Bounces off me and sticks to you! says the left of Biden and Trump and their mental and physical sharpness
It gets more and more difficult for our Pravda-esque media to cover up for Biden’s increasing frailties, and so they’ve adopted a new tactic. In a way, it’s an old tactic, because it reminds me of the game we used to play as children when someone insulted us: “Bounces off me and sticks to you!”
A couple of weeks ago I suddenly noticed a large increase in the number of Democrat spokespeople and media outlets implying or outright stating that Donald Trump is senile. Or, as a variation on the theme, that he’s crazy. Or senile and crazy – and “crazy” not just as in “mildly eccentric” (which he’s long been) but “crazy” as in “demented and out of touch with reality.” Now, Trump is many many things, and a lot of those things are things a lot of people don’t like or even hate. But “senile” and/or “crazy” are not among them.
The message about Trump as crazy old coot was disseminated from too many people and in too many places to be an accident; it was obviously a coordinated approach. And now the Biden-defenders have unveiled a new tactic, which is to claim that videos showing Joe Biden to be old, infirm, addled, confused, or any of the things that have been readily apparent for a long time are fakes. It is Joe who’s actually sharp as a tack and able to leap off tall buildings in a single bound.
I now notice that, just a moment ago, Ace has put up a post on this very same topic, saying that the tactic is now just about everywhere in the MSM:
This is a full-court press throughout all the Regime media — they’re all claiming, at once, all using the same language, that all the videos showing Biden wandering off, freezing, and sitting (or shitting) in invisible chairs are “cheap fakes” spread by “right-wing media.”
They’re simultaneously claiming that Trump, who gives two hour speeches without a single note-card, is the Real Mental Invalid Here.
As I said earlier, I first noticed the MSM claiming the latter, starting maybe about two weeks ago. Then just in the last day or two, mostly since the G7 Summit, we’ve gotten the follow-up approach stating that the videos that make Biden look bad are right-wing fakes.
Of course, videos of that nature about Biden have been around for his entire presidency and – funny thing – it’s not been claimed till now that they are fakes. But the left counts on people to have a poor memory or no memory, just as the Soviets counted on their people. Actually, that’s not true; the left knows (and the Soviets knew) that many people do remember, and it doesn’t care. Its propaganda is aimed either at those who don’t pay attention, those who are gullible, and/or those who believe what they wish to believe and are adept at saying 2 plus 2 equals 5.
Orwell knew a lot about that sort of thing. The left practices a form not just of simple lying, but of truth inversion. And it often works.
They’re being very slippery by coining this new term, “Cheap Fake”. By (Re)defining what you see with your own eyes and hear with your own ears as actually fake (sort of) since their definition of “Cheap Fake” is sort of a moving target. That low-rent-Mouth-of-Sauron, Karine Jean-Pierre, came up with some a sort of catch-all definition:
Tablet Mag, B. Duncan Moench, “The Photo-Negative Ideology“:
An inversion on a wider scale, perhaps underlaying these particulars, even.
IOW, “We’re lying and you know we’re lying; and we know you know we’re lying BUT we also know that you’ll cover for us because what’s the alternative? Trump is the alternative… and we ALL KNOW what THAT means.”
File under: “We also know that you know we’re lying about Trump… But what’s the alternative?…etc., etc., etc…. In fact, we know that you know that we’ve been lying about EVERYTHING… but what’s the…?
Honestly I’ve found a lot of those videos to be underwhelming when you watch the whole thing. But calling them “fake” (rather than “oversold”) is an out-and-out lie.
Does anyone remember when the Canadian media invented “brownface” for an unfortunate incident in Justin Trudeau’s younger days? Even HE took issue with it: thanked the media for what they were “trying to do” but said it was “blackface”.
Niketas Choniates:
I agree.
You also may have noticed that I very rarely highlight the videos and I have long said that, although Joe is somewhat mentally and physically challenged, and has plenty of advisors who steer him one way or another, he still has agency and is definitely to blame for his own policies. He’s not solely to blame, but he’s definitely to blame and is part of the decision-making process.
Well one is enough ar normandy or the g7
I think it was the writer Theodore Dalrymple who theorized that the purpose of Soviet propaganda was not to inform or persuade, but to humiliate those on the receiving end by making them repeat obvious lies. In fact, the less connection with reality the propaganda had, the better, because forcing people to recite stuff with no connection to objective reality was not about persuasion but a humiliation ritual.
In our country we have the same, e.g. “diversity is our strength,” “sex assigned at birth,” “trans women are real women,” etc. etc. etc.
I object to calling Dopey Joe “mentally and physically challenged”. A challenge requires a response.
He is clearly out of it much of the time. At the recent L.A. Dem fundraiser, Barack Hussein had to lead him off the stage, or platform, or whatever.
Right Scoop serves up a combo twofer of just such a sort:
How little respect they have for this country dont think our adversaries dont realize
There are four light not five as i recall the segment
Yes siree, an impromptu riff on electric batteries on a sinking boat vs killer shark in the water- which do you choose? – is downright cra-cra! A sure sign of insanity. A danger that must not be allowed near “our democracy”.
But cannibals, cornpop, and the const … oh, you know the thing, that’s just a stutter. And the words of a very wise man.
Anyways …
I think the G7 video was particularly damning.
I have a fantasy that at one of these pressers with KJP that someone in the press corps would just burst out laughing at her statements and say “Are you effing serious?!!”
And then there is this claim that Trump had to helped off the stage. Of course, the picture is a still photo. In reality, Trump reaches to shake his son’s hand. And then walks off under own power.
Someone should make a meme showing Biden not moving at the Juneteenth event vs any Trump rally where he is moving. He may call his moves “dancing”, but at least he is moving to the beat of the music.
Physicsguy – I agree that the G7 is worse since it shows he can’t pay attention to what he is supposed to be doing. It was supposed to be a group photo op. Biden does pay attention for a bit and then turns and wanders off.
Most people are saying that he was paying attention to the guy packing the chute, but everyone else was paying attention to the guy who just landed.
It was amusing to see everyone else rush to get behind Biden for the photo.
Well it’s going to continue and isn’t going away, they can’t hide him all summer. And there still are live debates he will have to do
If these videos were actually fakes, Karine would just put up a truly unaltered video of the event on a slit-screen with the altered one to illustrate how they differed and where the edits were. Of course this has not been done; not by her, or by any of the MSM support team… It is therefore reasonable beyond doubt that this stuff is not “video magic”.
I often look at videos which conservatives claim are awful, and I think the ones with the small stumbles aren’t. But the videos showing Joe freezing and shaking hands with people who aren’t there and not knowing how to exit the venue are a serious concern.
This business of saying that Obama didn’t guide Joe off the stage when that’s clearly what happened are soviet-level lies. And most of the people promoting this line know it.
Here’s a possible solution suggested by Washington Post columnist Kathleen Parker: Dump Kamala and substitute Hillary. I’m not sure that helps a great deal, as Hillary is 76.
But Kate, putting Hillary in as VP, would soon cause Arkancide to claim Mr. Biden.
That’s probably the idea, Badger.
One of those taranto questions no one was asking sack of potatoes hillary remember
The climax of the 1990s classic Starship Troopers” has the discovery of an insect Queens leading Earth’s arachnid invasion force. “It’s Afraid!” is the rally cry that ring ps out, as the enemy shows genuine weakness.
The Deep State like this Queen is evincing fear — fear of a People led by evil liars!
physicsguy states “I think the G7 video was particularly damning.”
YES. This is true going by the London and Euro headlines I’ve seen
I hope Team Trump touts THIS Truth immediately in messaging — proof that the Deep State is Hydra Headed menace to a people yearning to be free!
Dump Harris and insert Mooch, Barky gets a 4th term
They’re not dumping Harriss, because a lot of their voters would get angry if they did.
“It is Joe who’s actually sharp as a tack and able to leap off tall buildings in a single bound.”
One would hope
This substitution wish casting is so much bullshit. Biden/Harris is now and will be the 2024 ticket. Joe has wanted one thing in his life, which is to be POTUS, and to prove all the naysayers, on the right and the left, to be wrong that he isn’t the MAN who must be the King. He beleives, (as Hillary does in her deepest desire) , to be the Manifest Destiny, that Joe will be Righteous Ruler of all he surveys. God keep us all.
And, as the Brits might say, “we are well, and truly, fucked” when (if) Biden/Harris gets a second term.
Oh, and welcome to f’ing Deadwood.
Hence the importance of being earnest about demonizing Trump.
Without Trump being firmly promoted / established / feared / hated as THE DEMON—-as THE PARIAH, as THE ANTI-CHRIST or as THE JEW, take yer pick (especially all you Jewish voters)—none of this absolute BS works.
After “Biden” hijacks 2024 (like “he” did 2020 and 2022), the curtain will be drawn back and Israel will become—OFFICIALLY—what it has already become unofficially: the International DEMON, the International PARIAH, the International ANTI-CHRIST, the Internation Jew—which will energize the electorate for years to come.
But “He” can’t do that quite yet.
“He” still needs to hide behind “his” ANTI-TRUMP revolutionary / liberationist / protection / purification act.
(Which electorate? you ask….)
I too have been sort of letting the senile-Biden videos go, figuring there was something to the charge but perhaps not as much as the right was saying, and anyway my objections to him are far far more fundamental. But the G7 video happened to cross my path, and…wow. You have to be absolutely determined not to see what you don’t want to see to deny that it shows serious dysfunction. Just the look on his face is alarming, quite plainly the look of someone who’s pretty out of it.
Is this “debate” really going to happen? I keep thinking the Dems will scuttle it somehow. Do they have some secret elixir that will keep Biden functional for two hours or whatever it is?
This coordinated denial y’all are talking about explains what’s going on at NRO. This post has as of now almost 1100 comments, many of them from leftists denying and deflecting.
The term “cheap fake” is masterful propaganda. The phrase “deep fake” is a well-defined term, meaning significantly altered by out of order edits, inserted sound-alike audio, and CGI rendered video to distort or completely change a recording of reality.
“Cheap fake” changes one phoneme (d) to (ch) which will evoke the meaning (artificially altered). This will stick in the minds of LIVs, and allow them to ignore the reality of Biden’s deterioration.
…and AI will take care of the rest…
(Hey, what are the chances of AI rebelling against its masters? Huxley?)
G7 and more negative fallout Re Biden’s health.
An Xpression has one Italian newspaper’s headline and translation, here:
With Kamala Harris, Pete Buttigieg, and Gavin Newsom looking like the DEMs ‘possible presidential candidates for 2028’ – Kathleen Parker is suggesting to bring Hillary Clinton back from the scrapheap.
Kathleen Parker also suggests that “Biden should pacify Harris and her backers by making the vice president his new attorney general.”
How bad are the REPs? DEMs have the above list, can even run a ‘Dead Candidate’, and have ‘Dead Voters’ voting for them—REPs seem unable to stop DEMs cheating, and struggle desperately for a win.
If Biden/Clinton win in 2024, and Hillary won in 2028, maybe the DEMs should also consider promising Harris a Supreme Court Justice seat if she steps down now…if the opportunity comes up.
Indeed, the “fakes” were so cheap the fakers didn’t bother to change a single bit of the originals and — most shocking of all! — called the originals “originals”! How dare they!?
The “masterful” “cheap fake” is actually Joseph Robinette Biden himself.
Parker is a bad joke remember when she was on that show with client no 9 elliot spitze
Shambling couldnt remember kentanji jackson nor mayorkas name today
Another election denialist at least three years in
Excellent MEME:
Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes
Matt Taibbi predicted this very thing – I guess the age of Talking Points Memos isn’t over yet.
I’ll give a fairly lengthy excerpt for those who are not paid subscribers, encourage you to support Matt’s Substack because he is one of the few honest liberal-Democrats on the planet, and also give the link to the post in which he made the predictions.
Everything Matt is doing these days, since the Twitter Files, is important and very alarming.
“Last week, Racket showed an intelligence-crafted game blaming AI for suggesting “one of the candidates may have dementia.” Yesterday, Biden spokesperson Karine Jean-Pierre played that exact card”
The game is fascinating, and is discussed in more detail in the omitted sections of the post and in this earlier article:
“Matt and Walter play a new election preparedness role-playing game produced by the CIA’s venture capital arm (Racket story to come)”