Home » If the Bidens have anything to say about it, Biden will remain the nominee


If the Bidens have anything to say about it, Biden will remain the nominee — 39 Comments

  1. What a terrible, terrible mess. What a terrible person and what a terrible family.

    Exactly. They’re a pack of grasping, venal, depraved scoundrels desperately clinging to power partly out of fear and partly out of greed. And they’re clearly a big problem for the powers that be among the Democrats at this point. If Biden doesn’t want to step down, there’s little that they can do about it beyond something fairly extreme like invoking the 25th amendment, which I suspect they would be loathe to do.

  2. The reporter made it up or he’s happy to be used as a mouthpiece by some faction working an angle.

  3. “And they’re clearly a big problem for the powers that be among the Democrats at this point.”

    I have zero sympathy for any troubles the Democrats have, ever. They created this Frankenstein, they can live with it when the monster comes to get them. In fact, it’s kinda fun to watch this happening. Karma.

  4. Of course Hunter Biden is intent on keeping dear ol’ Dad in the White House. With his upcoming almost-certain conviction for tax fraud in CA following his falsification of a 4473 conviction, who else is going to pardon the worthless POS?

  5. “What a terrible, terrible mess. What a terrible person and what a terrible family.”

    Yep, that sums it up. We on the right have made endless jokes about Biden’s cognitive decline, but it really is deadly serious. If he remains the Democrat nominee, he could still win. It’s less and less likely, but still a distinct possibility.

    The idiotic subterfuge orchestrated by his wife, and his aides, and abetted by much of the MSM is finished. The truth is on full display for the world to see. The world: including Putin, Xi, Kim, Khamenei and Hamas. Six more months of Biden as the titular leader of the free world is dangerous enough; four additional years would be catastrophic.

    Obviously, I want the Democrats to lose no matter their nominee. But there’s a key distinction between having a Democrat President who is cogent, lucid and reasonably competent and…Biden. The former will likely pursue as unbelievably destructive policies as Biden has, but at the bare minimum will project some confidence and stability on the world stage. This is incredibly important.

    I appreciate a fair amount of the MSM now openly acknowledges the issue and are calling for Biden to withdraw; even if their motivations are often impure. Yet there needs to be an even louder cacophony, from journalists, donors, and elected Democrats in general. There’s no reason why a political party and, the country as a whole should remain hostage to a venal, rapacious, narcissistic power-mad family.

  6. If this leak about family support is accurate, then Joe Biden has isolated himself from both Congessional Democrats’ leadership, and the White House staff’s Obama faction. Again, if leaks are accurate, those two groups want him to step down.

    An isolated Joe Biden will make campaigning against Trump more difficult, which makes me happy. But an isolated Joe Biden gives us President Dr. Jill until at least January 20, 2025. That’s a little scary.

    Dr. Jill running the country, without Obama staff support? Yikes.

    I guess I’ve just said the obvious out loud, but I had to type it to believe it.

  7. Well they vouched for this rutabaga so lie back and think of england

  8. While I don’t believe the Biden’s will let go of power voluntarily, the irony is the more they try to demonstrate his fitness to serve the more obvious it is that he’s not. We may be closer to debating who Kamala should choose as her VP than any thought possible. Who had that on their bingo card?

  9. I know python captures the insanity of the matter

    It was suggested elsewhere that clyburn would back kamala which was important during the primaries

  10. sometimes your comments are a little puzzling miguel. But the one at 1:40 is not be of those.

  11. “who else is going to pardon the worthless POS?”– Blackwing1

    Just part of the negotiations.

  12. Ackler,

    “I appreciate a fair amount of the MSM now openly acknowledges the issue and are calling for Biden to withdraw…”

    I do not appreciate them. At all. Many knew this and those who didn’t did no investigative journalism to uncover the truth. And they would have been happy to keep up the charade had it not been uncovered in a manner that cannot be debated.

    How many Corporate “journalism” networks ran stories about using the 25th amendment when Trump was in office?

    They are worse than partisan hacks. They are traitorous, partisan hacks. This will be devastating to their already diminishing readership and viewership.

  13. Jill is driving a hard bargain and pushing up the amount of the bribe.

    She’s also working with the Wise Latina to announce her retirement date. Joe wants another SCOTUS nominee; certainly a woman and probably a lesbian.

  14. And why did Biden do so poorly in last Thursday’s debate? Why, his advisors led him astray, apparently through over-preparation (what, did they mistakenly drug him with Quaaludes instead of uppers?).

    I was grabbing a bite to eat solo a couple nights ago, sitting at bar, and overhead a trio next to me. The man was telling the lady, “Why, the advisors filled his head with too many numbers. No wonder he was having trouble!” Gads.

    The Biden family is such an astonishingly dysfunctional mix of character flaws, exemplified by Hunter. Drug addict, sex addict, dead-beat dad, squanderer of vast sums of money, incredibly careless (the laptop), and stupid (the laptop).

    It occurs to me that other notorious political crime families at least have the brain power to squirrel away a billion or two in some Swiss bank account or other (i.e. Hugo Chavez) before the music stops. I wonder the extent to which the Biden family lives off of their corrupt cash flow, and has not saved up for the inevitable end of the graft.

  15. It’s hard to believe anybody in the information business is actually surprised by the results of the debate. This has been obvious for years. Even when wrapped up in layer upon layer of lying staff and MSM.
    I’m not surprised about Joe. I’m not surprised about the information people being found out.
    I’m keeping my ears open to see if I’m going to be surprised at how many people deny it. Likely, quite a few, although likely they, too, will know they lie.

    Been said that the machine needs Joe in office or they can’t do what they would like to do. So they risk running him against Trump and losing the WH, or they find a more electable dem and risk not getting the cooperation they need.

    Or something something about the electoral process.

  16. Why did Biden do so bad?

    I think the staff settled on a rope-a-dope strategy. Let Trump just wear himself out and Joe comes out the winner. But Joe heard dope-a-dope and gave it his all.

  17. their lips are moving, thats the problem with most of the infosphere, except for musk, where they remove all doubt, rumble maybe telegram,

    but its their callous indifference to have him parade his infirmity on the world stage, and gaslight us, into believing we are the problem

    in I Claudius, Graves probably relying on Suetoniius and Tacitus, depict the emperor as a fool, Tiberius his predecessor wasn’t an improvement, we know that his legacy was known for, of course in this tale, they flip the script, and pretend Biden is some of savant, when he has been wrong on a level which is statistically impossible,

  18. Nonapod on July 1, 2024 at 1:03 pm said:
    If Biden doesn’t want to step down, there’s little that they can do about it beyond something fairly extreme like invoking the 25th amendment, which I suspect they would be loathe to do.

    They certainly don’t want to have anything to do with the 25th amendment, as that would be handing the Republicans a win, which is something they never, ever want to be seen as doing, even if it would be good for them long term.

    TommyJay on July 1, 2024 at 2:46 pm said:

    I was grabbing a bite to eat solo a couple nights ago, sitting at bar, and overhead a trio next to me. The man was telling the lady, “Why, the advisors filled his head with too many numbers. No wonder he was having trouble!” Gads.

    I’ve heard similar. Biden faltered because he was making sure he had all his information correct, while Trump seemed to do fine because everything he said was either an outright lie or some nonsense he just made up out of whole cloth.

  19. Biden has a lifetime record of evil, corrupt, incompetence. How did he ever get a second term in the Senate, much less wind up in the White House?

  20. There was speculation that the team would use the week of debate prep to alter Biden’s sleep schedule so that he’d be fresh when the 9PM debate started. I guess they didn’t do that.

    If they thought Biden was going to do poorly, they would have leaked rumors to lower expectations. The “Joe has a cold” rumor only came out after the debate had started, so the team must have thought that Biden would do well.

    Another version is that they overprepared him and that he was so full of facts and figures and names and dates that he couldn’t get them out properly. Given Joe’s problems with numbers, I really doubt they gave him statistics to toss around. The preparation must have been more rudimentary. In any case, you can fill a leaky bucket up as much as you want, but quickly enough it will be empty again.

    If any former Obama staffers have a position of responsibility in the White House and have managed to hold on to it, they are now Biden staffers and the recognize that their careers are tied to Joes. Enough of them will turn up in future Democrat administrations, but they can’t count on that now, and Obama can’t or won’t give them a position in the future, so they are sticking with Joe.

    The difference between presidential staffers and appointees on the one hand and Congressional Democrats has been noted on line. The Democrats in Congress are terrified that Biden could cost them their jobs come November. White House staffers are concerned that Biden leaving could cost them their jobs — and frightened as well of getting on the Bidens’ bad side.

  21. its suggested in the source material, for the irish man, that a teamster picket put him over the top, there was one reasonably good senate seat that of william Roth, how exactly he succeeded up the shiny pole is a little unclear, he did take up the issue of illegal drugs in the 80s (I will leave that irony in the air) crafting the drug czarauthorization, but most of his work, ended up in the threshing machine, the Violence against Women Act, which was reversed by the Supremes he pushed the fisa bill, in the 70s,, as a remedy to NSA surveillance, yes there’s more irony there,
    he was totally a knave for the Soviet position in the last days of the Cold War,

    I would say very few top staffers, are on his side, perhaps Blinken who has been his coffee fetcher for ages, figurehead at the Penn Biden Center, Anita Dunn, the mao fetishist is certainly not, nor Zientz, those are certainly obama loyalists,

  22. Among the many reasons that this is all such a terrible mess is the VP is not up to the job. I hope Trump’s running mate is.

  23. During Covid, the Governor of Oregon told us we had to close the doors to our church “for the duration”, because experts said it wasn’t safe to meet and worship together. We defied her and, while taking precautions that seemed reasonable to us, continued to meet; our doors never closed. The point is, when the expert advice seemed unreasonable, we ignored it even at the risk of being arrested.

    Democrats are the party of the experts, of “follow the science”. They want us to defer to the experts when we have an important decision to make. So… why has this decision to keep Biden running come down to a demented old man, a crack-head son, and a gold-digging wife? Where are the mental health experts? Where is the science? They are depending on their own judgment. Which, of course, they don’t want us to do, ever.

    “Science” will rule thee, but not me.

  24. its brand of sorcery, like that evil hobbit peter hotez, who told rfk he had a worm in his brain, (he got better) of course there are other diviners like bandy lee, who lost their minds or never had one in the f
    first place,
    John Kenneth Galbraith, one of those savants, who was part of the strategic bombing survey, ambassador to India, among other prizes spoke of convergence the idea that the West would become more socialist and the East more toward capitalism, of course that was sheer rot, why would you want that,

  25. To consider the “Biden” administration is to be reminded not only that many of its members are second- and third-string Obama retreads but also that, as is known in the business world, A-level people hire A- and A-plus-level people, B-level people hire C-level people, and so on. For the last several years, we’ve had a lot of C-level people doing the hiring in the West Wing.

  26. But it’s Kremlin time in Demville — feeble Biden’s been exposed.

    Sure. Dr. Jill loses power, Hunter goes to jail, and Joe’s legacy becomes more toxic than Richard Nixon’s.

    Of course, they are going to fight to drag Joe’s senile, gibbering carcass over the finish line. Not a surprise.

    But a lot of powerful Democrats stand to lose by that choice. They will fight. Not for the good of the nation, but for their own power and fortunes.

    I’m betting on the latter.

  27. For the last several years, we’ve had a lot of C-level people doing the hiring in the West Wing.


    And across the board — Hollywood, the media, academia and tech sans Elon.

    But they are running out of other people’s money. Things are not well for all four of the groups I’ve enumerated.

    IMO it’s already turning around, but we are still in lag time.

  28. Cornhead on July 1, 2024 at 2:46 pm said:
    [Jill is] also working with the Wise Latina to announce her retirement date. Joe wants another SCOTUS nominee; certainly a woman and probably a lesbian. [I was surprised to see that she is now 70 years old, as she does not look that old to me.]

    Although we might well question McConell’s ability, or even his desire to do so, why wouldn’t he also delay the nomination of the next SCOTUS justice if Sotomayor retires? As he did for Garland and Obama. It is a presidential election year (again!).

    Molly, good thought about the A, B, C level hirings.
    Surprisingly, some people thought Trump’s sr. staff picks were good A Level hires; many others not so much. Although I have the sense that Trump is comfortable hiring high quality people as long as they show sufficient deference (at least in public — witness his going after Rep. Bob Good, an otherwise strong and conservative Republican incumbent, etc.)

  29. I was born when Eisenhower was president and the American Colossus strode the world. Every other country had been devastated by the first truly global war. Times have changed. America had great reserves of wealth and a citizenry that had been literally and figuratively tried by fire. But, as in all things, America’s success in the war carried with it the seeds of its eventual demise. We are now reaping the bitter harvest of those seeds, which sprouted and were allowed to grow in our midst. The weeds now threaten to overwhelm the crop. It will be difficult to separate wheat from tares and quite possible that the tares will prevail. Biblical precedents abound. The theory of Glubb Pasha also seems about right, the only question being whether we are in the final or penultimate stage of collapse. Of course, it is possible that this time, the cyclical nature of the process will end and culminate in The End of Days, as prophesied. Was Fukuyama unwittingly correct in his opinion that we have reached The End of History, only in a way that he failed to appreciate? Interesting times, indeed. Prepare accordingly.

  30. R2L:

    At the time of blocking Garland, McConnell was Majority Leader. He is now Minority Leader.

  31. Fukuyama misunderstood hegel the clock was reset before 1917 not history in general so wahhabism ethnic savagery like bosnia the congo became predominent marxism was not in power but it was a force like anarchist that felled leaders in europe and even america

  32. Neo, yes, majority leader!! Oooopppsss!
    Elections have consequences. Good thing I was not on a debate stage last Thursday.

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