Home » Great video overview of Biden corruption from Miranda Devine


Great video overview of Biden corruption from Miranda Devine — 15 Comments

  1. I saw that interview live, it’s jaw dropping. And the punch line at the end is that Anthony Blinken worked for Biden for years, that’s why he’s Secretary of State. I thought to myself, he’s actually the Biden Mafia’s consigliere.

  2. Tbats why i call him smithers but yes that money went to the penn biden center where documents were being kept

  3. I watched the whole interview and found myself thinking- where are the other so called journalists? I suspect that many of them went into journalism fantasizing about some day having the opportunity to call out real corruption and “speaking truth to power”. Yet when the Biden family corruption is right there in front of them, most of them either ignore it, or actively aid in covering up the truth. Thank God for the few true and courageous journalists like Miranda Devine.

  4. Chris+B…” where are the other so called journalists? I suspect that many of them went into journalism fantasizing about some day having the opportunity to call out real corruption and “speaking truth to power””

    But only if they are fairly confident that they will be immediately praised and rewarded.

  5. Chris B asks “ where are the other so called journalists?” Co-opted by the Deep State via University indoctrination and Corporate submission. They are tools of American destruction and must be violently purged. ASAP.

  6. On the rizzotto tray circuit the evidence is extensive and profound*

    *habermans confession in the emails about the copy forwarded to the campain

  7. I play guess who.

    Ray Epps, Laken Riley, Ashli Babbitt, among others….all nope, never heard of them

    George Floyd. They get excited because they know that name.

    No, they have no idea.

  8. Again, unlike the Clinton crime family, the Bidens have no one but Joe. He goes down and the piranha swarm.

    I wonder how much of the government is corrupted. I find it hard to believe the Biden level of corruption wasn’t known at the highest levels.

    The Milwaukee Road and the Rock Island Line failed within 30 days of each other. They had been prevented from mergers by regulators. At the time I thought it was regulatory failure by stupidity. Now I wonder if corrupt regulators made bank by deliberately killing them.

  9. @Chases Eagles:I wonder how much of the government is corrupted.

    Elected officials, most of the House and Senate have similar careers to Joe Biden’s if they have similar time in. I don’t think Obama had enough time as a Senator to cash in but he and his wife certainly did well for themselves while in the Oval Office and afterward with 5 and 6 figure speeches and books bought in bulk by corporations and institutions.

    The corollary is that the House investigations will only go so far, because too many of them have done and are doing the same, and it would be real war and not pretend war to dig into everything.

    There’s a fund you can buy shares of that buys whatever stocks etc that people in Congress buy. Of course it doesn’t buy them until they report them, so sometimes it’s late, but it does pretty well.

  10. I like to listen at 1.25; higher than that is too speedy and weird-sounding to me.

  11. Miranda Devine’s information confirmed what I’ve long suspected about Biden. He’s a nasty small time hood who made it to the big time by accident. What’s scary is that he has no compunction about selling out the US for his own benefit regardless of the damage it will do to the country. He‘s not smart enough to understand the consequences of his actions nor does he seem to be patriotic and willing to step back from the brink. His smirk after he was asked whether Trump’s conviction in NYC was coordinated by the White House said it all.

  12. Hearing some of the details of this man’s corruption was really sad. I even found myself feeling sorry for Hunter.

  13. https://therightscoop.com/breaking-enraged-joe-biden-cancels-high-level-meeting-with-israel-after-netanyahu-calls-him-out-for-withholding-weapons/


    The White House canceled a high-level US-Israel meeting on Iran that was scheduled for Thursday after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu released a video on Tuesday claiming the US was withholding military aid, two US officials told Axios’ Barak Ravid.

    President Joe Biden’s top advisers were enraged by the video — a message US envoy Amos Hochstein delivered personally to Netanyahu in a meeting hours after it was published, two US and Israeli sources said. Then the White House decided to go a step farther by canceling Thursday’s meeting.

    “This decision makes it clear that there are consequences for pulling such stunts,” a US official said.

    Corrupt and vicious, a nasty combination.

  14. More from the “Fog of War” File:
    “#WTH Gaza lies: famine? death tolls?
    “Are there no consequences for lying to America & the world?”—
    H/T Powerline blog.

    Short answer: No.
    Longer answer: Not at all. As long as those targeted by the massive lying are the “right” targets.

    + Bonus:
    “Israel Gave Work Permits, While Palestinians Planned Oct. 7 Massacre”—

    File under: Palestinian/”Biden” Rules Forevah!! And Evah! And Evah!

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