Home » Biden seems determined to stay in the race


Biden seems determined to stay in the race — 119 Comments

  1. Joe Gump used to play hockey, and then he saw that Gordie Howe fella and the dream ended.

    I always find it funny when people say, “theyre a liar”, forgetting that they too have lied.

  2. Biden consigliere like Obama, Ron Klain, et al, are meeting with Biden to discus his replacement.

    Monica Showalter brings receipts at American Thinker

    Against this exit talk, Charlie Kirk thinks Biden will stay in it because he still has chief Oligarchs behind him.

    COMMENT at above thread:

    Sam Adams
    3 hours ago(Edited)
    From Charlie Kirk:

    “BREAKING: Reid Hoffman, major Biden donor, is standing by Joe. The oligarchs are behind Biden. A removal is becoming less likely. Game on.”

    They NEED the puppet in there to provide coverage for them.

    Hoffman’s full letter can be read here:

  3. I agree with you, Neo, that while Joe is fading, he’s not completely gone, and he doesn’t want to give up the power he finally achieved. And if he won’t go voluntarily, he’s the candidate the Dems are stuck with.

    Also, the Heritage Foundation, the RNC, and various state Republican parties in swing states are researching state laws and gearing up to stop anything that runs contrary to state law. There are several states which prohibit or restrict late ballot changes.

  4. Kate, we are still pre-convention in both parties. There are yet no official candidates. I don’t think state laws would prevent the DNC from nominating whoever they choose.

  5. I am confident that any obstacles to a late substitution will be swept away or simply ignored, as was done 4 years ago with voting security.

  6. A substitution of any of those named as potential alternatives to Biden would have a colossal impact. Assuming the race is close if both parties have high turnouts, which requires a certain amount of excitement in the respective electorates, Biden has wrecked that for the Democrats. Any one of the alternatives would bring a fresh’ish face to the race and would energize the left voters. And when your party’s whole platform is Orange Man Bad (and the opposing party’s is Old Man Senile) it hardly matters that all of the alternatives have abysmal favorability ratings; Dems gonna be Dems. So by injecting a little excitement into one side’s electorate, they have made the presidential race much closer than it would be with Biden.
    But the more significant impact of replacing Biden would be on the down ballot races at every level. A reenergized Democrat voter pool would impact every race at federal, state, county and local levels. And I personally look to those levels to be the birthplace of real and lasting change in the direction of the nation.
    Republicans and Independents, vote for Biden in any remaining open Democrat primaries! Fight any attempts at 25th’ing Biden in the US Senate and House. Even *spits up a little in my mouth* donate to the Biden campaign. Do whatever you can legally do to keep Biden as the Democrat nominee.

  7. I do not believe “Dr. Jill” will allow Slow Joe to “agree” to step aside. The DNC rigged the primaries to remove any serious competition, so Slow Joe got the votes necessary to secure the nomination. Between the EstabMedia and the Dems in Congress, the Democrat voters have been lied to and misled for the past year and a half. They all deserve the disaster that is taking place as well as our contempt. We should do everything possible to hold them accountable, and not allow a backroom deal to replace him. The Dem primary voters are screwed, and they know it now. I think Bill Maher said he now has no one to vote for in Nov. Sad. How many others now feel the same?

    That said, I expect some sort of health crisis (for FJB) to occur in the very near future. Hello President Harris.

    Or, offer a SCOTUS nomination to Harris (so sorry Justice Sotomayor) and nominate some combination of Newson/Whitmer/Hochul/AOC/MayorPete/Whomever.

    Follow the Big $$ for the next 30 days.

    PS. Thank you Neo.

  8. Besides all the talk about Biden’s poor performance, the notion that Trump lied and lied continually through the debate was a hallmark of the post-debate commentary. It seemed co-ordinated before hand, but “Trump’s lies” and “without evidence” have been obligatory in the media for years.

    “There are Democratic leaders better equipped to present clear, compelling and energetic alternatives to a second Trump presidency.”

    Are there? Why haven’t they presented themselves? To Democrats and the media, Harris and Buttigieg looked like competent and energetic alternatives to Biden back in 2019. They haven’t exactly lived up to those expectations.

    What surfaced on another site was a 2019 Politico article in which anonymous Biden staffers were cited as saying that Joe told them that he would only be a one-term president. Nobody remembered that article or asked the Biden team about it when Joe decided to run again. What changed Joe’s mind? Once he had power, it must have been too hard to let go? Politicians have short memories when it comes to self-imposed term limits. Or was the story only a lie to begin with? The news that an 81 year-old Biden wouldn’t be running for reelection must have made a 77 year-old Biden more palatable to some voters.

    For some reason the other site wouldn’t let me post my line about “Joementum running aground on the sandbar of Joementia.” Maybe AI realized that it just wasn’t that good.

  9. In addition to my already long winded comment, remember, Biden’s debate performance has changed the election from between Biden and Trump to being between Harris and Trump. Absolutely nobody believes Biden will compete a second term; probably not a second of a second term.

  10. But it’s Kremlin time in Demville — feeble Biden’s been exposed.

    Chaos. I don’t think there is any foretelling how this goes. These are rival cutthroat factions fighting for power and survival. Mostly behind the scenes.

    Furthermore, the situation is dynamic. It’s a long way to November. Maybe the oligarchs are on Joe’s side … today.

    That can change.

  11. Jerry:

    Biden’s potential replacements all poll badly. Plus the party is in visible disarray.

    Whether they run Biden or a substitute, they’ll have to rely on fraud or worse.

  12. I don’t know for sure, but I think many state primary election laws require delegates to vote for the winner of the state primary at least for the first ballot at the convention. I’m pretty sure DNC rules require that, but Democrats are renowned for breaking their own rules. In any case, they are committed to a “virtual” convention vote in early August to get their nominee on the ballot in Ohio. This gives them perhaps six weeks from now to identify a candidate and persuade Joe, Jill, and Kamala to stand down.

    Jerry (1:29) is right to say that the race as it stands now is between Trump and Harris. Only the most optimistic and ill-informed could think that Joe will last until January 2029.

  13. You’re one of the few that understand Biden. He wanted( badly) to be president almost to the point of silliness. He made a deal with the Devil to get it and he’ll never let it go. Hunter is the only way to get to Joe and with Jill doing what she’s doing that way is really hard.

  14. Biden’s career is going down with a Twilight Zone ironic twist. I can hear Rod Serling-
    “Meet Joe Biden, a corrupt, utterly dishonest crook of a man with ambitions far beyond his capacity.”

    Joe gets the Magic McGuffin:

    “I want to be the most historic president of all time. I want to get the fame I deserve.”

    Fade out with Joepedo getting laughed off the stage.


  15. NY Times is a disgusting, partisan propaganda machine disguised as the Grey Lady of yore.
    I do not know why Neo reads it, or, more importantly, why she cites it at length, giving it undeserved visibility and credibility.

    That it joined the Boo Biden chorus is insufficient, given the many falsehoods and misrepresentations in the piece.
    Trump apocalyptic? It is the job of a President to have some far-reaching vision while Democrats seek the nation’s ruin.
    Dems have that far-reaching vision, too. With Barack Hussein as their pack leader in “fundamentally transforming America” into a semi-Stalinist State, eager to amend the Constitution to suit their evil plans, like deleting the Electoral College in favor of one national vote,to determine the nation’s course by votes in the five largest, Dem-controlled cities, and to H with the Dakotas, Nebraska, etc.

    I think we here have far-reaching vision also, with an irreversible disaster if Dems, the stupid/evil party, prevails.

  16. I know I’m not alone in being ticked off by this line about “Trump’s lies”. Note that they rarely specify them. And when they do, it comes down to his hyperbole and braggadocio. Sure, in that he’s a stock type of New Yorker (I grew up there.) I understand that people don’t like it.

    But how can that be worse than the torrent of lies that come out of Biden’s mouth (and always have, really.) It goes far beyond “very fine people”. But “fact checkers” don’t fact check Democrats until years after the fact. I suppose there’s a statute of limitations on their lies.

    OK, in one sense, he lies less. So much of what he says is indecipherable, and thus cannot be evaluated.

  17. Re: Kamala replacing Biden

    It’s possible and even logical, but I don’t think this is a great year for logic.

    Leaving aside her poor polling numbers, I’ve seen no indication that Harris has built a significant power base within the government or party.

    We are witnessing a classic nasty leftist power struggle. Harris is a complete mark at this poker table.

    She didn’t learn much from Willie Brown.

  18. I also wish they’d get called out more often about Biden’s “decency”. That is utter BS.

    Note that there is actually as good evidence that Joe messed with his daughter than that Trump did with Stormy. Maybe that’s what he had in mind when he spoke of girls being raped by their family members.

  19. Cicero:

    I have no idea why you would think this or any other post of mine cites the Times as having credibility. Nothing I say indicates that and everything I say indicates the opposite. The only “credibility ” it has, and the only reason I cite it, is as an example of what the left is thinking and planning, and how it is spinning whatever is currently happening. On that, it’s quite informative.

  20. I’ll bet the D-cabal of Oligarch’s have the backup plan in hand if Biden rejects direct replacement: make Hillary (or maybe Newsom? CO Gov., Polis? Or the former CO Gov. now in the US Senate?) the new VP nominee.

    Thus, when the Cabinet exercises the 25th Amendment option, a suitable marker is in place.

    The only question is this: will it be somebody tough to control by influence or threats? And does the Deep State or FIB have blackmail on them?

    Recall how the FBI operates, as revealed by demi-billionaire founder of Overstock.com founder Patrick Byrnes. He was recruited to blackmail Hillary with a $30(?) million bribe, but backed out of the plan. His handler was none other than the FIB assistant to the Director of Counter-Terrorism there, namely Peter Strozk (sp?). Byrnes revealed this detail last fall. And he has told us that this type of scheme really is insider blackmail for the IC to exercise veto powers over the commander-in-chief. THIS is how the Fourth Branch of government operates. (See YT media interviews and Byrnes’ site Deep Capture for more details.)

  21. Replacing Kamala is a big problem, too.


    Sure, it’s a problem, but a big problem?

    Will there be riots in the streets or massive desertion at the polls, if she is passed over for someone else, maybe even a white guy like Newsom?

    Perhaps. But that’s not my read at all. No one loves Kamala.

    I’m sure the right people can buy her off and she’ll be happy to settle.

  22. huxley:

    Yes, a big problem. She probably won’t go willingly. And the woke optics are bad. She is a black woman next in line for the presidency. Riots aren’t necessary for something to be trouble.

  23. The thing is that at this point Joe and Kamala have the offices, and they have the delegates pledged, and they have the campaign funds. They would have to voluntarily drop out to lose the delegates, and if they do, the campaign funds are unavailable to the new candidates.

  24. She is a black woman next in line for the presidency.
    She’s a quadroon who grew up in Canada with her East Indian mother.

  25. And the woke optics are bad. She is a black woman next in line for the presidency.


    Disagree. Speaking as an ex-leftist, we are a pragmatic lot. It’s about the power.

    If I saw that Harris had a fervent following like, say, Shirley Chisholm, or was a savvy insider/retail pol like Willie Brown, it would be different.

    But Harris is neither. The Dems are in disarray and more terrified about losing power than offending ultra-woke sensibilities. As veep she is an embarrassing appendage to the Biden administration.

    No one wants to die on Hill Kamala Harris. I’m not even sure she does.

  26. Or, offer a SCOTUS nomination to Harris
    She managed to pass the bar exam and worked as a prosecutor and corporation counsel. She never had a clerkship of any kind, never worked in private practice, and has no history on the bench whatsoever. She hasn’t been a workaday lawyer in twenty years (though she did put in more time as such than did Biden and the Obamas combined). She’s more appropriate for a spot on an appellate court than would be Keith Ellison or Letitia James, I suppose.

  27. Art Deco,

    She isn’t appropriate for any bench. It’s just figuring out what the bribe needs to be.

  28. Biden is the legitimate Democrat candidate. He has the delegate votes. Nothing can change that at the convention.

    The only route to replacing him is to persuade him to step down.

    IMO this comes down to Obama and his allies. I am sure they have enough carrots and sticks to make Biden an offer he can’t refuse.

    And if they can replace Biden, they can replace Harris.

    They would rather not — too much messiness and exposure — but if they have to, they have to.

  29. Stay or leave, I’m betting the Dems will win. Because, fraud.

    Or something similarly nefarious.

  30. Yes citing the times is a sign of socratic dialogue but most other publications are turrble axios son of politico

    Like mo dowd shes brenda starr or jane austen

  31. Neo:
    Visibility via propaganda is always believed by some. Always. There are a lot of gullibles out there; recall how the 2020 election went, in favor of Dopey Joe, the former malevolent (see Bork!), now an empty shell.
    That is why I never ever read a NYTimes head, much less a story or editorial. I do not read or listen to anything from the enemy!

  32. I do not read or listen to anything from the enemy!


    Thank goodness, you aren’t our general.

    Rommel, you magnificent bastard, I read your book!

    –“Patton (3/5) Movie CLIP – Rommel, You Magnificent Bastard (1970) HD”

  33. Art Deco:

    Irrelevant. She is identified as a black woman, and that’s what matters to the Democrat voters.

  34. Disagree. Speaking as an ex-leftist, we are a pragmatic lot. It’s about the power.

    Yes, but will having hysterics over her bring anyone more power?

  35. IrishOtter49 at 3:13

    “… I’m betting the Dems will win. Because, fraud.”

    Would not surprise me. Maybe the DNC/Obama cabal would let us know who won in time for the inauguration. Might take them that long to work out all the details (payoffs)

  36. I was following a woman’s story about her mother online. After the story in which she revealed the fun fact that if you have an ambulance, and a woman, and the police, and the woman did not wield a weapon as she came out of the house, you need a court order to get the police to put the woman in the ambulance. Her sister’s cell phone and her own were both worth the bills for that. Also, she was very glad that she and her sister had gone through the house for weaponry and removed it.

    Later, she was talking about how her mother was quite certain she could come home, and the sisters were talking to the social work about the nursing home.

    Firm certainty is not mental competence.

  37. In ten days Trump will be heading to prison. All these big media Democrats will be telling us the necessity of reelecting Biden when that happens. Bygones….

  38. Between FJB’s ego and delusions, the family’s avarice, and “Dr” Jill’s lust for power, the only way he’s not going to be the D nominee is if he’s dead.

    For a change, it’s Democrats hoping for some smiting.

  39. “… shadow of a great public servant.”

    Ick. Embarrassing even for the Times.

  40. After the meetings are over expect a little reshuffling of personnel as the real pros move in to drag Biden across the finishing line since what we saw was the best Biden’s people could do to not further expose his limitations. They just need him to be compliant. The stagers and narrative engineers can do the rest. The more he resists the more dirty laundry will leak out.

  41. Yes, but will having hysterics over [Kamala Harris being passed over] bring anyone more power?

    Mary Catelli:

    Exactly. That’s my point.

    On paper neo’s point about woke optics makes sense. But I don’t think that’s the reality.

    Democrats, even woke fanatics, don’t really care about Harris. She has no power base beyond being, for the moment, veep. She has built nothing from that. Democrats didn’t like her in 2020. Everyone knows she has been a disappointment since then.

    I’ve been out of circulation on the left for years. But I assure you, leftists don’t like incompetent, uncharismatic losers either.

    The issue is never the issue. The issue is always the revolution.

    –David Horowitz, ex-leftist, ex-Black Panther ally

    Kamala Harris is no help to the revolution.

  42. He’s probably just worried about losing his health insurance. After all, he is going to be needing it fairly soon, by all indications.

  43. They just need him to be compliant.


    Tell me when Biden has not been compliant.

    Once upon a time he was an old-style Dem standing up for the working-class, little guy. Now he’s standing up for illegal immigrants and the whole woke enchilada.

    Compliance is not the problem. Being revealed as a senile fool is.

  44. True, Harris has very few passionate fans, but if a woman of color, someone who qualifies as a black woman, is replaced by a white man, or even a white woman, some Democrat voters won’t go to the polls. There are people who would vote for Michelle Obama or Oprah Winfrey for president, but definitely wouldn’t vote for Gavin Newsom or Gretchen Whitmer if they prevented a woman who can pass for an African-American from becoming president.

    Harris is a bit unpredictable. She doesn’t have the steely claws of Hillary Clinton or Jill Biden, but she does feel that after three years with Biden she’s entitled to be president. Leaving Biden and booting Harris would be like leaving the bad sparkplug in and taking out one that works but is easier to get out. I’m not saying Harris works or works that much or that well, but people are going to wonder why the Democrats didn’t get rid of the real problem.

  45. True, Harris has very few passionate fans, but if a woman of color, someone who qualifies as a black woman, is replaced by a white man, or even a white woman, some Democrat voters won’t go to the polls.


    A few, but otherwise, disagree.

    Conservatives keep wringing their hands about how Machiavellian Democrats are, then they faint dead away that Democrats might sideline a black female if it suited their power-mad purposes.

    The issue is never the issue. The issue is always the revolution.

    –David Horowitz

  46. Neo, let’s agree to:
    Bookmark this posting along with the comments,
    On the day after the election is settled we’ll both review the bookmark,
    If the Democrat candidate wins and is not Biden you say on line that maybe I was right,
    If the Democrat candidate loses and is not Biden, I will comment on every post you put up for a full week that you were absolutely right and I was a fool to think otherwise,
    If Biden wins, I’m getting drunk for four years, Don’t know about you.
    If Biden loses, I’ll probably still get drunk for four years. Still don’t know about you.

  47. Speaking of lies, I drove to Milwaukee yesterday for the National Square Dance convention and it made my blood boil to see the billboards with a decades-old picture of Trump and Epstein, with a caption about always remembering. The implication that Trump was one of Epstein’s clients seems so unlikely to me: if he had been, we would have seen his name on the list (along with Bill Clinton’s). IIRC, Trump actually threw Epstein out of Mar-a-Lago for hitting on someone’s teenage daughter. There was no friendship between Trump and Epstein. The Democrats would have people believe otherwise. Liars.

  48. Huxley,

    “They just need him to be compliant.” This sentence says nothing about whether he’s been compliant or not it simply expresses a thought about what the powers that be need from Biden. Scratch compliant. Replace it with do as he’s told.

    The powers that be have been sweeping up his messes for years because he’s useful to them. The idea that he has to be talked into retiring is almost laughable. They only have to indict him for any number of his many transgressions, but they haven’t and they won’t. He’s totally compromised, but he’s still their best hope to retain the presidency as long as he and Jill continue to play ball. The political transformation Obama promised is largely complete.

    As you said the issue is the revolution. Biden remains the vehicle for the powers that be that put Obama in the WH to keep Obama (figuratively) in the WH as long as the Bidens don’t think they’re smarter than the people who put them there.

  49. There must be factions within the Biden White House. Who does Jill consider her ally, who does she consider her enemies? She seems to be the only one who can go to Joe inside his SS detail at will and without asking permission.

  50. We’ve been thinking about the political fallout from Biden’s demise exposed– but what are the national security concerns for the next seven months.

    Our geopolitical enemies, Iran, China and Russia no doubt have known that Biden was diminished and possibly not the source of decisions coming from the White House for some time– but how does the dynamic change now that Joe’s cognitive decline was put on display for every American?

    If the concern about the structure of decision making in the White House grows to a national debate– will that encourage potential adversaries to take advantage of the situation?

    The 25th Amendment says:

    “Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President.”

    This is a potential crisis created directly by the Democrats and Media willing to cover for Biden’s failing mental capacity.

  51. Back in 1972 Shirley Chisholm electrified women, the left and some part of America as the first black female presidential candidate vying to be the Democrat nominee.

    She did that. She earned that.

    Even though the McGovern campaign knew they wanted their man to win, they felt they had to honor Chisholm. They could have crushed the whole 1972 convention immediately in an early parliamentary vote on a complicated procedural issue the Women’s Caucus raised.

    The problem the McGovern campaign faced was that they had to either win the vote decisively or lose it decisively lest that vote go into a gray area which would be challenged procedurally before they could muster a majority.

    It’s a complicated story which still makes my head hurt.

    Anyway they backed the Women’s Caucus as hard as they could until it was clear they couldn’t win, then they put the word out to their floor delegates to lose the vote hard.

    Some TV pundits were declaiming about the terrible defeat McGovern’s forces had suffered. Other networks switched to joyful Democrat operatives celebrating.

    Word is Hubert Humphrey sussed it on the spot.

    It was decisive and sealed McGovern’s victory.

    As a college student then I was watching the convention in the dorm common room. I left for a piss and when I came back everyone was celebrating McGovern’s win.

    But the only reason that McGovern’s team tried to accommodate Chisholm, as the historic first black female presidential candidate, was because people cared about Chisholm.

    No one cares about Harris. She’s not competent. She’s not serious. She’s not even a true leftist beyond mouthing that creed whenever she has too.

  52. he’s kompromat and lesuo (mandarin) six ways from sunday, and not only him as balding papers note, so is harris and members of the Cabinet, in this crew it would be a challenge to know who isn’t so immobilized, I’m reminded of that DeBorchgrave potboiler, the Spike, written back in 1980 DeBorchgrave had been the foreign correspondent for Newsweek and he wrote this roman a clef, presenting the finding about Soviet subversion, in the 70s he couldn’t publish in the magazine, the protagonist was a young reporter who comes out of the student culture in Berkeley, a radical, who finds his way to Vietnam, and becomes sympathetic to the American enterprise there, even though he didn’t probably know Horowitz and Collier, Hockney is close to their evolution, he signs on to a somewhat conservative newspaper, after discovering what is clearly the Institute for Policy studies, which was founded by Jamie Raskins father, some of his associates he encounters make their way into a successor of the Carter presidency which is full of left wing agents, who have let the Soviets take over much of the Third World and is now on the way to taking Western Europe, the shining knight is a former UN Ambassador largely based on Moynihan in his transition phase to the Senate, remember many of the neocons came from Moynihan as well Scoop Jackson’s staff,

  53. Sure, Biden is a proud SOB who always wanted to be prez and is now reluctant to give it up.

    But now tell me that he doesn’t understand his weaknesses and wouldn’t be susceptible to the Right Price. Or Punishments.

    Biden could go to jail on the basis of Hunter’s corruption. One doesn’t have to be Trump to raise that threat.

  54. Abraxas:
    “… like leaving the bad sparkplug in and taking out one that works but is easier to get out.”
    I have a truck where that is essentially the case. 🙂

  55. Jerry:

    Your proposition makes no sense based on what I said, so I won’t be taking you up on it.

    I missed the part where I said those other candidates couldn’t or wouldn’t win. I never said anything of the sort. I said they poll worse than Biden and offer no advantage and certainly wouldn’t automatically win or even do better than he would. But I’ve said many times that Democrats could win (and I mean ANY Democrat) through fraud and/or rigging and/or lawfare.

    And if Biden or one of the others wins I may take up drinking for the first time in my life.

  56. }}} That’s the very model of a yellow dog Democrat.


    (thumbs through dictionary)

    1 — A person marked by stupidity or foolishness.
    2 — A stupid person; these words are used to express a low opinion of someone’s intelligence.

    1 — Stupid, foolish.

    And look, there’s a picture of a yellow dog Democrat so that you know what one looks like!


    I’m sorry, while I think it is markedly rare to encounter a modern day (aka, 95%+ PostModern Liberal) Democrat whom I would back in any way, I am still wise enough to be open to the idea, that it is possible to have to choose a Dem over what is probably some kind of RINO, or even a full-on liar with larger, much more grandiose ill intentions.

    Yellow Dog Democrats are the poster children of Leftist fools.

    I’m put in mind of a skit/scene from Monty Python that is about 50y old now, and just as accurate:

    POLITICIANS — An Apology:

    We would like to apologize for the way in which politicians are represented in this programme. It was never our intention to imply that politicians are weak-kneed political time-servers who are concerned more with their personal vendettas and private power struggles than the problems of government. Nor to suggest that they sacrifice their credibility by denying free debate on vital matters in the mistaken impression that Party unity comes before the well-being of the people they supposedly represent. Neither to imply at any stage that they are squabbling little toadies without an ounce of concern for the vital social issues of today. Nor indeed do we intend that viewers should consider them as crabby, ulcerous little self-seeking vermin with furry legs and an excessive addiction to alcohol and certain explicit sexual practices which some people might find offensive.

    We are sorry if this impression has come across.

    This defines the kind of “Party Unity” mental fascism that is central to the “Yellow Dog Democrat” notion. Power Uber Alle.

  57. }}} Cicero: I do not know why Neo reads it, or, more importantly, why she cites it at length, giving it undeserved visibility and credibility.

    I would venture, not from any actual correspondence, that she pays attention to it because it is the fount of PostModern Liberal Drivel. If you want to know what the Left, aka “Democrats” are thinking — what they are currently focused on — they’re getting spoon fed what to think directly, or indirectly, from the NYT.

    This is why the Left presumes the Right gets spoon fed by Fox (or, formerly, by Rush Limbaugh)… They are projecting their own dependence on the NYT for All That They Know Or Ever Will Know.

    The only paper that is vaguely independent at all is the Washington Post, and even there, it is just an occasional schism on principle. The WaPo is the paper in the nation’s capital. They think that they should drive the people’s thoughts for that reason alone, so, occasionally, they express a somewhat different position than the NYT. Repeat: occasionally.

    It never devolves into a public argument over anything. Remember — The Left is ALL ABOUT “Party Unity”. Everyone goosestepping in lockstep. There is a reason Time’s Man of the Year was, at one point, Hitler. :-/

  58. “…comes down to Obama…”
    And Obama wants Joe.

    (Hmmm. Now why might Obama want someone whose ability to f&$@ things up should “NOT be underestimated”…?)

  59. Neo, I’m sorry I misinterpreted your response to my comment and hereby withdraw the challenge.
    I am reminded once again of Mark Twain’s thoughts on removing all doubt.

  60. “The only route to replacing him is to persuade him to step down.” huxley.

    I came across one rule’s reader of the DNC, who informs us that while there is no way to stop FJB — blessed be thy infame — but afterwards there is.

    The Rules can allow the Committee to replace a dead or “infirm” candidate — thus, there is a way besides stepping down.

    Joe will pardon Hunter Biden before hand, and the media will call old Joe a Mensch of a Dad.

    Problem solved. Now, if so, does this rule apply to the Veep Nominee? (Not that Kamala falls into either of those two categories.) Stay tuned for analysis.

  61. Fascinating to read through these comments this morning after wading through similar articles and comments at AT, Fox, Dailymail, etc.

    Bottom line at this point seems to be the right has no idea or consensus as to what the Democrats and Biden are going to do. No consensus on whether the debate was a setup, or a crash and burn. I was leaning towards a setup, but now I really don’t have a clue at all. Unfortunately, I guess we all have to just wait and see, and hope the Trump people have been gaming out different scenarios.

  62. I don’t think the Democrats have any idea what they’re going to do at this point either. This may be a fascinating week or two. The Biden campaign is out with a memo pointing out that any replacement candidate is going to start out with zero cash. This is not entirely vindictive. Federal law is that money donated to one candidate cannot be simply handed over to another candidate. The only exception would be Kamala, who’s on the current ticket, but she polls about the worst of anyone.

  63. President Biden: Let me close with this. I know I’m not a young man. I don’t walk as easily as I used to. I don’t talk as smoothly as I used to. I don’t debate as well as I used to. Well, I know what I do know. I know how to tell the truth. I know right from wrong. I know how to do this job. I know how to get things done. I know, like millions of Americans, when you get knocked down, you get back up. I know what it will take to bring this economy to everybody. I know what it’ll take to rally the world to stand up against Putin and defend freedom. And I know what it takes to keep the world safe and free for the years ahead. Folks, I give you my word as a Biden, I would not be running again if I didn’t believe, with all my heart and soul that I can do this job because, quite frankly, the stakes are too high.

    I’m also betting Joe doesn’t WRITE “as well as he used to”

    So: Who wrote this for him? 😀

    }}} I know how to tell the truth.

    He just never does it. 😛

    }}} Well, I know what I do know.

    Well, there’s lie number one.

    THAT certainly didn’t take long. 😀

    }}} I know right from wrong.

    He just never lets something being wrong stop him from doing it if he wants to.

    }}} I know how to do this job.

    “This job” being “ruin America”.

    }}} I know how to get things done

    … For me.. Seems that part somehow got missed due to a … typo?

    }}} quite frankly, the stakes are too high.

    Dammit, My son could wind up in jail where he belongs!! My wife could be out of work! My cronies could wind up unable to sell out the nation, or to promote policies that will destroy it!!

    These are important stakes, folks!! Another president might unravel a lot of what the left has accomplished in the last three decades!!

  64. Neo, you may find interesting the events associated with the French election, the first round of which is today (there is another in a week). Turnout is apparently notably higher than typical.

    Another thing which is possibly indicative is that, in France, there is a sudden rise in popularity of a song, “Je partira pas”, which is similar to another song in Europe, “Auslander Raus” (“Foreigners get out!”): The song basically is making fun of a deportee screaming “I won’t leave!” — the title is a rejoinder, “Yes, you will.” It is apparently quite popular with the zoomers in France.

    Not certain of any of that, but it seems to be what the “far” right pundits are saying is the case. Time will tell.

    It seems the USA is not the only place with the government being challenged with regards to its immigration policy. Apparently, the zoomers are figuring out what is actually in their best interest..

  65. This is a political coup, orchestrated by Barak. Michelle will be the candidate.

    Here’s my reasons for the speculation.

    1. If Joe had been showing acute signs before the debate, they would have claimed illness and asked CNN to re-schedule. The media would have covered.

    2. He looked especially frail. Compare that to the state of the union speech. The SOTU speech he was tan. The debate he was pasty white.

    3. It was former Obama/Clinton people that were the most distraught immediately following the debate.

    4. Both Obama and Clinton came out with statements that the Dems should stick with Joe. Plausible deniability. Barak and Bill will make it clear to Joe to take the money and run with his legacy intact. If Trump wins, whatever time Joe has left will be spent defending himself against the many crimes he has committed over the years. The Dems will protect his legacy.

    5. Mark Halperin on Newsmax insisted that Michelle would not run. He wouldn’t say why, but was adamant. Michelle has refused to campaign for Joe. The Obamas hate Joe..

    6. The money will dry up. Obama and Clinton will make it clear to Joe he will not have enough money to win.

    7. Joe has tried to have it both ways over the Hamas/Israel conflict. Obama sees his legacy of enabling Iran to be threatened by another Trump administration. Obama would have already kneecapped Israel.

  66. Its good to use the mary mcarthy test on lillian hellman

    They let him go out of the world stage twice and embarass himself yet deep fakes

    They had one round with the state of the union juicing

    Whatever they deny is the truth and what they affirm is a lie (costanza rule)

    I dont know what given the eye (clash of the itans) re the hags

  67. A coup, is it?

    (Um, er, how do you enact a coup against a puppet government you yourself are running, tell me true…)

    Oh, I get it! You hijack yerself!!
    Take yerself hostage.
    Hold yerself fer ransom….

    Actually, hold the country hostage…

    File under: Vote for me…or the country gets it between the eyes….

  68. Well…Clyburn…

    If this were the ante-bellum South, there’d be a certain name for him…

  69. Not at all.
    It’s merely that vaunted Obama sense of (putrid) humor bubbling up (from the perverted depths of the Great One’s soul) in all its sulphuric glory…
    The message?
    – We’re gonna run Joe again.
    – And he’s going to win.
    – And there isn’t a freakin’ thing you can do about it…
    – Har, har….

    (Get it? He’s rubbing the entire country in it!)

    File under: Transformational Humor (in deepest homage to the return of “America’s most highly-regarded intellectual”(TM) from the underworld…)

  70. ANOTHER scenario. Kamala keeps her Veep spot (and the campaign keeps the war chest). But Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer gets the nod.

    The Daily Mail tells us that she’s been prepping to slide into Joe’s spot for many months. And the knives are now out.

    What I wondered about the debate was Trump. Was he gentle with Biden’s obvious diminished capacity? Why yes, he was a gentleman campaigner, still making points while noting the obvious.

  71. “…will that encourage potential adversaries to take advantage of the situation?”

    I wouldn’t worry too much about that…since “Biden”‘s adversaries are few and far between:
    Netanyahu is probably persona non grata numero uno.
    Then there’s Orban, and that Slovak target, the Italian fasciste and Le Pen of course; Milei for sure (HOW DARE HE show the world how to tame inflation…when inflation is THE WAY to really screw up the world??)

    The rest of them—the ones you actually mean—nah, nothing to worry about.

    File under: Thick as thieves.

  72. When I heard about the Biden family gathering at Camp David this weekend, I had some doubts. Maybe the Obama and Clinton posts in support of Joe were designed to give him a face-saving cover for deciding to withdraw. We’ll see. Biden’s (and Jill’s) addiction to power may overwhelm any logical thought. Plus, there aren’t any really good alternatives, and perhaps the Obama crew would rather blame this looming loss on Biden than on themselves.

  73. The BIG D Money–the REALLY BIG MONEY–wants a female. They will not go black because that will cause a loss of votes–they will go white female guaranteeing EVERY FEMALE VOTE!

  74. Adversaries of the nation not the regime
    Xi khamenei putin erdogan thani

  75. Zuckerberg put up $400 million in 2020 to help secure Democrat “democracy”– so a couple of hundred million to get a winning candidate would be cheap.

    This has been my concern for some time. Had we known the Dem candidate would be someone else, would it have affected the Republican choice?

  76. Anne, if the Dems nominated a female of any color they wouldn’t get my vote, nor, I suspect, Neo’s, so that’s two of us. It’s the Dem policies I object to. You?

  77. Lots of opinions about who the Democrats may run. All with some plausibility.

    My desire. Run, Joe, run. He’s a terrible POTUS, and a weak candidate. If he wins, we know for sure that the elections are rigged, and we won’t be able to vote our way out of this mess.

    On the other hand, if Trump wins, we have a chance to begin to turn the ship of state back towered fair elections, less inflation, cheaper energy, a secure border, less drug overdoses, and safer streets. I think it can happen.

  78. “…so it will be the turn of the praetorians, will it be poison[,] a dagger, or a pearl handled revolver”

    Pillow over the face or perhaps juiced unto stroke.

  79. What if Biden stays and a number of billionnairs set up PACS that do high class work for Kennedy?

    What if Kennedy can be painted as a “Real Democrat” in the minds of the non MAGA?

    I think I saw recently that about half of voters claim to be Independents.

  80. Kennedy is having trouble getting on the ballot in a number of states, and if he’s not on the ballot, PACs can’t help him. Deadlines are coming up soon.

  81. he thought shanahan’s money would help him out, but he has faced a rather treacherous couple of months, starting with the whole ‘worm ate his brain’ which came from peter hotez, covid hoaxer curiously enough,

  82. There are now multiple reports from the NY Times and various plugged-in X accounts to say that the Biden family, at the Camp David gathering, strongly urged Joe to keep fighting, Hunter’s being the strongest voice. And they think the staff was at fault with the debate preparation.

  83. Indeed.
    And if there were any previous doubts regarding the absolutely central role that Mel Brooks has had in the running of this administration…

  84. @ Kate > “so that’s two of us”
    Count me in – I vote policies, not personal identity groups.

  85. Kate, Anne, AF – you are not the woman voters they are going after. I suspect a lot of lib women still feel cheated that Hillary did not win in 2016. And besides her general lack of appeal, Kamala’s “blackness” is pretty thin so that may not be as much of an issue. I am not crazy enough to make any predictions at this point, but Anne at 3:47 makes as much sense as anyone else. Does that mean Whitmer? OMG I hope not.

  86. “…juiced…”

    One might be reminded of the figs in “I Claudius”…but I do kinda like the idea of poisoned prune juice in the “Presidential chalice”….

  87. It’ll be Willie Brown with Harris still riding shotgun.

    “Trust and Experience forged by years of working together…FOR AMERICA!!!”

  88. As I understand it, cognitive decline is often an accelerative process.

    So, if Biden is this incoherent now, how much further will he have declined by the time of the second debate his representatives say he is so set on having?

    Potted plant level?

    Moreover, if Biden has to be jacked up on drugs to have even minimal functionality, what kinds of deleterious effects are these various drugs having on his mental and physical health?

    It is being reported that at this weekend’s Biden family confab “Dr.” Jill and crackhead Hunter have been urging Biden to stay the course and, of course, they would.

    If Biden is no longer President “Dr.” Jill looses all the perks of being First Lady, and being treated like a queen, while Hunter looses much of the cover from actual investigation and prosecution which Biden’s position has offered him.

    For everyone in this country, for every side, Biden’s obvious slide into full blown Dementia is the primary National Security issue of the day.

    We cannot have some demented old fool running our country (not that he himself has probably been running anything for the last several months, or perhaps even years), especially our nuclear forces.

    And what about our relations with other world leaders and countries and, especially, our adversaries?

    Given his mental state, as revealed by his dismal debate performance, does anyone seriously think that Biden is up to dealing with these leaders and issues in a coherent and effective way which will benefit and keep the U.S. safe?

    We need a rational and steady hand on our nuclear forces, on our foreign relations, and on key issues, and Biden is obviously not up to the task, and probably hasn’t really been for quite some while.

    This obviously raises the issue of just who in the hell has been and is currently making key decisions, giving orders which are carried out, and actually running our country–Dr. Jill, Obama and Obama holdovers, Valerie Jarrett, the White House Chief of Staff, a cabal?

  89. Inspired by SoP, I take it back.

    It’ll most likely be Decent Joe at the wheel, Dr. Jill in the death seat and Smartest-Guy Hunter as AG (couldn’t be worse than J. D. Garland…).
    Harris will be promoted/relegated/delegated to Secretary of Syntactical Nutrition (a new department, to be sure, but absolutely necessary if we are to win the grand battle against Global Whatever Armageddon).

    File under: Somewhere under the rainbow flag…

  90. It seems to me that a loving wife–more with it, observing Joe’s decline on a daily basis, and concerned for the well being of her obviously declining husband–would never shove him onto the stage, as “Dr.” Jill keeps doing.

  91. It seems to me that a loving wife
    IIRC, one of the China bribes was distributed to ten separate bank accounts, each held by a different family member.

  92. We seem to be living in an echo of Woodrow Wilson’s presidency:

    “Marshall’s vice presidency is most remembered for a leadership crisis following a stroke that incapacitated Wilson in October 1919. Because of their personal dislike for Marshall, Wilson’s advisers and wife Edith sought to keep him uninformed about the president’s condition to prevent him from assuming presidential powers and duties. Many people, including cabinet officials and congressional leaders, urged Marshall to become acting president, but he refused to forcibly assume Wilson’s powers, not wanting to set a standard of doing so.” Wikipedia, Thomas R Marshall

    Edith and those closest to Wilson may have clung to power but unlike present circumstances they didn’t try to run Wilson for re-election. interestingly, Wilson’s forgettable VP was a reliable partner throughout.


  93. Edith Wilson’s description of her 17 months of managing Wilson’s presidency:

    “So began my stewardship. I studied every paper, sent from the different Secretaries or senators, and tried to digest and present in tabloid form the things that, despite my vigilance, had to go to the President. I myself never made a single decision regarding the disposition of public affairs. The only decision that was mine was what was important and what was not, and the very important decision of when to present matters to my husband.”


    I’m confdent Jill will later tell us much the same.

  94. Would those happen to be the “Offshore Houses”?

    (Just curious…)

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