Home » Open thread 6/19/24


Open thread 6/19/24 — 33 Comments

  1. Think those things are Indian Blanket Flowers, but they’re probably not called that anymore.

  2. Amy Coney Barrett Breaks With Supreme Court Originalists – ‘She’s still conservative but she seems to want to prevent her Supreme Court colleagues from going too far too quickly.’ How much does it cost each year to maintain the ‘Beloved’ Rule of Law (AKA – King’s Law under new management)? Talk about *BIG* Govt…

    Amy Coney Barrett and Clarence Thomas Are on Collision Course – ‘Simmering tension between U.S. Supreme Court justices Amy Coney Barrett and Clarence Thomas are likely to come to a head in an upcoming gun case.

  3. Karmi’s post reminded me of a time, many years ago now, that I got it into my head to research all of the cases where Scalia and Thomas disagreed. There weren’t many. I printed off their opinions, when they wrote opinions, not always, and spent a few days on my train commute reading them. They were often on pretty arcane bits of law that I don’t pretend to know all that well, but I was struck by the fact that in nearly all the cases I thought Thomas made the better argument. He really is a first class jurist, and we’re lucky to have had him all these years.

  4. @ Mike Plaiss

    Yeah, Barrett & Thomas might be going head to head against a “gun case”. That interested me, then I just discovered—or I am in the process of researching it, that the US Constitution never said Felons couldn’t use or own Firearms. Thomas is such a strict Constitutionalist then he should see to it that I get that right restored! 😉

    So much for the Rule of Law and the US Constitution…humans just change it to suit whoever is in control.

  5. “So much for the Rule of Law and the US Constitution…humans just change it to suit whoever is in control.”

    To which “it” were you referring?

    Karmi, you’re sounding more and more like an anarchist– given you don’t much like laws.

  6. Karmi indeed acts the anarchist and plays the ex-felon, Get Out of Jail Free card often.

  7. Ah matt ford wrong like a blind squirrel if only marty peretz was alive (,he is but no longer in charge

    Subject went on a crime spree

  8. Yeah, I always forget that Newsweek still exists, even if it’s basically just sort of an online-only fanzine.

  9. actually newsweek has gotten a little better, they noted the particulars of mr rahimi’s circumstance, restraining orders i find hit and miss, but a violent shooting spree suggests not,

    details matter, not emotion, emotion ends up with ring of lawless cities from seattle to orlando, from chicago to chattanooga (i’m guessing on that one) I remember the New Republic in the 80s, it was sensible, thats why they called in fascists in the 90s, it published among other things liz mghehee, (sic) expose of hillarycare, they couldn’t let that happen again, then they let stephen glass ruin the brand and so on, then zucks facebook partner chris hughes bought it, and it became a den of scum and villainy, then lawrence steinhardt bought it some years ago,
    but hasn’t been able to steer it to sensible shores,

    Is the Times totally dependent on Carlos Slim Heliu’s (one of the richest men on the planet) allowance I don’t think so, I think the agenda of the scribes is predetermined,
    allowance, and does that shape the
    amnesty agenda, possibly, interesting detail,
    his wife is a maronite,

  10. Once “Newsweek” was just the more liberal version of “Time.” But by 2010 it encountered some … financial turbulence … and its owner, the “Washington Post,” sold it for $1 to Sidney Harman.

    Don’t know about you, but as a sorta-audiophile, I know that name. Harman/Kardon was a top-line brand of audio gear back when that was an ultra-competitive field.

    Sidney Harman was another of those wild, bright tech/entrepreneur talents of the 20th C. A Jew, not surprisingly, which I mention only because the Tribe is getting such bad press these days. Harman was a solid old-school liberal who supported Jewish and Israeli causes throughout his life.

    Anyway. Harman died a year later. Newsweek merged with the Daily Beast. Things remain financially rocky.

    I don’t know the current inside dope. But I keep running into the odd outlier conservative commentary from Newsweek.

  11. thats due to batya Sargon, who is relatively sensible, but they have to balance it with some off the wall foolishness,

    the Daily Beast I call it the Basliisk is one of those jokes the readers are not let in on

  12. Re: Vocal fry

    A year or so ago I recall discussion here on vocal fry, otherwise known as creaky voice, a speaking habit which annoys some listeners.

    Customer [normal voice]: I’d like a large coffee.
    Barista [vocal fry]: Leave room for cream?
    Customer [vocal fry]: Totally leave room for cream.
    Barista [vocal fry]: Why are you taking like that?
    Customer [vocal fry]: Why are you talking like that?
    Barista [vocal fry]: Because this is my voice.
    Customer [vocal fry]: This is my voice.
    Barista [vocal fry]: No, it isn’t. I heard you talking a minute ago. I know you don’t talk like that.
    Customer [normal voice]: Neither do you. No no one talks like [vocal fry] this. [normal voice] You choose to talk like [vocal fry] this. [normal voice] Prety fuckin’ annoying, isn’t it?
    Barista [vocal fry]: Why so rude, man?

    –“Loudermilk | Vocal Fry | Daily Laugh”

  13. Willie Mays RIP.

    My family moved to the Bay Area about the time the Giants moved to San Francisco. I was 10 years old. Willie Mays was a god on my playground.

  14. @huxley: I’m a little younger, and from the NY suburbs. One thing I noticed was that while Dodger fans hated the LA team with a white-hot fury, Giants fans still tended to root for them even in SF. I realized in the mid 60s that the biggest reason had to have been Mays. He was great in NY, and in SF. The Dodger team was completely rebuilt for the 60s dynasty.

    I was a Yankee fan, but liked Mays. Everybody did.

    Incidentally, just bought the big authorized bio of Mays.

  15. Willie Mays RIP


    I’m actually at Wrigley now. Moment of silence for him before the game. Very nice.

  16. Juneteenth 2024

    Was born in Palestine, Texas – and heard about Juneteenth for as long as I can remember. Was almost born on Juneteenth, and Dad often joked he was very worried that I would be born on that day. 😉 Today, traffic was light going into Gainesville, FL for Mohs surgery (?) – don’t know much about it except I have a couple every year, and it’s not considered bad.

    Basically, other than traffic & no mail, the Juneteenth federal holiday was almost like any other day of the week…

  17. Some may find this helpful…or at least of interest….
    “How to build a mosquito kill bucket;
    “Setting up a larva trap at home is an effective mosquito control method.”—
    H/T Instapundit.

    Concluding grafs:
    “…Utilizing mosquito larva traps as described substantially diminishes the necessity for extensive chemical spraying. These traps are deemed safe for areas frequented by children and pets, though it is recommended that they be covered to prevent accidental ingestion of the water or drowning.

    “Mosquito larva traps offer a targeted, environmentally friendly alternative to conventional mosquito control methods. Concentrating on the larval stage, these traps effectively reduce mosquito populations without the negative impacts of chemical insecticides.”

  18. My mosquito suppression force is busy turning mosquitoes into baby swallow poop.

  19. Agree with miguel, Batya Ungar-Sargon is brilliant! A true journalist; very intelligent and inquisitive. And one of the most delightful, sincere laughs in media.

  20. Re: Vocal fry

    –“Vocal Fry: what it is, who does it, and why people hate it!”


    * Lots of great examples.
    * Vocal fry isn’t something new that young American women came up with.
    * Sean Connery and CS Lewis used vocal fry.
    * I notice that a fair number of mixed-race males use vocal fry, such as Tone Loc, Vin Diesel, Dwayne Johnson, Morgan Freeman and Samuel Jackson.
    * When used by males, vocal fry conveys a certain gravitas and authority,
    * Perhaps this is what makes vocal fry annoying when used by young women.
    * Vocal fry is a standard characteristic of the proper pronunciation of Finnish.

  21. Hey Karmi,
    Happy Birthday. I was born on Juneteenth. My father had no idea what it was – it was Father’s Day, the year I was born. I do feel somewhat honored that Biden declared my birthday as a national holiday.

  22. So Romney meets with Trump and he declares he still is no fan of Trump. He says it’s a matter of personal character.

    Romney is really an incredibly stupid idiot.
    The next election , IMHO, will be very close and Trump needs all the support possible if he is to prevail.
    What Romney is actually doing is helping Biden get re-elected.
    How is this, pray tell, better for our nation??

    The bottom line should be which policies – once in office- will a president pursue/implement; that’s it. The personality of a president should not be the determining factor in choosing who to support.
    True, it would be great if Trump had the public persona of a JFK or even an Obama. He doesn’t.
    But the alternative – Joe Biden – is far far worse choice for president than Trump.

    Of course, Romney is not the only dumbpublican acting out. Look at Paul Ryan another loser of a dumbpublican and, for all intents and purposes, a supporter of Joe Biden.

    You can always rely on republicans to totally F up.

  23. he voted for Mayorkas, Austin and Garland, that makes him a knave, he stood against the Abraham Accords, that makes him a scoundrel, he voted for the first phony impeachment after Hunter’s boss Kolomoisky lost us 6 billion dollars, I’ll sum it up as jive turkey,

    Connery using vocal fry, I tend to doubt it, I haven’t heard enough of CS Lewis to tell,
    Samuel Jackson is often screaming so loudly I can’t tell, he is sometimes subtle about it,like the negotiator, I forget his first role was in Patriot Games in 92, at least that I recall,

  24. but does he do exclusively with bond, I was watching the longest year, which came out a year before dr no, he had a small role there, then bridge too far, after the bulk of his bonds,

  25. its an unnaturally low voice, I don’t think it qualifies, dwayne johnson is already a parody of himself,

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