Home » Judge Merchan loosens Trump’s gag but doesn’t remove it


Judge Merchan loosens Trump’s gag but doesn’t remove it — 19 Comments

  1. I have very little knowledge of law or courts, but have read gag orders are dubious at best.
    Shame won’t be up for this debate, mostly to see Sundowner wired up.

  2. Judge(sic) Merchan is a committed Democrat, a donor to Biden’s campaign, whose daughter is an avid fundraiser for Democrats, and he silences Biden’s opponent for the presidency with his now-modified gag order? There are still national and personal topics that, per Merchan, Trump cannot comment on.

    What a lousy cockroach Merchan is.

    Meanwhile Biden has not been the nation’s president for 6 days, being ensconced with 16 coaches at Camp David in prep for the debate. Will the DNC pay $ for this?

    As to the debate, it is widely speculatedin media I read that Biden will be “hypercaffeinated”, which is a nice way of saying he will be on Adderal (used for ADHD) plus drugs said to be used to treat Alzheimer’s and other dementias. You know, to keep him awake.

  3. Agree with Skip. I do not know in what universe, outside of a totalitarian state, a Judge can legally limit what a person says outside of the courtroom. If there is a law supporting that, it should be repealed immediately. I suppose the Judge can do such a thing now that Trump is a ‘convicted felon’ awaiting sentencing; and he might even enforce it, if he has the nerve.
    I am being criticized on all fronts within the family because I do not intend to watch the sham, uh debate. I remind them that I have ample historical and contemporary evidence on which to base my vote. My elder daughter told me today that she did not think that Tapper would be unfair; and that the moderators had no influence on public opinion. Sigh.

    Off topic. I took down my Israeli flag today. I don’t know why. Getting old and weak I suppose. But, my Ophthalmologist, who is a Jewish/MAGA person with ties to Israel, said he only flew his for the first part of the war, so that eases my conscience a little. My wife is pleased. She is battling cancer at the moment and doesn’t need additional stress. BTW, in the months that it flew beside my front door I never received a comment, pro or con, not one. We choose to ignore what we do not understand.

  4. So if in the debate Biden brings up the guilty verdicts and says the trial was a paragon of fairness before an impeccable judge, Trump can’t respond with any facts about Merchan’s conflicts of interest, his daughter, etc.?

  5. “We do not have time to play at “oppositions” at “conferences.” We will keep our political opponents… whether open or disguised as “nonparty,” in PRISON.” ~ Vladimir Ilyich Lenin
    Stalin went better than Lenin and just executed his political opponents.

  6. I have a really bad feeling about this debate. Given Biden’s fragility, I find it hard to believe that the Democrats would allow it to happen if they weren’t pretty certain that Biden would not collapse on them, and that if he does have problems the interrogators would not be able to cover for him and damage Trump. I wonder if it’s a sort of trap for Trump.

    Not that I plan to watch it. I find these fraudulent contests literally unbearable.

  7. Trump should, and I expect will, say whatever he wants about the charges and the trial. If Merchan tries to put him in jail for that then so be it. Gag orders are, to me, a violation of the first amendment.

  8. Mac:

    Plus the expectations for Biden are so low, all he has to do is be semi-coherent. With chemical help and MSM assistance, he probably can accomplish that.

  9. “So if in the debate Biden brings up the guilty verdicts and says the trial was a paragon of fairness before an impeccable judge, Trump can’t respond with any facts about Merchan’s conflicts of interest, his daughter, etc.?” Jimmy

    No need for Trump to respond with any facts about Merchan’s conflicts of interest, his daughter or the prosecution’s malevolence.

    All Trump needs to say is, ‘It was a political show trial and you know it. But until this moment, Mr. President, I think I never really gauged your cruelty and the depth of your deceit. (Then softly) At long last, have you left no sense of decency, sir?’

  10. Props to you, Oldflyer, for flying the Israeli flag all these months. You made a statement. Unfortunately, it seems few wanted to hear it. Our nation is too much filled with people who keep their heads down and hurry on, wanting to avoid taking a stand.

    Best wishes for your wife’s full recovery. She’s a Navy wife. They’re a tough breed. Bodes well for her healing.

  11. Trump is facing 29 fact checkers, tow hostile hosts, and Joe Biden. It’s 32 to 1 folks. Hmm. And people ask if Trump has the right stuff. David and Goliath is what it is. This is just the n kind of scrap that Trump loves.

    May his words be wise and powerful as he is beset by the double-dealing horde that’s trying to silence him. Let’s Make America Great Again!!

  12. This just in:
    “Biden”, deciding to meet fire with fire, has decided to make “his” campaign slogan “Make Argentina Great Again!”

    They tried to talk “him” out of it but no dice…

  13. Oldflyer, thanks for flying the Israeli flag for months! May your wife have a full and speedy recovery, untroubled by unnecessary stress.

  14. A friend of mine emailed me this AM and asked if I was going to watch the debate. This was my answer;

    I might watch a little, but I don’t see much point in it. Talk is cheap. Both of them have a record as president so I know who the only choice is. Trump does exaggerate at times, but he genuinely tries to do the best thing for the country. He is definitely not in it for the money. Biden is totally bought by our enemies, just flat out lies all the time, and supports Obamas’ fundamental transformation of America into a totalitarian hell hole like his patron China or Russia. Anybody that watches the debate to decide who to vote for is completely stupid and/or ignorant. What I really don’t understand is why Democrats still even consider voting for this guy when it is obvious he is stupid and both mentally and physically incompetent. BTW I saw this AM where they are now admitting there are a considerable number of ISIS “newcomers” that have crossed the border thanks to FJB and the gov’t. doesn’t have a clue where they are. Imagine that. Like I said – I don’t have to watch a debate to figure out who hates this country.

    FWIW – I am an independant voter. I don’t particularly like either party.

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