Home » Biden gives amnesty to illegal-alien spouses of citizens


Biden gives amnesty to illegal-alien spouses of citizens — 15 Comments

  1. I wish someone would ask Mayorkas how they are going to determine how long someone has been here, in view of the fact that most illegal aliens have at one time or another used counterfeit documents for various purposes.

  2. It’s also astonishing that an executive order can’t be undone by a different executive if a judge doesn’t want it to be. More such judges and such rulings, and we’ll start ignoring them, and then where will they and we be? (The Left of course threatens “loss of legitimacy” every time a decision doesn’t go their way.)

  3. Meanwhile, my daughter-in-law just got her green card after waiting almost three years. She entered the country legally, applied for the card legally, married my American citizen son legally and for love, and gave birth to their American citizen baby. The INS had no particular objection to giving her the card, or if it did, it never told her what it was. It just didn’t feel like giving her a green card. It felt like twiddling its thumbs and ignoring her application, and that’s what it did for years, years in which she couldn’t work, couldn’t leave the US to visit her family at home (or more precisely, she could have left, but the U.S. wouldn’t have let her back in), and felt she was living in limbo. Finally my son and daughter-in-law hired a new lawyer who filed for a writ of mandamus — that is, a lawsuit asking the court to order the INS to follow its own rules and do what it’s legally required to do. Bingo, she had the card in a few weeks. Meanwhile, all that time, untold hordes of people from her country have been swarming illegally over the border and being welcomed with open arms. My daughter-in-law was punished for trying to do it right. It’s really hard not to be bitter, and it has disillusioned her about her new country. How does it possibly make sense to make it so hard and painful and expensive for people to enter legally while positively inviting people to come in illegally?

  4. Congratulations to your son and daughter-in-law, Mrs. Whatsit, and I hope she sticks with us. So many of us agree that what’s being done is wrong.

    Can Biden do this legally?

  5. I’m sure the GOP will get on this in no time. They’ll start with a sternly worded letter, no doubt.

  6. Mrs Whatsit

    Because they benefit no one except themselves they went through hell. Now if they were future potential dem voters, beholden to the party for their citizenship, the process would have been a breeze.

  7. “Can Biden do this legally?”

    I’m far beyond the point where I concluded that NOTHING “Biden” does is legal.
    (And “he”’s perfectly happy with that. Pleased as punch, in fact. Boasts about it…. Shoves it into the country’s face, as it were. And gets away with it…because “he”’s NOT TRUMP.)

  8. More noise by Biden that I don’t think will have a notable effect. The numbers that I’ve seen thrown around for this care only several hundred thousand, while the number of illegals is many times that. I suspect it’s primarily the White House’s attempt to both look like it’s doing something about immigration while also making it’s own base happy.

  9. Let’s not forget the treachery of Supreme Court Justice John Roberts who bent himself into pretzels to claim that there was a procedure error in blocking the Obama executive order. Thanks, W.

  10. and kennedy did the same on obergefell, the socalled same sex marriage decision, and in a decades time, we come to dr ethan haim’s at texas children’s hospital
    being targeted for ‘doing no harm’ with regards to Children,
    thats not what ‘love conquers hate’meant, that what it looks like,

    as someone whose family had to wait 8 and 12 years respectively to get out of a communist hellhole, I take umbridge at shambling or whoever his puppet master’s little sleight of hands

  11. The EO to protect illegals who have married and had kids from deportation is weapons grade persuasion, for this group is the very last group up for deportation. It is an attempt to change the subject by starting a discussion about breaking up families, which is good persuasion.

    How much it will help Dementia Hitler is anyone’s guess, as it may very well be buried in all the other noise.

    If I were to do deportations, I would do it by time in country, last in, first out, and work your way back 4 years to the beginning of the current wave as Job 1. Job 2 will go after those in during Trump. Job 3 will go after those during O’Bama, which would be covered by the EO. By the time we get there, we will have deported 15 – 25 million illegals. Cheers –

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