Home » Reporting on the Gaza famine that never was: why does the MSM spread the lies?


Reporting on the Gaza famine that never was: why does the MSM spread the lies? — 38 Comments

  1. The West is clearly anti-Jewish, anti-semitic. Why? Because the Left runs education, entertainment, and the media. It has made the US into a nation of non-thinkers; see Biden, who got voted into office, and his Cabinet of fools.

  2. because they are evil, if you know the truth, and you speak lies, if you don’t know the truth, the same things applies,

  3. (6) Because the Zionist Entity MUST be destroyed.
    And if it takes serial lying, slander, intimidation, threats, murder, rape, incinerating babies, disemboweling women, and things even more gory, killing or otherwise causing the deaths of your own people, and turning the truth on its head, then so be it.

  4. Seems to me the MSM spreads the lies because ObamaMalleyBidenBlinkenSullivan created and promote to this day the blood-libeling lies as a tool of their deranged efforts to emplace Iran as the hegemon in the MiddleEast.

  5. thats the ends, not the means, to the goal, well they have soft pedaled the Taliban’s return to respectability, with the junior Haqquani,

  6. They do not know the truth so it’s easier to lie. The end justifies the means, and it “feels” good!

  7. Leverage. That said, someone is spreading misinformation, disinformation, malinformation, and handmade tales.

  8. So, does that mean the Pier that Biden Built (was washed away) wasn’t needed after all?
    Of course not.

  9. The average “Palestinian” is an obese pos that stuffs themselves full of sweets

  10. This would be over a lot quicker if Israel undertook an actual siege of Gaza and there was famine.

    Hamas Delenda Est.

  11. When is the lie not a lie? When it serves a greater ‘truth’.

    Once all ‘inconvenient’ aspects of objective reality are tossed overboard, all that remains is whatever advances the agenda.

  12. To paraphrase some very high-powered University Presidents (who just happen to be—imagine that!—women):
    Context, context, context…
    IOW Context is ALL!

    (Well, it DOES sound well-considered…intelligent…judicious…sophisticated!)
    “Jihadists Brutalize Non-Muslim Women, Feminists In West Remain Silent”—

    File under: We cannot MERELY jump to conclusions; we MUST CONTEXTUALIZE…. Otherwise, what is higher education for???

  13. Related (several more details about that ZIONIST-CAUSED FAMINE!! and GENOCIDE!!)

    “The Gaza famine that wasn’t is being used against Israel;
    “The United Nations, the Biden administration and the media continue to assert that Palestinians are enduring mass starvation even after proof emerges that the claim is propaganda.”—
    WARNING!! Photos of emaciated bodies!
    H/T Powerline blog.

    Thass right! “…the Biden administration…continue[s]…” doing…
    …what “closest, bestest, most importantest allies” are supposed to be doing….

  14. Barry Meislin, the Iranian regime is vicious. However, I don’t think the misuse of “genocide” helps anything. The mullahs have had dissidents murdered in large numbers. The Soviets did this. A “genocide” is, rather, what Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran want to do to Jews — kill them all, because they are Jews. This is like what the Turks did to Armenians in the early twentieth century, and the Nazis to Jews. Hamas and its supporters are claiming “genocide” in Gaza when nothing of the sort is underway.

  15. You’re right. I noticed that too. If you’re trying to kill your own people—but not all of them(!), not even nearly all of them—how would THAT qualify as “genocide”?

    I then wondered whether it had anything to do with the Mullahs’ battles with the Kurds.
    After that I realized it was the UN and didn’t wonder about anything…

    (Maybe they’re merely trying to—sensitively?—throw Israel a bone, as it were….)

  16. Genocide is such a loaded term sarc there is a word about what happened to the romani during the war which l learned in terry hayes the devouring they call what happened to rhe armenians the itijihad the cleansing the newly empowered iraqi government did a similar thing to the assyrians in the 30s because they were nazrani christians?

  17. Notice that the Janjaweed stalking, swarming and killing Darfurians cannot be considered “genocide” because…reasons.
    (Nor the Taliban doing the same to the Yazidi—nor what the Egyptian Moslems are doing to the Copts…even if rather slowly…)

  18. Why does the MSM tell lies? Because they just regurgitate what they are told. Back in 2015, I remember watching a 60 Minutes episode where Steve Kroft was interviewing an Alt-right blogger (can’t remember his name)about the Alt-right’s assertion that Clinton was having medical problems. Kroft said, well she just has the flu. The blogger asked how do you know that? Kroft replied that Clinton’s campaign told him. The blogger just let that just hang there.
    The point is that the news media doesn’t investigate anything, even though we (the American people) have been told that they do.

  19. Islamic state barry, well they are considered witches to them, the Janjaweed don’t tell George Clooney have been rehabilitated into the RSF, and they are carving their way through Darfur, everything fell apart about the time that Shambling started drooling on the bible, Bashir used Bin Laden’s fighters to attack the Christian missionaries among other, much like ali Saleh used them to fight
    Communists in the South, of course, when you let scorpions loose, they will sting you,

  20. The depraved Iranian regime has been trying to kill Jews all over the world for decades and still are. They fully deserve to be called “genocidal”.

  21. I think the Darfur nightmare is between two armies of thugs, although, since it’s Africa, it might also be a tribal war. Taliban to the Yazidis, yes. Think also of the Hutu massacre of Tutsis in Rwanda. Egypt, not so much, although things are tough for Copts in outlying villages.

  22. “Why does the MSM spread the lies?”

    Because they are depraved antisemites whoring themselves out for petrodollars? Just spitballing here.

  23. yes there are few angels in that part of the world, even rough hewn ones like the machine gun preacher of the film played by gerald butler, the south sudanese rebels are probably not my cup of tea, but the press plays favorites, once upon a time the lord’s resistance army was a big deal,* as were the congolese chieftains, the latter’s blood price was magnitude higher,

    *apparently they were the people that le chiffre had embezzled their money, I would have thought they were sierra leone warlords but does it much matter,

  24. Tempting as Number 1 may be, I suspect the bulk of the reason is a combination of the next four.
    Plus hating the US and the west and so lies help there, too.

  25. Related (heh) from one of the country’s two Papers of Record:
    “There is no Gaza famine, so why is the pro-Hamas media silent about this great news?”—
    Key grafs:

    …[B]laming Israel’s war on Hamas for causing famine is just another of the many specious charges leveled against Israel by the United Nations and International Criminal Court prosecutors — and echoed in The New York Times and other pro-Hamas outlets.

    Not that you’d know the famine threat is fake from the resounding silence in the media or among the self-appointed Twitter martyrs for the Palestinian cause.

    Where are the cheers and sighs of relief from the Times?

    Of course, President Biden (and his minions) also echoed the lie as he sought to show he “cares” in order to appease the “When Jews defend themselves it’s genocide” crowd.

    Which raises the question of why the USAID-backed network cooked the books to suggest famine was coming.

    And of why so many “news” organizations swallowed it hook, line and sinker.

    It’s rank media bias…”

  26. You are at least partially right, Richard, the “next four” really boil down to various expressions of leftist anti-Zionism which is hatred of the West augmented by antisemitism, or perhaps vice-versa. Also I wouldn’t downplay my other reason – all about the Benjamins.

  27. FOAF
    I suppose, if I take some time, I could recall similar lies not involving Jews.
    The Killing Fields didn’t happen, nor did the massacres at Hue.
    The Haditha massacre was totally manufactured by Time and a Baathist agent.

  28. Yes that was chomsky and gary porter that should have been a death blow yet he just continued to lie

  29. We have gotten ‘confortably numb’ to these lies as it was with gitmo with ‘war crimes’ in iraq et al

  30. We can all agree that leftists lie to serve their political purposes whether Jews are involved or not …

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