Home » Biden is “appalled” at violent anti-Semitism in LA


Biden is “appalled” at violent anti-Semitism in LA — 33 Comments

  1. Jews need to begin carrying concealed guns and when attacked, they should shoot dead their assailants; no quarter given.

  2. John Tyler:

    And in blue jurisdictions they’d be prosecuted for it and perhaps convicted.

  3. @JohnTyler:when attacked, they should shoot dead their assailants; no quarter given.

    Better to be tried by twelve than carried by six. A few dead anti-Semites would go along way to making all Jews safer, and as for the trial, I’m sure we on the Right could crowdfund something.

  4. What destruction of rule of law will eventually result in is “shoot, scoot and stay mute.”

  5. The rumor was that the synagogue was auctioning off Palestinian property in the West Bank.

  6. whose the mayor, karen bass a former member of the venceremos brigades, the ones who went to Cuba, and came back as the Weathermen, whose the DA, Sr Gascon, who sadly is a paisan, a former army veteran, and even a former LAPD officer, but a committed lefty

  7. Marisa:

    Which of course is absurd and incorrect. A lie spread by the Jew-hating thugs, and an obvious one.

    But in fact that was not even what they actually said, if a person paid attention. They merely implied, for the most part, that it was land in the West Bank. The land that was being discussed was real estate offerings in Israel proper. But they said it was Palestinian land because they actually consider all of Israel to be Palestinian land.

  8. Gascon was also appointed the temporary DA in San Francisco, before coming out as the loser in a political dispute, and having to flee to the southern end of the state. He beat another (much more moderate) Democratic DA to get the job here in LA County.

  9. They would try to “Kyle Ritenhouse” anyone who shot a Hamashite in lawful self defense.

    Blue jurisdictions have Big Brother justice systems.

  10. Hamasidols.


    Diversity [dogma] (i.e. color judgment, class bigotry), Equity, and Inclusion (IED)

    Here’s to another 100 years of leftist progress to push Jews into chambers, clinics, and the sea… and other wicked solutions.

  11. if charlie manson were alive today, one he’d be surprised, but also he would have pleasant notions about current circumstance

    of course taylor lorenz, who I first heard of around charlottesville, is doing her best der sturmer impression,

  12. Re: Tom Cotton and Ted Cruz tweets

    Weren’t those tweets straight shots to the Biden solar plexus? Loved ’em!

    I’ve seen similar demolition videos by Josh Hawley and John Kennedy against woke Dem appointees.

    Deeds not words, I suppose, but in some arenas words are deeds. We’ve got some warriors. The GOP is not totally squish.

  13. I hope Jews in LA are arming themselves and training. This will be complicated by California, and LA, laws about gun permits and about self-defense. California makes it easier for criminals and harder for self-defense.

  14. My Synagogue has a armed security guard at services and events. Some times police details too. I use to think we are safe here in Massachusetts. I’m not sure we are safe any place these days.

  15. I ask my Jewish friend about security, after Oct attack, at his Synagogue in Denver. He said, their is security.
    Guess you could drag them into the Synagogue, then shoot them or use baseball bats.

  16. John Tyler — a lot of synagogues, people are carrying and have been for a few years now, especially if there are Israel veterans in the congregation. But Neo is also right — in LA, they would probably be prosecuted. In some of the Orthodox ones, where “carrying” can be a problem, the synagogue has guns kept locked on site, accessed when people congregate. There is a rabbi in Atlanta who is certified firearms instructor.

  17. I keep thinking of a stunt in which Hannibal betrayed his location to the Romans.

    He got involved in a war which his local ‘king’ was engaged in with another local ‘king’ who was a client of Rome. A sea battle was in the offing so he had his men scour the countryside for venomous serpents which were placed in pottery jars. When the battle commenced his boys catapulted the jars into the galleys of their enemies, resulting in almost instant ‘ABANDON SHIP!!’ The Romans heard about this and said “This has Hannibal written all over it”, and that was the end for H.

    California has lots of crotalus attrox and crotalus scutulatus and pottery is plentiful. Launch some of these pots from rooftops at the crowd of raging NeoNazis and they would disperse in a hurry. Skunks would be less lethal but also pretty effective.

    All that being said, I’d smile if someone used napalm. I really don’t like Nazis.

  18. Garland’s DoJ is facing criticism for bias and recently has brought charges against Catholics for protesting outside of abortion clinics and allegedly blocking access “to healthcare”. Maybe the DoJ could arrest violent protestors blocking access to places of worship based on religion.

  19. Regarding the groups that are attaching themselves to these protests and attacks. In Western Australia we have avoided the violence that has occured overseas and on the east coast of Australia. At a community forum I attended for our Jewish community the police minister, deputy police commissioner and members of police intelligence highlighted that the majority of people involved with organising and demonstrating at these protests were from far left organisations. Most were from the Socialist Alliance, Just Stop Oil and our version of Antifa. Strange how the MSM does not report on this.

  20. JohnTyler :
    Jews need to begin carrying concealed guns and when attacked, they should shoot dead their assailants; no quarter given.

    neo in reply:
    And in blue jurisdictions they’d be prosecuted for it and perhaps convicted.

    Perhaps a less lethal self-defense method might work: steel-toed boots/shoes. (yes, you can purchase steel-toed shoes) If a Hamashole gets too close for comfort, kick him/her/it/they in the shins.

  21. And in blue jurisdictions they’d be prosecuted for it and perhaps convicted.

    I know a whole group of Orthodox Jews in (suburban) NY who are in the process of getting concealed carry permits. The problem is that it takes about a year, between the required training, bureaucracy, etc. But they are doing it.

    The problem in Manhattan, I’m told, is not so much getting the permit, but the web of places where concealed carry is not permitted–schools, parks, places of worship (unless you are responsible for security)–it’s a long list, so if you walk down any street you’re bound to be in violation within a block or two.


    But apparently if you have the permit, it’s a relatively minor violation to carry in a restricted zone.

  22. miguel cervantes

    whose the mayor, karen bass a former member of the venceremos brigades, the ones who went to Cuba, and came back as the Weathermen, whose the DA, Sr Gascon, who sadly is a paisan, a former army veteran, and even a former LAPD officer, but a committed lefty

    As Karen Bass is one of the Venceremos crowd- which I didn’t realize until you pointed it out and I verified it- it is not surprising she has pushed police protection for pro-Palestinian protestors and not for those of the Jewish faith.

    I would like to ask the Venceremos crowd their opinion about several embarrassing facts about Cuba. Such as Pinochet having a superior record in reducing Infant Mortality than Castro did. Or how, even with Fidel pushing super-cow Ubre Blanca (white udder), Cuban production of milk has increased only 10-25% since 1961(varies according to which year you end at), while Latin America’s milk production has more than quadrupled since 1961.

    Biden is “appalled” at violent anti-Semitism in LA

    As the cop in Casablanca is shocked to find out that there is gambling going on.

  23. The Vigilance Committees that sprung up in AZ in the late 1800s were the product of a formal justice system that would not act to deter crime. To see a rekindling of this approach today would not give me pause. Nor would it surprise me.

    Many today characterize those vigilance committees as “wrong”, but offer no alternative when the authorities will not act. People are left to provide for their own safety and that can get pretty ugly at times.

  24. yes she protects her fedayeen, so to speak
    of course the former da in san francisco chesa boudin was the son of two other members of the Venceremos/SDS crew, very soggy red diaper baby, Obama was his baby sitter I think at one point,

    you’re winnings sir, in the michael walsh, prequel, they go into renault’s backstory, and how he got addicted to the slots as a young prefect,

    not exactly in the same vein, but the late harry reid, pretended to be an honest official in las vegas, but the local mobsters
    like Joe Agosto knew him as ‘cleanface’ a very ironic title, of course he ran in 86, when the likes of Dan Moldea, was trying to tarnish Laxalt and Reagan as being mobbed up,
    that probably had some effect,

  25. I suspect we are going to see a serious migration of Jews away from blue cities. Destinations – Israel or red states where carry is straightforward and self defense recognized. Sad that it will be necessary.

  26. As the cop in Casablanca is shocked to find out that there is gambling going on.


    Thank you.

    I was sitting on my hands, as the inveterate reference-dropper, not to bring that up. 🙂

    Captain Renault: I’m shocked! Shocked to find that gambling is going on in here.

    [a croupier hands Renault a pile of money]

    Croupier: Your winnings, sir.

    Captain Renault: [sotto voce] Oh, thank you very much.

    –Claude Rains/Capt. Renault, “Casablanca”


    Rains also played the Invisible Man in the original B&W adaptation.

  27. @ Marisa > “The rumor was ….”

    How many Muslim Rage stories in the last decade or more (or all of history?) have begun with those three words?
    And IIRC most of the precipitating rumors were exactly that.
    A rumor is also enough to get you killed for blasphemy in Islamic countries, whether or not you actually did anything that qualified.

  28. All good comments. Ted Cruz is right.

    This was a well organized and executed attack. Needs a carefully planned and effective response.

    That’s beyond my capabilities, but someone more capable should do this.

  29. this is the way the nebi musa and hebron riots began in 20 and 29, it’s also how incidents like those provoked by michael isikoff,in Pakistan in 2005, based on the apocryphal flushed Koran, one wonders where that came from

  30. I had a typical middle class/lower middle class upbringing. Couple of Jewish classmates in high school, teachers. Enormous State University. We started the first lacrosse team in the state since the Hurons dropped it, couple of at least secular Jews on it. Jewish fraternity brothers. Dated a Jewish girl for a while. Army, met some Jews. Blue collar jobs in college, blue/white collar jobs since the Army.
    Couple of left-wing affiliations for the work–civil rights in MS. Usual civic life–coached youth soccer, so forth.
    Kids active in high school, met their friends and friends’ parents.
    Met a lot of different people.
    Worst things I heard said about Jews were Jews telling Jewish in-group jokes.

    I never met anybody I could picture bestirring himself to take an afternoon to go someplace and pester Jews much less bother to get organized and violent.
    Where did this come from?

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