Home » Latimer beats Bowman in NY Democratic primary


Latimer beats Bowman in NY Democratic primary — 19 Comments

  1. Nonapod:

    Of course. And the vast majority of them live in Wesrchester. In the Bronx portion of the district he was way ahead.

  2. “We are going to show f**king AIPAC the power of the motherf**king South Bronx,” Bowman said.

    Isn’t his district the North Bronx? I think I see some of his problem.

  3. Speaking at his own party in Yonkers, Bowman blasted AIPAC and its affiliates, which he said helped “brainwash” voters.

    This link has links to the 30-second and 60-second AIPAC ads against Bowman. AIPAC ramps up attack on Jamaal Bowman with ads on antisemitism. Apparently “brainwashing” consists of making voters aware of Congresscritter Bowman’s record on Israel.
    Not fair! I was correctly quoted! 🙂

  4. The Bronx portion of the district also includes Riverdale, which has a very large Jewish population (about 40,000 out of 100,000 population). Riverdale was one of the areas that Bowman included in his complaint that Jews tend to “segregate” in certain neighborhoods. We should also note that most of the Riverdale jews are relatively observant as opposed to the secular jews who support J Street, Not In Our Name, etc.

  5. Here in CO, Dem heads exploded over Boebert.
    However, her old District will now be Dem. I think that leaves her and one other Rep here. Use to be much more balanced, but that was a long time ago.

  6. Sanity check… in all the unexpected places.
    Things must be pretty awful in NYC.

  7. Here in CO, Dem heads exploded over Boebert.

    That’s good for them – character building.

  8. Neo wrote, in part, “Westchester (more whites and Jews)”.
    Poorly chosen words.
    I do believe most Jews in Westchester and other parts of the US are as white as Neo is. Their faith does not make them distinct from whites of other faiths.
    Even orthodox Jews are white under all that uncut beard and hair.

  9. Gentiles and jews reasonable people westchester used to be a red region latimer is still left

  10. How long until we can forget Bowman or will he always turn up like a bad penny (or chuckie the doll)?

  11. I’d like to say “Good riddance to bad rubbish.”
    Somehow I figure he’ll find a roost somewhere else in public life to plague the rest of us.

  12. The antisemitism of so many blacks is a bit of a puzzle to me. No non-black minority has helped blacks nearly to the degree of the Jews. It’s been suggested that black antisemites believe that blacks have purposely kept them ‘down on the plantation’, while pretending to support blacks. If so, then how can they not also believe this to apply to the democrat party itself? It’s cognitive dissonance, to arguably a pathological degree.

    So many people believe what they want to believe and facts, logic and reason be damned.

  13. Geoffrey Britain:

    To the best of my recollection, the split started when black people decided they no longer needed whites in the civil rights movement, some time in the 60s. It also coincided with the rise of “leaders” like Al Sharpton, who stirred up Jew-hating and riots, back when Jews were still sometimes landlords and store owners in black neighborhoods. There was also the influence of Black Muslims like Farrakhan, who tended to be anti-Semitic from the Muslim influence.

    Nowadays we also have black Jew-haters on the right, like Candace Owens. Not sure what her deal is.

  14. “These Jews need to stop complaining while I call for their murder. Hate has no home here”.

    – Bowman

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