Home » This past Wednesday was the fifteenth anniversary of FredHJr’s death


This past Wednesday was the fifteenth anniversary of FredHJr’s death — 15 Comments

  1. Dear Neo:
    Thank you so much for today’s introduction to Fred. I am so sorry I was not here when he was alive, but I am very grateful for the posts that you have reprinted today. He had it exactly right!

  2. He was prescient. A great loss.

    While we’re at it, commenter “PA Cat” isn’t around any more, unless I missed a post or two.

  3. Neo’s audience, I believe, tend to be a lot of us old farts (I’m 72). I doubt many younger people even have the patience to read a blog such as this. Prove me wrong if there are any here.

    Given our age, yes, we will all slowly go away.

    I do miss all those who Neo mentioned. I’m just a physicist who learns al lot from those more versed in history and politics.

  4. I must have shown up just after he left. I would have liked him, I believe.

  5. I’m pretty new here so I missed all of Fred’s comments. But there are so many excellent commenters here that make me glad to have found this site, and also often reluctant to cast my feeble thoughts into this sea of wisdom.
    What an amazing host you are, Neo, for noting the passing of any of your readers, even to the point of reaching out to commenters who’ve suddenly gone dark. I admire your humanity. Mind you, I still believe ballet is the root of all evil in the dance world.

  6. “I admire your humanity.” – Jerry

    Amen. Neo’s b log is truly a personal labor of love. Like others have commented, my knowledge and understanding of many fields in which I’m not well educated has been increased by Neo and her erudite commenters.

    I remember FredHjr and his clear insight into the left. He certainly had a good sense of where they were headed. I found it hard to believe they wanted to destroy our republic and constitution. Now we all can see that Fred was right. RIP FredHjr.

  7. I have been reading your Neo posts for a long time and I do remember FredHjr and his insight into the problems created by the Obama-ites that we have been living with for years. A lot of those comments by Fred were eye openers for me and the old Chicago gang that were pulling Obama’s strings have been keeping the zombie president going for the last four years, it will be interesting to see next player they run out on the field. Anyway thank you Neo for posting great stuff for years and yours is the first site I open every morning as I have my first sip of coffee.

  8. Fifteen years ago…

    I can’t quite believe it. I try to check my pulse first thing in the morning just in case.

    Best to FredHJr, doing recon for the rest of us.

  9. Thank you for your reminder. I anticipate it every year, but this year circumstances caused me to buzz right by it. I agree, it’s hard to believe that it’s been 15 years. Prayers and good thoughts for Fred and his family.

  10. I’m not sure whether I was reading this blog in 2009 or not. I may have read some of FredHJr’s comments at the time, or maybe I just know him from your (Neo’s) tributes to him. But anyway: that second comment of his in the post, the one beginning “Obama is part of a nexus…” is astonishingly accurate. We’re living in the world that really got up to speed with Obama’s administration. It had been in the works for some time, and he was the perfect vehicle for expanding it to a position of real dominance.

    I would like to know more about FredHJr’s background and his political change.

    He’s right about the French revolution, too.

  11. I remember FredHjr – but had forgotten the fact that I hadn’t seen him around here in a long time. He was a good one.

    This blog thing is weird. I’ve been coming here since apparently not too long after the blog got started – I can’t remember exactly when. Some of my old favorites are gone – Protein Wisdom, Belmont Club, Jane Galt’s place (Asymmetrical Information, yes?). And yes, I know I can find Jeff Goldstein and Richard Fernandez and Megan McArdle elsewhere. Some changed (or I changed) to the point where I seldom visit any more – Instapundit (I feel bad, as he probably led me to all the others, but I can’t take the comments), Power Line, Chicago Boyz (they might not have changed as much as my interests have). But I’m so grateful this blog is still here and still presenting the content it presents. This and Althouse are my only regulars.

    I also have no idea how I kept up with all those plus The Anchoress, Gay Patriot, No Pasaran, VodkaPundit… I had three little kids back then!

    RIP FredHjr, strcpy if you’re gone, ditto Occam’s Beard, PA Cat, Gahrie from Althouse.

  12. Thank you, Neo, for remembering FredHjr. I was just think about him in the last month, trying to remember how long he had been gone. I am surprised that it’s been 15 years. I would have guessed 8-9 years. I still miss his clear explication of political developments. RIP, Fred.

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