Home » Open thread 6/26/24


Open thread 6/26/24 — 37 Comments

  1. Recommend one also view the AGT piece by Mayyas. It’s linked in the icon strip when you pause the vid or here. Only thing I hate about these things is having to listen to the judges as the performance is going on.

    Both are beautiful renditions of the same visual concept. Lovely.

  2. Confusing ruling to me. Barrett, for the majority, basically said that the AG’s lack standing as there is lack of evidence of harm to the AG’s and states due to the defendant’s actions. Maybe, the AG’s approached it too broadly and maybe a more specific case of harm could have been brought??? Not a lawyer, and don’t claim to be one.

    Roberts, the squish, and Barrett sided with the “ladies”. Is she turning into a squish also?

  3. Interesting question whether the Russian incursion into Vovchansk was a new front or just a trap to cause Ukraine to move troops to defend the area, opening up other existing fronts to new gains.

    WillyOAM talks about the methods of attritional warfare, and suggests the Ukrainians are too interested in the optics– not willing to cede ground in the short term for strategic/tactical gains in the future.

    RU Northern Group – Was This Always The Plan, Has Ukraine Taken The Bait? Or RU Strategic Failure?

  4. Janet Yellen “Let them eat cake”.
    “ HOST: “Have you been to the grocery store lately?”

    YELLEN: “I sure have — I go every week.”

    HOST: “It’s sticker shock, isn’t it?”

    YELLEN: “No.”

  5. I’m also not a lawyer. Reading commentary, it appears the SC struck down the injunction, saying the plaintiffs lacked standing to prove they would suffer further harm without the injunction. So does this mean the case can proceed, without the injunction?

  6. The Wise Owlita lies every bit as much as the other members of the “Biden” Administration. (This for those who believe she’s not as bad as those “others”…)

    Seems that being able to lie 24/7 is a top priority.…

    File under: Don’t worry. Be mendacious…

  7. Re: The Acolyte, Episode 5…

    Has dropped and it’s spectacularly incompetent. There’s not much DEI/LGBTQ+ nonsense this time — aside from the sudden appearance of several white guy Jedis to be conveniently massacred like Star Trek red shirts.

    Much more action, but little makes sense. Sometimes lightsabers are instantly lethal or at least maiming. Other times lightsaber victims just “walk it off” and are soon seen running full-speed into the jungle as the plot requires.

    After reading about all the intersectional box-checking which Disney creatives undergo, I’m trying to imagine what it’s like to be in the writers’ room creating a coherent Star Wars script in the face of over half the writers being diversity hires with little real experience or knowledge of Star Wars, yet everyone, especially diversity hires, being recognized for speaking their truth.

    Chaos. Mediocrity.

    There’s plenty to criticize about old school Hollywood, studio-style or young bulls, but there was always a shrewd acknowledgment to who could put the butts in the seats.

    Disney can’t. They love their DEI/LEGTBQ+ and they hate their fans.

    No butts, no seats. Guess who wins.

    –The Critical Drinker, “The Acolyte Episode 5 – It’s The Least Bad Episode So Far!”

  8. Re: Leslye Headland, up-front gay, ex-Harvey Weinstein assistant and “Acolyte” showrunner

    She’s taking a lot of heat. She’s alternating between “I’m the victim here; it’s sad about our toxic male fanbase” and “Who me? I wasn’t making a queer Star Wars.”

    However, rumors are that the Disney board is sick of losing money and so Headland has lost several contracts on upcoming projects, including no renewal of “The Acolyte” for season two.

    Putting teeth into the rumors, Leslye Headland is switching her career representation to CAA.


    Which means her current representation isn’t working and she is frantically looking for a Plan B, now that Disney is cutting her loose.

    “Acolyte” star, Amandla Stenberg, has also lost several future projects.


  9. Oh that the moderators would ask Biden about his changes to Title IX and what he has to say to ” biological ” women and girls in sports ?

    ” Mr. President, do you believe that a transgender woman is as much of a woman as your wife is ? “

  10. The jedi are supposed to be samurai their code like bushido lightsabers like kendo swords if only the rock had rolled over kk when she was a second unit producer on raiders

  11. In the first three episodes of Star Wars, the light saber fighting was almost realistic. True, it was glammed up for film, but the choreography wasn’t too far off of reality. (disclaimer: studied kenjutsu for a couple of years inside my 30+ European sword work)

    Everything since is much more like children pretending. It’s obvious that those controlling the productions are no more than nonathletic desk jockeys who have no clue. My guess is that since they are unable to follow rapid sword movements, they infantilized it until they could. It’s been pathetic for decades.

  12. SpaceX launched the GOES-U satellite using the Falcon Heavy, basically 3 Falcon 9 booster stages bolted together.

    And then, they recovered all 3 of them. The central booster landed in a (by now) blase’ landing on a droneship in the Atlantic. The two side boosters landed back at Kennedy Space Center, *together*.

    Amazing 40 second video from a guy and his kid :

    Talk about big brass ones. Get a degree or so off, and you smash the iconic Vehicle Assembly Building. Plus, two chances to screw up.

  13. I’ve now read excerpts of the Alito-Thomas-Gorsuch dissent. They say one of the plaintiffs was indeed injured and had standing. The majority seemed to think that the government’s offense was a one-off, not likely to be repeated, and therefore not needing an injunction. I’m with the dissent.

  14. Kate:

    Roberts’ general judicial philosophy can be summed up as “find some reason to not rock the boat.” And the other two sometimes follow suit. Cowardly.

    That’s why I was surprised they overruled Roe.

  15. RE: U.S. Air Force fighter’s recent encounter with UFOs above the Arctic circle.

    With regard to UFOs, there is a lot going on under the surface which the U.S. public is just never informed about.

    Here is an interesting interview, by Australian investigative journalist Ross Coulthart on Coulthart’s new Show “Reality Check,” on News Nation, of former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence Christopher Mellon, in which they discuss information—apparently circulating in government/military circles–about eight or nine UFOs which were detected over the Arctic circle recently, prior to the shoot downs of the supposed Chinese spy balloons, that NORAD ordered Air Force Fighter Jets to intercept them but, our jets were unsuccessful, as these UFOs evaded them, and then sped off at high speed.*

    * See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IYShNNH3UTM&t=50s

  16. Kate:

    Standing proves to be a mighty shield and yet motile and malleable.

    The Rogers effect (makin’ it up to go along) has corroded confidence in the SCOTUS.

  17. Once upon a time in middle school my friends thought up a star wars trilogy we never thought it could get this lame

    Dread pirate roberts (ht marko)

  18. Yes, “The Acolyte” most likely is horrible, but somebody or other is reporting about each episode online as it comes out. When was the last time any show has been this carefully watched, episode by episode? “Game of Thrones” maybe after they had an episode of particularly bloody butchery?

    Another week goes by without any news of RFK, Jr.

    What’s going on there?

    He might as well be Jill Stein or Cornel West.

  19. “What’s going on there?” [re RFK Jr]

    My first guess is that the MFM has decided his candidacy hurts Biden more than Trump so he must be disappeared.

    “Might as well be Jill Stein or Cornel West”

    Not taking votes from Trump either.

  20. I’m going out on a limb and say the Murthy non-decision portends much better (more conservative) results for the *next* two days. Roberts likes to bend over for the left sometimes if he’s got to issue something else the left will really hate.

  21. Its like ed wood films but he had no pretense to art or principle

    No one is doing anything but hate watching like modern marvel

  22. Re: Acolyte viewings

    From what I can tell, YouTube critics are watching and reporting on the episodes, but most people are content watching those reviews rather than ponying up for Disney+ to watch for themselves.

    There is a curious jubilation among former Star Wars fans. They’ve moved through their stages of grief, anger to bargaining to depression to resignation to apathy and now mockery.

    Mostly they are laughing at the Acolyte, cataloging its stupidities and having a grand old time doing so.

    For instance, there’s finally a climactic lightsaber battle, but it is literally in a dark forest and all one can see are giant glowsticks waving around.

    BTW, this project cost $180 million, which works out to $1 mil per minute. It’s hard to see where that money went. Everything looks like subpar. Some have suggested the Acolyte is a money-laundering operation.

  23. Yesterday I saw an ad for “Dead Pool III” on Disney+. Regardless of your opinion on the Dead Pool movies, they are not childrens’ fare. I can’t imagine what Walt Disney would think if he knew a movie like that was being sold with his name.

    Disney studios didn’t always turn out quality entertainment, but everything they did was family friendly, and that reputation built a tremendous amount of goodwill for the company. If it was Disney it was entertaining for the whole family. That was their main product and it had tremendous value from nearly a century of consistency to that ethos.

    Walt and Roy founded Disney Brothers Cartoon Studio in 1923.

  24. Regardless of your opinion on the Dead Pool movies, they are not childrens’ fare.

    Rufus T. Firefly:

    No, they are not! They are hard-R films and they like it like that.

    Yet Deadpool III is about the only upcoming money-making proposition this summer in the Marvel Cinematic Universe — the MCU or as some prefer, the M-She-U, since like everything else under the Disney umbrella, it’s gone female and woke.

    The strength of the Deadpool movies is that they ridicule all the superhero tropes and there is a certain amount of fun to that — unlike most superhero fare these days.

    But definitely not for children.

  25. Follow-up on lying Yellen. Sec treasury claims she goes to the grocery store every week. I find that a little hard to swallow as I would expect her schedule would preclude such time consuming activities coupled with the circus her SS detail would bring. She seems to eat out a lot.

  26. The best marvel was under the paramount umbrella umbrella ironman to avengers sony had the x men whose dynamic is misunderstood magneto is not malcolm but more menahim begin according to the creators i guess that makes xavier ben gurion

  27. coupled with the circus her SS detail would bring
    Some cabinet secretaries have a security detail and some do not. Do not believe it is provided by the Secret Service.

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