Home » California really, really doesn’t want school boards to be able to inform parents that their own children are transitioning


California really, <i>really</i> doesn’t want school boards to be able to inform parents that their own children are transitioning — 12 Comments

  1. Surely there are a sufficient number of lampposts in California to take care of this problem with finality.

  2. We must be careful. The nutty ideas always begin in California and move East on wind currents or something.

    Mandatory public schooling began in the late 1800s, with local (parental) control, but all of that is ruined and done with, thanks to the indoctrination of young teachers in the universally Leftist University Depts of Education, and the Teachers’ Unions. Remember the bomber, Bill Ayers, from the 1970s? A founder of the Weathermen. His bomb-setting prosecution was a mistrial, not retried, so he became a professor of EDUCATION at Univ. of Illinois-Chicago. Tenured, that is.

    My grandkids are being home-schooled to keep them out of the Leftist maw in the so-called Research Triangle of Raleigh, Chapel Hill and Durham, North Carolina, with a major university in each. Leftists galore.

  3. This bill gives the idea of the school as being in loco parentis a new meaning.

    Hysterical. I had to explain the word guffaw the other day. This one is guffaw worthy.

  4. If you assume the Democratic Party is the electoral vehicle of a shadowy pedo cabal, it makes sense.

  5. “The party of Pedos.” Short, punchy, alliterative. Well done, Art Deco!

  6. It would be interesting to see how the schools would react should a case occur where a parent forced their child to transition and the child told their teachers they did not want to.

  7. It has to be something in the water.
    I have noted that virtually no one in California drinks ordinary water. There is a plethora of waters in the marketplace including, I recently noted, ‘Smart Water’. It just boggles my mind that water is smart; or could make me smart if I bought it. Maybe I should try it, however.

    I have to believe that the Chinese are marketing subversive water in California and other selected locales; DC for instance.
    There is simply no other explanation.

    Related to the state of the Golden State, I understand that the Dems are previewing a new cheer.

    ‘Biden, Biden he’s our man. If he can’t do it Newsom can’.

    Hello America, meet Gavin, aka Gruesome, Newsom. He will do for you what he did for California..

  8. This bill looks like it blatantly violates the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, which is Federal law. If a school district refuses to release information from a minor student’s education records to the student’s parents, the school district isn’t eligible for Federal funding — and pretty much every public school district in the country relies upon Federal funding to some extent.

  9. @ Joshua K. > “This bill looks like it blatantly violates the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, which is Federal law.”

    Abstractly, you are probably correct.
    But who in the Democrat-controlled DOJ etc will bring charges?

    Art Deco on June 28, 2024 at 2:34 pm said:
    “If you assume the Democratic Party is the electoral vehicle of a shadowy pedo cabal, it makes sense.”

    Tell me again: what did Q get wrong?
    “The QAnon conspiracy theory is vast, complicated and ever changing, and its adherents are constantly folding new events and personalities into its master narrative. But the gist of it is that national Democrats, aided by Hollywood and a group of “global elites”, are running a massive ring devoted to the abduction, trafficking, torture, sexual abuse and cannibalization of children, all with the purpose of fulfilling the rituals of their Satanic faith. Donald Trump, according to this fantasy, is the only person willing and able to mount an attack against them.”

    No Democrats have been hit with a credible “cannibalization” charge yet, and the Satanic rituals aren’t yet specified by any whistleblowers, but the others have all been substantiated by their policies and personal behavior (for selected values of “they”).

  10. }}} Everyone call @GavinNewsom urging him to veto #AB1955 at 916-445-2841

    Oh, yeah, THAT’LL make him think twice about signing off in favor of something like this. :-/

    }}} Surely there are a sufficient number of lampposts in California to take care of this problem with finality.

    Yes, but a totally insufficient number of dedicated hangmen. 😛

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