Home » Open thread 6/24/24


Open thread 6/24/24 — 45 Comments

  1. Wonderful. But, now that the Dog has responded to him, what happens when he leaves her?

  2. Nor would one wish to forget (or maybe one would, actually) the illustrious Gen. Lloyd Austin’s inflation of even Hamas’s systematically exaggerated number of Gazan casualties several months ago.

    It’s “Biden” policy pure and simple.
    (AKA Obama’s version of “tough love”? But I’m being too kind: it’s merely another facet of that legendary Obaman sense of humor….)

  3. The groomer we use for our dogs is also a true dog whisperer. He can take a very nervous dog who is expressing aggressively, and have the dog in the bath, calm, in about 10 minutes. Besides grooming he does do dog training.

    Open thread cathartic rant: So I regularly get my old employer college’s quarterly alum mag. The latest issue has a two page article by two faculty with the title “Professors are not the Problem”. They set it up by describing the horrifying lengths people such as DeSantis are going to gut higher ed due to the “mistaken” view that faculty are indoctrinating. They then attack the idea of presenting both sides of an argument. They do make a point that the role of the faculty should be to point out logical inconsistencies in an argument. However they give away the game when they insert that the faculty must go beyond that and insure the proper “moral framework” is presented to the student. Of course the proper moral framework is the one they agree with. I found it humorous that they twice bring up climate change as an example where it’s imperative that the faculty bring the student to the “right and moral conclusion” that action must be taken to prevent climate change. They then, rightfully claim, that a big threat is censorship. But of course, it’s the censorship from the right that is the threat. Their final sentence is that all this effort is “led by politicians, donors, alumni, administrators, and trustees–not by professors.” Both of these were among the 90+ faculty who signed the statement of solidarity with Palestine earlier in May; but of course,they are not the problem.

    I know both of these individuals well. The blissful ignorance of their own arrogance and hypocrisy amazes me; much like the friend I disconnected with a month ago. I thought for several days of writing an email response to them, but it is a waste of time. I’m almost 5 years retired, and am largely irrelevant now. Still, an interesting glimpse into the rot of academia.

  4. Hamasidols is trending. A century of socialists, terrorists, et al pushing Jews into ovens, clinics, and the sea.

    That said, abortion, rape, rape-rape, and torture-torture in the pursuit of social justice is no ethical vice.

    Meanwhile, Netanyahu unchained. Hopefully, a viable life will soon be realized for people in Israel and surrounding territories. A Summer after the Jewish Spring.

  5. • Commented about the “All-In” podcast last week – discussing Trump after met him at their SF fundraiser – and their positive impression (see link below).


    • Trump actually joined their podcast last week. Some of the topics they covered with Trump have been in the news – Green cards, Paul Ryan VP debate, Dept Ed – and thought that this was another good example of the Trump that the MSM, opponents, et al try to hide/ deny.

    • Especially found the last half of the podcast – after Trump left – to be interesting; particularly the reactions of the Trump non-supporter & sceptic members of the podcast (see link below).


  6. And whaddayaknow!

    “Top US general: US won’t be able to help Israel in case of war with Hezbollah;
    “US Air Force General Charles Brown warns Israeli officials to think twice about escalation in Lebanon.”—
    (IOW, keep on getting pummeled, you ZIOs!)
    Because LOVE (no doubt) is the answer…

  7. I love watching Sitting With Dogs on YouTube. Rocky Kanaka is a true dog whisperer!

  8. SHIREHOW – The dog wasn’t broken by and towards a single person, she was broken to people.

    He gained her trust and she learned that not all people are bad. They may remain timid but that opening allows them to interact with gentle people. It’s unnecessary that she become like some dogs, happy to interact with any person, like my boys Sam and Ollie were. Only that she is able to interact with people that display a gentle persona.

    Dogs are so much better than people.

    A dog will lament your passing and try to sorrowfully follow the gurney as they take your body out.

    A cat will play with the toe tag.

  9. “A dog will lament your passing and try to sorrowfully follow the gurney as they take your body out.

    A cat will play with the toe tag.”

    Best line of the day! And, yes, we have had many cats also.

  10. Can any of the MDs who hang around here tell me if there are possible serious side effects to the drugs Joe Biden’s handlers purportedly give him before events like major speeches or the debate?

  11. I’d sure like to be a fly on the wall at the private discussions in the Supreme Court right now. Can you imagine the impact of a hypothetical Presidential Immunity ruling Wednesday on the debate Thursday?!

    Ideally for the future of the country, I would want a 9-0 confirmation of immunity, with the exception of prosecution for a crime that resulted in successful impeachment and expulsion.

    Whether the Lefty Ladies can think that way is debatable. A 6-3 split either way would be terrible, not to mention, God forbid, 5-4!

    And while there has been much talk about the impact of any ruling on Trump’s future, imagine the impact on Joetato if the ruling is less than strongly in favor of immunity! There is lots of time before the election (or after) for the details of his family “business” that have already been exposed to break through the media cordon sanitare to the general public!

  12. UPDATE on my Media Library experiment project. Being a novice at this, w/ two extra PCs used mainly for testings stuff ‘n ‘Thangs’, I sometimes found myself pulling the cart whilst carrying the horse. However, quickly recovering ‘n moving on. Frank is now setup with my TV, and ‘Rose’ remains my main testing machine.

    Threw away a bunch of old HDDs last year—500GBs and less with the slow 5400 speed, which left me w/ a 500GB & 1TB HDDs w/ 7200. Was experimenting using Clonezilla to clone a TV series like Blue Bloods (327 GBs compared to GoT’s 8 seasons @ 100GBs – reduced sizes after HandBrake) so it could be transferred to another HDD in the future. When experimenting, peripherals ‘n wires ‘n etc. can be all over the places near me. Cloning was going to be a slow process, so I decided to try something else. Got up to start moving stuff for another experiment – accidentally got a foot caught in a wire, which jerked a USB HDD Docking Station out from under the desk ‘n slung that 1TB HDD out onto the floor. Docking Station was fine, but 1TB HDD wasn’t working anymore…OOPS!

    Started looking for another 4TB HDD @ 7200 speed, but they all seemed high, as well as the 1 & 2 TB ones. Long search and eventually saw Walmart w/ a 4TB for $54 – did another search on it, and found it was $75-85 below everyone else. Purchased it, and about 5-minutes later decided to go grab another one—too late. It was now $96 for WD_BLACK 4TB 3.5″ Gaming Hard Drive – WDBSLA0040HNC-NRSN. Having two HDDs of the same size, with the same Media Library data on them saves me from worrying about one going bad and losing all the work that was put into creating this library.

    Waiting for the new 4TB HDD to arrive, and will then start copying and/or testing methods to transfer data on drives this size. Apparently it takes lots of time to clone drives of this size and/or to copy ‘n paste that much data from one to another. Am not going to spend money for Cloud space – hey, my SS is below the US Poverty Line, so it has to be managed carefully. ‘Even the poor in America can afford expensive hobbies’ – Karmi. 😛

    Today I discovered what seemed to be a fast transfer method. Settings > System > Nearby sharing. I selected Everyone nearby, and transferred a 1.20GB S1 D1 002 MP4 file in less than a minute. Had a Private network setup already, but this Nearby sharing seems to be faster in first test.

    Nearby Sharing

  13. What do you see when you look at this video at the time mark of 9:45?

    Remember: these are all candidates for judge positions.

    I encourage you to watch “Leviathin” a Russian film that won best foreign language film at Cannes several years ago. Here is a link to renting the film https://www.amazon.com/gp/video/detail/0L8EYVV0FL0NQFD5RG0ITT4XFU/ref=atv_dl_rdr?tag=justus1ktp-20

    It used to be possible to watch it for free on “video” with English subtitles. I can’t find that page–perhaps someone here will know how to do that. This film is so important for all of us today!

  14. Kate:
    Can any of the MDs who hang around here tell me if there are possible serious side effects to the drugs Joe Biden’s handlers purportedly give him before events like major speeches or the debate?

    While not an MD I’ve been around numerous people who have used amphetamines and some used meth. Speed is speed, it ages you. If they are using any drugs to pump him up, they’re artificially aging him.

    A good overview of the related chemicals and their effects.

  15. Can any of the MDs who hang around here tell me if there are possible serious side effects to the drugs Joe Biden’s handlers purportedly give him before events like major speeches or the debate?


    I’ve wondered exactly that myself.

    My layman impression is that amphetamines are the best shot for enhancing cognitive performance and mood improvement in the short term.

    Of course, amphetamines are such a devil’s bargain that even hippies figured it out:

    But Annie kept on speeding
    Her health was getting poor
    She saw things in the window
    She heard things at the door

    Her mind was like a grinding mill
    Her lips were cracked and sore
    Her skin was turning yellow
    I just couldn’t take it no more

    She thought her mind was flying
    On those little pills
    She didn’t it was going down fast,
    ‘Cause Speed kills!

    –Canned Heat, “Amphetamine Annie (Remastered)”


    Here’s Chat’s list of Potential Risks and Side-Effects:

    Cardiovascular Risks: Amphetamines can increase heart rate and blood pressure, posing significant risks, especially in elderly patients with preexisting cardiovascular conditions.

    Psychiatric Effects: There is a risk of exacerbating psychiatric symptoms, including agitation, paranoia, and hallucinations, which can be particularly problematic in dementia patients.

    Dependency and Tolerance: Long-term use can lead to dependence and tolerance, requiring higher doses to achieve the same effect, which increases the risk of adverse effects.

    Sleep Disturbances: Amphetamines can cause insomnia or disrupt sleep patterns, which are already often problematic in dementia patients.

    Appetite Suppression: These medications can suppress appetite, potentially leading to weight loss and nutritional deficiencies, which are concerns in elderly patients.

    Considering the Dem downside, I’m sure the risks are worth it.

  16. Actor Matthew Modine SLAMS Amazon Prime after spotting major change to the Full Metal Jacket movie poster

    Amazon removed the “BORN To KiLL” from the original poster artwork – caught a lot of flack for it, and:

    It’s unclear why Amazon Prime made the change, but it has since reverted the poster back to its original form.

    Statues & some art & some monuments can be torn down, spray painted, etc., but let someone walk across a queer/whatever artwork on the road—scuffing that art w/ shoes, and that someone gets quickly arrested and tossed into jail.

  17. Thanks, Oligonicella, huxley, and Chat. Biden is declining visibly, increasing the risk of some serious health event from the amphetamines. If he and his family weren’t power-mad, they wouldn’t take these risks. Plus, the speed may be accelerating his decline.

  18. Because amazon is run by ninnies isnt obama drone jay carney on the board

  19. Can any of the MDs who hang around here tell me if there are possible serious side effects to the drugs Joe Biden’s handlers purportedly give him before events like major speeches or the debate?

    Yeah, they make you sniff little girls and support terrorists.*

    *Disclaimer: I am not an MD, nor did I stay in a Holiday Inn Express last night.

  20. More wasp tales. I’m getting into my truck in the hospital parking lot a hour ago and I notice that a Yellowjacket is building a nest in the gap between the A-pillar and the door. Practically in my face. I get home, get out, open the gate and while getting back in notice and even bigger Yellowjacket nest in the gap between the front and back doors. My F-150 is a rolling hive of Yellowjackets.

  21. 🙂 mikeski, Biden’s been sniffing little girls for years, even bad when he wasn’t so demented.

  22. Addendum to Kate’s inquiry on giving drugs to Biden, Rep Jackson of TX is demanding the Prez be drug tested before the debate and after. Good luck with that! The WH will ignore. I did like his one phrase: “Are we going to see Sleepy Joe, or Jacked Up Joe?”

    He bases his accusation on the very obvious difference in Biden day to day compared to how he was at the SOTU address.

  23. We’ll see Jacked-Up Joe, but a question is whether, even jacked up, he can answer questions and discuss issues without note cards and prepared remarks on a teleprompter.

  24. Anne @ 1:56pm,

    That video is extraordinary. First, the judge being questioned literally speaks with vocal fry. It’s somewhat shocking to hear someone in such an elite position adopt such an unprofessional affectation.

    Second, the matter being debated is unbelievable. Bizarro-world. Future generations will watch videos like this and be unable to comprehend how this was “normal.”

  25. Hi Rufus T. Firefly. I am glad someone noticed! They all look the same, wear the same hairstyle, dress the same way, etc. They are a mob onto themselves–better still do you want a judge to be so dedicated to the clique of other judges?

    It is one more indicator that the push to have a woman as President will be the strongest force in this upcoming election. The feminist leadership community has been prepared and well organized for years. Melinda Gates just got 5 billion and her focus is on “women leading the world”. Those judges are a reflection of the many, manny women who will vote for another woman into the white house!

  26. RE: The Abduction Phenomenon

    It is my my impression that more and more information about various aspects of the UFO Phenomenon is coming to light now, on an almost daily basis, as more and more investigators, including a growing number of credentialed scientists and organizations–some newly formed, join in the investigation.

    UFO researcher physicist Dr. Kevin Knuth referenced the Abduction phenomenon on a recent Youtube video, and what he said just “clicked,” as I came to the realization that, cumulatively, an enormous number of people over the decades—and not just here in the U.S., but apparently all over the world–must have been subjected to this Abduction procedure if so many people interested in the UFO Phenomena, independent of each other, say that they have met/dealt with so many victims.*

    Moreover, these victims are just the people who can remember, and who are–apparently very reluctantly–willing to talk about their Abduction experiences.

    So, how many people—all over our world—may have had these UFO/Abduction experiences?

    (The usual estimation is that only one out of every ten people who witness a UFO actually report their sighting. In the case of Abductions, I bet it’s much more likely to be one in a hundred or more, for how many abductees—if they remember–ever tell someone what they remember, or what happened to them.)

    Thus, is the figure for the number of Abductees actually tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or millions?

    I’m betting it’s millions, and over the decades, world-wide, perhaps tens of millions, or more.

    I’m guessing that, if it’s millions or more, these Abduction experiences—consciously remembered, or not–are having some sort of effect on humanity at large.

    See, for instance, Jacques Vallee’s idea, that the many “absurd” UFO Phenomena are actually a “control mechanism,” pushing human consciousness in a certain direction.

    As with the very violent and bizarre cattle mutilations, this other high strangeness abduction aspect of the UFO Phenomenon is one which most people in the UFO field do not want to delve into; it’s too far “out there.”

    It seems to me, though, that the time is coming when, if researchers really want to get a full understanding of the UFO Phenomena, they will have to tackle this issue.

    * See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wT-Zp46Ct9c

  27. P.S. As part of the government’s UFO disinformation campaign–now spanning two generations–and it’s infiltration of/influence on popular entertainment and culture–and it’s scattering of hints and pieces of the truth among all sorts of lies–we get things like the “X-Files,” and it’s take on the Abduction Phenomenon.

  28. Snow on Pine,

    Put yourself in the shoes* of the aliens. What’s the point of abducting millions of humans? That’s a lot of effort. We don’t differ that greatly from one another. A few hundred ought to be enough for an adequate database.

    *Not sure what type of footwear they don, if any.

  29. Which party supports *BIG* Govt the most? Considering the costs of running the King’s Law Rule of Law, I’d say it is probably a three-way tie between the DEM, REP, and their voters.

    Who added the most debt to the National Debt – Trump or Biden? According to the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget (CRFB) it was Trump.

    Trump added twice as much to the national debt as Biden: Analysis

    Trump’s administration borrowed $8.4 trillion during the former president’s time in office, while Biden has borrowed $4.3 trillion, according to an analysis by the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget (CRFB), a Washington think tank.

    Ignoring the pandemic relief measures enacted by both presidents, the proportion of debt addition still holds around 2-to-1, with former President Trump adding $4.8 trillion in non-pandemic-aid fiscal debt and Biden adding $2.2 trillion.

    Is the Republican party the actual ‘Party of *BIG* Spending‘?!?!?!?!

  30. Rufus T. Firefly–Who can fathom what another entity, a NHI–which is presumably the product of an entirely different world, evolutionary process, and history–might think, value, have as a priority, or do?

    What language and categories do we even have, currently, which would make the evaluation of such a NHI easy, or even possible?

    By definition a NHI is not a human dressed up in an “Alien” suit, and thinking of a NHI in this way is asking for trouble.

    Alien means “Alien.”

    It certainly seems to me that trying to evaluate such a NHI and expecting that what it thinks, values, prioritizes, and does might make sense based on human ideas, standards, and value systems, as a way to determine it’s motives and future actions, is pretty likely the wrong way to go.

    Of course, another way to approach this issue is just to ask, what impact does/will anything such a NHI does or says have on us humans? and deal with that, foregoing trying to predict future NHI actions based on human ideas and MOs.

  31. Who is putting up a 7 trillion dollar budget again now ryan and mcconnell are nearly useless on this topic

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