “who will inherit your ranch when you die?”, etc.,etc. All of these questions do one thing–help the D party create politcal strategies to win over those people who would not tolerate their “obey or die” management style. How does the extra “research” money get planted out there in the “rural” communities you might ask: how about “gifting” local projects, or supporting candidates by supporting their personal work in agricultural issues, i.e. donations to the local 4-H group. Of course it appears the local college is making the donations, but everyone knows that they are the strong arm of the democratic party in our state!

    In the past four years the Republicans have augmented or co-operated with every effort the D’s have made to “fix” our electoral process. The Republicans have “met them halfway” to such a point now it is very clear that the R party has already “made friends” with the old D’s who never accepted their electoral losses. Our voting today is completely controlled by “the foolproof computerized system”. Who in the heck believes that?

    So here is an example of the research I have been discussing. By the time it reached the New York Times you can imagine that it is well watered down!

    Neo: I hope you can get this posted here:

    Readers can do a search on the internet using “rural studies”+research+politics.

    One of our state senators is John Tester–he has been a D senator for 18 years and is up for re-election again. Trump went after him in the last election, but this year the D’s have put $160 million into his campaign to make sure he does not lose–but, how could he we have “fixed the voting machines”. We no longer register by party affiliation. We get our ballots a month in advance and are told to mail them in early so they get counted on election day–WTH is that supposed to do?
    I register Independent, DH registers D. I used DH’s phone number (requested on your registration). During the last election I chose to walk my ballot into the voting center on election day. DH got a call from the election office two weeks before the elections telling him that my ballot had not yet been received! HTH did that happen I asked–“anyone with access to the registration information can use those phone numbers to encourage people to vote early” Anyone with access is every kid who is working the phones, or knocking on doors, etc. I am convinced the reason they need to have those ballots so far ahead of time is because they need them to program the computers–to do the algorithms so they look “clean”
    end of rant . . .

    Neo: Please tell those “dirty girls” in Seattle to stay out of MT! AWFL’s are destroying this country. I believe they are encouraging small insurrections around the country just for entertainment!

  9. I really don’t understand French politics.

    Working on it.

    Vive la France!

  10. the gaulists, and the socialists have a monopoly on power, at least since the 50s, macron’s enmarche is a rebranded socialists, both rely on the ban lieus to turn out the vote, this was noted in House on the Boullabaise Marseilles with Depardieu, who played a fatter version of Chiraq, versus the National Party, which used to be the Poujadists,

    Much as with Italy, the Cold war dichotomy broke down with the Christian Democrats, and the Socialists, and the rise of coalitions like Forza Italia the later Berlusconi’s faction, which had regional parties like the Northern League and the former MSI, now National Alliance, and the Democracy party
    the Communist, party, Melonis was a splinter of te National Alliance,

    after Sarkozy the Socialist took power and held it, till their brand was too toxic, so enter Macron, but then some elements of the coalition were too brittle so Melanchon the far leftist, comparable to the Podemos and Sumar factions in Spain,

  11. because it set in Marseilles, the Poujadists were small farmer soldier police, the sort that went to Indochina and Algeria, and for what,

    the important part is te French branch of Antifa wants to ‘mostly peacefully’ burn down half of France, because thats what democracy looks like now,

  12. Re: Open thread and all that…

    I’m having fun with Addie Counts’ movie reacts. She’s not exactly brilliant but she’s a pretty young woman with a real taste for popcorn when it comes to movie watching.


    She does a clever thing in that she excerpts a film into 30 min, including her reax throughout and at the end.

    She picks great fun films of the past thirty, forty years, so she’s always pleased and can share her enthusiasm. It’s like being able to rewatch a fave film with a friend without investing 90 mins or three hours.

    My takeaways:

    (1) Jeez, there have been a lot of great. entertaining films, mostly before 2010.
    (2) YouTube is soaking up a lot of viewer minutes which used to go to Hollywood movies. Hollywood is never going to regain its hold on its old audience.

    I’d rather reminisce with Addie about a golden oldie than sit through the latest DEI/LGTBTQ+ garbage Disney serves up because they are Disney and, like, we have to watch, right?

    Here’s her latest, a breathless review as an example of the third Bourne film which she found even better than the first two.

    –Addie, Counts, “THE BOURNE ULTIMATUM might be the best one?! | First Time Reaction!”

  13. mc: I wish to point out that your comments are usually compressed to the point of being cryptic, that pour moi it’s not worth le temps to bother.

  14. well the third one was pretty good, it reveals what happened to bourne, remember this was six years before snowden revelations, back then echelon was the bug aboo

    now the films are markedly difference from the books, in the latter, david webb is a diplomat living in thailand who joins a foreign legion type outfit Medusa, out of a personal loss, he meets the real Jason Bourne who was an australian mercenary, and kills him

    years later, the CIA wants to draw out Carlos the Jackal, who was trained by the Soviets and the Palestinians, so they have Webb resurrect Jason Bourne, then he has his amnesia, but at no point, is he just a tool of the government, he willingly volunteered,

    the second one takes place in Hong Kong prior to the handover, the third takes place in Europe and brings Carlos back into the picture, also Marie is alive through the whole series,

  15. July already. Hard to believe, isn’t it?

    I do not believe it! I refuse the conclusion!
    I want to have the Julian calendar just for a bit.
    Had to work from home today and it’s left me in a bit of a mood.

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