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Spambot of the day — 14 Comments

  1. Ages ago, during rehearsals for a musical I’d written, a (Bidenesque) actor kept saying “it’s a tight ROPEwalk” instead of “it’s a tightrope walk.” I believe I know your spambotter.

  2. Ahhhh, fractured English awards… I recall one, lo, these many decades ago:

    Etched into a kitchen knife: Caution! Blade Extremely Sharp! Keep Out Of Children!


  3. Thanks Mike Plaiss for the link to the article about Cormac McCarthy in Chicago. I actually corresponded, by handwritten letter, with Cormac. I am told that I one of very few to have done so. I treasure the experience.

  4. How long has the White House been actively hiding Joe’s incapacity? At a minimum, since the last in-person news conference.

    According to ChatGPT: December 21, 2022

    Thus Biden has avoided direct interaction with the press for 558 days, or slightly over 1.5 years.

    How many times have you heard any media complaints about it?

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