Home » Open thread 6/28/24


Open thread 6/28/24 — 16 Comments

  1. A lot of people said last night’s debate would never happen once it was announced.

    A lot of people said that it was a huge mistake for Trump to accept all the less than favorable terms of the debate itself.

    I certainly had my doubts that the debate would ever happen. But I also sensed that it was the correct play for Trump to just get Biden in front of a camera and speaking for 90 minutes regardless of the less than favorable terms, even on the Democrat Pary propaganda network that is CNN.

    I think the takeaway from all this is that you shouldn’t assume that the Democrats and their media handmaidens are completely unassailable reality warpers who can always flawlessly spin straw into gold or make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear. They are, in fact, very human. And they also tend towards both arrogance and stupidity, always a lethal combination.

  2. Pointing up here at Nonapod’s post: ^^^^^

    and too, at the crushing blow to Chevron deference in Loper Bright v Raimondo

    and at the Dodderer’s exposure

    and the Yankee’s 2-8 slide in their last 10

    Just whoof, what a morning.

  3. Yes, the O’s are now tied with the Yanks in the east despite getting beat up by the surging @##$&* Astros last week. Ugh, I ‘hate’ them more than the Yankees these days.

  4. Mariners got the right pitching stuff to stifle the ‘Stros head to head, so, I’d look there for the wins. Otherwise? Get a hitter at the trade deadline.

    Rufus, our deal with “you know who” has already been done (looked at bWAR leaders lately? Hendo’s toting 6.0 at the halfway mark, which, seriously?, is unheard of), so no escaping those consequences hereafter.

  5. In another Scotus decision, the Grants Pass bums and junkies being allowed to camp out on public property decision of the ninth circuit was overturned. The Democrats here in California, of course continue to insist that the only solution is to build expensive condos for the addicts and mentally ill. If you live in California consider donating to ReformCalifornia.org. They are activists and have a plan to try to eliminate the Democrats super majority in the legislature.


  6. Why would it not be a surprise to learn that the Moiseyev Dance Company has on it’s staff a physical therapist and orthopedic surgeon.

    The dancers are simply amazing.

  7. Megan Kelly interviews Steve Bannon

    It’s broken down into several shorter segments.

    This one talks about lawfare, and the SC decisions affecting the J6 defendants and the EPA decision overturning Chevron.

    They both agree, along with McCarthy, Yoo, Hinderacker (I think) and others that conservatives need to pursue cases against the Democrats so they rethink the use of lawfare against conservatives.

    How to Fight Democratic Lawfare Against Trump, While Supreme Court Delivers Win, with Steve Bannon

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