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After the debate — 70 Comments

  1. This is the first debate I have ever watched. I didn’t think Biden was that bad. He mumbled and sometimes didn’t make sense, but he didn’t wander off, so I think he won. I think Trump missed several opportunities to add favorable content, but in general he made sense. So I think he lost. Trump would be better if he didn’t insist that every thing he does is described by a superlative. It would be nice to have an honest fact check on their statements.

  2. om:

    He’s commented here a couple of times before. I think his opinion on this debate is very much in the minority, though.

  3. This was the worst presidential debate performance I’ve ever seen. I didn’t think it would matter that much but I was wrong. The knives are out for Joe and I don’t think he will make it. Things were already looking bad for Joe in recent polling and this was his chance to reassure people that he wasn’t the doddering old man that the Republicans were portraying him as and he blew it.

  4. I didn’t watch the whole thing, but my impression was that both candidates got the message they shouldn’t go Dark Brandon or Dark Trump. It was curiously restrained, compared to recent standards.

    But Trump won.

  5. Things were already looking bad for Joe in recent polling and this was his chance to reassure people that he wasn’t the doddering old man that the Republicans were portraying him as and he blew it.

    Gregory Harper:

    Yes. That was the issue in this debate, not whether Trump was Hitler.

    Democrats had to convince voters that Biden was not past his expiration date. It was better to try earlier than later, but they still failed. Knock on wood.

  6. I’m 56 and this is the worst debate performance I’ve ever seen by a Presidential candidate. Right now, the NY Times – the Times! – is calling for Biden to step aside.

    Biden is toast. He’s done-zo. Gone.

  7. The first flash poll has Trump winning the debate 67 percent to 33. In other words, almost everybody who was persuadable thought Trump won. What a disastrous miscalculation by Team Biden to ask for this debate.

  8. Trump wasn’t great, but he wasn’t bad either. Its just that he could have done better. Biden did better than he might have (he managed to stand through it), so as a disasters go, it could have been a lot, lot worse. That said, it was a disaster for Biden.

    It was easy to watch the debate and come away not particularly liking Trump (his style can be a bit off-putting). Trump blatantly dodged a few questions, but it wasn’t that badly done, so I don’t think that harmed him.
    – while those points are negatives, they weren’t too bad in the sense he would lose votes.

    For Biden, it was almost impossible to watch and not form the view that Biden is not capable of doing the job, and his style wasn’t good either.
    – for people who rely of short news clips via the mainstream news the debate may have been a shock, negatively for Biden.

    I found the CNN moderation and questions to be unexpectedly not too bad. Others might disagree, but I was expecting them to be far worse. And the panel discussion afterwards was surprising – while they were all openly pro-Biden and anti-Trump, it was universally expressed that Biden had a terrible night. They finished off trashing Trump, but no one made any really effort to try to spin than Biden did well.

    One thing that stood out to me as odd was after the first break, Biden came back and rebutted a few points Trump had made earlier. Maybe it was all above board, but I couldn’t help but get the feeling he had had a bit if coaching in the break.

    FYI (re om on): I am a regular reader, but very rarely comment

  9. So for the good of the country and for a resounding Trump and Republican landslide, Brandon should not step down. The Democrats knowingly foisted this junta on us and on the world.

  10. I saw most of it, but missed a bit after the first break when I went to take a shower.

    I thought Trump missed an opportunity to point out that the Chinese are building coal powered plants during the climate change question.

    Trump needs to bring up Biden’s twisting of Title IX !

    Biden showed his mental decline several times.

  11. I wonder how the public will react to learning that, once again, the “conspiracy theory” that Biden was demented turns out to be fact.

    How many times will it take before the media is completely discredited in the eyes of the low-info voter? I’m afraid the answer may be disheartening.

  12. I believe the Hollywood-Media-Complex (HMC) is grudgingly retrenching. It’s just started and it will take a few years to notice.

    The current layoffs in the HMC are horrific. Some call it an extinction-level event. Everyone lives under that shadow. Contracts are drying up everywhere.

    Kathleen Kennedy, Leslye Headland, and Amandla Stenberg, the Big Three in the disastrous Acolyte series, are busy blaming fans, particularly the toxic males. But all three are losing multi-million contracts in the near future because they can’t sell their current crap.

    Until you run out of other people’s money.
    –Margaret Thatcher

    Hint: I’m talking about customers and I’m talking about the future of the HMC.

  13. On the pre-debate thread below, I expressed the fear that the Democrats’ willingness to have this debate meant that they had some pretty sure-fire and dishonest plan to make Biden look pretty good for two hours. I thought the one-sidedness of the moderators and general media complicity might mean that it would be a trap for Trump. Now I’m wondering if it was indeed a trap, but for Biden, not Trump, engineered by people who want to get rid of him because they think Trump would beat him.

    That’s pretty far-fetched, and I don’t really believe it. But one wonders, doesn’t one?

  14. Neo:

    I don’t think it’s so much who would replace him as it is who is crazy enough to replace him. There’s no way they could make any headway against Trump now. Taking over from Joe would be political suicide.

  15. huxley: “Kathleen Kennedy, Leslye Headland, and Amandla Stenberg, the Big Three in the disastrous Acolyte series, are busy blaming fans, particularly the toxic males.”

    I’m so very happy to hear this. I am not a wild Star Wars fan, but I was fond of the original trilogy. From what I’ve read and the clip I’ve seen, The Acolyte is stunningly bad. Blaming the fans will only reinforce in the eyes of the audience the awfulness of what they’ve done.

  16. I mentioned here several days ago that the Democratic candidate for president will be a white female. My guess is that would be Patty Murray. Melinda Gates believes that women should run the world. She just received her own FIVE BILLION DOLLARS to spend as she pleases in her very own new foundation dedicated to getting women elected. That should pretty well cover the costs–don’t you think?

  17. My internet went down at the beginning of the debate (dropping connections is a frequent problem out in the wilds), but I did watch the last 15 minutes.
    Wow, what a difference in the two men!
    Biden was clearly doped up, but not enough.
    I read the Townhall liveblog to get the gist of the performances, and AesopSpouse saw enough of the earlier broadcast to conclude that it was clear from the questions that the moderators wanted to do a “gotcha!” on Trump on most of the issues.
    (Solve climate change. Solve local education problems. You have two minutes.)*
    Which he just ignored, as was proper, and addressed the issues he wanted to talk about.
    He also made several good responses to Biden, along the lines of 2016’s “You’d be in jail.”
    Biden beating Medicare to death was a good one.

    Then I listened to the CNN panel postmortem, and the agreement even by the Democrats was that Biden was de mortuis good and hard.

    *How many of you remember this from your college years?

    Extra Credit
    Define the Universe. Give two examples.

  18. I watched some of the debate.

    The bit I watched was when Joe got upset because he said Trump said some mean things about vets or something, which I guess he took it as an insult to Beau, to which I chuckled. Not sure if Joe was genuine in his anger or that he was trying to act indignant because the cameras were on him. “Damn you Orange Man Bad how DARE you!”

    When your liberal, TDS sibling expresses worry about Joe’s cognitive health (his facial expresses were bizarre) you know Joe’s being held up by strings.

  19. Matt Taibbi said that Democratic insiders (i.e., Obama, IMO) “woodchippered” Ol’ Joe. And, via Instapundit, here’s a comment too good not to share: “You know what’s really hilarious here is that ordinarily they might be able to replace him at the DNC. But they held the phony ‘virtual’ DNC a few days back so as to make the Ohio ballot. He’s locked in! They nominated him! He’s their guy! They’re riding the bomb down like Slim Pickens on Wing Attack Plan R!”

  20. I listened to the last half hour, on the way to work. That was appalling! Is Biden actually a zombie?

  21. Is Kamala assured the VP slot this time around or is that the open question that should make her hire a new food taster?

  22. I didn’t get to see it, but watching clips this morning.
    Sundowner looks frail, Democrats will start pondering how to get him out of there

  23. It’s hard to see how Democrats can stand-by and allow Biden to be the candidate in November. I have to believe that they will find a way to convince him to stand down. All of the arguments about the divisiveness of an open convention, Kamala’s weaknesses, or the damage to the party of trying to replace her are out the window now. I think they came to understand last night that their bait-and-switch strategy of goading Republicans into nominating Trump has failed. If Joe is the nominee, Trump will be elected in November.

    Any replacement, even Kamala, will pull ahead of Trump instantly and hold that lead through November.

  24. The point being, of course, that “Biden” can be an absolute disaster… and STILL win.
    (“Can be”? Ya’ mean “he”’s not an absolute disaster already???)

    Gosh, how d’ya like DEM apples…?

  25. Anne:
    I mentioned here several days ago that the Democratic candidate for president will be a white female.
    Close. But the people you mention are nobodys with little name recognition.

    President Michelle Obama

    You heard it here first.
    A few months ago my radar picked up a flurry of denials issued by M’chelle.

    She ticks a lot of boxes and would do much heavy political lifting for the Dems.

    – Her personal story is an American success story (from the projects to Harvard Law School)

    – Among the college-educated AWFULs and radical identitarians who are now a core Dem constituency – she is a rock star who has been on the university lecture circuit for years.

    – Her candidacy gives classical boomer liberals permission to forget the painful red pill realities that have forced themselves into their consciousness… they can bask in the nostalgia of the old Civil Rights narrative. This emotional appeal will likely bring many back into the fold, despite lingering unease about cancel culture and the weaponization of the judiciary.

    -She shores up the African American vote that was turning to Trump due to immigration’s impact on working class blacks.

    -Amazing name recognition to hoover up low-info voters

    If they parachute M’chelle in at the convention – they may not even need to cheat to win.

  26. I’m even more sure now than in the past that Biden won’t be on the ballot in November (up to 90% guesstimate).
    Time for all Republicans to be repeating, over and over.
    25th Amendment.
    President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office,
    25th Amendment.

    Then we get first female Pres. Kamala Harris, who’s word salads don’t include semi-senility for deniability. Then, maybe the Dem Nat. Convention can choose her or somebody else for Nov.

    But all America should be repeating:
    25th Amendment.
    Biden should be removed.

  27. “Democrats had to convince voters that Biden was not past his expiration date. It was better to try earlier than later, but they still failed. Knock on wood.” (from Huxley, above, at 2359).

    Or, possibly, just the opposite – a faction wants to replace Joe with…..someone not named Kamala….. and needed more widespread support for the purge effort.

  28. Glad I didn’t see it (OH, THE HUMANITY!).
    We caught a movie instead.

  29. The reason the democrat party apparatchiks timed the “debate” to take place this early–before either “candidate” has been officially nominated–was simply to give the party time to broom Biden and pick a different candidate, should Biden perform up (down?) to their expectations. Now that Biden has been revealed to be the husk of a man that he is, the only question is the identity of the real democrat candidate. Is there anyone who 1) wants to be president and 2) has a chance at beating Trump? The democrat party now consists of two widely divergent factions: the old–nearly as decrepit as Biden–guard, with stiffs like Shumer, Warren, Hillary et al., none of whom could have a chance of victory and the radical youth wing, composed of nutjobs like Bush, AOC, Omar, Tlaib, et al. It is clear that none of them can win, either. Hillary is salivating at the prospect of becoming the nominee, but she suffers from delusions of grandeur. Bernie Sanders, combining the worst of the old and new guard, probably doesn’t really want it. Everybody keeps talking about Michelle O, but from appearances, she is much happier flitting around the globe and rotating her time between her mansions in Hawaii, Washington, D.C. and Martha’s Vinyard. I don’t think she has any desire to be president, or engage in politics of any sort and I don’t think Barry can make her do it against her wishes, although he would dearly love for that to happen. So who is left? Newsome? Oleaganous and preening barely begins to describe him, so no chance. Whitmore? She of the botoxed visage and “Evil Queen” persona? Again, nah. So is there some dark horse out there who can gain the approval of sufficient voters which, when added to the cheating and electoral fraud factor, can grant victory? You tell me and we’ll both know.

  30. Before this Biden debate disaster, I saw an article about the campaign money. If it was donated to the Biden-Harris campaign, it can’t legally be just shifted to whomever is chosen instead. If it’s in Super PACs, no problem.

    Are there any applicable state laws requiring convention delegates to vote for the winners of the state primaries? Not that Dems are strong on following laws.

  31. A commentator above said:

    “……….The first flash poll has Trump winning the debate 67 percent to 33……..”

    I did not watch the debate, but if it is accurate that Joke Bidet’s performance confirmed that he is a senile, doddering, incoherent, mumbling, knicker-stained old fogy, it is incredible that 33% ( !!!!!! ) thought he won the debate.

    It is the voters of this nation that will make or break it.

  32. We’ll see how this goes. I have read the AP reports and some other legacy media commentary, which are downplaying Biden’s appearance and voice (he had a cold, they say) and soft-pedaling his bad performance while calling Trump’s answers “false.” Maybe talks of replacement won’t go anywhere, but it’s all behind closed doors at this point.

  33. Mac said: Now I’m wondering if it was indeed a trap, but for Biden, not Trump, engineered by people who want to get rid of him because they think Trump would beat him. That’s pretty far-fetched, and I don’t really believe it. But one wonders, doesn’t one?”

    After watching the entire debate and reading reactions this morning, I come to the same conclusion: this was a setup from the get go. Obama et al have known for months that Ol’ Joe can’t make it. Set up an early debate, don’t juice him up as usual, pre-debate showcase a lot of his frailties, and then let the world see the reality. The entire left and MSM are now calling for him to be gone.

    Who replaces him? My guess is either Harris or Michelle. Why? Either will do as a substitute puppet president so Obama can continue his shadow dictatorship to destroy the country. Harris is not electable, so I go with Michelle, unless Whitmer agrees to have her strings pulled. I don’t think Newsom would ever agree to just take orders.

    With the current Ds always remember who is really running things and how that benefits him. Evil people.

  34. Was just watching some debate “highlights;”
    I noticed that Joke Biden never, not once, blinked his eyes. His eyes are frozen wide open.
    Not sure what this means, but it sure is not normal.

  35. If you were paying attention before, you knew that Joe was suffering from dementia. Now we all know it. The problem, however, is that Jill Biden wields too much influence and she is too power hungry to give it up. Note how she had to lead him off the stage post debate and note what she said later in praising him. “You’re a good boy and you answered every question”. Twill be interesting to see who wins out between this old witch and the somewhat wiser heads in the Democrat party. Will Joe and Jill be replaced or will they remain?

  36. Michelle wouldn’t take the pay cut or have her free time intruded upon.
    There’s only one Democrat with the name recognition and ruthlessness:

  37. I’m with those who doubt Michelle O. would do this. Hillary would, definitely. I think she’d lose again.

  38. Hillary is rested and ready. Her new book is scheduled for September. The Chicago Convention will nominate her by acclamation.

    The Swamp will unite to crush Trump once and for all, abortion will be the lead issue, and ridicule of Deplorables and men will reach new levels.

  39. To the commentator that said Boomers would vote for M. Really? We, that are hit hardest by inflation, that remember a Strong America (pre Trump by the way), an America that had a Can Do and Will Do spirit.

  40. Trump didn’t even break a sweat, he just stepped asside to let Biden shoot himself in the foot. Biden is toast.

  41. I watched the debate for 30 seconds. It was more enough to see Biden as senile.

    BTW does anyone recall that the fact checkers who declared Trump a liar work for organizations who ran with the Russian collusion story for years?

  42. They both were awful although Biden was far, far worse. This is a poor choice Americans have but I will vote for Trump because he can at lest be a “breakwater” against the Democrats.

  43. Shirehome:
    I am talking about the boomers who have seen the hard-left drop the mask.

    The boomers who are shocked that their grandkids are Antifa identity-fascists.

    The boomers and X-ers who feel the flames of DEI licking at their heels as they approach retirement.

    Who still sneer at Muricans but feel unwelcome in the D party… Because real Marxists have harshed their mellow.

    Who are old enough, educated enough to understand how problematic the weaponization of the judiciary is.

    Many of those Boomers would embrace a 2nd Obama candidacy like an old pair of bell bottoms that still fit.

  44. I didn’t plan to watch last night because I didn’t think anything would take place to change the dynamic of the race between the surrogate for the elites and Trump but boy was I wrong. As opinion shapers coalesce around the previously unthinkable idea of replacing Biden on the ballot I find the Axios story of Michelle Obama’s estrangement from the Bidens dropped midday yesterday rather curious.


    Don’t know what it ultimately means but the timing seems more than coincidental.

  45. I’m a golfer. Biden debacle was cringe-worthy. Funniest part of the debate was Biden saying he was a +6 when he was VP. Like Trump, I’ve seen Biden’s swing. Um, no. As Trump said, that’s the biggest lie of all.

    Dems brought this on themselves. They’ve lied to themselves and have not seen (or have not believed their lyin’ eyes) what is evident to the rest of the world. I was at a wedding recently, and a dem operative was shocked when I told her I thought Biden has mild-moderate dementia. She believes he’s aok.

  46. Buyer’s remorse; all those years and all those billions(?) the CCP spent on Brandon, and the Democrats want to replace him! Because they cannot control their peasant’s “voting” or all their media?

    Is the CCP telling the DNC what to do next?

  47. This is a fitting and quasi-Shakespearian end to Biden’s political career and it even has Jill in the role of Lady Macbeth.

    Since I first got a good look at Biden in the Clarence Thomas hearings I disliked him. I already saw him as a buffoon when he dropped out of the ’88 race for plagiarizing a speech, but his behavior in the Thomas hearings showed how malevolent he was. He is a bully and his opinion of himself is far out of line with his mediocre abilities.

    Unworthy to serve the public but continually grasping and adopting whatever coalition was necessary, saying whatever was necessary, aligning with whomever was necessary to further himself and enrich himself.

    And by a lucky set of circumstances he found himself in the right place at the right time when a young Senator from Illinois needed a running mate with decades of DC experience.

    And by another lucky set of circumstances, a pandemic hobbled his opponent and gave him advantages to exploit in his Presidential campaign.

    And he got it! He finally got the ring he, like gollum, had been grasping for his entire career!

    And last night the world saw what a pathetic, hollow, gollum-like husk of a man he is.

    This will be his legacy.

  48. Brooklyn Boy @ 10:07 AM;
    Just curious; do the policies the candidates wish to implement have any influence on your decision who to support or not?
    If Biden came across as smooth, refined, logical, etc., would you vote for him irrespective of his policies?
    What if Trump came across likewise – that is, very refined, very presidential, smooth, etc. – but Biden stumbled and mumbled, but Trump proclaimed he was for open borders, reparations for blacks, shuttering the oil and gas industry, abolishing all immigration laws and gasoline powered cars and natural gas cooking stoves, etc.?
    Would you then vote for Trump because he came across as more presidential??

    Just wondering.

  49. Any replacement, even Kamala, will pull ahead of Trump instantly and hold that lead through November.
    Thanks for the wishcast. We’re all enlightened.

  50. Sorry if my weak attempt at sarcasm failed. My comments were made without benefit of listening to any commentators. I am surprised that the democrats expected Biden to perform better than he did. Do they believe their own lies? I am happy being just a lurker.

  51. Art Deco – Not a wish cast. Just the view outside of the bubble. I don’t want Kamala to be president, except that she might set the table for a right-of-center revival in 2028, or not, depending on whether D’s win Congress.

  52. If Biden resigns as (P)resident, and Kamela steps up, the VP can’t be Newsome, as they are from the same state. Biden may be the D nominee, after the virtual “convention” held to get under the wire in Ohio, but he could still withdraw his candidacy but not resign.
    Too many people have seen what a wreck Kamela is to Elect her as President.
    I don’t see how the Ds find a way out of this mess, but I am sure that they do, or they wouldn’t have pushed Biden under the bus like this.
    Unless they were entirely stupid, and thought that the one-sided debate format with Trump hating “moderators” would get Trump to refuse the debate, so that they could campaign in his refusal.
    But hey, entirely stupid and evil pretty much identifies these totalitarians.

  53. CC™ emerges and with more fantastic insight.



    The Geat Orange Whale is doing backflips in CC™’s noggin.

  54. I see Biden mess up terribly every week. Almost every day. I assumed that expectations would be so low that if he lasted the whole debate, the networks would call it a victory. My expectations were so low that I didn’t think his performance was that terrible.

    What I didn’t take into account was that the networks didn’t show his flubs and fumbles, his bumbling and bloopers, and so inescapably confronted with what they actually saw and showed this time, they had to judge his performance a failure. I don’t think it was all that sincere — did anybody really think that he would be “sharp as a tack?” The reaction looked orchestrated. Was it all planned to give Democrats a chance to replace Biden? Maybe, but by whom?

    Trump did much better than I expected. The thing I remembered from the previous debates was him repeatedly interrupting with “Where’s Hunter?” and “What about Hunter?” This time, he was prepared and in control. The deficit, though, is a weak point for him and something he’ll have to deal with.

    We got an interesting insight into Trump and Biden last night. Yes, Trump boasted about winning tournaments at his club and that wasn’t a good look. But Biden’s boasting about his handicap and wondering if Trump was up to carrying his own bags was worse. Both men are insecure and like to brag, but Biden feels more threatened and nastier about it.

  55. Since I first got a good look at Biden in the Clarence Thomas hearings I disliked him

    Amen brother.

  56. I tend to get irritable watching debates, as the Dem claims often start to get under my skin. And Biden didn’t disappoint last night, with constant gaslighting on nearly every topic. Inflation? Trump’s fault. The economy? Trump’s fault. Charlottesville? Trump likes Nazis. Trump won’t denounce the Proud Boys. At one point Biden literally said, “Everything he just said is a lie,” and then proceeded to blatantly lie his head off. Biden even challenged Trump to answer a question, which Trump couldn’t go because his mike was turned off while Biden was speaking.

    Fortunately, I made the decision to watch the Timcast stream of the debate, which took the edge off of my usual irritability.

    And I hope we get some good memes about Biden challenging Trump to some time on the golf course. ??

  57. Art Deco – Not a wish cast. Just the view outside of the bubble.
    You’re having trouble discerning your actual location.

  58. @Bauxite

    Your gaslighting is nothing new, nor is the midwittery or the TDS, but even I have to admit it is something to see all three intersect in QUITE such a spectacular fashion. So it’s worth breaking them down and dissecting in a way beyond references to Orange Whales or Concerned Conservatives.

    It’s hard to see how Democrats can stand-by and allow Biden to be the candidate in November.

    In some ways, sure. But on the other hand it isn’t hard to see how Democrats can consider it when once accepts a few things.

    Starting with.

    A: Many Democrats starting from Kamala on down haven’t been standing by, and have indeed been fighting the Bidens for not just control over the administration but also succession for years now.

    B: Biden has often been viewed (wrongly or rightfully) as a “moderate” and “safe” masthead or seatwarmer (which is one reason why he has remained around for so long).

    C: His continued holding of the office indicates that many of those seeking to replace him, have not been able to find a suitably “acceptable” candidate to win over enough of the Nays, including those we would logically expect such as Kamala.

    I have to believe that they will find a way to convince him to stand down.

    “Have to believe”? Very curious wording indeed. You see, I *CAN* Believe that the Dems will find a way to convince Biden or those holding his strings to stand down (and this latest PR offensive is obviously aimed at doing so). I cannot even rule out that some kind of accidental or intentional “accident” shall happen that will force him out, whether “to spend more time with his family” or to spend more time with grave.

    But I don’t “HAVE TO” believe that. After all, I’ve been around these last several years and seen how several camps within the Left have tried to get Biden to step down or aside (whether resigning, or declining to run for 2024, or so on) and have FAILED TO DO SO. Now to be fair they didn’t have quite as strong a headwind in public as they do now…. but they ALSO don’t have things such as the Ohio Ballot Registration issue limiting their legal options, which might at least hypothetically threaten the Dems to be unable to get their Presidential Ticket on Ohio Ballots (as unlikely as that may be), especially if Biden gets ditched.

    I have not ruled out the possibility Biden will be forced to step aside, nor have many others here. But I also haven’t ruled out the possibility (and even probability) he will not. Because I am trying to approach the issue as a matter of analysis and rational conjecture, not belief. You on the other hand seem to not be.

    All of the arguments about the divisiveness of an open convention, Kamala’s weaknesses, or the damage to the party of trying to replace her are out the window now.

    No, no they’re really not. As shown by some of the skirmishing we’re seeing in the press so far, as well as the very basic issue of the Ohio Ballot Registration that forced them to have their “Virtual Convention” earlier.

    I think they came to understand last night that their bait-and-switch strategy of goading Republicans into nominating Trump has failed. If Joe is the nominee, Trump will be elected in November.

    I think that holds true for many of the factions, and there were even more involved that already wanted to see Biden (really the Bidens) gone for various reasons like ambition, climbing up the ladder, viewing them as not “Pure” or radical enough, optics, or so on. But many others cling to him precisely because of those factors, *and others do not view a pathway to victory without him.* Including several of those that I might add have access to far better data and more resources than we do.

    Any replacement, even Kamala, will pull ahead of Trump instantly and hold that lead through November.

    Art Deco was correct calling this wishcasting nonsense, and it is easy enough to break this over your leg. ANY replacement? Even Kamala (who is so weak that the Dems didn’t Article 25 Biden for the optics of having a young “POC” woman as President)? Even Hillary?

    Of course not.

    Now I imagine you MIGHT try to dodge out of the way by arguing Hillary isn’t a “replacement” because she isn’t viable (which has some truth to it but ignores A: You were the one who said “any replacement” and B: Why isn’t she viable when Kamala is?). But that’s just avoiding.

    Not a wish cast. Just the view outside of the bubble.


    And yes, that is PRECISELY what this is. Gaslighting. A very BAD, INCOMPETENT attempt at gaslighting.

    “The view from outside the bubble” you say?

    We have views from outside “the bubble.” We can ALL SEE the barrage of orchestrated media outlets badmouthing Biden’s performance from reliable leftist outlets and a good number trying to argue he should stand down or step aside. Doubtless a major power play by people with connections making a volley.

    And that’s nonwithstanding personal experiences. I live with someone who loudly and vehemently insisted the deficit was due to “Tax Cuts”, in spite of how obviously ludicrous this is.

    I will not completely reject the idea of a “Right Wing Bubble” or that there aren’t people in it, but it’s been MUCH THINNER and MUCH SMALLER than the Left Wing OneS for at least half a century now. Which makes your posturing about supposedly unique or almost unique insight “outside the bubble” comic, even before we factor in your track record with predictions and tenuous relationship with honesty (including sometimes even basic statistical accuracy).

    The reason that this debate even happened was because of what Neo pointed out. IN SPITE of Months of attempts to undermine Biden and co or replace him by a host of different camps, they couldn’t or wouldn’t. And that’s because – as Neo pointed out –

    Getting rid of Biden as candidate won’t be easy, though. As I’ve said many times, if it were easy and the solution obvious, they would have done it sooner. That’s the big stumbling block. But waiting this long, even if they finally accomplish it, isn’t a good look for the party. The cynically deceptive game they’ve played has become more clear, as has the risk in which they’ve put the nation and the world.

    The Democrats have been working the con for four years, ever since Biden was anointed the 2020 nominee. But after last night, I think the con is up – and most of them seem to think so, too. Now it’s time to get a new candidate and/or a new con, and they’re not so sure they can pull it off. I certainly hope they can’t.

    This reminds me of the Monty Hall Problem, and how many people tripped over Selven and vos Savant’s explanation with the basic situation: that other actors not only have information, but have better or more specialized information than us and – along with their agendas – will act as they think the situation warrants.

    Which is why your “analysis” isn’t analysis, it’s wishcasting. If you wished to claim that X Replacement Candidate or even many or most replacement candidates would “pull ahead of Trump instantly”, you MIGHT have a case, however difficult to prove or even incorrect. Indeed, I have considered similar (though usually less radical, since political balances rarely change “instantly”).

    But you didn’t.

    Which is why this can be discarded.

    I don’t want Kamala to be president, except that she might set the table for a right-of-center revival in 2028, or not, depending on whether D’s win Congress.

    This is what we call wishcasting, especially given how blasé you are about other peoples’ livelihoods and freedom over the course of those hypothetical 4 years, like we discussed regarding those persecuted on Jan 6th and others. Especially given the political persecution and overreach we’ve seen.

    I believe you don’t want Kamala to be President, but I also believe you haven’t seriously examined the situation because TDS, and your contempt and condescension for almost everybody else in this thread (indeed, this blog) by assuming you are “outside the bubble” compared to the Plebs, and willing to gaslight many that so much as differ with you.

  59. If the DNC wants to replace Joke Bidet and must change their rules to do this, they will.
    Recall the Hillary has “super delegates” to ensure her nomination when she ran for president, which rendered the normal primary voting process irrelevant.

    For democrats, the ends justifies the means.

    Imagine that Michelle Obama announces she will run for president but she also makes it very clear that all her policies and decisions if elected would be made by her husband.
    In effect, he would be a third term president.
    The democrats would have no qualms about doing this if they believed it would prevent a Trump presidency.
    True, this is really a crazy scenario, but not for demonkrats.

  60. @JohnTyler

    I agree they will do what they will if they decide to replace him, and they do not respect the law, let alone their own party’s rules. But the big issue is IF the DNC does want it. In many cases the DNC or at least several factions of it believe he is their best chance.

  61. }}} I don’t think it’s so much who would replace him as it is who is crazy enough to replace him. There’s no way they could make any headway against Trump now. Taking over from Joe would be political suicide.

    I dunno.

    1 — I think everyone on the Left would breathe a sigh of relief at this point. They’d have a candidate who might be able to win without glaringly blatant cheating.

    2 — I’d assert that the real question is whether the shadow cabal currently running things would be able to find a suitable puppet to put up who would follow their anti-American agenda and continue to push for irrationality and insanity in government actions.

    3 — Anyone who did get their hat thrown into the ring would likely be assured of having The Fixing Machine fully in their camp, regardless of the answer to “2”. They have no choice, they HAVE to have a pro-left candidate, even if s/he’s not a total puppet. Anything else is to invite disaster, as one or more non-partisan investigator is put into play over the events of the last 4 years, looking to charge multiple people with crimes we all (i.e., all non-partisan hacks) have considerable certainty have occurred.

    }}} Is Kamala assured the VP slot this time around or is that the open question that should make her hire a new food taster?

    I do not believe there is any way in Hell Harris is on the ticket no matter who the PotUS nom is. This is hardly the first time in history for the presidency to change the secondary horse in mid-stream. Hell, FDR did it twice, first from Garner to Wallace in 1940 and then to Truman in 1944. But that’s hardly the only historical example. An easy overview can be had just by looking at the various PotUS Wiki entries — the summary sidebar on the right has their veeps listed. If it changed, they list that.

    You can bet that, whomever their veep candidate is, they’ll be picked as a puppet figurehead for the current shadow cabal’s continued control over the executive office.

  62. Q: Did you watch the debate?

    A: I’d sooner have watched The Acolyte.

    (Mic Drop) 😀

  63. }}} Are there any applicable state laws requiring convention delegates to vote for the winners of the state primaries? Not that Dems are strong on following laws.


    Nope. Not even applicable. The Dems argued — in court, no less — that they are not required to follow their own rules for how to handle/process the votes. That they (“The machinery”, aka Those In Charge) can pretty much put up any candidate that they want to, and how people voted is totally irrelevant.

    The example is not exactly the same as your question, but pretty sure they can change things on a whim as long as it gives them power.

  64. A long time ago we had a young president, whose father it seems made a deal with some very bad people. Many, many years later an actor in a second rate film stated the unknown obvious about those times, “the east coast mob got together with the Chicago teamsters . . .”
    I think that sums up where we are today and where we have been ever since that election in 1960. Biden is just one more east coast mobster front man.

    I hate coincidence! I am remembering that the 1968 Democratic Convention was held in August of 1968. Just two months after the assassination of their preferred candidate–Bobby Kennedy. He was assassinated in early June 1968. Seems strange to see Biden make it clear that he is not competent approximately the same length of time to the next Democratic CHICAGO convention!
    SO . . .maybe the question is why have the Democrats chosen Chicago for this year’s convention? This is only their second return to Chicago since 1968. The second convention was in 1996 (Al gore). It seems the Dems go back about every 30 years–why is that?

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