Home » Macron gambles, Le Pen benefits


Macron gambles, Le Pen benefits — 4 Comments

  1. “ Bardella puts the global migrant crisis as one of his top priorities besides climate.”
    Whoa what? Climate! That is not good.

  2. The media continues to deny that the National Socialist German Workers Party were Left Wing Socialists.

  3. All it really takes to be considered “far right” in Europe is opposition to immigration and skepticism about the EU. I don’t think France has the deep divisions on social and cultural issues that the US, and on economics, Le Pen and her party aren’t very free marketeering.

    People who abhorred Le Pen’s father and rejected her own earlier presidential campaigns are considering voting for her party this year. Maybe that’s not so surprising considering that she once threw her father out of the party, in an effort to get beyond old prejudices.

    Macron’s gamble was that even if the “far right” won, people would be so sick of them come next year that they’d lose the presidential election. It’s quite a gamble, but maybe the French get sick of politicians very quickly. The inexperienced Bardella may not be able to manage things very well.

    I assumed that Macron thought his gamble would help him win reelection, but I notice now that he is term limited and won’t be able to run again. So is this “Après moi, le déluge?”

  4. Been said you go to Paris or you go to France. Macron is said to be a “Parisien”.

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