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Roundup — 45 Comments

  1. Read today at American Thinker that 19 NYPD uniforms are missing from a New York dry cleaners, 200 NYPD complete police vehicle vinyl stickers went missing from a vendor last month, and 31 unassigned Motorola VX-P949s are unaccounted for and have access to all channels.

    This means that a sizable group can fake being NYPD officers, with access to NYPD channels. This is very NOT good. We’ve got terrorists coming in our southern border, and home-grown leftists terrorists all over.

    Here’s the article: https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2024/06/why_are_nypd_uniforms_cruiser_decals_and_radios_going_missing_in_droves.html

    The writer mentions something I didn’t know about: two men arrested for impersonating Secret Service Agents, AND GETTING AWAY WITH IT. It’s more of a problem than the linked AP article implies.

  2. Is this a surprise to anyone? A society gets the ups on everybody else and then they relax, let people in to showcase their virtue, hire the people they let in for self security and in the end sit in their villas awaiting their certain fate.

  3. Every Leftist is screaming what they are doing to Trump, his cohorts and the Jan6ers Trump will do to them.
    Didn’t go to Stonehenge when it was easy and could have, but it does seem to be a serious crime, will look for pictures of damages.
    And Law schools have joined the Cultural Marxists Seminaries, the rule of law no longer applies, it’s crimes against what the state wants just like the Soviet system was.

  4. VDH is right as usual, and the deepcore left will stop at nothing to prevent another Trump administration. Movies have a way of forecasting the future, and we’ve seen this movie. I suspect the contract has already been let.

  5. Connecticut Bar Association summarized: sure, it was a thoroughly corrupt trial, but it was OUR thoroughly corrupt trial.

  6. I begin to find VDH’s philippics wearisome. His heart is in the right place and he’s usually right, but to what end? He’s preaching to the choir and those who aren’t in the choir don’t hear him.

  7. I’ve wondered about the “Say Hey” appellation of Willie Mays. Was it something he said? However:

    It is not known for certain how Mays became known as the “Say Hey Kid”; sportswriters Barney Kremenko and Jimmy Cannon have both been attributed as possible creators. For his part, Kremenko, who covered the 1951 Giants for the New York Journal-American, definitely used the phrase as early as December 1951, as one of a series of guest columnists filling in for The Afro-American’s ailing Sam Lacy. However, five months prior to that, manager Leo Durocher himself is cited as the nickname’s source by longtime Amsterdam News sportswriter Jackie Reemes. The nickname led people to believe “Say hey!” was a common expression Mays used, when he actually used only “hey” with regularity in his everyday conversations.


    I remember him as a decent fellow off-field and that was good enough for me:

    I’m a ballplayer. I am not a politician or a writer or a historian. I can do best for my people by doing what I do best.

    –Willie Mays

    I was too young to see “The Catch,” his famous over the shoulder snag in deep centerfield, but I remember seeing the replays:

    –“Willie Mays makes “THE CATCH”!”


    Anyway, Say Hey, Willie Mays.

  8. The punk kids name can be a pun,

    He deserves to have his ears pulled like in oliver twist i know hes a college student

  9. I begin to find VDH’s philippics wearisome. His heart is in the right place and he’s usually right, but to what end? He’s preaching to the choir and those who aren’t in the choir don’t hear him.


    I can understand that. Upon encountering a fresh missive from VDH these days, my eyes too tend to glaze over.

    However, I think Davis is not writing just for us. He is an historian. He is also writing for posterity and I believe it will be an important record. VDH is uncanny for his succinct enumerations of current crimes and hypocrisy.

    PS. Extra points for “philippics.” 🙂

    I had long assumed it was a reference to the Epistle to the Philippians, but no it goes back to Demosthenes’ denunciation of Philip II of Macedon.


  10. These nutjob, Just Stop Oil vandals will not stop their defacing of the icons of our Western civilization–try that in some state ruled by Islam, why don’t you–until they are sentenced to some serious jail time–I’m talking years, not months, plus very large financial penalties–tens of thousands of dollars/pounds in punitive damages plus additional fines to pay for restoration costs–both of these penalties levied both against each one of these vandals personally, but also against the organizations they are members of and represent.

  11. Snow On Pine, I agree totally. The Eco terrorists need to be slapped down hard.

  12. @Snow on Pine:until they are sentenced to some serious jail time

    They never will be. They’re of the Left, and their antics are useful for those who want to increase government power, so slaps on the wrist and more climate change legislation from the government.

    For some of these incidents the press is already on the spot when it “spontaneously” happens, and clearly whoever’s on staff is in on it in those cases. It’s theater and it’s bankrolled by the same people who influence our government to the same ends.

    Remember how the truckers were treated by the Canadian government, when their bank accounts were frozen? Nothing like that happens to groups like Just Stop Oil.

    They’ve got a Stripe account so people can donate. Mysteriously Stripe hasn’t debanked them. Mysteriously no government is freezing their accounts, even though it’s so easy to find them, unlike individual Canadian truckers.

    So, you tell me, as revealed by the (in)actions of our governments, compared to what they do to people more like us, do they consider Just Stop Oil a problem?

  13. Start by taking their lightweight high refractive index plastic lens glasses and plastic frames away. Also plastic contact lens.

  14. }}} (5) Climate activists vandalize Stonehenge. They remind me a bit of the Taliban.

    Insane #$%$%#^#$ morons. Vandalizing works of art should have a serious long-term minimum sentence applied, with no parole. Let them spend a minimum of 30y in jail contemplating what they’ve done.

    That’ll stop this crap in a hurry.

  15. Incidentally Stripe’s policy lists under “Prohibited businesses”: “Businesses that engage in, encourage, promote or celebrate unlawful violence or physical harm to persons or property.”

    Just Stop Oil does exactly that. And yet Stripe processes donations for them.

  16. This Stonehenge thing is a good example of what I’m getting at about media narratives.

    The mainstream media, from their center-left positions, tells a story about passionate radicals with good intentions using deplorable methods but who don’t actually hurt anyone, and the authorities take them away and make stern pronouncements about their behavior.

    The right-leaning blogosphere (in this case neo* via NRO) gets the facts and narrative from the mainstream media. But they tweak it a little, dangerous radicals possibly rising to terrorists and the government ought to do more to stop or punish them.

    The reality is that this is an earned-media marketing business working with big corporations and not worried about government action at all–in fact a donation to them is tax deductible if made through the Climate Emergency Fund who clearly is not worried about losing their nonprofit status by supporting illegal activity.

    If you click on that very expensively designed webpage I linked to it is very clear. They are describing how influential and successful they are in getting their message into the mainstream media, and if you give them money–through Stripe, who’s happy to take a cut even though this very thing is supposedly against their policy–it will go in their bank account–which they have no fear of being frozen–and used to promote this message. You can hire them as speakers, that’s how flippin’ radical and terroristic they are that they operate quite openly and accept all major credit cards.

    *Not criticizing neo for linking to the story or not digging into it more. I’m just pointing out this is one example of how what we see in the news is completely different from reality, and there’s a lot of facts that need to be supplied from elsewhere in order to see what’s actually going on. If neo did this with every link she’d be doing nothing else. I think rather than expecting bloggers would do it, it’s more in our wheelhouse as commenters, since there are many more of us and each of us could pursue what we have time and interest for.

  17. They should be, why aren’t they, why doesn’t someone. Comments in reference to stopping the various forms of prog/leftist violence. I seriously can’t believe these statements are being made this late in the game.

  18. Niketas Choniates:

    You write that bloggers like me, on reporting the story, “tweak it a little, [portraying the demonstrators as] dangerous radicals possibly rising to terrorists and the government ought to do more to stop or punish them.”

    I said nothing of the sort. I said they remind me a bit of the Taliban. I think it should be obvious to anyone who knows what the Taliban did to ancient artifacts from earlier cultures that that’s what I was referring to. I certainly didn’t say that the people who defaced Stonehenge were terrorists and I said nothing about what I think the government should do – although I actually DO think there should be more consequences for defacing property and particularly ancient works of art or archaeological sites.

    I realize you’re not saying I should have done an in-depth profile on this group. But I wonder why you seem to think I was calling them terrorists or taking a stand on what the government should do, by simply making an analogy (one I thought would be clear to readers here without spelling it out) to the monument-destroying proclivities of the Taliban. Of course, the reasons the Taliban destroyed Buddhist statues and such were quite different than the reasons this group defaced Stonehenge.

  19. Many yrs ago, on out first of many trips to the UK, my Wife and I had the pleasure of actually walking through Stonehenge. Can’t do that now, unless you are a Druid and on the Solstices. The thugs should be jailed, but won’t
    No one mentioned the tourist that tried to stop them. Brave. Wonder if they will go to jail. It is the UK after all.

  20. @neo:I said nothing of the sort.

    No, you didn’t, but the right-leaning blogger Andrew Follett at NRO did and maybe others I haven’t read have too. You linked to NRO and I mentioned both of you but I didn’t explicitly say who said exactly what. You did liken them to a group fairly described as terrorists, and so did NRO, but NRO went further citing law in both US and UK for classifying the act as terrorism and called for the governments to do more to punish and prevent it. (Next time I’ll add another note if you didn’t say something that I’m ascribing to more than one person.)

    Of course, the reasons the Taliban destroyed Buddhist statues and such were quite different than the reasons this group defaced Stonehenge.

    You may have noticed that the “paint” was orange corn powder. These guys, unlike the Taliban, aren’t doing permanent damage (their paymasters wouldn’t want that) and the Taliban, unlike them, don’t accept major credit cards through Stripe and nonprofits that donate to the Taliban get shut down and arrested. Not only is the narrative fake, not only is the activism fake, not only is the government response fake, arguably even the vandalism is fake.

  21. Speaking of The Catch, I post this because I talk about it often, and even baseball fans don’t know what I’m talking about. Mays’ catch, Brooks Robinson throwing out Lee May, Ozzie Smith’s cat-like barehand stab of a bad hop, and this one by Jim Edmonds, are the greatest plays I’ve ever seen.


  22. Re: Jim Edmonds’ catch

    Mike Plaiss:

    Wowee! Never saw that before.

    Sports are about lots of things — competition, teamwork, accomplishment — and also such chest-swelling moments when we see another human reach just beyond what we thought possible.

  23. I don’t believe that Trump will shred and stomp on the Constitution to go after those criminals in the Democratic Party like they’ve done to him.

    (They’re projecting, as usual—like all psychopaths tend to do.)

    Besides, Trump will be far too busy trying to fix the country, which the Democrats have been avidly trying to take apart piece by piece.

  24. David Burge and others reposted a tweet from one of the Stonehenge vandals, a 20 year old Oxford student
    His speech is so absurd, it seems like it must be a parody but these are apparently the real thoughts of a real person. He comes off more like a middle schooler than a college student, speaking with an earnest self righteousness that lets you know he expects to be taken seriously.
    This is something that puzzles/chagrins/maddens me: when I was young, I didn’t think my every idea would be taken as the basis for a new world order. The adults were in charge, and eventually I and my cohort would grow to be the adults in charge. So we thought.
    That structure is dead. There’s a celebration of the Greta Thunbergs of the world that’s incompatible with good governance. I realize that the people who encourage her have their own agenda and Greta et al are their tools. But I’ve also seen my kids’ high school age friends (a decade ago) convert their previously sensible parents to nutty leftists.
    The adults are not in charge. The adults aren’t even adults.

  25. I destroy, deface, derogate, dismember; therefore I am….

    File under: Neo-A-la-carte…

  26. Boy oh boy oh boy…do these guys ever NOT get it…
    “Biden — losing Iran’s dangerous game — is stumbling into a nuclear armageddon trap”—
    H/T Powerline blog.
    Opening graf:
    “Some things never change: The Biden administration continues to dangerously miscalculate in the Middle East — as the White House stumbles further into the armageddon trap that Tehran is laying in Gaza and Lebanon….”

  27. So Bibi spilled the refried beans? Dat Foolish, Inconsiderate, Undiplomatic Myan….
    (And a tad inconvenient for “Biden”…indeed, one can TRULY sympathize…)

    Related: A bit more from the “DON’T YOU DARE CROSS ME” File (cross-filed with the “DON’T YOU DARE TELL THE TRUTH ABOUT ME” dossier)”
    “DOJ Charges Texas Doctor Who Exposed ‘Gender-Affirming’ Care For Minors”—
    Yep, that’ll teach ’em to do the right thing!

    But wait!
    More fun and games from Decent Decrepit Joe…(though nothing that wasn’t known previously).
    “Exclusive: Joe Biden adviser had contact with Burisma during height of corruption probe, emails show;
    “The new emails were gathered by the FBI in 2016 and show a degree of coordination with then-Vice President Biden top advisor and Burisma. Biden would later brag about quelling the investigation, but still insists he had no knowledge or relationship to his son’s business.”—

    + Bonus:
    Presenting: President Fentanyl-Tranq at “his” Freakin’ Finest! Making [fent]Anyl Great Again!
    “…The Short Story Of A Fentanyl-Addicted Child In Utopian Hellhole San Francisco”—


  28. They are a nuissance group extinction rebellion funded by chris holm a hedge funder a junior soros their crimes against roadways and art are more notable

    You commit vandalism specially to a national monument you should be in jail

  29. The one thing I remember most about Willie Mays was his smile. To me as a child it seemed to be the biggest smile in all the world and invited the world to smile with him.

  30. When the Giants and Dodgers moved west in 1958 they brought their rivalry with them and as a young kid growing up in LA who loved the Dodgers Willie was the enemy. That said he was also, along with Mantle, Aaron, Clemente, Musial, one of the “Baseball gods” and one of my heroes. He always played hard and conducted himself well. He’s also one of those of that era who had all the tools and would have been great in the modern game as well.
    Say Hey Willie…rest in peace

  31. that was one of ray kinsella’s lines in field of dreams, his fathers feeling about the dodgers,

  32. @ om,
    Yep, seems to be sort of a Karen with ED. Has some nerve picking on our host. A pox upon him.

  33. considering they are arresting people for quietly praying in front of abortion clinics, well we know Perfidious Albion has gone Silurian,

  34. @miguel:considering they are arresting people for quietly praying in front of abortion clinics

    Exactly. You set up a web page soliciting donations for throwing orange powder on abortion clinics, and it will get shut down and its accounts frozen faster than you can say “Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act”.

    But for climate change, government is totally cool with it and it’s even tax deductible. These are not real radicals, they are getting paid for serving the Establishment, not opposing it.

  35. Edmonds’ catch was spectacular but if he were as fast as Mays he wouldn’t have had to dive for it. Joe DiMaggio, another superb fielder, was once described by a sportswriter as “off with the crack of the bat”. Joe replied, “If I wait until I hear the crack of the bat it’s too late”.

    The best fielders rarely make “circus catches” because they are positioned under the ball when it comes down. Mays once even acknowledged showboating a bit but he was good enough to get away with it.

  36. they really need to be slapped with a big fish, who is really funding chris holms little gambits,

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